Posts from Personal


Pen Glyph This is my first entry | August 7 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph In the spirit of the stranger... | August 9 | Tagged: Personal Birthday

Pen Glyph Day after... | August 10 | Tagged: Entertainment Toys Video_games Personal San_francisco 500_club Silent_hill

Pen Glyph Philosophical Conversations with my old boss | August 25 | Tagged: Personal Work

Pen Glyph What I told Arianna when I met her... | August 29 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Long week...Low Key Friday | September 6 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Sunday... | September 8 | Tagged: Books Personal

Pen Glyph Rest of Dad’s visit, this week... | September 23 | Tagged: Personal San_francisco


Pen Glyph New Adjective: sushiated | October 10 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph It's been a pretty good week... | October 18 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Looking out the living room | October 22 | Tagged: Books Personal Se_hinton

Pen Glyph I am going to Sydney, NSW, Australia | October 25 | Tagged: Personal Travel Work


Pen Glyph What I know about Australia | November 5 | Tagged: Personal Australia

Pen Glyph Back from Vacation in NM, TX | November 17 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph One week | November 20 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph At some dumpy internet store, George street, Sydney, NSW, .au | November 28 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue


Pen Glyph Ravin told me | December 4 | Tagged: Personal Work

Pen Glyph When I close my eyes at night, i see the Holden UTE MALOO | December 10 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph It’s New Years Eve | December 30 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue


Pen Glyph Lunch should be this...and 03 music thoughts | January 4 | Tagged: Personal Music General Outkast Prince Coldplay

Pen Glyph The Slider | January 12 | Tagged: Music Personal Travel Australia

Pen Glyph Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes | January 15 | Tagged: Personal Recollections Ladytron Travel

Pen Glyph Hesse’s Inspiration for those of us who wander | January 22 | Tagged: Personal Hesse Rootlessness

Pen Glyph I could never fall from grace, I’m far too clever | January 26 | Tagged: Personal Australia Travelogue


Pen Glyph Back in San Jose | February 1 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Blog Silent | February 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The Social Bobcat is one of the funniest humans ever | February 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Finished setting up my bedroom | February 22 | Tagged: Personal Mountain_view

Pen Glyph Blog-insanity | February 28 | Tagged: Personal Quotes


Pen Glyph Dinosaurs and This American Life | March 6 | Tagged: Personal Media

Pen Glyph My parents, the time travelers | March 8 | Tagged: Personal Recollections

Pen Glyph YOU are a LUCKY Person | March 8 | Tagged: Personal Motivation

Pen Glyph Yoga Class Number 3... | March 9 | Tagged: Personal Yoga

Pen Glyph Something’s not right in the universe | March 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Discovering things about one’s body | March 16 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph March 20, 2004 - a good day to live in Northern California | March 20 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Finished moving in... | March 21 | Tagged: Personal Movies Mountain_view

Pen Glyph Sometimes your prayers get answered ... | March 25 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Last Friday... | March 29 | Tagged: Personal Shooting

Pen Glyph Diets...and le vin | March 29 | Tagged: Personal Travel Alcohol


Pen Glyph Got a bit o’ shut eye, existential dread and e-mail (I like mutt! Woof!) | April 14 | Tagged: Personal Mutt Programming

Pen Glyph Vivement des vacances | April 14 | Tagged: Travel Personal Work

Pen Glyph Who is Steven Harms? | April 15 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I saw Kill Bill 2 last night | April 17 | Tagged: Movies Personal Mountain_view P_dizzle

Pen Glyph Magazine Tearing Boy on the Plane | April 19 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Condescension done right | April 20 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Classes | April 21 | Tagged: Personal Yoga Mountain_view Flamenco

Pen Glyph I hate only a few things | April 30 | Tagged: Personal Animals


Pen Glyph Busy Week(s) | May 2 | Tagged: Personal Mountain_view

Pen Glyph Eep! I missed national poetry month | May 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Mice is displaying my art... | May 14 | Tagged: Personal Recollections

Pen Glyph Something special happened last Sunday | May 19 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Going back to Houston | May 19 | Tagged: Travelogue Personal Weddings

Pen Glyph Stop wasting time | May 31 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Je suis | June 1 | Tagged: Personal Self_discovery Meyers_briggs Mbti

Pen Glyph Powerbook is Sick... | June 2 | Tagged: Apple Personal

Pen Glyph Mac-less | June 4 | Tagged: Windows Apple Personal

Pen Glyph Clutter, even clean clutter, is clutter | June 5 | Tagged: Personal Travel Culture

Pen Glyph Must break through demotivation | June 6 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I may have a blog fest tonight | June 11 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph 75 minutes to go | June 11 | Tagged: Work Personal

Pen Glyph Finished the review.. | June 11 | Tagged: Work Personal Joseph_campbell

Pen Glyph Back to yoga | June 15 | Tagged: Personal Yoga Mountain_view Music David_sedaris

Pen Glyph I had an out of body experience | June 24 | Tagged: Mysticism Personal


Pen Glyph OK Two Hours of sleep - aaaarggghhh | July 3 | Tagged: Insomnia Personal Health

Pen Glyph Monday | July 20 | Tagged: Personal Work Education Teaching


Pen Glyph Some funny stuff...and some interesting stuff | August 2 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Cameraphone warning to kids | August 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Palo Alto Sunday | August 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I love my cell phone for its ringers... | August 4 | Tagged: Personal Music Mozart

Pen Glyph Today is my birthday, and by blog’s too | August 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph In Memoriam: Harold Harms | August 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph On Programming.... | August 20 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Going to Maui in a few weeks | September 3 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Scenes from Bayarea, California | September 9 | Tagged: Cooking Personal

Pen Glyph Gone To Maui | September 24 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue


Pen Glyph Lot of new content from the archives | October 1 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Hawai'i Pictures | October 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph A summertime snack | October 25 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph John F. Kerry for President | October 26 | Tagged: Personal Politics


Pen Glyph Republicanism explored : What is the virtue of self-interest? | November 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph News of the week | November 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Why you should not commit suicide | November 19 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Thinking about relationships... | December 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The League of Melbotis adds his wisdom | December 14 | Tagged: Kickinitwitdaleague Personal

Pen Glyph Dedman drives across Jesusland? | December 14 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Melbotis speaks | December 15 | Tagged: Culture Personal

Pen Glyph Happy Birthday James Dedman | December 19 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Happy Christmas Eve | December 24 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Letter from Chick-fil-a | January 2 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Reading and Flying.. | January 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Postcards from Hiroshima | January 23 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Back from a long weekend in Lake Tahoe | January 30 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Happy Valentine’s Day | February 14 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Being ones father’s son. | February 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Am I allergic to Grape Nuts? | February 19 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph New Mole-a-skeen-uh | February 23 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Down and out in the suburban paradise | February 26 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I’m sorry, but Scientology is kooky... | February 28 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph The magic of imagination, Ed Emberley | March 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph A-ha haters come to Mice’s assistance | March 17 | Tagged: Culture Personal

Pen Glyph Lessons for my children Volume I | March 20 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Sometimes I envy... | March 24 | Tagged: Personal Blogging

Pen Glyph Which OS are YOU? | March 29 | Tagged: Personal Linux

Pen Glyph I’m sick | March 30 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The Schiavo Case | March 31 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph In the city, in training | June 2 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I’m secretly paranoid | June 4 | Tagged: Culture Modern_times Personal

Pen Glyph Steven’s Pic for "Whatsinyourbag" | June 15 | Tagged: Personal Pictures

Pen Glyph Waiting for the movers.... | June 15 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph If I were to turn to the Dark Side of the Force.. | June 17 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph What’d you do with your 3 day weekend? Damaged Furniture :( ... | July 6 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Hooray for | August 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph New Bedroom Set | August 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph /usr/bin/vacation | August 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Nasty Stuff: Never eat pulparindo | August 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Vacation wrap-up... | August 14 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph It’s been a while since my last quiz post... | August 22 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Heirloom boots | August 29 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph The Children of the Gulf Coast look Homeward (Angel) | September 23 | Tagged: Personal Politics

Pen Glyph Weekend wrap-up | September 26 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Mad propz to mice! | September 26 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph A holler, a note, a whine | October 23 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Mysteries of the high-tech work environment... | November 2 | Tagged: Internet_culture Personal

Pen Glyph In sickness | November 2 | Tagged: Meta Personal

Pen Glyph I bought a new snowboard this week | November 5 | Tagged: Personal Toys

Pen Glyph Posting at a different blog | November 18 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Real life intervenes... | November 27 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Ho Ho Ho | December 13 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph When eating a Kasugai gummy I remember the wisdom of Social Bobcat-san | December 18 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Does Steven G. Harms dislike the red states? | December 29 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph post-Christmas | December 29 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Back to Sunnyvale for the New Year.. | January 2 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Hello Strangers... | February 1 | Tagged: Cocoa Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph I can see clearly now the rain is gone | February 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Retirement of spectacles | February 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Update on the laser-vision install | February 8 | Tagged: Cocoa Personal

Pen Glyph The Social Bobcat dips a tender paw in the online blogosphere | February 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Light on the posting... | February 27 | Tagged: Personal Cocoa


Pen Glyph My girlfriend is great because... | March 8 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Is this the cutest thing ever? | April 7 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Farewell MovableType | April 16 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Site revamp finished | April 20 | Tagged: News! Personal

Pen Glyph Steven is going back to Austin | April 21 | Tagged: General News! Personal

Pen Glyph Going slightly crazy | April 24 | Tagged: Personal Networking

Pen Glyph The Season of Closing Cycles | April 28 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Leaving the Vale of the Sun (UPDATED) | May 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The Final Countdown | May 22 | Tagged: Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph First leg of migration down | May 29 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Best Western SLO vs. Paris Las Vegas | May 31 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue


Pen Glyph Living in Austin | June 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph SIMPLIFY | June 19 | Tagged: General Personal

Pen Glyph ( - 40 1 ) days | June 20 | Tagged: Personal Yoga

Pen Glyph The Season of Closing Cycles Part II: California Round Trips and Folk Singers | June 28 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph At my new office... | June 29 | Tagged: Personal Work


Pen Glyph Busy, Busy | July 23 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Completed the 40-day Yoga Challenge | July 29 | Tagged: Austin Gnosticism Personal Yoga


Pen Glyph Summertime with my baby | August 6 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Kit Fisto, party of two | August 10 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph action | August 10 | Tagged: Modern_times Personal Toys

Pen Glyph A nice birthday... | August 10 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia | August 20 | Tagged: Austin Personal Web

Pen Glyph A fun weekend | August 22 | Tagged: Austin Personal Toys

Pen Glyph Doing the trivia thing with the Mayor, Alfredo, and Osakatomebaby-lady | August 23 | Tagged: Austin Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph Why my girlfriend totally rules | August 31 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph Enjoying the weekend and holiday | September 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The natural world is full of amazing things | September 15 | Tagged: Gnosticism Personal

Pen Glyph September is the month of..... | September 26 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Venom! | September 29 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Saw "The Science of Sleep" | October 6 | Tagged: Movies Personal

Pen Glyph Back in San Jose this week | October 12 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Monday Morning Meeting with Melbotis, The League of | October 19 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph In case you’re wondering, true love looks like this | October 21 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Adrienne Shelley and 1997 | November 7 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Let me put it succinctly | November 8 | Tagged: Personal Politics

Pen Glyph Surprises in the workplace | November 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Pre Thanksgiving goings-on | November 19 | Tagged: Critique Movies Personal

Pen Glyph Dreaming... | November 26 | Tagged: Life_and_death Mysticism Personal

Pen Glyph Traveling back from West Texas | November 26 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The Fines of Texas are Upon You | November 27 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph End of the week in SoCo | December 16 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph I love programming languages! | December 20 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Howdy readers | December 20 | Tagged: General Personal


Pen Glyph In San Jose this week | January 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Professor Robert Solomon, RIP | January 7 | Tagged: Personal Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Back from SJ, the Baroque Cycle Finished, and Headed to Houston | January 7 | Tagged: Austin Books Personal

Pen Glyph In Java Training class | January 8 | Tagged: Personal Education

Pen Glyph New Lease! | January 16 | Tagged: Personal Austin

Pen Glyph Still iced in... | January 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Escaped Ice-o-Topia last night | January 18 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Oh hey I forgot to mention, we're doing SXSW this year | February 1 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph The Art of Dating A Developer Part I: Twitch Mode | February 7 | Tagged: Critique Culture Personal Internet_culture

Pen Glyph Happy Valentine’s Day, early | February 11 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph And yet again, Ms. Stefani | February 14 | Tagged: Music Personal

Pen Glyph I just remembered why I don’t wear a watch | February 14 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Working hard to prepare, working hard to recover | February 18 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph Moved! | March 1 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Rails, and The Loneliness | March 6 | Tagged: Personal Programming Productivity

Pen Glyph Ack, dmiessler, getting sneaky on me | March 15 | Tagged: Meta Personal

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Returning from planet SXSW this evening sometime... | March 17 | Tagged: Sxsw2007 Personal

Pen Glyph The yak-shaving is out of control | March 28 | Tagged: Meta Personal

Pen Glyph Conversations with my mom... | March 29 | Tagged: Entertainment Personal


Pen Glyph I love^H^H^H^H like my nearby coffee place | April 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph On second thought... | April 18 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Humility: Finding old programs | April 22 | Tagged: Personal Programming

Pen Glyph The happy couple: The Morales - Garcia wedding, April 21, 2007 | April 23 | Tagged: Austin Nostalgia Personal Pictures

Pen Glyph Kickin’ it with the classmates or The Season of Closing and Overlapping cycles | April 25 | Tagged: Austin Education Personal

Pen Glyph And a dash of travel thrown in on the side... | April 28 | Tagged: Personal Worklife

Pen Glyph Plus ça change... | April 28 | Tagged: Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph I’m glad I’m not in the East Bay... | April 29 | Tagged: Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph Arrived in RTP, NC | April 30 | Tagged: Personal Work


Pen Glyph The Hip-Hop name of Mice Junior | May 3 | Tagged: Personal Worklife

Pen Glyph Back in Waterloo | May 4 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Better shape Steven | May 7 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Things I miss about San Francisco | May 8 | Tagged: Personal San_francisco

Pen Glyph New media, new semester | May 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Here comes The Tarot, doo-de-doo-doo-doo | May 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Where else have I been | May 21 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue


Pen Glyph Sick... | July 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Drugs are bad, m’kay | July 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Many things going on... | July 25 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Update: Shibboleth | July 26 | Tagged: General Personal

Pen Glyph Weddings... | July 27 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Sometimes they snap their fingers... | August 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Lifeclock goes black: 0011110 | August 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Birthday Party | August 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph A Mind-Map to Western Philosophy | August 18 | Tagged: Personal Philosophy_proper


Pen Glyph Hell of a week | September 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Taking some time off | September 15 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph News of this week... | September 22 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Embarrassment of Animals | September 25 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Week 2 of "Not Working" | September 26 | Tagged: Latin Personal


Pen Glyph Quick Post as time is running short... | October 2 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Jet Lag | October 22 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Fall comes | October 23 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Dancin’ and Maskin’ | October 26 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Halloween Costumes | October 28 | Tagged: Art_and_design Personal


Pen Glyph Dealing with the flu, poorly. | November 16 | Tagged: Entertainment Personal


Pen Glyph Brave new world | December 20 | Tagged: Blogging Moving Personalsites.orgsucks Personal Software

Pen Glyph Catch-up | December 22 | Tagged: Life Rails Latin Books Personal

Pen Glyph Merry Christmas from Southern California | December 27 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue


Pen Glyph It's going to be a great year for me because | January 2 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Me lately... | January 11 | Tagged: Ruby Personal Rails

Pen Glyph Imagined lives #1 | January 13 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph My Christmas Present | January 13 | Tagged: Personal Christmas Art_and_design


Pen Glyph Smacked-down | February 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Trying to come out of hibernation | February 25 | Tagged: Austin Meta Personal


Pen Glyph [SXSW2008]: Day 1, Registration, What Made Milwaukee Famous, running into old faces | March 8 | Tagged: Austin Personal Sxsw2008

Pen Glyph I love the subjunctive | March 13 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph SXSW2008: Something's gotta change | March 26 | Tagged: Sxsw2008 Hackersvshumans Tracks Complaint Redesign Personal

Pen Glyph Seeing Richard Dawkins | March 28 | Tagged: Philosophy Argumentation Atheism Christianity Gnosticism Personal Politics


Pen Glyph Want | April 1 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph DITMSGHOD: 90's Edition, Strikes Back! | April 1 | Tagged: Women Dating Media Celebrity Kickinitwitdaleague Personal

Pen Glyph Bliss Looks Like... | April 8 | Tagged: Latin Personal

Pen Glyph Frankenscience or Fad or Delicious? | April 8 | Tagged: General Personal

Pen Glyph Victim of Keming | April 27 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Nihil dicere | May 8 | Tagged: Latin Personal

Pen Glyph Latin II: Epic Win | May 9 | Tagged: Austin Latin Personal


Pen Glyph Information Overeating Day | June 15 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph We are home from Beautiful British Columbia | July 2 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Polyglotism ruined my grammar | July 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The Netflix Recommendation Engine Says: | July 13 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph As reported yesterday... | July 13 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph "Dark Shadows Rules": I love Rush, so does Colbert, and Nicole's new mission | July 17 | Tagged: Culture Kickinitwitdaleague Nostalgia Personal


Pen Glyph The summer anniversaries | August 11 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Teenage Jobs and Cake Disasters | August 15 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph A Happening | September 3 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Do you know who could write? Ralph "Invisible Man" Ellison | September 6 | Tagged: Modern_times Personal

Pen Glyph She's OK. | September 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Icing on the cake | September 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Life, not blogging | September 21 | Tagged: Latin Personal Ruby

Pen Glyph Financial Doom and Gloom | September 26 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Today is Lauren's Birthday! | October 14 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph End of an Era | October 25 | Tagged: Personal


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Dr. Marvel | November 20 | Tagged: Personal Mobile Photography

Pen Glyph November Doldrums | November 24 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Trying to relate to society again | December 7 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Goodbye to a Friend | January 11 | Tagged: Personal Rip

Pen Glyph An anniversary and a night out | January 19 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph End of an Era | February 18 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Inbox Zero | February 26 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Hospital Visit | March 31 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph A sunny day in The Marina | June 21 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph New running shoes, powered by "loud" | August 11 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph New wallet | August 17 | Tagged: Personal Productivity


Pen Glyph Happy Birthday, Doughboy, 1 month later | September 9 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph 2 month milestone for my fitness pursuits | October 20 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph A "Mad Men" Halloween | November 2 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph In Defense of Verbot | December 16 | Tagged: Personal Recollections Robots

Pen Glyph The Season of Closing Cycles II | December 19 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph In which I acquire property in San Francisco | February 21 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Honking in San Francisco | February 21 | Tagged: Modern_times Personal San_francisco


Pen Glyph Decor | April 18 | Tagged: Personal San_francisco

Pen Glyph Romance on Train Platforms | April 18 | Tagged: Personal San_francisco


Pen Glyph We did a walkthru on the condo today | May 18 | Tagged: Personal San_francisco


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Moved into a Condo | June 9 | Tagged: Personal San_francisco

Pen Glyph The Wizard of Warranties | June 29 | Tagged: Personal


Facebook Glyph Cartoon Looks Like My Girlfriend | July 7 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Pivoting: In startups and programming | October 25 | Tagged: Personal Startups


Pen Glyph Returning... | November 28 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Discovering the Southern Gothic | January 10 | Tagged: Personal Music Biography

Pen Glyph Goals for This Year | January 11 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Birthday Dinner in Sonoma | February 13 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Valentine's Day | February 13 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Technology and "Theogeny" | March 2 | Tagged: Personal Apple


Pen Glyph A Season of New Beginnings: Joining Carbon Five | October 12 | Tagged: Personal Ruby Ruminations San_francisco

Pen Glyph Meta-Post: Back to Blogging | October 18 | Tagged: Personal Productivity


Pen Glyph Urban Planning and 50 Shades of Gray | August 16 | Tagged: Modern_times Personal Philosophy_proper Politics


Pen Glyph Never Too Late | April 4 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Moonwalking with Einstein and learning to remember | June 13 | Tagged: Memory Personal


Pen Glyph Favorite Quotes from Questlove | July 28 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Talking to Friends with Children | August 18 | Tagged: Modern_times Personal


Facebook Glyph Birthday party in the east bay next weekend | August 1 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Catching Up to 2014 | October 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Moving to New York | October 9 | Tagged: Personal Nyc


Facebook Glyph Updated M-B Inventory | January 18 | Tagged: Personal


Facebook Glyph Outgoing Introverts Flummox Personality Tests | February 1 | Tagged: Personal


Facebook Glyph Birthday Party | August 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Happy Birthday to Me | August 11 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph Moments of my Youth: Shaving Cream Song | August 14 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Immersive Birthday Dinner: Zigfields Midnight Frolic | September 3 | Tagged: Personal


Facebook Glyph INTJ's are a Great Adjunct | February 26 | Tagged: Personal Psychology


Pen Glyph Moved to the Upper West Side | April 15 | Tagged: Nyc Personal


Facebook Glyph I Got Engaged | October 15 | Tagged: Personal Travel

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Time to head home! | October 16 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: The benefit of missing Paris is that as one of the most filmed cities ever we can visit any time. | October 22 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Personal Travel


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Symbols of our Travels | December 2 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Personal

Facebook Glyph Hours of Wu-Tang Kung Fu Movies | December 10 | Tagged: Movies Personal


Facebook Glyph Spring Picnic | April 23 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph Tulip Festival | April 23 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph Byron Mugging | April 23 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph Code With Me | April 26 | Tagged: Personal


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Thanks for all the birthday wishes | August 10 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Personal Dog

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Did the AncestryDNA for my birthday | August 18 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph University of Texas Mothballs Statues | August 21 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Returning to the Site | September 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph So, I'm Not Working | September 18 | Tagged: Personal Dbc

Pen Glyph Hiatus Projects | September 18 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Zipcar: A Lesson in Confusing Customers | October 18 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph The Purple Light and New York Weddings | October 20 | Tagged: Personal Wedding Nyc New_york

Pen Glyph Reflections on a Year of Engagement | October 20 | Tagged: Personal Engagement

Pen Glyph Remove the Symbols of the Confederacy | October 23 | Tagged: History Southern_gothic Personal

Pen Glyph Review Hyatt Regency New Orleans | October 26 | Tagged: Travel Wedding Personal


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Steven Peppermint, 3rd Lord Candycane wishes a Happy Christmas to all in Her Majesty’s Overseas offices. | December 25 | Tagged: Mobile Photography New_york Personal


Facebook Glyph Nine Years Sans Appendix for my Fiancée | March 30 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Spotify Recommendations From Twitter Archive | August 29 | Tagged: Music Personal Playlist


Pen Glyph Hugo Boss Coat Clothing Repair Dead End | September 14 | Tagged: Nyc Personal


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Holidays in NYC | November 22 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Personal

Facebook Glyph Thanksgiving Walking | November 22 | Tagged: Photography Personal


Pen Glyph How I Came to Work in Education | December 10 | Tagged: Personal Education Reflection Work


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Returned from the Netherlands; got flu | February 7 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The Gothic and My Grandmother | February 21 | Tagged: Personal Appalachia Southern_gothic


Pen Glyph The World-Historical Year 2020: Introduction | October 7 | Tagged: Personal Archive History

Pen Glyph Trip to the Adirondacks | October 23 | Tagged: Travelogue New_york Personal

Pen Glyph The World Historical Year 2020: Outbreak | October 23 | Tagged: Covid Personal

Pen Glyph The World Historical Year 2020: The Scourge | October 29 | Tagged: Personal Covid

Pen Glyph The World Historical Year 2020: The Personal Aftermath of Trump's Failure | October 30 | Tagged: Personal Covid

Pen Glyph The World Historical Year 2020: The Community Aftermath of Trump's Failure | October 31 | Tagged: Personal Covid


Pen Glyph The World Historical Year 2020: The Next Crisis | November 1 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Making Coffee With a Bialetti Moka Pot | November 1 | Tagged: Personal Coffee

Pen Glyph The World Historical Year 2020: The Temperamentally Unfit Mister President | November 5 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The World Historical Year 2020: Intermission: Joe Biden Wins the Election | November 10 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph In Memoriam: The Hacker Edward Lodewijk van Halen | November 15 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph A Winters Walk | February 6 | Tagged: Personal Winter

Pen Glyph Giving Notice | February 23 | Tagged: New_york Personal

Pen Glyph Happy Seventh Birthday Byron | February 24 | Tagged: Personal Dog


Pen Glyph Foxes! | March 14 | Tagged: Animals Personal

Pen Glyph Pandemic Night Out: Bourbon in the Battery | March 14 | Tagged: Bourbon Nyc Covid Personal


Pen Glyph The Yearly Chucks | April 22 | Tagged: Personal Nyc Clothing

Pen Glyph Celebrating an Anniversary | April 30 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Moving in Manhattan | April 30 | Tagged: Nyc Personal


Pen Glyph Facing the Maskless Life | May 14 | Tagged: Covid Personal Nyc


Pen Glyph Typewriter History | August 5 | Tagged: Typewriters Personal Design Olivetti

Pen Glyph Birthday 2021 | August 11 | Tagged: Birthday Nyc Personal


Pen Glyph The Time I Got Roofied and Why I am Pro-Choice | September 6 | Tagged: Austin Sexual_harassment Violence Abortion Pro_choice Crime Personal Dominance_based_masculinity


Pen Glyph Birthday 2022 | August 17 | Tagged: Birthday Personal Broadway


Pen Glyph Ten Years in New York | November 18 | Tagged: New_york Personal Usa