Posts from 2004


Pen Glyph New Photographs...and thinking about movies | January 1 | Tagged: travelogue movies michael_keaton will_smith scifi

Pen Glyph Lunch should be this...and 03 music thoughts | January 4 | Tagged: personal music general outkast prince coldplay

Pen Glyph The Slider | January 12 | Tagged: music personal travel australia

Pen Glyph Onion-esque | January 15 | Tagged: space science

Pen Glyph Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes | January 15 | Tagged: personal recollections ladytron travel

Pen Glyph I can surf | January 19 | Tagged: travelogue surfing bondi trivia slang australia

Pen Glyph His Dark Materials | January 21 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Hesse’s Inspiration for those of us who wander | January 22 | Tagged: personal hesse rootlessness

Pen Glyph I could never fall from grace, I’m far too clever | January 26 | Tagged: personal australia travelogue


Pen Glyph Back in San Jose | February 1 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Blog Silent | February 9 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph The Social Bobcat is one of the funniest humans ever | February 12 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Continued validation of the Steve Martin Smirk Theory | February 12 | Tagged: movies steve_martin

Pen Glyph Did the band Incubus take an angry pill? | February 18 | Tagged: entertainment music anti_bush

Pen Glyph The Republican Schizophrenic: Captialism versus Christianity | February 18 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Religion and Innovation | February 18 | Tagged: religion geopolitics economics

Pen Glyph Watching some movies while unpacking... | February 22 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Finished setting up my bedroom | February 22 | Tagged: personal mountain_view

Pen Glyph Steven on Same-Sex Marriage | February 25 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph What we should really be worried about... | February 26 | Tagged: geopolitics bush

Pen Glyph Is conservatism incompatible with capitalism? | February 27 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph The Decline of the American Empire: When "The Apprentice" MBA became standard issue, and our moral compass was overwritten | February 28 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Thinking about Lebanon still has me thinking about my homeland | February 28 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph Blog-insanity | February 28 | Tagged: personal quotes

Pen Glyph Drugs aren’t funny, but Dave Navarro is | February 29 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Lieutenant Cmdr. Data is the perfect Existential Dilemma in a box | February 29 | Tagged: entertainment start_trek_tng


Pen Glyph Prana | March 3 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph Movie evening | March 4 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph Dinosaurs and This American Life | March 6 | Tagged: personal media

Pen Glyph My parents, the time travelers | March 8 | Tagged: personal recollections

Pen Glyph YOU are a LUCKY Person | March 8 | Tagged: personal motivation

Pen Glyph Yoga Class Number 3... | March 9 | Tagged: personal yoga

Pen Glyph Madrid attacked | March 11 | Tagged: geopolitics terrorism

Pen Glyph "Cutting" - a horrid sickness | March 11 | Tagged: ruminations

Pen Glyph Something’s not right in the universe | March 12 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Important News | March 16 | Tagged: bay_area fast_food quiznos

Pen Glyph An Apology | March 16 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph Discovering things about one’s body | March 16 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Great links from | March 17 | Tagged: internet amusement

Pen Glyph James Dedman | March 17 | Tagged: friends

Pen Glyph Rock and Roll needs black-haired girls with shag haircuts.... | March 19 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Camille Paglia on Blogs and Blogging | March 19 | Tagged: blogging

Pen Glyph An example of the mendacity of the Bush Administration | March 19 | Tagged: politics bush

Pen Glyph March 20, 2004 - a good day to live in Northern California | March 20 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph If Xeni Jardin were to inteview me.. | March 21 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph Finished moving in... | March 21 | Tagged: personal movies mountain_view

Pen Glyph Running low on bathroom supplies? | March 22 | Tagged: modern_times politics

Pen Glyph Sometimes your prayers get answered ... | March 25 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Quick thought.. | March 25 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph Scientific progress... | March 25 | Tagged: religion government bush

Pen Glyph Last Friday... | March 29 | Tagged: personal shooting

Pen Glyph Europe... | March 29 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph If you’re active on Sunday morning | March 29 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Diets...and le vin | March 29 | Tagged: personal travel alcohol

Pen Glyph Going on vacation tomorrow | March 30 | Tagged: general


Pen Glyph ¡Hola! | April 7 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Last night in Catalunya | April 11 | Tagged: travelogue catalunya barcelona figueres dali

Pen Glyph Slouched back to SJ... | April 13 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Got a bit o’ shut eye, existential dread and e-mail (I like mutt! Woof!) | April 14 | Tagged: personal mutt programming

Pen Glyph Vivement des vacances | April 14 | Tagged: travel personal work

Pen Glyph Worthy of note! Pixies perform ensemble! | April 14 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph Who is Steven Harms? | April 15 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph I saw Kill Bill 2 last night | April 17 | Tagged: movies personal mountain_view p_dizzle

Pen Glyph No more, please | April 18 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph Magazine Tearing Boy on the Plane | April 19 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Condescension done right | April 20 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph The best way to get around Barcelona on a Sunny Day | April 21 | Tagged: travel spain bicycle

Pen Glyph Classes | April 21 | Tagged: personal yoga mountain_view flamenco

Pen Glyph The myth of wunderwaffen | April 24 | Tagged: politics anthony_swofford

Pen Glyph New word | April 26 | Tagged: movies science

Pen Glyph Christianity and Virtue | April 26 | Tagged: religion philosophy essay

Pen Glyph I will not be seeing the Passion | April 27 | Tagged: religion christianity

Pen Glyph Occasionally you find great sites by accident | April 29 | Tagged: pesronal web_culture webcomics movies

Pen Glyph I hate only a few things | April 30 | Tagged: personal animals


Pen Glyph Busy Week(s) | May 2 | Tagged: personal mountain_view

Pen Glyph Good movies set in SF; recent Netflix movies | May 2 | Tagged: movies san_francisco monica_bellucci almodovar malena

Pen Glyph The spiritual center of the South Bay: Mountain View | May 2 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph Eep! I missed national poetry month | May 3 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Propz to Branson | May 4 | Tagged: media television

Pen Glyph Off to Londinium tomorrow | May 6 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Evil women and eros | May 6 | Tagged: politics bush

Pen Glyph Coming back from the UK today | May 12 | Tagged: travel work london

Pen Glyph Living the cyber.chic life | May 12 | Tagged: internet_culture travel london

Pen Glyph Mice is displaying my art... | May 14 | Tagged: personal recollections

Pen Glyph Just watched Laurel Canyon | May 15 | Tagged: movies cholodenko

Pen Glyph Something I forgot about "Blue Crush" | May 15 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph The mysterious lore of Linux Chicks | May 15 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph British Museum | May 15 | Tagged: london travelogue

Pen Glyph Watched Step into Liquid; Hawaiian dictionary | May 16 | Tagged: movies surfing

Pen Glyph Something special happened last Sunday | May 19 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Cell Phone Woes | May 19 | Tagged: bay_area

Pen Glyph Going back to Houston | May 19 | Tagged: travelogue personal weddings

Pen Glyph BayAreans: Are we snobs? | May 23 | Tagged: san_francisco bay_area society

Pen Glyph Blog backload...and the couple Newsom | May 31 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Stop wasting time | May 31 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph People who love "Law and Order" | May 31 | Tagged: television art_and_design law_and_order


Pen Glyph Je suis | June 1 | Tagged: personal self_discovery meyers_briggs mbti

Pen Glyph Powerbook is Sick... | June 2 | Tagged: apple personal

Pen Glyph Stealing ideas from "Just Laura" blog | June 2 | Tagged: blog

Pen Glyph Mac-less | June 4 | Tagged: windows apple personal

Pen Glyph Les jeux electroniques | June 4 | Tagged: video_games ico

Pen Glyph More Ico - inspired whimsy | June 4 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Clutter, even clean clutter, is clutter | June 5 | Tagged: personal travel culture

Pen Glyph Daniel Lanois is a brilliant songwriter | June 5 | Tagged: music art songwriting

Pen Glyph Must break through demotivation | June 6 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph The PowerBook is back en route | June 6 | Tagged: apple productivity

Pen Glyph If you need to fix your keyboard on windows | June 6 | Tagged: dvorak productivity

Pen Glyph In case you forget... | June 6 | Tagged: video_games

Pen Glyph Not even rockstars party like this.. | June 7 | Tagged: funny

Pen Glyph Realtors in Dallas must be desperate | June 8 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Seattle’s new library | June 10 | Tagged: urbanism seattle design architecture

Pen Glyph If your Powerbook needs some more CONTROL | June 11 | Tagged: apple productivity

Pen Glyph I love the band Interpol | June 11 | Tagged: music interpol nostalgia music sf

Pen Glyph I may have a blog fest tonight | June 11 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph OK, what i’m working on | June 11 | Tagged: recollections music nostalgia janes_addiction

Pen Glyph Scrapped Jane's Addiction - on to Satriani | June 11 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph On to Ladytron | June 11 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph 75 minutes to go | June 11 | Tagged: work personal

Pen Glyph Finished the review.. | June 11 | Tagged: work personal joseph_campbell

Pen Glyph Reading the morning sites and... | June 12 | Tagged: captialism media

Pen Glyph Best Saturday morning show | June 12 | Tagged: television

Pen Glyph Watching "Triumph of the Will" | June 12 | Tagged: movies politics

Pen Glyph More thoughts on "Triumph of the Will"... | June 12 | Tagged: politics movies

Pen Glyph Happy Engrish message from Chinatown | June 13 | Tagged: mountain_view friends

Pen Glyph Scenes from 1987 | June 13 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Back to yoga | June 15 | Tagged: personal yoga mountain_view music david_sedaris

Pen Glyph Something inspiring | June 15 | Tagged: education internet_culture

Pen Glyph I love pulpy sci-fi books in used bookstores | June 17 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph Some people feel self-conscious at the check-out stand | June 21 | Tagged: modern_times media anxiety

Pen Glyph That’s right, you’re not from Texas... | June 24 | Tagged: friends

Pen Glyph I had an out of body experience | June 24 | Tagged: mysticism personal

Pen Glyph I love Scandinavian Rock Bands — still | June 27 | Tagged: music scandinavianism

Pen Glyph Speaking of Scandinavian bands | June 27 | Tagged: music scandinavianism

Pen Glyph Great New Track: "Mass Destruction" by Faithless | June 27 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Entry for the Mellies | June 27 | Tagged: modern_times media

Pen Glyph Fat Bloggers, Fat Americans | June 28 | Tagged: geopolitics


Pen Glyph Is that Dido in the Faithless vide | July 2 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph British people are pretty funny.. | July 2 | Tagged: psychedelics

Pen Glyph OK Two Hours of sleep - aaaarggghhh | July 3 | Tagged: insomnia personal health

Pen Glyph Massage day | July 5 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph How badass is GENE HACKMAN | July 7 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph The Cardigans’ new record is great | July 10 | Tagged: entertainment music

Pen Glyph Dennis Miller’s Show on CNBC | July 11 | Tagged: television politics

Pen Glyph Robert Smith hates Queen — | July 11 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph More from the Cardigans record | July 11 | Tagged: music the_cardigans sweden lyrics

Pen Glyph The Right Kind of Girl | July 12 | Tagged: media television

Pen Glyph Jealousy | July 13 | Tagged: music scandinavianism

Pen Glyph Sometimes only Dead Horse can help you make an intelligible response | July 13 | Tagged: media

Pen Glyph Over ten years with PJ Harvey | July 16 | Tagged: music pj_harvey

Pen Glyph Loot a-purchasin’ | July 18 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph Monday | July 20 | Tagged: personal work education teaching

Pen Glyph A very funny Craigslist forum discussion | July 23 | Tagged: san_francisco

Pen Glyph The True Reason the Young look Young | July 24 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph When the internet depends too much on one technology | July 26 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph In Memoriam: Francis Crick | July 29 | Tagged: rip science


Pen Glyph My favourite animal at the moment | August 1 | Tagged: animals

Pen Glyph Some funny stuff...and some interesting stuff | August 2 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Time to change... | August 2 | Tagged: blog

Pen Glyph Cameraphone warning to kids | August 3 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Palo Alto Sunday | August 3 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph The Holy Spirit | August 4 | Tagged: religion spirituality

Pen Glyph I love my cell phone for its ringers... | August 4 | Tagged: personal music mozart

Pen Glyph Don’t like The Hives — still | August 6 | Tagged: critique culture music

Pen Glyph Today is my birthday, and by blog’s too | August 9 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph In Memoriam: Harold Harms | August 12 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Only in Texas... | August 19 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Closer to Fine, not Curly Fine | August 19 | Tagged: networking

Pen Glyph If you need to XML, Learn Perl | August 19 | Tagged: productivity perl xml

Pen Glyph On Programming.... | August 20 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Asian People Love Me, and they Love my Shirt | August 21 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph Just watched "Pacific Heights" | August 21 | Tagged: entertainment movies san_francisco

Pen Glyph I saw "Collateral" the other day. | August 21 | Tagged: entertainment movies michael_mann

Pen Glyph Dave Matthews band in trouble for dumping crap? | August 24 | Tagged: entertainment music dave_matthews_band

Pen Glyph How long are the days.... | August 25 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph I caught "Hero" last night | August 27 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph North Carolina is different | August 30 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Let me just say. | August 31 | Tagged: critique culture


Pen Glyph Finished a book | September 1 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph Going to Maui in a few weeks | September 3 | Tagged: personal travelogue

Pen Glyph Scenes from Bayarea, California | September 9 | Tagged: cooking personal

Pen Glyph George W. Bush’s Magic Glasses | September 16 | Tagged: humor politics

Pen Glyph Break your heart in Glam | September 18 | Tagged: music glam t_rex bowie

Pen Glyph You can’t win, but there are alternatives to fighting | September 22 | Tagged: movies capitalism sears nostalgia

Pen Glyph Hawaii on my mind..."Hawaii" too... | September 22 | Tagged: culture entertainment

Pen Glyph Ad I hate | September 22 | Tagged: critique culture commercials

Pen Glyph Law and Order Premiere | September 23 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Still not really packing... | September 23 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Gone To Maui | September 24 | Tagged: personal travelogue


Pen Glyph Sanctimony, thy name is Public Broadcast membership | October 1 | Tagged: culture kqed

Pen Glyph I watched Dirty Harry a few weeks back | October 1 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph Ladytron is an excellent band... | October 1 | Tagged: books music

Pen Glyph I didn’t understand the premise of "The Girl Next Door" | October 1 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Virginia Madsen | October 1 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Terrorists | October 1 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Lot of new content from the archives | October 1 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph I always know I’m back in the South Bay when... | October 2 | Tagged: culture fast_food carls_jr south_bay

Pen Glyph Rumour is that Jim Dedman has bought a Mac | October 2 | Tagged: art_and_design apple

Pen Glyph I always know I’m back in the South Bay when...(Part II) | October 2 | Tagged: cooking culture mountain_view

Pen Glyph Media Consumption Weekend Part 1: New music... | October 3 | Tagged: books music

Pen Glyph Media Consumption Weekend Part 2: Books read in Hawaii | October 3 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph Hawai'i Pictures | October 3 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph More Ads I hate | October 3 | Tagged: critique culture

Pen Glyph Soros has a blog | October 3 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Yet even more ads I hate | October 3 | Tagged: critique culture

Pen Glyph Beautiful tattoo work...and video game reveries | October 4 | Tagged: video_games

Pen Glyph Was Bush getting fed lines during 1st debate? | October 8 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Maui wrap up | October 8 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Helpful Microsoft Word.... | October 8 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Enoch: Seventh of Adam; Grandfather of Noah, Taken by God | October 8 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Finished my first sizable Cocoa application | October 8 | Tagged: cocoa

Pen Glyph VH1’s History of Hip Hop show | October 10 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph My Life with Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fandom | October 10 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph The Time Traveler’s Wife | October 10 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph Dedman’s Complaint | October 12 | Tagged: books entertainment

Pen Glyph iPod seredipity | October 12 | Tagged: apple

Pen Glyph Jacques Derrida died on the 8th | October 13 | Tagged: philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Damocles and The Time Traveler’s Wife | October 16 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph On Programming...why I love it | October 18 | Tagged: programming productivity

Pen Glyph The smell of.. | October 20 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Signs you’re in Silicon Valley | October 21 | Tagged: culture entertainment

Pen Glyph A summertime snack | October 25 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Dirty Rhetorical Tricks | October 25 | Tagged: philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Some links! | October 25 | Tagged: culture entertainment

Pen Glyph Pulp fiction art work | October 25 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Ashlee Simpson, outed as lip-syncist | October 25 | Tagged: critique culture entertainment

Pen Glyph Dvorak history... | October 26 | Tagged: dvorak

Pen Glyph John F. Kerry for President | October 26 | Tagged: personal politics

Pen Glyph Arch conservative Buchanan’s magazine endorses Kerry | October 27 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Let’s make it two Massachusetts victories in a week | October 27 | Tagged: politics


Pen Glyph Weddings during wartime... | November 2 | Tagged: culture politics

Pen Glyph Trying not to look at exit polls | November 2 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph What to say.... | November 3 | Tagged: critique culture

Pen Glyph Republicanism explored : What is the virtue of self-interest? | November 3 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph A show that scared the bejesus out of me | November 5 | Tagged: entertainment scifi books recollections

Pen Glyph Reset the MT-blacklist | November 7 | Tagged: blogging

Pen Glyph Tender and beautiful: Hopkin Green Frog | November 9 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Do you often forward URLs? | November 9 | Tagged: javascript

Pen Glyph Advertisement in email | November 10 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph The "oh well" attitude of life and death | November 11 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph It’s so obvious... | November 11 | Tagged: programming

Pen Glyph Curse you! | November 11 | Tagged: web

Pen Glyph Occasionally, I think Republicans are decent folks | November 11 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph O the irony | November 11 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Computer Scientists versus Everyone Else | November 11 | Tagged: education programming internet_culture

Pen Glyph A great set o’ music on KFJC | November 13 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph More on good musics... | November 13 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph Are you trying to get something done? | November 13 | Tagged: arete

Pen Glyph If you want to have a successful tech company in the future.. | November 13 | Tagged: politics internet_culture

Pen Glyph News of the week | November 17 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Tivo 30 second skip | November 18 | Tagged: tivo

Pen Glyph Why you should not commit suicide | November 19 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Why don’t Americans use A4 paper | November 22 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph A blasé entry | November 22 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph New words in Italian | November 23 | Tagged: linguistics

Pen Glyph How bad ass are Detectives Fontana and Green? | November 23 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Daily Texan Associate Editor Jim’s Movie | November 28 | Tagged: entertainment movies

Pen Glyph Postmodernism in the OC | November 29 | Tagged: entertainment


Pen Glyph Headed back to Jesusland | December 1 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Mixture of blog elements | December 2 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Much like LL Cool J | December 7 | Tagged: austin travelogue

Pen Glyph Thinking about relationships... | December 8 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Yikes... | December 8 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph If you consider how popular Jon Stewart is... | December 8 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Someday there will be a German word for this | December 10 | Tagged: critique culture

Pen Glyph The Past... | December 12 | Tagged: art_and_design

Pen Glyph The League of Melbotis adds his wisdom | December 14 | Tagged: kickinitwitdaleague personal

Pen Glyph Dedman drives across Jesusland? | December 14 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Melbotis speaks | December 15 | Tagged: culture personal

Pen Glyph The Apprentice | December 16 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Happy Birthday James Dedman | December 19 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Desperate Houswife Mania | December 20 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Perl coding in the enterprise considered Harmful | December 20 | Tagged: perl

Pen Glyph More on the depravity of Hollywood’s Creativity | December 23 | Tagged: culture movies

Pen Glyph Happy Christmas Eve | December 24 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Cool video: Blood Red Summer | December 24 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph Passing on the GTD germ | December 24 | Tagged: productivity

Pen Glyph A Christmas Day Entry | December 25 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Christmas Advice | December 25 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Someone really should have thought this through a little better... | December 26 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph I figured out why I like the Gilmore Girls | December 27 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph New signature iPods | December 29 | Tagged: apple

Pen Glyph 43 Folders Meetup in SF | December 29 | Tagged: design productivity san_francisco

Pen Glyph We all knew the Jewish-reggae kid in college | December 29 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph For those of you not yet done with Mom Tech support season for the year | December 29 | Tagged: tech_support internet_culture