Posts from 2007


Pen Glyph In San Jose this week | January 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Professor Robert Solomon, RIP | January 7 | Tagged: Personal Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Back from SJ, the Baroque Cycle Finished, and Headed to Houston | January 7 | Tagged: Austin Books Personal

Pen Glyph In Java Training class | January 8 | Tagged: Personal Education

Pen Glyph I caught the end of "War of the Worlds" | January 9 | Tagged: Entertainment Politics

Pen Glyph Back from Houston, appropriately Java-ized | January 12 | Tagged: Java Travelogue

Pen Glyph I am totally loving Guitar Hero II | January 13 | Tagged: Austin Culture

Pen Glyph The Ice Storm ( no not a crappy ennui-drama about growing up in the 70’s ) | January 16 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Gross Bathroom-related stuff, majorly not safe for lunch-time reading | January 16 | Tagged: Culture Design Travelogue

Pen Glyph New Lease! | January 16 | Tagged: Personal Austin

Pen Glyph Please, let us retire LOL | January 16 | Tagged: Internet_culture

Pen Glyph No comment required: Bam-boozled | January 16 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Still iced in... | January 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Escaped Ice-o-Topia last night | January 18 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph Emerging from trogdolyte mode | February 1 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Programmers: Are you good in math? | February 1 | Tagged: Culture Education Software

Pen Glyph Someone I can root for at the Grammys | February 1 | Tagged: Music

Pen Glyph Oh hey I forgot to mention, we're doing SXSW this year | February 1 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Headed to Atlanta | February 4 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Ricky Bobby... | February 4 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Visiting the Greenbelt on Sunday | February 6 | Tagged: Austin Sports

Pen Glyph The Art of Dating A Developer Part I: Twitch Mode | February 7 | Tagged: Critique Culture Personal Internet_culture

Pen Glyph Reasons *you* should come to SXSW this year | February 7 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment Music

Pen Glyph Broadway shows not needing to be made... | February 9 | Tagged: Critique Entertainment

Pen Glyph Happy Valentine’s Day, early | February 11 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph In Atlanta, but not on-line, under protest | February 11 | Tagged: Travelogue Houston Atlanta

Pen Glyph Just echoing but... | February 12 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph What I did while I was not blogging: LaTeX | February 12 | Tagged: Latex Osx

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 1 | February 12 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Education Travelogue

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 2 | February 13 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Education Travelogue

Pen Glyph Ruby on Rails Training Example: Allgemein Wigdgetfabrik | February 13 | Tagged: Apple Bignerdranch Ruby

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch RoR Camp: Rain! | February 13 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Travelogue

Pen Glyph And yet again, Ms. Stefani | February 14 | Tagged: Music Personal

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 3 | February 14 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Software Travelogue Education

Pen Glyph I just remembered why I don’t wear a watch | February 14 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 3: Evening: "The Grinder" | February 14 | Tagged: Ajax Bignerdranch Productivity Ruby Software Education

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 3 (cont’d): Evening: "The fatigue" | February 15 | Tagged: Ajax Apple Bignerdranch Software Education

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 4: The Reprieve | February 15 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Education Ruby Education

Pen Glyph Meta: Small changes to layout underway | February 15 | Tagged: Apple Meta

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Day 5, and back home | February 17 | Tagged: Austin Bignerdranch Ruby Education Travelogue

Pen Glyph Preparing for the Big Nerd Ranch’s Ruby on Rails Class | February 17 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Productivity Ruby Education

Pen Glyph Wrap-up of trip to The Big Nerd Ranch’s Ruby on Rails class | February 17 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Ruby Education

Pen Glyph Thoughts on Atlanta | February 17 | Tagged: Critique

Pen Glyph One more comment about Atlanta | February 17 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Comfortable shoes for hackers | February 17 | Tagged: Design

Pen Glyph Working hard to prepare, working hard to recover | February 18 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Getting harrassed by BCR Credit Collection Agency | February 19 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph I feel like there should be a German word for this II | February 20 | Tagged: Humor Modern_times Ruminations


Pen Glyph Moved! | March 1 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Rails, and The Loneliness | March 6 | Tagged: Personal Programming Productivity

Pen Glyph "I am half-sick of sidebars", said the Lady of Shalott | March 7 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: The Premiere of "The Lookout" | March 10 | Tagged: Entertainment Movies Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Morning 1, Interactive | March 10 | Tagged: Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Day 2 | March 11 | Tagged: Movies Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph SXSW20007: Funny things you learn at SXSW | March 12 | Tagged: Sxsw2007 Vim

Pen Glyph SXSW2007 Bloggers, Authors, People who put letters on the Screen: We must do better typography | March 13 | Tagged: Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph Ack, dmiessler, getting sneaky on me | March 15 | Tagged: Meta Personal

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Returning from planet SXSW this evening sometime... | March 17 | Tagged: Sxsw2007 Personal

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Film: Movies 3/9 - 3/11 | March 18 | Tagged: Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Film: Movies 3/12 - 3/14 | March 18 | Tagged: Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Film: 3/15 - 3/17 | March 18 | Tagged: Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph Where’s the SXSW2007 wrap-up? | March 22 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph The yak-shaving is out of control | March 28 | Tagged: Meta Personal

Pen Glyph Conversations with my mom... | March 29 | Tagged: Entertainment Personal

Pen Glyph Oprah + Cormac = BFF | March 30 | Tagged: Books


Pen Glyph Blog redesign continues... | April 2 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph New blog layout testing | April 12 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph Trying to get IE to not mangle the page | April 13 | Tagged: Blogging

Pen Glyph Having screwed with my new theme way too much time lately | April 13 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph I learned to like Woody Allen a little bit when... | April 14 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Stop the presses: Navigate Firefox with VIM-like key bindings | April 14 | Tagged: Productivity

Pen Glyph Typographic Jihad: The parenthesis ligature | April 17 | Tagged: Typography

Pen Glyph Typographic Jihad II: Why don’t North Americans use A4 paper? | April 17 | Tagged: Typography

Pen Glyph I love^H^H^H^H like my nearby coffee place | April 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph On second thought... | April 18 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph New theme is active, bugs being ironed out | April 20 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph Dear blogosphere, how I’ve missed writing you | April 21 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph Humility: Finding old programs | April 22 | Tagged: Personal Programming

Pen Glyph The happy couple: The Morales - Garcia wedding, April 21, 2007 | April 23 | Tagged: Austin Nostalgia Personal Pictures

Pen Glyph Developers: The myth of starting from scratch | April 25 | Tagged: Programming Productivity

Pen Glyph Kickin’ it with the classmates or The Season of Closing and Overlapping cycles | April 25 | Tagged: Austin Education Personal

Pen Glyph And a dash of travel thrown in on the side... | April 28 | Tagged: Personal Worklife

Pen Glyph Plus ça change... | April 28 | Tagged: Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph I’m glad I’m not in the East Bay... | April 29 | Tagged: Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph Arrived in RTP, NC | April 30 | Tagged: Personal Work


Pen Glyph Rrroon Paul | May 1 | Tagged: Austin Politics

Pen Glyph The Hip-Hop name of Mice Junior | May 3 | Tagged: Personal Worklife

Pen Glyph Back in Waterloo | May 4 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Steven: Once un-helpful to Linux n00bs | May 5 | Tagged: Internet_culture

Pen Glyph Better shape Steven | May 7 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I webbed you... | May 8 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Things I miss about San Francisco | May 8 | Tagged: Personal San_francisco

Pen Glyph New media, new semester | May 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Here comes The Tarot, doo-de-doo-doo-doo | May 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Paper Mario is Excellent! | May 21 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Where else have I been | May 21 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Austin Ruby Group Advertising | May 21 | Tagged: Ruby Web

Pen Glyph Oh yes! «The Golden Compass» is coming | May 22 | Tagged: Entertainment Movies

Pen Glyph Unable to upgrade to Wordpress 2.2: Not ready or am I missing something? | May 25 | Tagged: Meta Blogging

Pen Glyph Steven: An Advertiser’s Best Friend | May 25 | Tagged: Critique Culture Design

Pen Glyph Nancy Grace gets a lesson in .... | May 25 | Tagged: Critique


Pen Glyph Dear LazyWeb: Should I buy a new MacBook? | June 7 | Tagged: Apple

Pen Glyph Een stuk uit « Het Huwelijk » « The Wedding » | June 8 | Tagged: Nostalgia

Pen Glyph Pieces of SXSW: I am a target market ( no pun intended ) | June 10 | Tagged: Culture Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Film Session Wrap-Up | June 12 | Tagged: Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph Scott Walker: My SXSW 2007 legacy | June 12 | Tagged: Art_and_design Austin Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph The New Blue Car | June 13 | Tagged: Kickinitwitdaleague

Pen Glyph So-Cal Shout Out | June 17 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Boston-towne | June 18 | Tagged: Travelogue Work

Pen Glyph Lessons from SXSWi, applied | June 18 | Tagged: Sxsw2007 Typography

Pen Glyph SXSW2007: Why XSLT is sexy | June 18 | Tagged: Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph Attending the Web 2.0 Conference, Boston MA | June 19 | Tagged: Programming Internet_culture

Pen Glyph Tuesday night in Boston | June 20 | Tagged: Travelogue Work Internet_culture

Pen Glyph Commentary by Ticketmaster | June 23 | Tagged: Art_and_design Entertainment

Pen Glyph Wednesday night out in Boston Towne | June 24 | Tagged: Travelogue Worklife

Pen Glyph Things I miss: Englishmen in Suits singing, with saxophones | June 24 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Rubyists in Texas! | June 24 | Tagged: Ruby Austin Programming

Pen Glyph Be careful with Futura | June 28 | Tagged: Typography


Pen Glyph Political Correctness Trips over itself | July 3 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Sick... | July 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Bombshell | July 10 | Tagged: Austin Movies

Pen Glyph Drugs are bad, m’kay | July 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Spam reminds me sometimes... | July 12 | Tagged: Books

Pen Glyph Begging the question | July 25 | Tagged: Critique Culture Modern_times

Pen Glyph Many things going on... | July 25 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Update: Shibboleth | July 26 | Tagged: General Personal

Pen Glyph News: Getting upside down ( again ) | July 27 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Weddings... | July 27 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph It shouldn’t be this hard... | July 31 | Tagged: Books


Pen Glyph Sometimes they snap their fingers... | August 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Lifeclock goes black: 0011110 | August 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph On the impending subprime lending crisis | August 10 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Birthday Party | August 12 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph The religiosity of being insufficiently cute | August 13 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph C’est le finis | August 13 | Tagged: Education General

Pen Glyph Thinking about news aggregation sites | August 13 | Tagged: Productivity Internet_culture

Pen Glyph That whole metafilter post... | August 14 | Tagged: Productivity Knowledge_management

Pen Glyph New Hosting | August 17 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph How totally freaking awesome is VMWare Fusion | August 18 | Tagged: Vmware Apple Osx

Pen Glyph Dining out: Aborted | August 18 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph A Mind-Map to Western Philosophy | August 18 | Tagged: Personal Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph If you do the "cable" thing, with the "TLC" channel | August 21 | Tagged: Entertainment Life_and_death

Pen Glyph Quotes from Hayek | August 21 | Tagged: Modern_times Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Fruits of my Labor: Trigonometry class over | August 21 | Tagged: Education

Pen Glyph Sometimes the Internet requires me to "be open minded" | August 22 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Don’t wanna be an American idiot | August 23 | Tagged: Culture Politics

Pen Glyph The ancient arts: Geometry | August 24 | Tagged: Art_and_design Mathematics Science


Pen Glyph Hell of a week | September 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Making progress... | September 6 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Letterpress: The joy of three dimensional reading | September 7 | Tagged: Art_and_design Books

Pen Glyph Mac OSX Quest: Unicode + Command as Meta Terminal | September 8 | Tagged: Apple Osx

Pen Glyph Leo LaPorte: Tune in, turn on, TWiT out | September 8 | Tagged: Internet_culture

Pen Glyph Getting ahead in the world: Sī valēs, valēo | September 10 | Tagged: Productivity

Pen Glyph Dorky or Awesome? Iron man and "Iron Man" | September 12 | Tagged: Critique Entertainment Movies

Pen Glyph I feel like there should be a German word for this III | September 14 | Tagged: Austin Ruminations

Pen Glyph Dvorak Snobbery | September 14 | Tagged: Productivity Dvorak

Pen Glyph Taking some time off | September 15 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Vacation, Week I, So Far: Textmate for Latin Students | September 18 | Tagged: Latin Ruby Textmate

Pen Glyph We must be living through the end of our Empire | September 20 | Tagged: Latin Politics

Pen Glyph On the Internet, things that are lost are occasionally regain’d | September 21 | Tagged: Art_and_design Latin Music

Pen Glyph News of this week... | September 22 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Embarrassment of Animals | September 25 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Week 2 of "Not Working" | September 26 | Tagged: Latin Personal


Pen Glyph Quick Post as time is running short... | October 2 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Blogging on the West coast, about to cross the peaceful ocean | October 3 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Manly, NSW, .au | October 7 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph More fun at Manly | October 10 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Still in Sydney | October 17 | Tagged: Apple Travelogue

Pen Glyph Jet Lag | October 22 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph SSH Tunneling | October 22 | Tagged: Ssh Unix

Pen Glyph Fall comes | October 23 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph How will you be celebrating National Cosplay Day? | October 25 | Tagged: Modern_times

Pen Glyph Dancin’ and Maskin’ | October 26 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Halloween Costumes | October 28 | Tagged: Art_and_design Personal

Pen Glyph Scenes from the Leopard Release Party | October 30 | Tagged: Modern_times

Pen Glyph The Darjeeling Mumbledy | October 30 | Tagged: Movies


Pen Glyph Camp | November 3 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph I love the girl groups | November 5 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph Attention my Interfriends: SXSW is coming | November 5 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Superman needs no foot-tapping, he has X-ray vision | November 10 | Tagged: Modern_times Movies

Pen Glyph Quirky movies that don’t suck: "Lars and the Real Girl" | November 14 | Tagged: Modern_times Movies

Pen Glyph Dealing with the flu, poorly. | November 16 | Tagged: Entertainment Personal


Pen Glyph End of the Semester | December 2 | Tagged: Latin

Pen Glyph Siiiiiiii-leeeeennnce | December 10 | Tagged: Blogging

Pen Glyph Brave new world | December 20 | Tagged: Blogging Moving Personalsites.orgsucks Personal Software

Pen Glyph Latin I Test collection | December 21 | Tagged: Latin

Pen Glyph Non, je ne fume pas | December 21 | Tagged: Modern_times

Pen Glyph Catch-up | December 22 | Tagged: Life Rails Latin Books Personal

Pen Glyph Time for a startup: The Writers Strike | December 22 | Tagged: Entertainment Modern_times

Pen Glyph Unicode test | December 22 | Tagged: Typography

Pen Glyph Merry Christmas from Southern California | December 27 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Leaving SoCal | December 29 | Tagged: Travelogue Restaurant Longbeach