Posts from 2006


Pen Glyph Back to Sunnyvale for the New Year.. | January 2 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Suck it ESPN - ‘Horns win the Rose Bowl | January 5 | Tagged: Austin Critique Sports

Pen Glyph Road Trip to Pebble Beach | January 9 | Tagged: Pictures Travelogue

Pen Glyph Countdown to Rome... | January 9 | Tagged: Travelogue Education Bignerdranch

Pen Glyph Blogging offline, from Wis-kahn-sin | January 13 | Tagged: Art_and_design Travelogue

Pen Glyph The Eternal City | January 16 | Tagged: Pictures Travelogue

Pen Glyph Starting Cocoa class in rome | January 16 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph First opportunity to catch up | January 17 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Finished The Confusion by Neal Stephenson | January 18 | Tagged: Books

Pen Glyph In the Roman Countryside | January 19 | Tagged: Pictures Travelogue

Pen Glyph More pictures from my Roman Cocoa Bootcamp | January 19 | Tagged: Cocoa Education


Pen Glyph Hello Strangers... | February 1 | Tagged: Cocoa Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph I can see clearly now the rain is gone | February 3 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Retirement of spectacles | February 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Update on the laser-vision install | February 8 | Tagged: Cocoa Personal

Pen Glyph I enjoy languages and computer languages, specifically | February 9 | Tagged: Programming

Pen Glyph This whole Danish cartoon thing... | February 14 | Tagged: Modern_times Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Continuing to display that countries with a free press don’t really care... | February 15 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph The secretly subversive Wikipedia mail of the day | February 15 | Tagged: Internet_culture

Pen Glyph The Social Bobcat dips a tender paw in the online blogosphere | February 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Light on the posting... | February 27 | Tagged: Personal Cocoa


Pen Glyph Back from the underbelly | March 6 | Tagged: Cocoa

Pen Glyph Finished the SudokuGrid application | March 6 | Tagged: Cocoa Programming

Pen Glyph Blog backlog | March 6 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph Download the SudokuGrid Application | March 8 | Tagged: Cocoa

Pen Glyph My girlfriend is great because... | March 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I’m wary, but here goes | March 8 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Are the sands shifting underneath our feet? | March 11 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Unfortunate Abbreviations | March 12 | Tagged: Ruminations

Pen Glyph Undertaking The System of the World | March 12 | Tagged: Books

Pen Glyph I mis-Austened myself | March 12 | Tagged: Movies

Pen Glyph A film about pin-up icon Bettie Page? | March 12 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Finished Ann Patchett’s Bel Canto | March 12 | Tagged: Books

Pen Glyph Keira Knightley’s Teeth of Doom | March 13 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Hints on editing quickly | March 14 | Tagged: Vim

Pen Glyph V for Victorious | March 18 | Tagged: Movies

Pen Glyph Saturday at the Cine | March 18 | Tagged: Movies

Pen Glyph Thinking about the boondocks... | March 25 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Working with NSAffine Transform in Cocoa | March 25 | Tagged: Cocoa Objective-C

Pen Glyph Avoid wars with someone who believes in re-incarnation | March 25 | Tagged: Mysticism Politics

Pen Glyph Steven: Secret Survey Subversive (and sibilant) | March 29 | Tagged: Tech_support Internet_culture


Pen Glyph Is this the cutest thing ever? | April 7 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph I shudder to say, but I am totally excited about Silent Hill, the movie | April 10 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Latest Cocoa Program: Simple Flash Card ( neu mit Cocoa-bindings! ) | April 13 | Tagged: Cocoa Productivity

Pen Glyph Farewell MovableType | April 16 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Wikiquotes of the day: Euler and his Kantianism, and The Son of God | April 19 | Tagged: Gnosticism Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Site revamp finished | April 20 | Tagged: News! Personal

Pen Glyph Steven is going back to Austin | April 21 | Tagged: General News! Personal

Pen Glyph Going slightly crazy | April 24 | Tagged: Personal Networking

Pen Glyph Day 1 of Intro training has come and gone... | April 26 | Tagged: Productivity Education Networking

Pen Glyph Where, oh where are the poets like this? | April 27 | Tagged: Art_and_design Culture

Pen Glyph Sketchup! | April 28 | Tagged: Sketchup

Pen Glyph The Season of Closing Cycles | April 28 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Finished INTRO training | April 28 | Tagged: Networking

Pen Glyph Startup School | April 29 | Tagged: Stanford Startups Palo_alto

Pen Glyph "E"asy Cheezy Pretzels | April 30 | Tagged: Culture Nostalgia


Pen Glyph MemoryBank: Yet another Flash Card application available for download | May 1 | Tagged: Cocoa

Pen Glyph I love a good prank... | May 4 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Colbert calls Bush Arsenio, to his face. | May 4 | Tagged: Culture Politics

Pen Glyph Handy site for firefox extensions | May 6 | Tagged: Firefox

Pen Glyph Freedom is on the move in Iraq | May 7 | Tagged: Modern_times Politics Bush

Pen Glyph Vatican astronomer calls creationism a version of paganism | May 8 | Tagged: Culture General Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Nietzsche would be proud | May 8 | Tagged: Modern_times Philosophy_proper Politics

Pen Glyph [ EXCLUSIVE ] Content of Ahmadinejad’s letter to Bush | May 8 | Tagged: Politics Bush

Pen Glyph Leaving the Vale of the Sun (UPDATED) | May 8 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Programmers and domestic goddesses | May 16 | Tagged: Art_and_design Perl

Pen Glyph Apple does the awful: Glossy Screens | May 17 | Tagged: Apple

Pen Glyph It’s getting warm in here, and this handbasket is awfully uncomfortable | May 19 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Not writing much | May 21 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph Visit to Willits and Ft. Bragg | May 22 | Tagged: Travelogue Norcal

Pen Glyph The Final Countdown | May 22 | Tagged: Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph First leg of migration down | May 29 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph Vegas, and on to the Grand Canyon | May 31 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Best Western SLO vs. Paris Las Vegas | May 31 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph What happened to the slot machines | May 31 | Tagged: Travelogue


Pen Glyph Living in Austin | June 9 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph And I, for one, welcome our new machine overlords | June 11 | Tagged: Travelogue

Pen Glyph Henry Rollins is hee-hi-larious | June 14 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph When waiting, focus your power | June 15 | Tagged: Movies Zen

Pen Glyph Test Post from Within Textmate | June 16 | Tagged: Textmate

Pen Glyph I am a resident of Austin, Texas now ( again ) | June 19 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph SIMPLIFY | June 19 | Tagged: General Personal

Pen Glyph ( - 40 1 ) days | June 20 | Tagged: Personal Yoga

Pen Glyph Steven is a whimsical programmer | June 20 | Tagged: Ruby

Pen Glyph Randomly running into Idgy Vaughn | June 21 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph Dude, an astronaut totally pwn'd you | June 21 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Posh Spice channels Sisters frontman Andrew Eldritch | June 23 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Paging Herr Doktor Zyklon | June 25 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph I love the 80’s, but sometimes she’s an abusive wife | June 26 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph (+ (* -1 8) 40) days left in the 40-day yoga challenge | June 27 | Tagged: Austin Yoga

Pen Glyph The Season of Closing Cycles Part II: California Round Trips and Folk Singers | June 28 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph At my new office... | June 29 | Tagged: Personal Work


Pen Glyph Flat Track Invasion: Steven sees TXRollerGirl Action | July 3 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Monday Morning Referees | July 3 | Tagged: Culture General

Pen Glyph Kit Fisto is my favorite Jedi | July 3 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Why I hate Kim Jong-Il | July 5 | Tagged: Modern_times Politics

Pen Glyph Sally Fourth | July 5 | Tagged: Austin General

Pen Glyph Austin: A good town for modern architecture | July 6 | Tagged: Art_and_design Austin

Pen Glyph A Handy Tip for Ruby Developers: Dispatch Tables | July 8 | Tagged: Ruby Perl Programming

Pen Glyph I saw "Pirates II", it wasn’t very good (1/2) | July 9 | Tagged: Critique Entertainment

Pen Glyph Pirates II continues to disappoint (2/2) | July 9 | Tagged: Critique Entertainment

Pen Glyph I feel the geometry going wrong in the Childrens’ section... | July 10 | Tagged: Austin Books

Pen Glyph Musical Accopmianiment to Austin’s Modern Homes | July 12 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph Busy, Busy | July 23 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Thoughts... | July 23 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Completed the 40-day Yoga Challenge | July 29 | Tagged: Austin Gnosticism Personal Yoga


Pen Glyph Summertime with my baby | August 6 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Kit Fisto, party of two | August 10 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph action | August 10 | Tagged: Modern_times Personal Toys

Pen Glyph A nice birthday... | August 10 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Dateline NBC attacks the hard questions | August 18 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Working up to AJAX by learning something about the DOM and Javascript | August 20 | Tagged: Ajax Html Javascript Web

Pen Glyph Going further with JavaScript and the DOM | August 20 | Tagged: Ajax Javascript Functional_programming

Pen Glyph Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia | August 20 | Tagged: Austin Personal Web

Pen Glyph A fun weekend | August 22 | Tagged: Austin Personal Toys

Pen Glyph Doing the trivia thing with the Mayor, Alfredo, and Osakatomebaby-lady | August 23 | Tagged: Austin Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph I can see the metal in your eyes | August 24 | Tagged: Entertainment Music

Pen Glyph Shutter the Pentagon, close Westpoint: The War Nerd rules | August 24 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment Modern_times

Pen Glyph Bruno Kirby goes into the great beyond | August 25 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Lauren’s first visit to The Alamo Drafthouse | August 26 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph The Previews! | August 26 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Parler francais avec Tex | August 26 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph It’s only really worth having if you can give it away... | August 27 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Good WikiQuote Weekend | August 28 | Tagged: Modern_times Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Inflicting indignities upon a dignified people | August 31 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Michael Bay, this is the last straw | August 31 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Why my girlfriend totally rules | August 31 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Rappacini, Philip K. Dick, Origami, and the Zen of the unnatural natural | August 31 | Tagged: Arete Culture Design Ruminations Zen

Pen Glyph Updating some layout | August 31 | Tagged: Meta


Pen Glyph Early morning movie thoughts | September 2 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Testing more formatting | September 2 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph Making some progress with JavaScript menus | September 2 | Tagged: Ajax Design Javascript

Pen Glyph Site Update Complete | September 3 | Tagged: Meta

Pen Glyph Enjoying the weekend and holiday | September 4 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Hitler’s rise to power | September 5 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Oh the difference a percent makes | September 5 | Tagged: Modern_times Politics Warfare

Pen Glyph Is the war on terror over, barring a much bigger can of worms? | September 7 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Arguments about politics | September 7 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Five years later... | September 8 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph The man in black for president | September 8 | Tagged: Entertainment Politics

Pen Glyph Curse you Neal Stephenson and your knack for similitudes! | September 11 | Tagged: Unix Programming Writing

Pen Glyph Visting the Scientology street fair | September 11 | Tagged: Politics Religion

Pen Glyph Some things in life bear repeating many, many times | September 12 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Is America learning cabaret? | September 13 | Tagged: Entertainment Music Politics

Pen Glyph The natural world is full of amazing things | September 15 | Tagged: Gnosticism Personal

Pen Glyph Aguierre: The Wrath of God | September 19 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph September is the month of..... | September 26 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph OpenLDAP ate my week... | September 29 | Tagged: Programming

Pen Glyph Venom! | September 29 | Tagged: Personal


Pen Glyph September | October 1 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Suicide | October 1 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment Politics

Pen Glyph La Vie Austienne: ‘Go’ at Austin Java | October 3 | Tagged: Entertainment Toys Zen

Pen Glyph Ladytron tickets | October 3 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Limbo: How low can you go | October 4 | Tagged: Entertainment Gnosticism

Pen Glyph Saw "The Science of Sleep" | October 6 | Tagged: Movies Personal

Pen Glyph Back in San Jose this week | October 12 | Tagged: Personal Travelogue

Pen Glyph The soporific Allan Odgaard | October 16 | Tagged: Textmate

Pen Glyph Monday Morning Meeting with Melbotis, The League of | October 19 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Visiting Ginny’s Little Longhorn | October 20 | Tagged: Art_and_design Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Ready for the new Mac Book Pro | October 20 | Tagged: Apple

Pen Glyph Entertainment Weekly covers The Cardigans | October 21 | Tagged: Music

Pen Glyph In case you’re wondering, true love looks like this | October 21 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Ladytron Seen, Melbotis Met | October 22 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph TV Party at Alamo Drafthouse | October 25 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Finished "Running with Scissors" | October 25 | Tagged: Books

Pen Glyph "Go"-ing crazy, courtesy of the Social Bobcat | October 26 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Windy city? Austin, Tejas | October 27 | Tagged: Austin


Pen Glyph Halloween on 6th, the masses, the masques, the religiousity. | November 1 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Tickets for Regina Spektor on the 10th at Antone’s | November 1 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph Finished The Brief History of the Dead | November 1 | Tagged: Books Ruminations

Pen Glyph Addendum to The Brief History of the Dead post | November 5 | Tagged: Books

Pen Glyph Steven sees Running With Scissors, the movie | November 7 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph Adrienne Shelley and 1997 | November 7 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph The handbasket is cramped, but it’s not getting hotter at that regular interval | November 8 | Tagged: News! Politics

Pen Glyph Let me put it succinctly | November 8 | Tagged: Personal Politics

Pen Glyph ...and it just keeps getting better | November 9 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph From the UK’s "Guardian" paper. | November 9 | Tagged: Politics Bush

Pen Glyph George, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and The Freudian Oedipal "Vision Thing" | November 13 | Tagged: Entertainment Politics

Pen Glyph Surprises in the workplace | November 17 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Pre Thanksgiving goings-on | November 19 | Tagged: Critique Movies Personal

Pen Glyph Finished "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy | November 19 | Tagged: Books Critique Culture

Pen Glyph Dreaming... | November 26 | Tagged: Life_and_death Mysticism Personal

Pen Glyph Traveling back from West Texas | November 26 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph iRead iWoz | November 26 | Tagged: Books Design Apple

Pen Glyph Word So Totally Sucks | November 27 | Tagged: Art_and_design Html

Pen Glyph The Fines of Texas are Upon You | November 27 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph A Good Austin Citizen: Joining the Public Library | November 28 | Tagged: Austin Books


Pen Glyph Mysteries of the humour universe | December 3 | Tagged: Art_and_design Humor

Pen Glyph On the topic of Un-Funny: Then there was Clerks II | December 3 | Tagged: Entertainment Movies

Pen Glyph A delightful independent film: Raising Victor Vargas | December 6 | Tagged: Entertainment Movies

Pen Glyph Nietzsche Family Circus | December 10 | Tagged: Philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Watched "Brick" | December 11 | Tagged: Movies

Pen Glyph Fun with Unicode | December 11 | Tagged: Unicode

Pen Glyph End of the week in SoCo | December 16 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph I love programming languages! | December 20 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph Howdy readers | December 20 | Tagged: General Personal

Pen Glyph Something’s very, very wrong in this country | December 23 | Tagged: Politics