Posts from Culture


Pen Glyph Family Branding, Family Ties (Tie-Ins) | August 13 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Thinking about families... | September 26 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Do video games affect kids’ behavior? | October 28 | Tagged: General Video_games Culture


Pen Glyph The Republican Schizophrenic: Captialism versus Christianity | February 18 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph The Decline of the American Empire: When "The Apprentice" MBA became standard issue, and our moral compass was overwritten | February 28 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph If you’re active on Sunday morning | March 29 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Blog backload...and the couple Newsom | May 31 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Clutter, even clean clutter, is clutter | June 5 | Tagged: Personal Travel Culture

Pen Glyph Realtors in Dallas must be desperate | June 8 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Don’t like The Hives — still | August 6 | Tagged: Critique Culture Music

Pen Glyph Only in Texas... | August 19 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph North Carolina is different | August 30 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Let me just say. | August 31 | Tagged: Critique Culture


Pen Glyph Hawaii on my mind..."Hawaii" too... | September 22 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Ad I hate | September 22 | Tagged: Critique Culture Commercials


Pen Glyph Sanctimony, thy name is Public Broadcast membership | October 1 | Tagged: Culture Kqed

Pen Glyph I always know I’m back in the South Bay when... | October 2 | Tagged: Culture Fast_food Carls_jr South_bay

Pen Glyph I always know I’m back in the South Bay when...(Part II) | October 2 | Tagged: Cooking Culture Mountain_view

Pen Glyph More Ads I hate | October 3 | Tagged: Critique Culture

Pen Glyph Yet even more ads I hate | October 3 | Tagged: Critique Culture

Pen Glyph Helpful Microsoft Word.... | October 8 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Enoch: Seventh of Adam; Grandfather of Noah, Taken by God | October 8 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph VH1’s History of Hip Hop show | October 10 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph The smell of.. | October 20 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Signs you’re in Silicon Valley | October 21 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Some links! | October 25 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Ashlee Simpson, outed as lip-syncist | October 25 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment


Pen Glyph Weddings during wartime... | November 2 | Tagged: Culture Politics

Pen Glyph What to say.... | November 3 | Tagged: Critique Culture

Pen Glyph Tender and beautiful: Hopkin Green Frog | November 9 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph The "oh well" attitude of life and death | November 11 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Why don’t Americans use A4 paper | November 22 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Yikes... | December 8 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Someday there will be a German word for this | December 10 | Tagged: Critique Culture

Pen Glyph Melbotis speaks | December 15 | Tagged: Culture Personal

Pen Glyph More on the depravity of Hollywood’s Creativity | December 23 | Tagged: Culture Movies

Pen Glyph A Christmas Day Entry | December 25 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Christmas Advice | December 25 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Someone really should have thought this through a little better... | December 26 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph People of the world, speak more precisely | January 3 | Tagged: Culture Linguistics Pedantry

Pen Glyph McDonald’s: Fire your ad agency | January 3 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph The problem with videos these days | January 9 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Merlin made me a Hipster PDA | January 23 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Closure on an internet meme: Hopkin Green Frog | January 23 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Holy Hopkin Green Frog! They found my wallet! | February 1 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Thompson kills self, self-euthanasia | February 21 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph A-ha haters come to Mice’s assistance | March 17 | Tagged: Culture Personal


Pen Glyph Yes, I’m the pervert at the coffee shop | May 8 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Need a job? Proofreader at AOL? | May 13 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment


Pen Glyph Early morning graphic novel reading: V for Vendetta | June 4 | Tagged: Books Culture

Pen Glyph Finished The World is Flat | June 4 | Tagged: Books Culture

Pen Glyph I’m secretly paranoid | June 4 | Tagged: Culture Modern_times Personal

Pen Glyph I love ancient software that’s artistic sensible and impeccably well designed | June 4 | Tagged: Culture Software

Pen Glyph Paris Hilton porn-burger | June 4 | Tagged: Critique Culture Modern_times

Pen Glyph Emailing Corporate Overlords: McDonald’s | June 12 | Tagged: Critique Culture Modern_times

Pen Glyph McDonalds wrote back | June 13 | Tagged: Critique Culture Modern_times

Pen Glyph What is the function of religion? | June 14 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph More mau-mauing McDonalds | June 20 | Tagged: Critique Culture

Pen Glyph Tom Cruise, Idiot. | June 28 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment Modern_times


Pen Glyph Really, really he’s gone now | August 30 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Some things must be left behind, New Orleans is one of them | September 13 | Tagged: Culture Politics

Pen Glyph Interpol! | September 16 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Worried about the new season of Numb3rs... | September 26 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph The upside of Empire: Rudyard Kipling | September 26 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Concert promoters need a reality check | September 27 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment Music


Pen Glyph The Bay Area is special because... | November 13 | Tagged: Culture Movies

Pen Glyph Nicky Hilton, reality. Reality, Nicky Hilton | November 22 | Tagged: Culture Mysticism

Pen Glyph Can’t we all just get along... | November 28 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Reviewers without reviews | December 18 | Tagged: Critique Culture Meta Modern_times Movies

Pen Glyph Posted a number of articles over at | December 18 | Tagged: Critique Culture


Pen Glyph Where, oh where are the poets like this? | April 27 | Tagged: Art_and_design Culture

Pen Glyph "E"asy Cheezy Pretzels | April 30 | Tagged: Culture Nostalgia


Pen Glyph I love a good prank... | May 4 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Colbert calls Bush Arsenio, to his face. | May 4 | Tagged: Culture Politics

Pen Glyph Vatican astronomer calls creationism a version of paganism | May 8 | Tagged: Culture General Philosophy_proper


Pen Glyph Dude, an astronaut totally pwn'd you | June 21 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Posh Spice channels Sisters frontman Andrew Eldritch | June 23 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph I love the 80’s, but sometimes she’s an abusive wife | June 26 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Monday Morning Referees | July 3 | Tagged: Culture General


Pen Glyph Dateline NBC attacks the hard questions | August 18 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Shutter the Pentagon, close Westpoint: The War Nerd rules | August 24 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment Modern_times

Pen Glyph Rappacini, Philip K. Dick, Origami, and the Zen of the unnatural natural | August 31 | Tagged: Arete Culture Design Ruminations Zen


Pen Glyph Suicide | October 1 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment Politics


Pen Glyph Finished "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy | November 19 | Tagged: Books Critique Culture


Pen Glyph I am totally loving Guitar Hero II | January 13 | Tagged: Austin Culture

Pen Glyph Gross Bathroom-related stuff, majorly not safe for lunch-time reading | January 16 | Tagged: Culture Design Travelogue


Pen Glyph Programmers: Are you good in math? | February 1 | Tagged: Culture Education Software

Pen Glyph The Art of Dating A Developer Part I: Twitch Mode | February 7 | Tagged: Critique Culture Personal Internet_culture

Pen Glyph One more comment about Atlanta | February 17 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph I webbed you... | May 8 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Steven: An Advertiser’s Best Friend | May 25 | Tagged: Critique Culture Design


Pen Glyph Pieces of SXSW: I am a target market ( no pun intended ) | June 10 | Tagged: Culture Sxsw2007


Pen Glyph Political Correctness Trips over itself | July 3 | Tagged: Critique Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Begging the question | July 25 | Tagged: Critique Culture Modern_times


Pen Glyph Don’t wanna be an American idiot | August 23 | Tagged: Culture Politics


Pen Glyph Making progress... | September 6 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Écoute, s'il to plaît, à toi-même | February 12 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Fixing "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" | June 13 | Tagged: Culture Entertainment

Pen Glyph Stuff I Dislike: Confusing 'queue' with 'cue' or 'que' | June 15 | Tagged: Culture

Pen Glyph Mediterranean Misnomers | June 24 | Tagged: Culture Modern_times


Pen Glyph Reiser story coverage made worse by Gawker Media ads | July 10 | Tagged: Critique Culture Modern_times Software

Pen Glyph "Dark Shadows Rules": I love Rush, so does Colbert, and Nicole's new mission | July 17 | Tagged: Culture Kickinitwitdaleague Nostalgia Personal


Pen Glyph Most qualified candidate possible... | September 2 | Tagged: Culture Politics


Pen Glyph We have the coolest world leader | January 22 | Tagged: President Obama Inauguration Culture Modern_times Politics

Pen Glyph Elizabeth of York and genetics | January 22 | Tagged: Royalty Genetics Culture


Pen Glyph Health Promotion from my Employer: Get Genetically Screened | June 1 | Tagged: Culture Life_and_death


Pen Glyph I, too, am glad I did not come of age in the age of the internets | April 22 | Tagged: Critique Culture General Life_and_death Modern_times Internet_culture


Pen Glyph Dad's Spending Time With His Kids Is Not Comment-Worthy | June 17 | Tagged: Culture


Pen Glyph Alternative images of David Bowie's "Heroes." | November 24 | Tagged: Culture Music


Pen Glyph The Girlfriend | August 20 | Tagged: Entertainment Culture


Pen Glyph Spring Break and Tech Conferences | April 15 | Tagged: Programming Internet_culture Culture Technology


Facebook Glyph The Glory of Lauren Bacall and High Point Decaf Coffee | August 13 | Tagged: Culture

Facebook Glyph Every kid in Wes Anderson Movies | August 15 | Tagged: Entertainment Culture

Facebook Glyph Code Education is Rebellion | August 30 | Tagged: Modern_times Programming Culture Capitalism


Pen Glyph Read: Parag Khanna's Connectography | May 31 | Tagged: Books Technology Culture


Pen Glyph Parag Khanna's Connectography and Refactoring by Martin Fowler | June 1 | Tagged: Books Technology Culture

Pen Glyph Khanna's Connectography, Bootcamps, and Mobility | June 2 | Tagged: Books Culture Technology


Pen Glyph Against Domination-Based Masculinity | August 3 | Tagged: Masculinity Toxic_masculinity Modern_times Culture


Pen Glyph On Having a Guy | September 30 | Tagged: Nyc Linguistics Culture


Pen Glyph London PSAs | July 11 | Tagged: London Culture Disability Accessibility


Pen Glyph Cursive | March 25 | Tagged: Cursive Writing Culture Fountain_pen Nostalgia


Pen Glyph My Favorite American Novels | November 17 | Tagged: Books Culture