Posts from 2005


Pen Glyph Letter from Chick-fil-a | January 2 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Siouxsie... | January 2 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph People of the world, speak more precisely | January 3 | Tagged: culture linguistics pedantry

Pen Glyph McDonald’s: Fire your ad agency | January 3 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph New spelling lesson | January 3 | Tagged:

Pen Glyph 9/11 Strike on Pentagon a Missile or Military aircraft | January 4 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Please, please, let Ashlee’s career be over now | January 5 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Great news from CNN! | January 5 | Tagged:

Pen Glyph Cead Mille Failte | January 6 | Tagged: general

Pen Glyph New band that has knocked me off my rocker | January 8 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph The problem with videos these days | January 9 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph White Noise Review, Ideas, Meaning | January 17 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Lite on the blog-activity lately... | January 17 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Reading and Flying.. | January 17 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Great Saturday Night Live this weekend | January 17 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Apple’s Sweet Spot | January 18 | Tagged: apple

Pen Glyph Bush’s iPod | January 18 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Is stevengharms an e-snob? | January 20 | Tagged: critique

Pen Glyph Ruby | January 23 | Tagged: ruby

Pen Glyph Postcards from Hiroshima | January 23 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Merlin made me a Hipster PDA | January 23 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Grape Gummy | January 23 | Tagged: modern_times

Pen Glyph Rilo Kiley | January 23 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph Closure on an internet meme: Hopkin Green Frog | January 23 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Back from a long weekend in Lake Tahoe | January 30 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph I still despise Ann Coulter | January 31 | Tagged: entertainment


Pen Glyph Holy Hopkin Green Frog! They found my wallet! | February 1 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Read your memoes | February 11 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Happy Valentine’s Day | February 14 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph A grammatical question | February 17 | Tagged: linguistics

Pen Glyph Being ones father’s son. | February 17 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Want to learn LISP on Mac OS X | February 19 | Tagged: lisp osx programming

Pen Glyph The very well researched: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | February 19 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph White House seeds audience to toss softballs, run gay porn site? | February 19 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Am I allergic to Grape Nuts? | February 19 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Thompson kills self, self-euthanasia | February 21 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph The evolution of meaning | February 22 | Tagged: education modern_times

Pen Glyph New Mole-a-skeen-uh | February 23 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph What is the opposite of recursion? | February 23 | Tagged: art_and_design

Pen Glyph Is James Dedman ill? | February 24 | Tagged: friends

Pen Glyph Down and out in the suburban paradise | February 26 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph A weekend spent battling Lisp | February 27 | Tagged: lisp programming

Pen Glyph I’m sorry, but Scientology is kooky... | February 28 | Tagged: personal


Pen Glyph Ah, the follies of youth... | March 1 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Lisp problem solved | March 4 | Tagged: lisp

Pen Glyph American Aesthetics, European Splendour | March 7 | Tagged: art_and_design

Pen Glyph This pine box ain’t strong enough to contain these afro locks! | March 11 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph I enjoy "Two and a Half Men" | March 11 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph The magic of imagination, Ed Emberley | March 17 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph A-ha haters come to Mice’s assistance | March 17 | Tagged: culture personal

Pen Glyph Leigh, and others, if you want to send me mail me | March 18 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph I hate those bastards in traffic | March 18 | Tagged: modern_times

Pen Glyph Lessons for my children Volume I | March 20 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph RIP, DEA | March 20 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Sometimes I envy... | March 24 | Tagged: personal blogging

Pen Glyph Which OS are YOU? | March 29 | Tagged: personal linux

Pen Glyph I’m sick | March 30 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph My sickening fascination with Paul Graham’s work | March 31 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph Whoever is doing marketing at Burger King understand viral marketing | March 31 | Tagged: entertainment internet_culture memes

Pen Glyph The Schiavo Case | March 31 | Tagged: personal


Pen Glyph Just saw "Sin City" | April 1 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Urban Ruins | April 3 | Tagged: art_and_design

Pen Glyph The FCC and ‘decency’ | April 3 | Tagged: modern_times politics

Pen Glyph In a meeting, thus I tend the James Dedman Music Challenge | April 4 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph On broadcast propriety | April 4 | Tagged: entertainment modern_times

Pen Glyph I loved Bowie in the early 80s | April 4 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph If I had a dinner table and my choice of diners | April 6 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph The psychology of rate-me sites | April 8 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph Writer porn | April 11 | Tagged: writing

Pen Glyph Quiz Time: What is this? | April 12 | Tagged: modern_times

Pen Glyph Another funny conversation with the Social Bobcat | April 12 | Tagged: modern_times

Pen Glyph Few things are as painful | April 16 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph WHERE IS THE DVD OF HAL HARTLEY’S TRUST? | April 16 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Can’t we all just get along? vi vs. emacs | April 17 | Tagged: vi emacs editors unix internet_culture

Pen Glyph The Italian direction of Law & Order | April 22 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Things you may not have known about The British Monarchy | April 24 | Tagged: education

Pen Glyph An odd film career | April 24 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph When Tivo goes bad | April 26 | Tagged: entertainment politics toys


Pen Glyph Neither edgy, nor timely, but still insanely funny | May 1 | Tagged: modern_times

Pen Glyph A bit of reading | May 1 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph How amazing is Patricia Clarkson? | May 1 | Tagged: entertainment movies

Pen Glyph IM chat and drink coffee around The Social Bobcat at your own risk | May 4 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Separated at birth? | May 4 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph Yes, I’m the pervert at the coffee shop | May 8 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Thoughts on Tiger | May 8 | Tagged: osx

Pen Glyph Finished Eat Shoots & Leaves | May 8 | Tagged: art_and_design

Pen Glyph If you want to sell me something, a recipe | May 8 | Tagged: arete art_and_design entertainment

Pen Glyph Haaayyy yoooouuu guyyyyyss! Goonies 2 !!!! | May 9 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Clerical Errors for Clerics | May 10 | Tagged: philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Need a job? Proofreader at AOL? | May 13 | Tagged: critique culture entertainment

Pen Glyph Great news; "Revenge of the Sith" rocked | May 19 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph Finished Snow Crash | May 25 | Tagged: books mysticism

Pen Glyph I can’t draw... | May 25 | Tagged: worklife

Pen Glyph More thoughts on Stem Cell and the Culture of Life | May 26 | Tagged: politics bush

Pen Glyph Hurry up, Macauly! | May 26 | Tagged: art_and_design entertainment music


Pen Glyph Steven Morrissey, the Elder | June 1 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph On the subject of "Hollaback Girl" | June 1 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph A hat-trick of music related posts | June 1 | Tagged: music

Pen Glyph In the city, in training | June 2 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Early morning graphic novel reading: V for Vendetta | June 4 | Tagged: books culture

Pen Glyph I like "Numb3rs" ? and it’s been renewed! | June 4 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Finished The World is Flat | June 4 | Tagged: books culture

Pen Glyph I’m secretly paranoid | June 4 | Tagged: culture modern_times personal

Pen Glyph I love ancient software that’s artistic sensible and impeccably well designed | June 4 | Tagged: culture software

Pen Glyph Paris Hilton porn-burger | June 4 | Tagged: critique culture modern_times

Pen Glyph Emailing Corporate Overlords: McDonald’s | June 12 | Tagged: critique culture modern_times

Pen Glyph McDonalds wrote back | June 13 | Tagged: critique culture modern_times

Pen Glyph The Downing Street Memo | June 13 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph What is the function of religion? | June 14 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph Steven’s Pic for "Whatsinyourbag" | June 15 | Tagged: personal pictures

Pen Glyph Waiting for the movers.... | June 15 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph If I were to turn to the Dark Side of the Force.. | June 17 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph More mau-mauing McDonalds | June 20 | Tagged: critique culture

Pen Glyph Normally I’m nice to Scientologists | June 20 | Tagged: scientology

Pen Glyph A movie cliché? that must go away` | June 23 | Tagged: critique movies

Pen Glyph Sports news! | June 23 | Tagged: sports

Pen Glyph Frustrated, and wanting Kant | June 25 | Tagged: philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph ‘Horns win College World Series! | June 26 | Tagged: sports

Pen Glyph HD vertigo | June 26 | Tagged: toys

Pen Glyph Tom Cruise, Idiot. | June 28 | Tagged: culture entertainment modern_times

Pen Glyph Finished Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim | June 28 | Tagged: entertainment books

Pen Glyph Hurry up, Nick Carter | June 30 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Separated at Birth? | June 30 | Tagged: entertainment


Pen Glyph Watching some noir this long weekend | July 4 | Tagged: life_and_death movies

Pen Glyph Summer Insomnia | July 6 | Tagged: toys

Pen Glyph What’d you do with your 3 day weekend? Damaged Furniture :( ... | July 6 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Hillary Clinton: Republicans do pop-culture idiocy, close-mindedness, indignation better. | July 15 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Mythos | July 24 | Tagged: politics bush

Pen Glyph Emacs v. vi is rooted in the love of Lisp | July 24 | Tagged: vi emacs editors unix programming internet_culture

Pen Glyph A happy day to us, my Bretheren | July 29 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph Mice visits the recent Internet Past | July 30 | Tagged: internet_culture


Pen Glyph Finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | August 3 | Tagged: critique

Pen Glyph Murder | August 4 | Tagged: philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Hooray for | August 4 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph New Bedroom Set | August 4 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph /usr/bin/vacation | August 4 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Nasty Stuff: Never eat pulparindo | August 4 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Vacation wrap-up... | August 14 | Tagged: personal travelogue

Pen Glyph Flying through Melbotisland | August 14 | Tagged: internet_culture

Pen Glyph The War on Terror, as seen by a Unix admin | August 18 | Tagged: geopolitics bush

Pen Glyph Steven On: Not living up to your potential | August 18 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Intelligent Falling | August 19 | Tagged: modern_times politics

Pen Glyph This is my first test of ecto | August 20 | Tagged: ecto

Pen Glyph Great news for Lispers! | August 21 | Tagged: lisp osx

Pen Glyph It’s been a while since my last quiz post... | August 22 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph What's harder to find...? | August 23 | Tagged: video_games

Pen Glyph One of my most bad-assest toys (er, metatoys) | August 23 | Tagged: toys

Pen Glyph Don’t we all love... | August 24 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Going to see Interpol in San Jose! | August 25 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Yet another vote for "The Forty Year-Old Virgin" | August 25 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Revelation: The Movies Suck! | August 25 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Lauren Bacall... | August 26 | Tagged: modern_times

Pen Glyph Reading the Houston Press | August 26 | Tagged: travelogue

Pen Glyph Grammatical or Spelling error? | August 26 | Tagged: ruminations

Pen Glyph Dust devils on Mars | August 28 | Tagged: general meta space

Pen Glyph Reality Check: War on Drugs | August 29 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Where were you when unix power tools were first mentioned on WB evening soaps? | August 29 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Heirloom boots | August 29 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Really, really he’s gone now | August 30 | Tagged: culture


Pen Glyph Hooray for George Bush Republicanism | September 5 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Ethical birth-control OR The Coldplay Experience? | September 6 | Tagged: books critique music mysticism

Pen Glyph Some people think, great God will come from the sky... | September 8 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Finished The Historian | September 11 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph Some things must be left behind, New Orleans is one of them | September 13 | Tagged: culture politics

Pen Glyph Interpol! | September 16 | Tagged: critique culture entertainment

Pen Glyph Overheard at the Interpol concert | September 19 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Is the world ready for the return of NPH* ? | September 19 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph The Children of the Gulf Coast look Homeward (Angel) | September 23 | Tagged: personal politics

Pen Glyph George W. Bush – Today Show Weatherman | September 25 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Finished...Macroscope | September 25 | Tagged: books critique

Pen Glyph Worried about the new season of Numb3rs... | September 26 | Tagged: critique culture entertainment

Pen Glyph Wisdom comes from IBM | September 26 | Tagged: entertainment ruminations internet_culture

Pen Glyph Weekend wrap-up | September 26 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Mad propz to mice! | September 26 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Purchased ecto | September 26 | Tagged: cocoa blogging

Pen Glyph Steven on the state of pop music | September 26 | Tagged: critique entertainment music

Pen Glyph The upside of Empire: Rudyard Kipling | September 26 | Tagged: critique culture entertainment

Pen Glyph Concert promoters need a reality check | September 27 | Tagged: critique culture entertainment music


Pen Glyph Political map... | October 4 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Back from Austin | October 5 | Tagged: travelogue austin

Pen Glyph Google Wifi | October 9 | Tagged: mountain_view

Pen Glyph REVEALED: Cameron Crowe’s "Elizabethtown" Secret Formula | October 10 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph The social bobcat lashes out against FoxNews | October 14 | Tagged: critique

Pen Glyph An in-depth explanation of the Asherah virus, as described in Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash | October 17 | Tagged: books critique entertainment

Pen Glyph A holler, a note, a whine | October 23 | Tagged: personal


Pen Glyph Mysteries of the high-tech work environment... | November 2 | Tagged: internet_culture personal

Pen Glyph In sickness | November 2 | Tagged: meta personal

Pen Glyph During my trip to Austin last month.... | November 5 | Tagged: austin travelogue

Pen Glyph I bought a new snowboard this week | November 5 | Tagged: personal toys

Pen Glyph The Bay Area is special because... | November 13 | Tagged: culture movies

Pen Glyph Posting at a different blog | November 18 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Good movie weekend | November 18 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph My thoughts on "Walk the Line" over at Nanostalgia | November 22 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph Good movie weekend | November 22 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph How I handled the Good Movie Weekend | November 22 | Tagged: movies

Pen Glyph I love my apple all the time | November 22 | Tagged: apple toys

Pen Glyph Nicky Hilton, reality. Reality, Nicky Hilton | November 22 | Tagged: culture mysticism

Pen Glyph Cointstar == Book Magic! | November 22 | Tagged: books

Pen Glyph Truth in Advertising | November 23 | Tagged: politics

Pen Glyph Dr. Wayne Dyer: Living an Inspired Life | November 23 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Vaya con Miyagi | November 25 | Tagged: entertainment rip

Pen Glyph Real life intervenes... | November 27 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Can’t we all just get along... | November 28 | Tagged: culture

Pen Glyph What I loved Most about Kill Bill 2 | November 30 | Tagged: entertainment


Pen Glyph I love the Silent Hill series of video games | December 1 | Tagged: entertainment

Pen Glyph Ho Ho Ho | December 13 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph Reviewers without reviews | December 18 | Tagged: critique culture meta modern_times movies

Pen Glyph Posted a number of articles over at | December 18 | Tagged: critique culture

Pen Glyph Poetic communication | December 18 | Tagged: writing

Pen Glyph When eating a Kasugai gummy I remember the wisdom of Social Bobcat-san | December 18 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph A bit of Christmas eros | December 22 | Tagged: philosophy_proper

Pen Glyph Does Steven G. Harms dislike the red states? | December 29 | Tagged: personal

Pen Glyph post-Christmas | December 29 | Tagged: personal