Posts from 2009


Twitter icon Hyde park new years dinner: a tradition for us. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 2 hoots and a holler sounding good at the continental club. The derailers at midnite. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For the second day in a row my capacity for writing about what i want to do with my life stymies me at every turn. Trying working standing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Genuine joes. essaying. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Product Announcement | January 11 | Tagged: Latin Ruby

Pen Glyph Goodbye to a Friend | January 11 | Tagged: Personal Rip

Twitter icon At epoch cafe | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon anyone know the band mojave 3? I’m listening to ‘ask me tomorrow’ – it’s beautiful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hell yes hall and oates at the Epoch. Takes me back to the nadir of my Vice City addiction. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Damn you Cat Power. You are simply too tragic to tolerate. “To be a good woman”. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Farewell Mr. McGoohan | January 15 | Tagged: Entertainment Rip

Pen Glyph Behind on coder chic | January 16 | Tagged: Git Subversion Unix

Twitter icon About to take sick girlfriend in for an x ray. Make sure nasty chest cold is only that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m learning to two step. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Waiting in line for beer at the broken spoke. The derailers are pretty good line music. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon shot of red label and a shiner: this is Austin | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: That says broken spoke, in neon. | January 18 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Austin

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: A scare-hobo? | January 18 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Austin

Pen Glyph An anniversary and a night out | January 19 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph "Revolutionary Road" | January 19 | Tagged: Movies

Pen Glyph Excellent episode of PBS' "POV" | January 19 | Tagged: Entertainment

Twitter icon Thought it was cool the prez gave a shout out to non-believers and praised science. Wow. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph SNL: Policia Mexicana | January 21 | Tagged: Funny Video

Twitter icon @benhamill and @wbruce sold me. I’m now up on git. Don’t know how not to use it as anything but a fancy svn though… | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Going on record. My favorite Marvel character is "The Hulk" | January 22 | Tagged: Entertainment

Pen Glyph We have the coolest world leader | January 22 | Tagged: President Obama Inauguration Culture Modern_times Politics

Pen Glyph Obama's executive order: It's time for some accountability | January 22 | Tagged: Obama President Honest Accountable Politics

Pen Glyph Elizabeth of York and genetics | January 22 | Tagged: Royalty Genetics Culture

Pen Glyph Separation of church and state | January 22 | Tagged: Politics Science

Twitter icon Pick Ruby if: You want the flexibility to bend the language to fit the shape of your problem. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wbruce I like Francophonic / African music in general. French rap is so excellent, esp. with african / arabian influence. Massi fits. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph The continued bounty of the RTN network | January 24 | Tagged: Entertainment

Twitter icon I think it’s gauche to say “could I get” instead of “may I have.”. “Please” is a bonus. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yes I am the first taco of this fine el chilito morning | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 20 degrees colder than when I got downtown | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon /me is checking his translation homework into git so that I can see it become refined over diffs. Downside, reading it in LaTeX is not EZ. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Steven fights the Man, or Doctor, specifically Dr. Pepper | January 28 | Tagged: Drpepper Activism Soda Cooking

Twitter icon I feel vaguely superior when I fire up SSH-tunnel mode at the coffee shop. Like: Yes, you wireshark users, sniff my packets. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You might live in austin if you’ve heard willie nelson, townes van zandt, and guy clark before 8 am. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon today at UT, as i was sitting in the plaza, suddenly something heavy fell to my right, but millimeters away from my head: an apple. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Whence came this potentially cranial-contusing pomme? I looked up and saw 2 squirrels fighting high in the ancient oak’s boughs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon but i looked at the apple, and noted that it showed signs of oxygen exposure. I believe that ane squirrel had invaded anothers nest | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Do you got” is certainly the ugliest way to begin a request for something. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Reply from Dr. Pepper | January 31 | Tagged: Cooking

Pen Glyph New Neko Case record coming | January 31 | Tagged: Music Nekocase


Twitter icon Git help needed: I have one project whose contents I want to put into the subdir of another project. What’s the git-ty way to do this? | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Letter to the APD | February 2 | Tagged: Austin

Twitter icon It was not unusual for the hero in antiquity to weep openly. They were dainty neither about spilling tears nor spilling blood. Clyde Pharr | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fantasy cheesecake art, pizza, metallica’s “blackened” : my room in 1989 or conan’s right now. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Matsumoto: Uh, not what I expected | February 8 | Tagged: Modern_times

Twitter icon @laurennroth wrt your where science meets art, article #3 is D. Knuth, author of TeX, foundation to LaTeX. A total emperor of yak-shaving. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Git Down: A Recommendation of Swicegood's Pragmatic Version Control Using Git | February 9 | Tagged: Books Git

Pen Glyph Speaking of Grand Yak Shaves | February 9 | Tagged: Latex Programming Internet_culture

Twitter icon Last night I couldn’t sleep for dreaming in dactylic hexameter. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Attack of the supines: mirabile lectu! someone bithacked legend of zelda / adv. of link into Latin translations! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Since cell phone use has blinded everyone to how loud and annoying there are, this site has been bookmarked. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going to the semantic web austin hands on training at mcc | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Dutch Valentines | February 14 | Tagged: Music Netherlands

Twitter icon The best part of V-Day was being with @laurennroth on our aerobed pillow and blanket lair in the living room, watching kung fu panda | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Furor arma ministrat” : Wrath furnishes weapons | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph End of an Era | February 18 | Tagged: Personal

Twitter icon I’m about to head down to The Fed for Thursday night dance. Gonna get my sweet tandem Charleston place-changes on. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just ate lobster on a deck in cedar park. Keepin it decadent. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It is time to go on a walk with my lovely girl in this fine Austin sunshine. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Steak with weller burbon. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Love linguistic drift: Andreesen says “unwinding [as in bug trace stack] a bunch of banks…” in Charlie Rose Interview | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Hiring (and Admitting, I hope) successful people | February 24 | Tagged: Education

Twitter icon OH MY GOD. @damon opened the door at @sodade and the menacing bee trapped herein LEFT voluntarily. Karma Score WIN | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Inbox Zero | February 26 | Tagged: Personal


Twitter icon Lindy a hoppin' | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon COFFEE SHOPS ARE REQUIRED TO PLAY ELIOT SMITH. Ignorance is no excuse. It’s the law. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Dear Huffington Post | March 4 | Tagged: Modern_times

Facebook Glyph Follies of Tom Friedman, columnist | March 4 | Tagged: Modern_times Economics Politics

Twitter icon I am becoming my father: I no longer think that good and plenty taste like candie tar balls. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Whatever hipsters, Bonnie Tyler rocks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Poor @laurennroth spent the entire night up owing to acid reflux. A trip to the ARC, some perscriptions and now she sleeps. Sorry tweetup. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Personal dream reached:. Translated the fatal line: equo ne credite, Teucri. Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentis. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just saw “Penelope”. Possibly the best redbox movie ever. A rich, colorful, whimsical tale about a girl with a snout. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon you may be a programmer if…you find the word map() applies to pretty much any situation involving a list of things. #youmaybe | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Supply-Side Drugs | March 10 | Tagged: Modern_times Economics

Twitter icon I love 2^8 o’clock. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I got our Neko Case tickets for the end of the month. Sexy and macabre with a David Lynch bluegrass desth by reverborama. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We’ve beenin Austin 3 years but last night @laurennroth had her first casino el camino burger | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In the deep of the night, sometimes I think about the beautiful, hexagonal, tesselated white tiles of Deco SF apt. bathrooms and claw feet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Austin condo developers taking their lot and forced valet run by douches has killed the austin java on barton sprgs experience. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Kottke on David Foster Wallace's Approach | March 17 | Tagged: Dfw Writing

Twitter icon #sxsw I bellieve the iphone is seriously impairing nerd hook-ups without awkward silence what hope is there for shyly mangled come-ons? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At cabo bob’s where dublin dr. P flows like cola gold. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Amanda Palmer covers Radiohead's "Creep" | March 21 | Tagged: Music

Twitter icon Back from jamie’s birthday celebration: red cups, friends, and a surprise east bay visitor. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I thin he coolest cache software name ever is “tokyo cabinet” @hayesdavis @austinonrails | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Another fun night dancing at the fed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Boy, that’s a big rainstorm out there. It’s as dark as twilight out there. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Kraftwurst | March 27 | Tagged: Video Music

Twitter icon there is a dog snoring next to me #vocamp. He is unamused with ontological discussions. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon donated some ca$h to @conjunctured. Must…buy…new…chairs | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon With lauren at the ER. She’s having acute pain in her abdomen….and she’s hungry too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seton hospital has wifi in the ER for the anxious friends and loved ones to use. Much win. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon my true love needs to lose her appendix. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren is strict nihil per os. (Npo). Yes that couple K in latin tuition has truly paid off today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren is out of the OR and in recovery. She should be back in her room in 1 hour. Dr found rupture, she’ll be here a few days | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Final update on Lauren before I catch some winks. She’s sitting by me, eating ice, and recovering. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At seton hospital. Laur is sleeping to the smooth oration of Gewn Ifill | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Dr. Marquez is in the house! | March 29 | Tagged: Mobile Photography

Twitter icon 3am IV change for more anti-bios for @laurennroth; glad to be able to stroke her warm, still, hand as she breathes shallowly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jgArcia3rd @thefrenchfork @rsteans @laurennroth said to thank you for the visit but say that she was sorry to kick you out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth came home today and is resting as I type this. Thanks for all the tweets, FB emails, cards, calls, and visits. She thanks you. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone in austin have a good medical supply place. Specifically, i need a foam wedge. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Hospital Visit | March 31 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Bedrest Wedges | March 31 | Tagged: Mobile Photography


Twitter icon After 4 days stressed and exhausted at the hospital with @laurennroth, fate repaid me by giving me some sweaty flu and other icky ailments.. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ah 2 am lunch, that’s the small lunch that is required by the 2:15 antibiotic @laurennroth needs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In times of weariness, I open the words of Vergil and find peace in their lamentations and encomia. It’s all come before. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth just had some real food with much zest, a domino’s pizza. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was not accepted to the graduate program of my designs. No need for pity and empathy, I gave it a good shot. I shall achieve elsewise. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I did, in fact, notice that everything just changed and then changed again. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At lauren’s post operative review. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Guy writes ‘cogratulations’ in chocolate w/ desert when he learnt he was @laurennroth’s first meal out. Classy waiter at chzcake factory | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Had a bit of a scare. @laurennroth’s temp has been fluctuating. Good news CT scan: No abcesses, just infection fighting. whew | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We are back at seton ER. What do you make of a side stitch that lasts 10 hours? Too many possibilities to not be here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sometimes the things you OH in the ER will break your heart. The best you can do is fetch the aggrieved Kleenex. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After brunch at La Reyna, visit to panaderia mexicana and mozart’s on the lake, we’re now relaxing poolside. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph A Birthday Tribute to THE LEAGUE | April 13 | Tagged: Kickinitwitdaleague

Twitter icon Sinatra is fun, it’s like beating Rails’ routes.rb into an application one URL at a time. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Finally, after @sodade’s recommendation, an on-the-mend @laurennroth and I made it to Exotic Thai at N. Lamar and Braker. Really good! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Taking Lauren to see her first appendix-free movie, «Entre les Murs». Which comes to us as “The Class” or perhaps “À monsieur, avec amor” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon consolidating my dead-wood library. Farewell 7 times read copy of Dune. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I contend that the greatest rock n’ roll song, in the purest sense of the genre, is “Honky Tonk Women.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just finished watching the meteors on mt. Bonnell or, as my faith calls them, the gods of ire. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon in central austin and want coffee just east of campus / IH-35, with parking, great decor, great atmosphere: see BENNU Coffee: 2001 E. MLK | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seriously WTF is up with using gerunds sans subjects and verbs in professional communication? Wondering why this evil exists. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Fail Meter | April 23 | Tagged: Mobile Photography

Twitter icon When I see a persun using the mutt mail reader, I know I’m looking at a person who can grind data like a 17th century dutch Windmill. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Doodles of Richard Feynman | April 26 | Tagged: Biography Art

Twitter icon Last night we watched Kurosawa’s “Rashomon:” what a beautiful movie! Such emotionally dense shots replete with negative space! A+++ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon rio rita’s got flavah. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Today 100% all day I was very much in love with Lauren | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today is my last day of my Latin class on the Æneid. Just the final next Thursday. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone have a line on where I can see Ken Russell’s “Mahler?” DVD transfers appear to be sucky. I’d like to rent vs. own. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I just realized what NBA’s missing: Hakeem Olajuwon. The nimble soccer player footwork, the accent, the height, the smile. “Unbeatable” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon ATX People. Anyone know a good and, perhaps more importantly, fast CPA? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Conan’s pizza and preparation for my Latin final. Pietas and pizza. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am learning to appreciate scotch. Finished a glenmorangie 10 and am now trying a macallan 10. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Summer looming, mosquitoes found, net around bed, up. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren made the most wonderful Jambalaya. For a Californian girl, you might even think she’s Acadian. RazzooOOOOOoo | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First free night out in days. Dinner with my sweetie at HUTTs. Mr. Bleu here I come. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Remember how I needed a CPA? From many K owed, to IRS owing me enough to pay him. Break even is win on this day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon for breakfast this morning i had The Macallan, re-heated Magnolia migas from last night, and a BSG watch with my girlfriend. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Winding up the weekend with Tarkovsky’s “Solaris.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jcsalterego I love Spyglass. When I was a student here I thought that would be the greatest neighborhood to live in. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I know some scotsmen will be rolling in their graves but Hagen-Dasz butter pecan + Macallan 10yr single malt is bliss in a bowl and glass. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Typo errors on a DVORAK keyboard look like tense errors. “Caen once write”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We will be neighborhood visiting in SF this weekend. Very much need a vacation, very much need west coastia. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon David Bowie, get me through writing this part of my yearly review. Suffragette City. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon so excited about trip i can’t sleep….topo chico time! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lunch in cole valley at crepes on cole. We flew 2 time zones to have them place play stevie ray on entrance. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you live in austin, you will meet austinites left and right in san francisco. It’s kismet, transferred by mosquito. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Beautiful day in cole valley and noe. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wandering the marina areaa and came across the union street fair. Fun and funnel cake | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @damon it’s beautiful today. Surprisingly warm at about 80 near the marina. Cooler in the morn or in shadow. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At coit tower. Tweeting above the telegraph hill parrots. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This wonderful weekend in San Francisco I saw parts of the city I had never seen before, places you visit only when you don’t live there! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At last seeing up. Depressed about the horrible kids programming on all media. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Up” was poingnant and touching. Several young voices asking “why are you sad <parent>” confirmed pixar’s streak. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Music: E.S.T. | June 16 | Tagged: Music Gothwave

Twitter icon I met a very special young man tonight. His name is Noah and he is one week old today. He is a fine baby. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph On the subject of Wes Anderson Films | June 18 | Tagged: Movies

Pen Glyph Tarkovsky's "Solaris" | June 18 | Tagged: Movies

Twitter icon I really, really like The Glenlivet. What a wine-y nose on it. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Reading Mail with Mutt+IMAP+SMTP+Header Caching Notes | June 19 | Tagged: Mutt Osx

Twitter icon @davetron5000 Turns out my “error” was actually a warning about whitespace, but the patch applied correctly. but yes git diff <stashname> | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Dancing at Engine Room on Austin's East Side | June 21 | Tagged: Dancing Music

Pen Glyph A sunny day in The Marina | June 21 | Tagged: Personal

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: San Francisco and Spinnakers | June 21 | Tagged: Mobile Photography

Pen Glyph Damn you insufferably cool David Byrne | June 22 | Tagged: Music

Pen Glyph Changes in media, or "When is the Running Man on?" | June 25 | Tagged: Modern_times

Pen Glyph Republican Governor antics | June 26 | Tagged: Politics

Pen Glyph Caught Bat for Lashes on Jimmy Kimmel the other night | June 26 | Tagged: Music

Twitter icon I’m at #semwebaustin meetup today. About to start “Introduction to RDFa” session. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Amy's sundae | June 27 | Tagged: Mobile Photography

Twitter icon @benhamill That book and the last two pixar movies have advanced technology that trigger insane lacrimal cascades in yours truly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why am i smiling and bobbing my head to the headphones. It’s just the Looney Tunes running around my brain to Liszt’s Hungarian #2. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph A fine Saturday: Semantic Web and Friends | June 29 | Tagged: Semanticweb

Facebook Glyph "Helvetica" the movie | June 30 | Tagged: Design Movies


Facebook Glyph Seeing Stellastarr* | July 1 | Tagged: Music

Twitter icon A critical factor in open source success is “it’s better than what was there before” which, fairly often, is “nothing”. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph No, seriously | July 6 | Tagged: Kickinitwitdaleague

Pen Glyph Lauren and Steven give you a new measure of time: The Freebird | July 6 | Tagged: Kickinitwitdaleague

Twitter icon Am I officially insane? Should I write my resume in m4, with various output rules to publish LaTeX, RDFa HTML, and text from single source? | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph A picture from the Fourthly celebrations | July 7 | Tagged: Kickinitwitdaleague

Pen Glyph Completionist OCD strikes again | July 7 | Tagged: Books Latin

Twitter icon Writing m4 is like LISP except you get annoying quoting issues as a bonus to parentheses stacks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #googleos proved Richard Stallman right at the $500 price point versus the $pricepoint. RMS didn’t predict HTML5 or JS’ leaps. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Hasbro: Scourge of Relationships | July 9 | Tagged: Games Relationships

Twitter icon Jerry’s artarama plays velvet underground…what else? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ramune at asahi, dragon’s lair, looking at dance shoes for @laurennroth. We’re gonna try to catch “moon” today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Mimosas and peach pie for breakfast, followed by coffee and Pine Sol. Decadence and deliciousnouss, loveliness and labor. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It seems every day I find a new reason why #vim is making waiting for textmate2 a non-issue. Today: Latex-suite + skim. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thou mayest know the depth of my insomnia by the rate of depletion of my favorite bottle of grain. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Things I always Forget: VIM edition | July 13 | Tagged: Vim Textmate

Twitter icon I’ve been in Hyde Park lately and have been patronizing “Dolce Vita” coffee. Full bar, coffee, Wifi. At the moment, they also have Wilco. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Brooks Supports Obama on Community Colleges | July 17 | Tagged: Education Politics

Twitter icon We saw moon this afternoon. Nice elegaic syfy story. It has a slow but steady expansion of suspense. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Sarah Palin's Speech, Annotated by Vanity Fair | July 21 | Tagged: Politics Humor

Twitter icon My favorite Queen song is My Chemical Romance’s “Carry On”. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph I saw "Moon" | July 22 | Tagged: Movies

Pen Glyph The stunning brilliance that was Sir Isaac Newton | July 23 | Tagged: Latin Philosophy_proper

Facebook Glyph Remembering "Fifteen" | July 24 | Tagged: Entertainment

Twitter icon Watching “500 days of summer”. Well, actually ads before said movie. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 500 days of summer is very good. Funny, real, good soundtrack. No sap or scmalz just love in all its disasterous forms. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Golden retriever puppy-sitting means listening to sad whimpers as I try to nod back off after early morning outside visit. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Sam says it's hot outside. | July 27 | Tagged: Mobile Photography

Pen Glyph Seeing Stellastarr* | July 28 | Tagged: Music

Pen Glyph A Different Vision of AI | July 29 | Tagged: AI Internet_culture Philosophy

Facebook Glyph Science! Manipulating light | July 31 | Tagged: Science


Twitter icon In Dallas after sweetJesusSaveMe cannonball run on I35. @laurennroth to drupalify tomorrow. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the flying saucer in addison. Just killed a harp. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We spent the weekend in Addison, TX. It’s like orange county, without the beach. Say…was that a rolex billboard? | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Meeting Gina Carano | August 4 | Tagged: Entertainment

Twitter icon Dolce vita in austin knows the law: Coffee shops are REQUIRED to play Elliot Smith once daily. DOES YOUR COFFEE SHOP KNOW? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I created an M4->LaTeX/HTML+RDFa resume generator. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Looking for kinda melodramatic, wall of sound-y, girl-lilt-vox music see: CAMERA OBSCURA. More Scottish post-Belle & Seb lushness. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Thing I made: | August 6 | Tagged: Programming

Twitter icon Date night with my drupally girl ends with the chess soundtrack at borders and a the mystery of hot, swirling winds as we pass thru borders. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We just watched coraline. Totally great movie. Thanks to tim for the intro to gaiman back in 94 still have the sandman GM series. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On my birthday I bought running shoes. Time to follow @chadfowler’s lead: hack my health. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First serious run ever, although at the “gentle introduction” pace you might call it focused meandering. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Air’s “moon safari” will always take me back to spring 98: my first trip to Paris. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph In which I begin work in the Semantic Web | August 11 | Tagged: Semanticweb

Pen Glyph New running shoes, powered by "loud" | August 11 | Tagged: Personal

Twitter icon My morning was lacking awesomeness. But then I remembered “this is a song about a car, it’s called Red Barchetta.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tomorrow my #kindle birthday present from @laurennroth arrives. I don’t know where I’ll start. I’m thinking Sarah Vowell “Wordy Shipmates” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon we just finished watching «El Topo». I could have lived my life without seeing that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Information Science Geeks never die, they just become explicitly reified. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The first text I’m reading on my Kindle is Austin author and fun-baby-shower-throweuse Stephanie Klein’s “Moose.” Tween humiliation fun. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First week’s running reward was donuts! Not really, try a bonus run and bonus interval. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Pursuing a taste for Scotch reached a new plateau today: the Islay beast known as Laphroaig - awesome with Persian, both smokey and rich. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph New wallet | August 17 | Tagged: Personal Productivity

Facebook Glyph My Whisky List in GitHub | August 17 | Tagged: Whisky Programming

Facebook Glyph Music of Zee Avi | August 17 | Tagged: Music

Twitter icon Spent the evening computer-free and finished a translation of Aeneid book 2. Now to type up and git commit. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m really enjoying reading “The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane” by Katherine Howe on Kindle. Gothick, New England + Salem mystery. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Fancy features of the iPod Shuffle (1st Generation) | August 18 | Tagged: Apple Ipod

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon At Bat For Lashes with @laurennroth. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today was not a run day. But yesterday was lunch at antonios Tex Mex. Ergo today is a run day. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Finished Katherine Howe's: The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane | August 20 | Tagged: Books

Twitter icon Learning about ‘Puppet’ at @lsrc. Learned some great Unicode tips this morning from James Gray too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dana’s presentation on data munging warms the cockles of an ASCII wrangler’s heart @lsrc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How can it be that we can bail out Detroit and Wall Street, but can’t fund reading rainbow? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Oh BTW. I finished the BSG finale, so my friends may now discuss it in my presence. Picking at lazy screenwriting and plot holes = a hobby | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Nerd tweet: a4 > letter wide-ruled > letter college-ruled | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m about to head to the fed. I’m excited for some live music and dancing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Am I alone in wishing #ruby had an Array.(car|cdr|head|tail) method? I know it’s not FP, but I always monkeypatch these in. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Not Listening | September 4 | Tagged: Modern_times Politics

Twitter icon I have been reading (auto-)biographies of entertainers. I’m reading “Cloris” by Cloris Leachman who is hilarious..and lead “South Pacific” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Github addition: LatinSyllabator. #Ruby takes #Latin verse, syllabates it and does elisions. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Kotzwinkle | September 7 | Tagged: Literature

Twitter icon If you like drama, may I recommend to you “The Secret Life of Words?” | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Happy Birthday, Doughboy, 1 month later | September 9 | Tagged: Personal

Twitter icon And on this day long rainy day I Austin, KUT plays Cohen’s “Famous Blue Raincoat.”. Gutsy. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Why Capitalism Fails | September 13 | Tagged: Economics Politics

Twitter icon I just caught “History of Violence” at last. What a superb movie. Best movie to explore violence’s integral relationship to society. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Soon I shall be in the land of the mitten shape. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Enjoying the beautiful michigan fall in a verdant backyard amidst chirping crickets. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Go karting in garden city. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m playincg some beatles rock band with some cool as hell kids here slurping some faygo rocket pop. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 1 minor invention every 10 days, 1 major invention every 6 months: TA Edison, agile as f*ck. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Peep this: I’m in detroit downtown at night and it’s totally nice. Screw the haters | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Judging by the steady traffic of ten-speeds through Hyde park, I gather I’m not alone in thinking today is Austin perfect bike day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If Taylor Swift is country, Dale Watson is Transylvanian Hip-Hop. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon am i the only one who is chagrinned at the transformation of enormity to mean a specification of size? | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Remaking "Red Dawn" | September 30 | Tagged: Entertainment


Twitter icon About to take a test on Ovid: animus meus non territus. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The number of bleary eyes behing glasses near austin downtown makes me think it’s allergy or midterm season. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Caught whip it. Great dialog, fun movie. Was glad to hear from a young girl attending that she thought it the best movie ever. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At ruta maya dancing to the jitterbug vipers. Love their singer’s (Katie) voice of melted brass. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just for the record: If tonight isn’t nice, I don’t know what nice is. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It now seems nonsensical to teach Shakespeare before Ovid has been, lest the allusions be vain. For Hecuba your didactic method. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Eating at moonshine b&g before going to see the #txrd championships. Skate ladies! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon TXRD action downtown. Hellcats and cherry bombs tied at the half. I hear there’s football here too in town. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #txrd rollerderby action is fast but dangerous. Cherry chainsaw took a fall in the 3rd and stopped play with leg injury. Our best to her &c. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Connie Evingsong | October 11 | Tagged: Music

Twitter icon Dancing to a big band at ruta maya on s. congress. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back in size 36 jeans, the 38’s were giving me a certain cougarish off-the-hip look. If shin splits get better I can make these my new home | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph From Thought to Speech | October 16 | Tagged: Neuroscience

Pen Glyph A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum | October 16 | Tagged: Education Latin

Twitter icon Alyone know a proper running track in north austin? You know red and bouncy? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks to all the people in #atx who suggested Canyon Vista’s running track. 1 exit away, great track, nice vista, great breeze | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The more latin I read the less original every bit of literature I have ever read (French, Dutch, English) seems. Nihil novus sub sole. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Sentience from laddered minerals | October 20 | Tagged: Neuroscience Science

Pen Glyph 2 month milestone for my fitness pursuits | October 20 | Tagged: Personal

Pen Glyph A Scotch recommendation: Battlehill | October 20 | Tagged: Whisky

Pen Glyph Article from NPR; funny title, Firefox | October 20 | Tagged: Design

Twitter icon Ay dance lessons at the fed. As Ryan via Lucky say: nerd aerobics | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Pet-talk and the Frequentative | October 22 | Tagged: Science Linguistics

Twitter icon On the strand in galveston on. A glorious day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seul j’attends: j’attends, toujours. Ou? Quand? Ca fait rien parce qu’I’ll faut attendre. | Tagged: Tweet


Pen Glyph A "Mad Men" Halloween | November 2 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Twitter icon responde! tua te carissima Thisbe nominat; exaudi vultusque attolle jacentes! :( | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m going to @rubyconf! | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Before you begin running | November 6 | Tagged: Running

Twitter icon At the crazy gal’s cafe in Bertram, Texas. Need energy for the horse ride. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After horse riding we get cooper’s in Llano. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I had a dream day with @laurennroth: Horseback riding in the hill country, Cooper’s BBQ, beautiful sunset vistas, and now home :-D | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Horse Riding in Llano Tx | November 7 | Tagged: Texas Horses

Facebook Glyph Horse Riding! | November 8 | Tagged: Fun Vacation

Facebook Glyph Lauren as 'Joan Holloway' from 'Mad Men' | November 8 | Tagged: Fun Entertainment

Facebook Glyph Ryan Sings Karaoke | November 8 | Tagged: Fun Karaoke

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon I just need to set the record straight. I love BEARS! Black bears especially, teddies, Old School Pooh, an Alaskan Brown too. Bears RULE! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 2nd time ever running 5K distance. @Rubyconf 5K closes in. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Whenever I hear hot jazz standard “when I get low, i get high” I realize that I compare it to Austin’s Katie Holmes’ version. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Love that Zee Avi, “Poppy” | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph Month 3 of Running | November 14 | Tagged: Running

Facebook Glyph Radio Program Discovery: In Our Time | November 14 | Tagged: Entertainment

Twitter icon Tomorrow I leave for @rubyconf! I’m ready to learn something amazing and run a 5 k! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I had forgotten how early and dark it gets in the bay. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At @rubyconf @heroku gave a great shirt and cool stickers. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stoked, running my first 5K with rubyists. It seems @chadfowler has convinced the sky not to dump water until 9. #rubyconf5k | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: My First Race Bib | November 20 | Tagged: Running

Twitter icon This mission bar has not forgotten that wilco’s “being there” is pure brilliance. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About to run 5K once more at #rubyconf. I’m happy to be able to do a half hour run! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On board flight back to austin! G’bye westcoastia. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph More Music from Zee Avi | November 24 | Tagged: Music

Twitter icon Lauren and I executed a flawless thanksgiving dinner at my dad’s place yesterday. today we go running after sleeping in. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Definitely in a sworl of light snowflakes in north austin. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So nice to hear the sounds of christmas carols coming from UT’s carillion. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Considering the questions of punishment in Ovid. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph "Do you listen to..." | December 9 | Tagged: Music

Twitter icon About to check out “An Education”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ll be moving to San Francisco over the Christmas holiday. Projecting a farewell happy hour next Saturday in N. Austin. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We put in a considerable dent in the packing to move. @laurennroth braved the kitchen, I the garage and living room. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I learned more about the blues from 2 weeks with you, than 20 years of BB King. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Living room, 2 closets, living room packed. Mega goodwill half price run then the office and bathrooms. Goal: be packed by Saturday. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone know how to dispose of paint and varnish safely? Home depot? Oil change place? | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph In Defense of Verbot | December 16 | Tagged: Personal Recollections Robots

Twitter icon Early Xmas gift to me: I broke through the 200 lb. Weight plateau according to my imprecise bathroom scale. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s odd that two people I know are, right now, en route via car to the bay area to take up residence there. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Farewell drinking at the pour house at 6. Otherwise we’ll be meeting up in SF. | Tagged: Tweet

Pen Glyph The Season of Closing Cycles II | December 19 | Tagged: Personal

Twitter icon We saw “up in the air” tonight. It was very good and real about work and life in a refreshing way. Like Jerry maguire minus the stupid | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Rented washer and dryer being spirited away. Movers are 6 hours into window and haven’t told us when to expect them. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ready for the movers. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I have that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach which is the precursor to any decision of import. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Movers expected in 90 minutes. Time for a quick shower. Nervous insomnia cured by dogfish ipa. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just shy of Abilene. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth just explained “coworking” to my grandparents. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Crossed into Arizona, snow in the desert. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Car is ready to head for Vegas. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was entirely surprised by Avatar. Cameron should have sent Lucas a memo in how to do sci fi with great heart AND effects. Recommend. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I really think avatar actually uses the 3d medium for true artistic effect. Therefore I recommend it be seen in that format. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon CA border in sight. Time for CA fast food. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In Orange County, our rest point before cruising up to LA, thence to the Bay. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Hawaiian Verbena | December 28 | Tagged: Mobile Photography

Twitter icon Headed to LA to hit an expensive cooking botique store. Imagine that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Girl at market was pulling a “Gaga” and by that I mean she was pantless Save for semi see-thru tights. Ah, LA. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sunset at The Grove in Hollywoodland. | Tagged: Tweet

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: Sunset in LA's Grove. | December 30 | Tagged: Mobile Photography