Posts from Austin


Pen Glyph Much like LL Cool J | December 7 | Tagged: Austin Travelogue


Pen Glyph Back from Austin | October 5 | Tagged: Travelogue Austin


Pen Glyph During my trip to Austin last month.... | November 5 | Tagged: Austin Travelogue


Pen Glyph Suck it ESPN - ‘Horns win the Rose Bowl | January 5 | Tagged: Austin Critique Sports


Pen Glyph Randomly running into Idgy Vaughn | June 21 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph (+ (* -1 8) 40) days left in the 40-day yoga challenge | June 27 | Tagged: Austin Yoga


Pen Glyph Sally Fourth | July 5 | Tagged: Austin General

Pen Glyph Austin: A good town for modern architecture | July 6 | Tagged: Art_and_design Austin

Pen Glyph I feel the geometry going wrong in the Childrens’ section... | July 10 | Tagged: Austin Books

Pen Glyph Musical Accopmianiment to Austin’s Modern Homes | July 12 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph Completed the 40-day Yoga Challenge | July 29 | Tagged: Austin Gnosticism Personal Yoga


Pen Glyph Summertime with my baby | August 6 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia | August 20 | Tagged: Austin Personal Web

Pen Glyph A fun weekend | August 22 | Tagged: Austin Personal Toys

Pen Glyph Doing the trivia thing with the Mayor, Alfredo, and Osakatomebaby-lady | August 23 | Tagged: Austin Nostalgia Personal

Pen Glyph Lauren’s first visit to The Alamo Drafthouse | August 26 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph The Previews! | August 26 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Parler francais avec Tex | August 26 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Why my girlfriend totally rules | August 31 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph September | October 1 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Ladytron tickets | October 3 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Monday Morning Meeting with Melbotis, The League of | October 19 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Visiting Ginny’s Little Longhorn | October 20 | Tagged: Art_and_design Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Ladytron Seen, Melbotis Met | October 22 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph TV Party at Alamo Drafthouse | October 25 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment

Pen Glyph Windy city? Austin, Tejas | October 27 | Tagged: Austin


Pen Glyph Halloween on 6th, the masses, the masques, the religiousity. | November 1 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Tickets for Regina Spektor on the 10th at Antone’s | November 1 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph Adrienne Shelley and 1997 | November 7 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph The Fines of Texas are Upon You | November 27 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph A Good Austin Citizen: Joining the Public Library | November 28 | Tagged: Austin Books


Pen Glyph End of the week in SoCo | December 16 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph Back from SJ, the Baroque Cycle Finished, and Headed to Houston | January 7 | Tagged: Austin Books Personal

Pen Glyph I am totally loving Guitar Hero II | January 13 | Tagged: Austin Culture

Pen Glyph New Lease! | January 16 | Tagged: Personal Austin


Pen Glyph Oh hey I forgot to mention, we're doing SXSW this year | February 1 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Visiting the Greenbelt on Sunday | February 6 | Tagged: Austin Sports

Pen Glyph Reasons *you* should come to SXSW this year | February 7 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment Music

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Day 5, and back home | February 17 | Tagged: Austin Bignerdranch Ruby Education Travelogue

Pen Glyph Working hard to prepare, working hard to recover | February 18 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Getting harrassed by BCR Credit Collection Agency | February 19 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment


Pen Glyph The happy couple: The Morales - Garcia wedding, April 21, 2007 | April 23 | Tagged: Austin Nostalgia Personal Pictures

Pen Glyph Kickin’ it with the classmates or The Season of Closing and Overlapping cycles | April 25 | Tagged: Austin Education Personal


Pen Glyph Rrroon Paul | May 1 | Tagged: Austin Politics


Pen Glyph Scott Walker: My SXSW 2007 legacy | June 12 | Tagged: Art_and_design Austin Sxsw2007

Pen Glyph Rubyists in Texas! | June 24 | Tagged: Ruby Austin Programming


Pen Glyph Bombshell | July 10 | Tagged: Austin Movies


Pen Glyph Dining out: Aborted | August 18 | Tagged: Austin Entertainment


Pen Glyph I feel like there should be a German word for this III | September 14 | Tagged: Austin Ruminations

Pen Glyph Embarrassment of Animals | September 25 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph Fall comes | October 23 | Tagged: Austin Personal

Pen Glyph Dancin’ and Maskin’ | October 26 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph I love the girl groups | November 5 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph Attention my Interfriends: SXSW is coming | November 5 | Tagged: Austin


Pen Glyph Back in ATX, Dei gratia, and New Year's | January 1 | Tagged: Austin Travelogue


Pen Glyph Dancing | February 7 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Trying to come out of hibernation | February 25 | Tagged: Austin Meta Personal


Pen Glyph Steven: Agitator for carbohydrates | March 5 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Coming to town this week: Nicole Atkins | March 7 | Tagged: Austin Music

Pen Glyph [SXSW2008]: Day 1, Registration, What Made Milwaukee Famous, running into old faces | March 8 | Tagged: Austin Personal Sxsw2008


Pen Glyph The M/F/F Room at the Austin Convention Center | April 8 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph The SoCo draw and la gasolina | April 28 | Tagged: Austin General


Pen Glyph Latin II: Epic Win | May 9 | Tagged: Austin Latin Personal

Pen Glyph In my life in the Bay Area i grew to miss... | May 14 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph The Spirit of Volunteerism | May 29 | Tagged: Austin


Pen Glyph Volunteerism cont'd | June 2 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Alphabetical Phone Numbers: 223 872245489 | June 12 | Tagged: Austin Education

Pen Glyph Volunteering at Urban Roots | June 15 | Tagged: Austin


Pen Glyph 4th of July Fun | July 7 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Rollerderby Action | July 7 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Lone Star Ruby Conference | July 9 | Tagged: Austin Ruby

Pen Glyph Dancin’ Machines | July 11 | Tagged: Austin Dancing

Pen Glyph Austin, rigor mortis | July 14 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph Sunday-night boredom | July 14 | Tagged: Austin Movies

Pen Glyph I missed the early mornings in Austin Coffeeshops | July 30 | Tagged: Austin


Pen Glyph Introductory Khmer | September 1 | Tagged: Austin

Pen Glyph A Happening | September 3 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: That says broken spoke, in neon. | January 18 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Austin

Facebook Glyph Mobile Upload: A scare-hobo? | January 18 | Tagged: Mobile Photography Austin


Pen Glyph Letter to the APD | February 2 | Tagged: Austin


Pen Glyph A "Mad Men" Halloween | November 2 | Tagged: Austin Personal


Pen Glyph Happy Birthday to Ryan | April 14 | Tagged: Austin Kickinitwitdaleague


Facebook Glyph Austin Changing in my Absence | July 13 | Tagged: Austin


Facebook Glyph Guy Clark & Emmylou Harris | May 18 | Tagged: Music Austin Rip


Facebook Glyph Austin's Hut's Hamburger's Closes | June 11 | Tagged: Austin


Facebook Glyph John Prine Dies of Coronavirus | April 8 | Tagged: Music Rip Austin


Facebook Glyph Shady Grove on Barton Spring to Close | May 12 | Tagged: Modern_times Austin


Facebook Glyph Mother's Closes in Austin | October 15 | Tagged: Austin

Facebook Glyph SF's Coca-Cola Sign Goes Away | October 27 | Tagged: Modern_times Programming Austin San_francisco


Pen Glyph The KNACK Sticker | April 8 | Tagged: Austin Rememberances

Pen Glyph Constitutional Carry Morning and Carnage Afternoon | April 22 | Tagged: Politics Texas Austin Politics


Pen Glyph The Time I Got Roofied and Why I am Pro-Choice | September 6 | Tagged: Austin Sexual_harassment Violence Abortion Pro_choice Crime Personal Dominance_based_masculinity