Posts from General


Pen Glyph Lawyers again...and Adam Smith | August 12 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph The weekend... | August 16 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Sunday: Mediterranean a-cookin’... | August 17 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Saturday | August 23 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph It’s the Sneak! | August 26 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Letter to the Editor in The Alcalde and other news... | September 7 | Tagged: General Utexas

Pen Glyph Friday night in SF... | September 20 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Saturday | September 21 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Run OJ run, #oj, IRC | October 3 | Tagged: General Unix

Pen Glyph What’s new in the world.. | October 8 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Moving Woes... | October 27 | Tagged: General Moving Sf

Pen Glyph Do video games affect kids’ behavior? | October 28 | Tagged: General Video_games Culture


Pen Glyph I got a minus in art... | November 1 | Tagged: General Nostalgia Reflections San_francisco Projects

Pen Glyph Completed my Craft Project | November 3 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Leaving Potrero Hill | November 25 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Farewell America... | November 27 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Spent the weekend in Sydney Dowtown... | November 30 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Just how PHAT is Sydney | December 2 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Lunch should be this...and 03 music thoughts | January 4 | Tagged: Personal Music General Outkast Prince Coldplay


Pen Glyph Thinking about Lebanon still has me thinking about my homeland | February 28 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Prana | March 3 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Movie evening | March 4 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph An Apology | March 16 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Europe... | March 29 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Going on vacation tomorrow | March 30 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph The spiritual center of the South Bay: Mountain View | May 2 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Massage day | July 5 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph Loot a-purchasin’ | July 18 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph The True Reason the Young look Young | July 24 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph How long are the days.... | August 25 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Cead Mille Failte | January 6 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Dust devils on Mars | August 28 | Tagged: General Meta Space


Pen Glyph Steven is going back to Austin | April 21 | Tagged: General News! Personal


Pen Glyph Vatican astronomer calls creationism a version of paganism | May 8 | Tagged: Culture General Philosophy_proper


Pen Glyph I am a resident of Austin, Texas now ( again ) | June 19 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph SIMPLIFY | June 19 | Tagged: General Personal


Pen Glyph Monday Morning Referees | July 3 | Tagged: Culture General

Pen Glyph Sally Fourth | July 5 | Tagged: Austin General


Pen Glyph Howdy readers | December 20 | Tagged: General Personal


Pen Glyph The Ice Storm ( no not a crappy ennui-drama about growing up in the 70’s ) | January 16 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Update: Shibboleth | July 26 | Tagged: General Personal


Pen Glyph On the impending subprime lending crisis | August 10 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph The religiosity of being insufficiently cute | August 13 | Tagged: General

Pen Glyph C’est le finis | August 13 | Tagged: Education General


Pen Glyph Frankenscience or Fad or Delicious? | April 8 | Tagged: General Personal

Pen Glyph The SoCo draw and la gasolina | April 28 | Tagged: Austin General


Pen Glyph Wednesday | July 10 | Tagged: General


Pen Glyph Coils: Tango and Golf | April 17 | Tagged: Dancing General


Pen Glyph I, too, am glad I did not come of age in the age of the internets | April 22 | Tagged: Critique Culture General Life_and_death Modern_times Internet_culture