Enjoying the weekend and holiday
- One minute read - 159 wordsSaturday and Sunday….
Well what can I say, I spent pretty much the entirety of Sunday working on Javascript while my girl was at work…if you read the blog entries you can get an idea as to what I was working on.
She arrived home hungry and we went to Hoover’s Cooking over in East Austin for an awesome meal and a chance to catch up. See, with her being busy working, and me being busy working, and days only having 24 hours and all, it’s always important to make sure that you take time to just talk to your girl / SO / imaginary Canadian girlfriend.
Today we were thinking about going over to Enchanted Rock, but the warm, muggy, Texas summer threatened thunderstorm and in the middle of a flat field on top of a geological feature is a place you really do not want to be during a sullen display of force by some cumulonimbus clouds.