[Open Source software like Linux was just the beginning.
Open source textbooks have been written, open source architecture, and now Open Source Textbooks. Why not.
Remember some of those textbooks you read where you were like “hey this bozo doesn’t know anything!”. When people who write for interest not profit will make things much better.
On Monday I was in training learning about Exchange.
As much as I enjoy learning new things in the collegiate lecture atmosphere…
As much as I enjoy learning new things in general…
I have decided that I abhor the Silicon Valley technical training institution. The only exception is Red Hat’s training class – the lectures and labs are geared to make you learn something.
At Sun’s training and Microsoft’s trainings though … even if you have the most competent, rhetorically gifted teacher – you will find yourself using the majority of your time trying not to let your eyes close.
Often hereabouts I am asked if my degree is in CompSci.
Computer Scientists are endlessly fascinated by optimization, IT guys (of which I number) are concerned with “can it even fsking be done?” IT guys do not care about memory usage, unless it makes things not work. CompSci guys don’t care about doing things merely, they want to do it in the most efficient manner possible (left to their own devices).
Case in point, CompSci guys find pages like this endlessly fascinating. Myself, I was ready to move back to
Post-hip Chick a teacher in SJ apparently had to teach this poetic gem by Robert Frost to her 8th graders:
I stepped on the toe/ Of an unemployed hoe. It rose in offense/ And struck me a blow…
This morning I finished: “A History of Britain.”
It was a very good introduction to British history.
Here’s one of the more interesting things I learned, Queen Elizabeth had beautiful handwriting:
On Thursday morning I’ll be leaving the Pacific and heading back to the Old World - perhaps the oldest of the old, Rome.
As usual the flights from the Western section of the New Empire eastward are really quite painful, but such is the cost of living where the sun melts into the sea (over and above cursable rents).
The question may be asked as to why I am headed out so far. Well, as those of you who have actually looked at the right column of this blog may have noticed, I have an interest in Mac OSX programming. I’ve tried for the last two years to really try to get some time (or discipline, I prefer to blame it on the former) to master the idiom and be able to make Great Software that would make my life (at the very least) and the lives of others ever so slightly better.
I know a bit more about internetworking than I did a day ago.
I’m pretty tired, I couldn’t sleep very well last night.
I decided to re-christen the Flash Card application “Memory Bank” and I got a cool icon for it done like HAL’s Eye from 2001. I got the idea because the instructor was talking about pluggable modules for large-scale network switches. These are essentially memory or task plug ins. This got me thinking about that scene where Bowman goes into HAL’s brain room and starts unplugging his memory banks. They were holographic cubes that looked like three-dimensional note-cards.
….and I’m having the damnedest time, ironically, not falling asleep.
I don’t get it. I’m here, i slept well, I want to learn this stuff, but something about the whiteboards, the monitors, the hum of the heating and cooling system puts me to sleep like I’m in in the 3rd trimester.
If you happen to figure out how to keep trainees awake through classes, the world may beat a path to your door.
I think that the nature of the beast may be that the mind of the developer finally realizes it’s not at work and that vacation that developers promise themselves but never take is effectively here.
The Leauge sent in an email to see if I had fallen off the edge of the world. Although it appears irony has fallen upon The League, for as I type this, his web site has, in fact, fallen off the edge of the world: Blogger appears to be down.
I have not left the gravitational field of this big, blue, glob. There’s a bunch of interesting work stuff going on ( more later ), my mom was in town and I started classes at Austin Community College.
I’m taking two classes: Intermediate Algebra and C++.
First, this is the kind of mathematics I learned in high school ( or should have learned better ).
Last time I was at a BNR class, I meant to keep a blog history so that I could:
Shill for my friends Have a travelogue Regrettably, my best intentions fell to lack of discipline and I did not keep my story together. As such, I’m going to try to work day-by-day with sharing my experience. At the end I’ll provide a summary as well as some specifics about “what to do / what not to do if you’re taking the Rails class”.
Last night, after my bitching about ATL, we were picked up by our contacts Emily and Jaye who were holding a great big BNR poster-board to help myself about about 8 other people congregate.
Per the typical BNR experience, last night, post-dinner, many students returned to the training facility to go over the things that were unclear, try things out, and talk with the the instructor, Charles Quinn, about projects that we dream of undertaking.
I had questions around using the session continuity features in ActiveController, and just needed some examples and some time to let the concepts come together. Ultimately I figured it out and some of us last few left in the center headed down to the bar and had a beer before bed.
I can’t say I slept particularly well. I had the strangest experience.
I had a late morning this morning … because I had a late night last night.
Last night, per BNR tradition ( and I can say this because of me experiences at the Cocoa camp ), post dinner ( and occasionally a drink or two ) many of the students returned to the classroom to review, invent, create, etc. under the tutelage of our teacher.
I basically re-ran all the exercises from Day 2 again, inventing scenarios to make sure that I truly “got it”. In training, it’s very easy to simply nod and do the exercise but, as my math teacher says, when you are working the problem alone, you will get the loneliness.
Hi all,
After the lengthy tour of duty yesterday, I’m back in for another lengthy day. I think that Wednesday is really the grinder day.
First, you’ve been lectured to for the last 3 days. There are very few minds that can take 8hr. / day lectures without feeling a bit tapioca-ish on the 24th hour.
Secondly, you’re listening and then working very hard on something that you just were introduced to. You have these head bashing against a wall sessions and then, suddenly, you’re set free ( because you’re doing something that’s old hat, something you learned, say, that morning ) and then you hit the wall with all that built-up acceleration.
Yesterday’s post looks a little incoherent with a day of rest between it and I. Based on the entreaty of Mr. Graitcer in the comments, I thought that perhaps I could try to characterize what it is to be fatigued in this way.
First, let’s just say that it’s not the expectation of the teacher or the class curriculum that you work yourself into fatigue of this type. It’s not necessary or required. Yet in both of the BNR classes I’ve taken, the students worked late into the night on their own projects, or improving the assignments.
Therefore, the motivation to work to this level of fatigue is not extrinsic, it is clearly intrinsic.
Day Four: It’s a good day.
The reason day 4 is a good day is because you’re out of “how rich is this language and how many other key concepts must I learn to be functionally literate” phase. You see, you’ve covered the dead basics on the first day. Day two is a real challenge because you’re learning the bits of the language that are advanced and that you will need to know to really be able to work “out of the middle section of the book”: the part where it moves from introductiory to non-trivial.
Day three is the hardest, as I’ve detailed in great detail previously.
Well yesterday was a brief morning session where we covered profiling, how to get help, and took a look at some of the student generated work that had been created during the week.
After that we were shuttled back to Atlanta where we all dispersed, catching our flights to the various parts of the map.
My plane was delayed by an hour ( mechanical ) so I arrived in houston about 7:30. After getting to the park and ride I proceeded to drive back to Austin, getting home about midnight.
While I was flying I had a chance to post a wrap up and advice page which will be next in the posting list.
I had a good experience in the class. I was able to learn the material without falling behind, feeling like i was drinking from a firehose, or feeling like each additional word was just a drop of water on a saturated sponge. There were definitely people who feel more comfortable with the material right now than I do, but I thought I would like to tell you things in my background that I believe helped me be successful in the class.
Unlike a college institution, the BNR does not enforce pre-requisites. As such it is your responsibility to assess whether you have the tools and knowledge necessary to get what you need out of the class.
This post is a ‘jumping off’ point for reading about my adventures at BNR’s RoR camp in February of 2007.
Day-by-day Recap Day 1 Day 2 Day 3.1 Day 3.2 Day 3.3 Day 4 Day 5 Summation / Preparation Preparation Thanks Staff Thanks to Charles, my teacher, and Emily and Jaye who handled the logistics. Big thanks to Aaron for coming out to check on us! Thanks as well to the Callaway Gardens staff who were so friendly and accommodating of a nerd
At Vespaio this weekend one of the other guests had mentioned the mysterious fricative consonant unique to Czech: ř. I had been thinking about this sound and the statement “Language X has difficult sound Y” ( particularly the hard “g” in Dutch ) and how one acquires the ability to reproduce that sound in the intervening days and decided that I would like to hear that sound in person.
Fortunately, one of my peers in my C++ class is Czech and I knew I could go to the source. After class I leaned across the table and I asked said lady, “Say, I heard that in Czech you have a consonant that no other.
As it may have stuck the regular reader, I have been up to my nose in closing out my summer school class, Trigonometry.
Walking into the final I had only three of my exam scores and the information about my in-class work.
Test 1: 92 Test 2: 29 Test 3: 90 Daily work: 15 points.
And yes, you’re reading that right, Test 2, saw me make a 29. You’ll note that I had been away on business two weeks ( Boston and SJ ) during that time thus leaving very little time to uh, well, do anything but fly home and take the test with what I happened to know based on on-the-plane readings.
What? You don’t know what “223 872245489” means?
Guess what, I didn’t know what this meant either:
The alphabetical phone number must have been a marvel back in the day when Ma Bell leased you a phone, but in the age of cell phones where price and button real-estate is at a premium, I found myself baffled as to how to call. Why? My phone doesn’t put the alphabet on the buttons; nor does the screen simulation have them.
Why would you not make the image hot-clickable to a real number? Or under the FAQ list the phone number as something besides the alphabetical number?
Randy Nelson of Pixar University is filmed at Edutopia talking about hiring the best, and most creative, people possible. It’s a 10-minute video that won’t take much time to watch, but which has some great insights.
Here’s the link: http://www.edutopia.org/randy-nelson-school-to-career-video
Here were my rough notes:
Failure avoidance (in test pilots) was not the quality [NASA] wanted, failure recovery is the mark of the person they desired in this innovative field [i.e. walking on the moon]. “Remember the proof of a portfolio versus the promise of a resume.” For those of you in-between jobs right now, I think this is an important one.
David Brooks is positively an Obama love fest! But he’s right, bolstering community colleges will unleash a productivity dynamo that can actually get us in the business of making wealth, versus slicing up paper securities and reselling them to a bigger sucker down the line.
I really enjoy my Latin classmates, they all are fine students, committed to the cause of studying something strictly for its beauty, its import, and its bond that it makes us feel to yesteryear.
As an advice to anyone in languages let me recommend that you always be bold: come in, try to do that horrendous Dutch guttural ‘g,’ fully nasalize your French vowels, etc. When you’re unafraid to err, you open up the possibility that you will actually learn.
I say this as preface because one of my peers made an error which induced a laughter such as I have never seen before in a language class.
Introduction Recent developments in free education (Khan Academy, Lynda.com, etc.) have lead many to suggest that college is unnecessary: too expensive, too slow, to focused on physical in a digital world, etc. Peter Theil, Paypal founder and venture capitalist, has even gone so far to arrange that young, college-attending entrepreneurs apply to him to receive funding for ideas but that they drop out of school to pursue them. As ever, my friend Daniel Miessler has already added his voice to the discussion. This post is a response to that and is thus important background.
Why Is it That Only College-Graduated Voices Are Proclaiming College’s Obsolescence?
One of the organizations that I’m most proud of helping out is Railsbridge. It aims to increase the diversity within open source software development, particularly women. Twice now I have worked with wonderful and amazing people in these sessions.
Typical scene of getting laptops set up (source)
In these activities I have encountered a powerful enemy to successful teaching that we, as organizers and teachers, should remain vigilant against: negative confirmation bias.
Negative confirmation bias is when a student walks into a situation expecting that s/he is not going to succeed and then proceeds to look for data to back up that negative view.
Ray Bradbury died a few days ago and I’ve been feeling rather reflective about his work and what it means to me. I’ve read many of the “classic” science fiction authors: H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Asimov and Bradbury. What strikes me as most special about Bradbury was that his voice was perhaps the most human of them all. Like Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s, his voice never stopped being human. Vonnegut said he always found it odd that his work was classified as “science fiction,” a genre associated with pornography and kooks when his messages were fundamentally human ones. But the best science fiction is never about the “them,” it’s always about the “us.
Miessler notes that those who founded the Republic were of an elite educated class whose pedagogy focused on humanity and abstract problem solving over learning best-in-class solutions to any one particular problem set.
In a recent paper in the American Economic Review Ms Goldin found that the difference between the hourly earnings of highly qualified men and their female peers grows hugely in the first 10-15 years of working life, largely because of a big premium in some highly paid jobs on putting in long days and being constantly on call. On the whole men find it easier than women to work in this way. Where such jobs are common, for example in business and the law, the gender pay gap remains wide and even short spells out of the workforce are severely penalised, meaning that motherhood can exact a heavy price.
“I feel like I want to bash my head in,” she says.
It’s a pretty intense indictment of the Type-A achiever’s enclave that it’s creating something that literally makes their kids want to die.
The inflation of the asset price for higher education and the notion that the only way to learn more post-high-school is through a college or university is a scam. There are jobs that can be had that don’t require the debt of a university. There are skills one can augment their life with (community college).
Universities once taught Latin, law, classics, and theology. They figured you’d figure it out from there. The idea that specific non-liberal arts skills have to be taught at a university’s price tag with a host of other non-germane classes required is just a scam to rook the working class’ dollars.
Staggering data about higher education
4 year education is 27x more expensive since 2000 or, in my aging memory when I graduated college. Doing 2 years at a community college can save $40,000 I know I have a horse in this race, but higher ed is delusional that it’s not going to get disrupted and hard. Why do I think that?
BECAUSE 40% of GRADUATES ARE UNEMPLOYED AT THE END OF THAT MONEY DUMP. If that’s the “positive” outcome your competitors have to chase (60% placement), I’d be willing to take the odds that you’re going to be a brontosaurus burger.
As someone in the education biz, reports like this really frustrate me:
Whether the grade is good or bad, you’re taking the student away from focusing on intrinsic interest and tying their experience to grades, Immordino-Yang explained. Under such circumstances, genuine interest in learning for its own sake wilts. Grades can be an impetus to work, and can be really satisfying, she said. But when emotions about the grade swamp students emotions about a subject, that’s a problem.
It’s not like schools LIKE running assessments for its own sake, but in NY State, for example, you have to produce something that looks like a grade on a 100 point spectrum where 70+ means pass.
The best evidence available now suggests that students should avoid laptops during lectures and just pick up their pens. It’s not a leap to think that the same holds for middle and high school classrooms, as well as for workplace meetings.
Former boot-camp teacher here: students with a good pen and an overflowing notebook performed better, consistently b/c they never confused “learning the magic words to type” with “learning.”
My employer is expanding to Houston. Seriously, if you’re into tech and education, talk to me.
– For beginners, the emphasis is on simple rules.
– For advanced learners, the emphasis is on giving the full picture.
— Axel Rauschmayer (@rauschma) July 4, 2018 Writing at now 2 boot camps has borne this out for me.
I’m nearing my first year anniversary at the Flatiron School and was
thinking about the projects I’ve undertaken and what I’ve learned in the last
year. While doing so, it struck me that I had never written about how I came
into education from a career in corporate IT and full-stack programming. This
is, after all, my second go at being a manager of a curriculum-producing team.
When did doing this become my life’s work more than a career of pursuing
But moving into education wasn’t a new move as much as it was a return to a
fork that I’d opted not to take as I graduated in 2000. In my last year at
university, I’d faced the question of whether to pursue the academic life or a
life working in business. I had been planning on an academic life, but I chose
the other path at the last moment.
But now I realize that the fork I chose gave me lessons that I was able to add
to the lessons that my most-fondly remembered teachers gave me. And now, in my
role, I get to bear those golden fruits of the dollar and the philosopher to a
new generation at a scale hitherto unimaginable.
Here is the story of my trajectory toward an educational path, how I came to
delay traveling it, a recollection of some of the most important lessons I
learned and people I met along the way, and how I hope to honor them and their
teachings as I work in this new model of education.
In my role as educator, parents sometimes ask me what I think about some
educational program or activity. Instead of speaking to any one program, I’d
rather detail behaviors that have, observationally, predicted success in
students at DevBootcamp and the Flatiron School. If an educational program
builds deep, consistent depth in the five listed capabilities, it is “good” and
merits consistent, large investment.
Caveat I feign no scientific rigor for these observations. Attendees at
the schools were / are are assuredly non-representative of the general
population. Additionally, my assessment of their educational background is
based on inferences made from in-person interviews, work product,
examinations, etc.
In my experiences to date, the biggest signals that predict success for
students are:
A pre-existing ability to stick with reading challenging material without moving
A pre-existing strategy for “how to study”
A pre-existing respect and capacity for memorization and drilling
A pre-existing willingness to be boldly wrong
A pre-existing willingness to imagine the solution before looking to see if it exists
An ethnic school activity really crushes these five (Hebrew School, Chinese
School). Chess camp might well cover many of these as well. Piano lessons also
strike me as a pretty good winner as well.
Aside: It’s not really and surprise that a bar mitzvah requires all of
these (ceremonially, at the least) because these capacities are the
capacities of one who can care for himself and others i.e. “be a man.”
Among these disciplines, some probably have a quantitative edge, but as long as
the student engages with discipline in disciplines, i.e. process, they will
have a massive edge versus those who have not engaged in such a way.
Additionally, I think the student (child, preferably) should be engaged with
the idea that they’re learning a process that is applicable in many contexts.
Engage them with the idea that how they think can be “thunk” about.
But how to teach learners, students, children, to build these capabilities? I
have some recommendations after the jump.
Like many people, I have a huge book backlog. I have books that I’ve intended
to read for many moons, many moves, and many homes. While Kindle and library
usage has made this some better, I can’t claim that my throughput rate in
any way matches my acquisition rate. What’s to be done?
As noted in my post on Adler and van Doren’s How to Read a Book,
“Inspectional Reading (IR)” is a two-phase technique that answers the
question of whether a book requires deeper (“Analytical”) reading to be
understood and whether the reader will benefit from such an understanding.
The first phase locates the “big reveal” of the argument and its key
premises first. In the second phase, the reader works to embellish that
scaffolding here and there but moves through the content quickly.
As a result, readers have an augmented skeleton of the book such that the
skeletal elements are fitted to the premises in a way that nets the
My determination is that IR, when practiced consciously, with notepad handy,
does produce a strong grasp of non-fiction materials. For this book, I
invested approximately 90 minutes of time and finished with several good
ideas that I could present in cocktail party conversation and will likely
integrate into some of the educational material my team curates.
As I mentioned in my piece about the textbook of schoolgirl Maud
Fenstermaker, I am fascinated by the old-style of pedagogy from the late
19th century which continues to use the axiomatic listing styles of
Euclid’s Elements.
While it might not be surprising that a book on English Grammar or Latin
Grammar or Geometry would retain this structure, even a book on penmanship
used this format. I recently borrowed “Spencerian Handwriting: The Complete
Collection of Theory and Practical Workbooks for Perfect Cursive and Hand
Lettering” by Platt Rogers Spencer" from the NYPL and, to my great surprise,
this is also written in an axiomatic style.
Over the last year, my team and I have created a single-source-of-truth
accounting for the Software Engineering program at The Flatiron
School built on AirTable. I believe this system offers a superior
means for managing curriculum development, documentation, and collaboration.
I’ve written a series of posts documenting this solution that starts here.
The audience for the full series is fellow-educators or content-production
pipeline managers. In this post, I’ll provide an introduction to the problem at
Let me express thanks to our executive sponsor, my boss, Brian Tobal as
well as my staff: Jen, Maxwell, Mohawk, our previous collaborators Jason and
Daniel. Let me also thank the countless issue-reporters or pull-request authors
that helped along the way. It was Brian’s faith in the idea of “modular”
curriculum and support for it at the organizational level when the ROI was
murky that gave us the time to prove the payoff to our convictions.
I believe that the secret to designing thoughtful educational experiences as
well as teams that design them is building a robust artifact that I call an
“The Accounting”
An “accounting” can be grasped by this graphic:
Knowledge Graph AccountingItalian CookingItalian CookingPastaPastaItalian Cooking->PastaMeatsMeatsItalian Cooking->MeatsPasta FoundationsPasta FoundationsPasta->Pasta FoundationsSauce FoundationsSauce FoundationsPasta->Sauce Foundations......Meats->...How to boil waterHow to boil waterPasta Foundations->How to boil
waterHow to drain waterHow to drain waterPasta Foundations->How to drain
waterHow to assess pasta readinessHow to assess pasta readinessPasta Foundations->How to assess pasta
To translate into words, the accounting:
documents the binding between atomic student capabilities ("Learning Goals") and macro-objects ("Lessons") or nth-order macro-objects (e.g. "Unit", "Modules", or "Products"), and
calculates the chain of dependencies for any given capability that includes its recursive dependencies back to first principles (i.e. transitive dependencies)
The Accounting An “accounting” can be grasped by this graphic:
Italian food graphic
To translate into words, the accounting:
documents the binding between atomic student capabilities ("Learning Goals") and macro-objects ("Lessons") or nth-order macro-objects (e.g. "Unit", "Modules", or "Products"), and calculates the chain of dependencies for any given capability that includes its recursive dependencies back to first principles (i.e. transitive dependencies) In a textual format, this graphical accounting above might be rendered as:
Textual description of an accounting "Italian Cooking" would contain "Pasta Foundations" and "Sauce Foundations" "Pasta Foundations" would itself contain: "How to boil water" "How to drain water" "
Having defined what an accounting is, we recognize that the undertaking is considerable for an organization which maintains even a small set of knowledge assets. Given the investment that will be put into making the accounting, we should be very clear on the benefits that will be seen on the other side. In this section, we’ll identify large-scale goals that the accounting helps achieve. Subsequently, we’ll personalize those large-scale goals within the context of certain job functions in the next section.
To Facilitate Educational Dialogue The accounting gives the learning organization better tools for organization and communication.
Students might ask: “Why must I repeat ‘Pasta Foundations’?
Introduction Creating a curriculum accounting is a non-trivial amount of work.
Optimally, it should be the starting point of a curriculum. In my experience, however, it rarely is. Its lack is generally discovered as an afterthought when operational challenges and scale reveal gaps. These challenges and gaps mount up like debt (similar to developers’ “technical debt”), demanding more and more operational resources until they stifle execution speed. Invariably, this will occur at a critical and inconvenient time. Then the accounting is noticed missing, lamented as such, and must be built (under duress) to pay down the debt that’s been rung up.
In the previous post in this series, we concluded by recognizing several interactions our stakeholders need to undertake with our accounting. In this post, we’ll use their interactions to derive criteria for finding an appropriate IT solution for providing an accounting. We’ll see that neither simple, fast, and cheap spreadsheets nor standard databases (without extensive customization) are fully satisfactory. We conclude that the SaaS product AirTable provides the right mix of power with accessibility.
As a warning, several product- or technical-workflows are demonstrated in the next few paragraphs. This is for those who desire extra assistance in understanding the workflow overhead occasioned by a spreadsheet or the PostgreSQL database system.
AirTable Scoring AirTable scores like this:
Permit cycles (1) Permit calculated attributes (3) Changeset support (2) Schema changes are easy and cascade easily (3) Self-Documenting (3) Data can be delivered natively in a variety of views (3) Data is readily accessible to non-technical staff (3) Data is readily updated by non-technical staff (3) Price (2) Total: 21
Wow! Look at that total. Doubling and nearly tripling the points scored by our other two solutions! In the next post, I’ll explain how AirTable innovates out of this functionality gap.
Databases Scoring Let’s apply the same rating standard:
Permit cycles (1) Permit calculated attributes (1) Changeset support (0) Schema changes are easy and cascade easily (1) Self-Documenting (0) Data can be delivered natively in a variety of views (0) Data is readily accessible to non-technical staff (1) Data is readily updated by non-technical staff (1) Price (3) Total: 8
This ranking surprised me! “Since a database is a more powerful application than a spreadsheet, surely it should score higher,” went my thinking. While clean data might be compelling enough to opt for a database, its interfaces are poor and less-accessible which hurts it badly in our criteria.
Spreadsheets Scoring Permit cycles (1) Permit calculated attributes (1) Changeset support (0) Schema changes are easy and cascade easily (0) Self-Documenting (0) Data can be delivered natively in a variety of views (0) Data is readily accessible to non-technical staff (2) Data is readily updated by non-technical staff (2) Price (3) Total: 9
When considering a data modeling question, one will rarely go wrong by opting for a simple spreadsheet as a first step toward a solution. After nearly 40 years of ubiquity, the low cost and near-universal comprehension of the UI/UX metaphors provide spreadsheets a compelling advantage.
Despite these advantages, a spreadsheet is unable to provide good controls in modeling the accounting’s complexity.
In the previous post, we saw that spreadsheets and databases are insufficient for rendering proper accountings that will make our internal and external stakeholders effective.
Spreadsheets have an accessible UI, but a poorly-structured model for managing data. Databases have a solidly-structured model for managing data, but their interfaces are inaccessible outside of a class of technical cognoscenti. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how AirTable provides a middle path.
Kathy Sierra once said that when your tool sucks, people say “This tool sucks.” When the tool is great, people say “I’m so awesome with this thing.” AirTable makes me think I’m very awesome indeed.
At the beginning of this document, I proposed that an accounting lets curriculum managers organize their teams, express logical dependence of learning goals and operate more effectively. I’ll give a brief taste of how AirTable helps us do exactly this at Flatiron Schol.
Map Products to Learning Goals Airtable’s UI features a “stacking” user interface. Thus you can navigate from Learning Goals to the Product (a collection of two intermediate macro objects, Lessons and “Bricks”) and vice versa. Here we are going from macro-level to the micro:
Demonstration of tunneling through an AirTable-stored accounting macro-to-atomic Here we see a Brick, “Recognizing and Processing Nested Data Structures to Insight” that is one of several comprising the Product “Prework.
Here are some bits of advice that I think will help anyone trying to model complex information systems in AirTable.
Pursue Referential Integrity Like You’re Building a Database Referential integrity is a powerful concept. You should build your “base” as if it were a database in Postgres, Oracle or similar. You want your records to live in one place only. If you need to get their data, do not duplicate it. Built a series of associated records and lookups.
AirTable lookup fields can go one “leap” so, occasionally, you might wind up doing something that feels a little…hack-y. Nevertheless, hacks can get improved but dirty, duplicate data denies deletion decidedly.
Despite its creative approach and genuinely delightful music video, “Land of
Lisp” by Conrad Barski, MD presents significant
challenges for learners.
The remainder of this post isn’t one of those “I failed but then persevered”
stories. Instead it is about how even a supposedly beginner-friendly book with
cute comics and clever humor can make you feel like an impostor in your
own profession – even 25 years in. It’s about finding, despite living your
life on a lode of stubbornness, the courage to close the tabs, delete the ebook
from your iPad, and move on. For those that don’t read the body, I’d recommend
David Touretzky’s Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction.
This post is also a look at how I approach authoring curriculum in my work:
what I offer my learners and what offends my sensibilities. If you’re into
writing technical curriculum, this might be an interesting exploration. Code
samples and quotes will be given. This will be a longer post.
My principal complaints about Land of Lisp are these:
The code samples leap around in difficulty in a way that hampers learning
and which invites imposter syndrome. Instead of what I or a median learner
needed, the book served the author’s interests in a way that suggested I
was beneath the book, or it was embarrassed by writing to my level of need
The book’s structure and over-packed code listings assume dedicated blocks of
focused time that most working professionals – and especially parents –
simply don’t have.1
As a variant of #1, above, the book’s tasks also consistently bring in
extraneous tools and concerns (Graphviz and directed graph syntax) at the
expense of covering tools and concerns that are a core part of Lisp
practice and culture (e.g. Lisp’s unique interrupts, its formidable
debugger, the SLIME/SLIMV environments)
I try to be realistic about AI and its impact on our world. My previous post
explored how well Claude performed as a movie companion and philosophical
But let’s balance that with an example where multiple AIs - Gemini from Google,
OpenAI, and even my beloved Claude - failed spectacularly. The prompt was simple:
Show me the book that introduced the graphical Cartesian coordinate system to
the world.
None of these whole-dinosaurs-of power-consuming, copyright-trouncing-systems
could deliver. Instead, they wrapped their “NO RESULTS FOUND” or “I don’t know”
in purple prose apologies.