Yoga Class Number 3...
And my upper back muscles are spasming left and right.
I think it’s a good sign, too much tension and knotting up in those computer-guy shoulders. I have a chronically tight and irritating left shoulder, i think that muscle has even given into my instructor’s lumbar workout.
I’ve really been needing the class all day. I’ve just been so distracted at work for the last couple days – I think this will help get my focus in gear. I’m also planning on making myself go in early (like i used to when commuting) – somehow too much sun in the morning is ruining my focus.
Monday I took my first class in Flamenco guitar. I went with my friend The Army Guy to Starving Musician in Santa Clara and picked up a cheap classical six-string ($50.00 - what a deal).
I went to the class and was pleased to see that the few things I remember about guitar technique and theory were really helpful. My teacher set me off with some challenges and I will work on it this week.
I was really inspired to try to get back into this based on this brilliant flamenco show my sister and I saw in Madrid. It was great.
Back to yoga
I’ve been bad and have been skipping.
I went and afterwards got a tasty Jamba Juice
Jamba and yoga go together like Rumsfeld and cynicism.
Bliss on that one my carrots.
And, as I love Cat Power, here is a quote:
Last night there was a party
I could not go
I sat around and I thought about it
all night long
I was thinking about that because on the way back from the asanas and the Jamba, David Sedaris was talking about being lonely and feeling pathetic for it.
Wily interviewatrix, Teri Gross pointed out that David had consciously moved to Paris, where he knows no one, and doesn’t speak the language and yet he is lamenting being lonely?
( - 40 1 ) days
Yesterday I went to YogaYoga.
If you look back through my historical posts you’ll realize that for quite a while I was a regular attendee of an Iyengar class in Mountain View. At the time I wasn’t working as well as I am now, I wasn’t learning as much as I am now, and I certainly wasn’t in an excellent relationship.
To this end, it was easy to appear twice weekly at yoga and go to the gym thrice a week.
But as those aforementioned aspects improved, my energy / time for attending yoga simply seems to have dried up. To wit, I’m in pretty poor shape.
(+ (* -1 8) 40) days left in the 40-day yoga challenge
Just letting everyone know that I survived the first week. I’m into the second week.
I must say that with the great numbr of classes offered by yogayoga it’s pretty easy to take a class when something comes up. Late meeting? Go to a later class at a different location. Early meeting? Early afternoon class.
Completed the 40-day Yoga Challenge
Hello Yogi and Yogini and other non-practicing folks.
A few weeks ago ( 6, to be precise ) I informed you all about my plan to undertake a 40-day commitment to daily practice of yoga at Austin’s own [YogaYoga][3]. Along the way I updated you with blog posts using the Polish Notation syntax familiar to programmers of LISP.
Well, 40 days are up and I am glad to report that I completed this challenge on the 29th of July.
Furthermore, I have brought my beautiful girlfriend in on the practice and we are both enjoying the benefits of regular practice. Yoga is good, yoga with a buddy is better, and yoga with your girl is even better.