- 2 minutes read - 290 wordsIn what my doctor called “Unbelievably bad luck” I am sick (again) with a respiratory infection (again) which has given me a horrid, hoarse, “croup-like” cough (again) and has required (another) dose of anti-biotics as well as resumption of some really violent expectorants.
The symptoms came on suddenly during the second half of my training on Wednesday and as I walked out I thought to myself, this is going to seriously mess up Valentine’s day. Which, accordingly, it proceeded to do.
My Valentine’s day I spent headed down to the Dr.’s office, getting the news, after which I met up with Lauren on her lunch break. That morning FTD dropped off my flower arrangement at Lauren’s office. She was very pleased.
After our lunch I headed up to Whole Foods and picked up a “Dinner for Two” basket ( much thanks to you Whole Foods ) as I simply was not in a condition to be able to cook too much.
I returned home, took a brief nap, and then cooked up our Chicken Wellington, Greek salad, and chocolate-covered strawberries. It wasn’t too much work, but it showed to my most wonderful girl how much I wanted her to have a special day.
After dinner we exchanged presents. I bought Lauren a Spanish hand-fan so that she can practice the secret language of fans next time we are at The Fed. Who knows, maybe she’ll start a trend ( and Lord knows it gets hot enough in there ).
Saturday morning we were supposed to fly to my grandmother’s birthday but I was just too sick. So I cancelled the arrangements and spent the day coughing ( in fact, my back is sore and aching from the coughing alone! ).