Leaving SoCal
- 2 minutes read - 237 wordsYesterday we moved over to a hotel, a certain favorite of ours near the SNA, Orange County, California") airport. After this we headed up to Long Beach and visited The Pike which is a sort of beach-side shopping area. It was rather cold and overcast, so there wasn’t much idle, sunny, beachside activity. We headed over to the Borders and met up with one of Lauren’s best friends from college. It was good to catch up and share some of our thoughts and experiences since we had last met.
Thereafter, we were joined by two other Angeleno friends of Lauren’s and we continued visiting. We then headed over to La Palapa Del Mar and had dinner. I would rate the food 3-star, the music 2-star, and the service 2-star. In short, it was not worth the clams.
We still seem to have enjoyed each other, though :).
Thereafter we retired the Hot Java coffee house and had great service, great coffee, and had a great atmosphere. True to California, we met an interesting gentleman who gave us a free exemplar of his CD and told Lauren and I that it was his intuition that we were going to be a couple that would “go the distance”. It’s something I already believed, but it was interesting to have a stranger hone-in on that.
We’re crashed out in the hotel with heaps of dirty clothes and the slow ticking