"Go"-ing crazy, courtesy of the Social Bobcat
- 2 minutes read - 303 wordsAs you may have guessed, the use of “go” in the headline here refers not to an idiomatic expression indicating loss of mental stability, but is a not so clever play on words referring to the ancient Asian game of “go”. The SB bought me a “Go” set and I have found myself fascinated by its symmetry, it’s strategy, its beautiful aesthetic as well as how completely poor a player I am.
I mean, it’s not that I’m just bad, I’m terrible.
The instructions left too much to be desired and I’ve been brushing up with online tutorials. I decided last night, during a bout of insomnia, that my best bet was to play some Yahoo! Go against humans. I found myself getting schooled by a very nice high schooler in Beijing who also explained to me that he believes the Chinese were going to revolutionize the world with knowledge and that he studies 24/7.
I for one welcome our new Synic overlords.
Update: I neglected to add in another paragraph that my girlfriend when we played a quick match on a 9x9 grid also beat the snot out of me. Things are looking bad for my deep Asian insights into the nature of strategic battle. Update: I neglected to add in another paragraph that my girlfriend when we played a quick match on a 9x9 grid also beat the snot out of me. Things are looking bad for my deep Asian insights into the nature of strategic battle.
I mentioned that I thought the PRC was going to have a heck of a time revolutionizing the world without free press, labor unions, or the ability to report that soldiers on the Tibetan frontier were using traveling pilgrims for target practice. I didn’t want to get the guy thrown in the gulag though.