TV Party at Alamo Drafthouse
- One minute read - 163 wordsWe still don’t have cable at the house. Part of me thinks this is a good thing ( I’m not spacing out watching shows after work, I’m doing something like reading A Brief History of The Dead, James Dedman ). Another part of me misses Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars and … well, if I got going the list could go on and on, and that would certainly get us back to the other hand which says, maybe it’s a good thing that you don’t have cable.
Nevertheless, I was a bit curious about the exploits of the Lorelais and noticed that the famous Alamo Draft House hosts a TV party featuring GG and VM on Tuesday nights. So, Lauren and I met up there after work and watched the shows. It was a bit strange watching them in such a large cavernous space, but it was a real treat to have some Drafthouse cuisine while watching some of the CW’s stronger offerings.