Doing the trivia thing with the Mayor, Alfredo, and Osakatomebaby-lady
- 2 minutes read - 346 wordsWell, for those of you who have been following my re-association with a friend that was lost to the great post-graduate scattering, you’ll all be releived to know that we did manage to catch up at Mother Egan’s (a place where my Bay area friend Jeff simply must come) bar and pub on 6th street last night. Little did we know it also happened to be trivia night at the establishment. Being that we ( as a table ) are a competitive bunch of polymaths, we were soon embroiled in a heated battle.
It was definitely good to see Mr. Al and to meet his lovely fiancee. Interestingly enough, a found a lost blogger as well. The authoress of OsakaToMeBaby was at my very table. It just so happened that Al and I were tracing our e-connection via the brothers Steans via the now-absent-from-the-blogosphere (or is he secretly penning somewhere else? Let the conspiracy theory begin), James Dedman. Upon hearing this, the authoress noted that she, too, was tied to our network as she was the authoress, as I said above, of Osakatomebaby.
Now this was one of my most favorite blogs linked off of Jim’s site: it was funny, had good layout and the musings of any American on Japan / Japanese-ness / Fish-out-of-water-ness are inherently interesting. So I had to ask, what happened, why did you stop writing, suddenly, quickly, permanently? Well it turns out that the turning of the wheel of life in Osaka had her move (which interrupted the flow of internet access to the home) and she met a strapping Aussie lad to whom she was now wed (and across from whom she was seated).
Now our gaming continued until the final round when none other than Mayor Will Wynn popped in to deliver the last round of questions. Now how cool is that? Besides getting to work in the [very cool city hall on Town Lake][arch], Will takes time to mingle with the common folk down at the Irish bar.
In the end we tied for 4th, another night perhaps.