A nice birthday...
- 2 minutes read - 300 wordsYesterday was my birthday. I started it out with the exciting tradition of going to work. Work was a bit more exciting than usual as my company’s stock had a very good performing day. Thank you Wall Street for my first present of the day.
After work I headed off to YogaYoga Northwest and took a class with Selena. It turns out that I had overheard her say to another yogi at YogaYoga south that a certain gentleman was her chiropractor. I asked that certain gentleman for his card and now he is my chiropractor as well, and a very deft one he is! So, Selena had actually given me my second present.
Upon returning home I trudged up the stairs to my apartment when i noticed under my hand there was beautiful blue crepe paper under my hand. My sweet baby had wrapped our handrail in festive streamers. Upon arriving at my door there were big, happy blue and orange balloons taped to the door. I walked in and found a note taped to the door which said “I love you because….”. As i entered into the house I found more and more of these notes which recounted special qualities my sweet girl likes in me ( imagine that! ).
Upon entring I found a tasty chocolate cake, a present, a card, and, of course, my sweet girl. She wished me happy birthday and bade me sit for presents time. I read her very sweet card and then opened my present: a lovely painting she had done of us!
Thereafter we headed to Ristorante Andiamo in North Austin where we had a great dinner of escargots, salad, soup, tortellini, linguine frutti de mare, and cappuccino. We returned home for a slice of cake with Blue Bell vanilla ice cream.