Yet another vote for "The Forty Year-Old Virgin"
- One minute read - 180 wordsI had been hard at work on building a new server and porting a bunch of legacy Perl code over so yesterday I was due for a reward. I came home, ate a Sloppy Joe, and then headed to the Shoreline with Elle.
I’m not saying anything new by saying that I thought this movie was hilarious, but it was. It was a (surprisingly) grown-up look at relationships, dating, forging one’s sexual identity, and kooky co-workers.
It’s definitely R-rated, but it’s part of the resurgent adult sex-comedy that so blessed us during the early 80s heyday of Private Benjamin, Stripes, Porky’s, and Bachelor Party.
Further, the movie was directed by Judd Apatow who is a master of skewering the embarrassment knife. After hurting me in commiseration with all those episodes of “Freaks and Geeks” (see previous blog post here), seeing him attack the most socially akward phase of one’s life (after Junior High) was a real joy. Apatow knows when to say nothing but to let the lingering camera act as your unflinching camera into humiliation. It hurts so much.