Curse you del.icio.us!
In case you’ve been getting entirely too many useful things done lately, might I recommend you try out http://del.cico.us ?
I’m no longer hip in breaking the news of the existence of this site, but it’s front page (recently added links) is enough to make your Firefox browser’s open link in new tab function reel with use.
Working up to AJAX by learning something about the DOM and Javascript
If you’re not in the programming field, you likely got hit by a bunch of acronyms there as if you had been hit by a bus. Let me break it down:
AJAX : A technique that makes websites look fast and smooth, unlike “old” style application. Think about the way Google maps looks, or Netflix. DOM: HTML (the language that web pages are written in) can be seen as a “tree-like” structure. This structure goes by the name of “DOM”, or “Document Object Model” Javascript: A language for telling your browser ( Firefox, IE, etc. ), to do something to the HTML page sent from the server *within your browser.
Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia
No, not the movie of the same title.
On second thought, bring me his attention this a-ways.
I have mailed him from my GMail account, my domain based email account, and now I’m making a banner post at the top of my blog.
As I told him in my mail:
Alfredo, ’twas last night while i was lounging hollywood style at the hotel san jose that the musicologist delivered serge gainsbourg followed by choice cuts off of T. Rex’s slider, surely you shoulda been there. Give a fellow a mail when you can.
I’m suspecting that either there is an overactive spam filter involved
Austin Meetup.com Ruby Group Advertising
In March of this year I started the meetup.com group for the Ruby programming language. I wanted to meet some other people who were interested in exploring this elegant and rich system for the expression of thought.
Wisely, one of our members suggested that we work together on a learning project. Our project of choice was resolved last meeting and it is a ’text-based adventure game engine’. The generic requirement is that by creating a scenario file ( i.e. the rooms, the contents of the room, etc. ) you can feed that file to the engine and it will give you a text-based adventure story along the lines of Zork or Leather Goddesses of Phobos.
Use your public library! Access SF Public Library without login
As someone who recently liquidated about 9 boxes of books, the majority of which I read only once but lugged around for 10 years, let me recommend that you RENT your books through a service that’s kinda like Netflix, but for books: the public library!
Since I moved, every time I have the urge to buy a book (physical or Kindle) that I think I will read only once, I instead go to sfpl.org and see if the book can be rented. It’s a great way to be slightly more careful with your money and conserve living space.
Granted, there are times you want to have an artifact.