Posts from Tweet


Twitter icon I just joined twitter after disparaging it, hating it, not getting it and generally thinking it kinda sucked. Hell much colder. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon College calls at 730 on friday to say Latin III canceled due to low enrollment. Drink up to the death of classical education! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Waiting for Lauren so we can go to CHUY’s | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I think typewriters are beautiful. The power of the Guetenberg movable type press on your desk. And the italians made beautiful ones… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Completing my Unicode library, listening to Echo and the Bunnymen’s “Killing Moon” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Finished my Ruby Library for dealing with Latin strings that contain Unicode glyphs. Submitted to peer review via Austin ruby Coders. Ulp. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Want: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The owls make beautiful, gentle music: with a folkish, mamas-n-papas, minnesota feel. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watching Python’s “Meaning of Life” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m porting Perl code to M4 macro language so that I can flexibly deploy it to dev/ prod, and stage situations. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lauren’s diet advice: Are you really hungry or do you just want the flavor tunnel to keep on going? A good way to eat half a sandwich. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Looking outside to see how close the thunderstorms are. Nothing roars like Texas thunder: like a hungry bear lurking overhead. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Saw Tropic Thunder. Respect for Ben Stiller returns to 1991 levels. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back at UTexas waiting for a class to start. 8 years later. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the UT Union Loggia. Last time I studied here ( 1997 ) there was a vampire real-world cosplay game going on. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon processing the foodbomb known as the Freeb!rd. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watching 30 rock season 1 on DVD . | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Got twitterberry working. Lauren and I rocking it 1987 style at olive garden. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Studying gre material at office on labor day wknd. I know how to party. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back from kyakking on lady bird lake! Wonderful summer day in austin! | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Writing M4 Macros. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In line at prufrock’s at utexas. Anyone else feel the hint of fall this morning? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the Lone Star Ruby conference. A place where you can say “mapreduce” without fear. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth: at LSRC we’re modeling the “greedy” dice game :) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watching Matz, author of Ruby, be an enthusiastic student of James Gray II, a Ruby expert. Curiosity and humility ought always be emulated. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon For the Hannah Arendt lovers following me: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Girlfriend in minor car accident. See you ruby ppl some other time. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going with post-car-addicdent @laurennroth to Manuels, and then to catch “Elegy” at the Arbor. It’s hard to find movies without car crashes | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Oh but by the way. Don’t be hatin’ I loves me my Hall and Oates. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back from stocking up on ike rations | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seven yrs ago I was sleeping late due to a conf later that day. Roommate knocked n ddo “dude you’ll need to see this”. Thought fire? Quake? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Batteries, lanterns, fresh water, gas in the auto. We’re set for Ike fallout. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Made huge leap forward on ruby code base. Very happy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Should i get a facebook account now? I’ve resisted due to their Chrome-like attitude to my personal data: but its ubiquity is hard to miss | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ruby Work: I have made a short video of my LatinVerb class. It’s stil 0.01 grade, but going the right way. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going to go hand over the title to GEICO. farewell car. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon They call them blister packs–but i think they’re ‘cut your finger on sharp plastic, bleed everywhere, cursing and grab a steak knife pack’ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon going to mighty fine burger before the game. In and out’s got nothing on this | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Discovered a scratch- gouge in the back of my car’s trunk door. Looks shopping-cart-y. As Aristotle said: we live in the corruptible world | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon /me won’t be registering for SXSW until he finds out if the erlang and javascript classes got approved. I want to talk with MAKERS. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth Good afternoon my special one! You are the joy of my heart. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After a night at @austinonrails I drink chocolate milk and listen to Elliot smith. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I now have my Latin Verb Conjugator library passing all of its 600 Unit Test assertions and correctly building 5 standard verb types. w00t. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @mirven @laurennroth give me a neko case afterworld, so that I can be in velvety awe eternally. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At work implementing a change of back end processes. After a 45 hour backup, and a 9 hour new process kickoff, i’m closing in on the end. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sometimes I feel like henry higgins, listening to others’ speech patterns and wanting to chronicle their grammar and morphology | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back from am spent working at BMW of austin. Their waiting room is nicer than many deluxe offices. Bonus: car healthy, $0.00 outlay! | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon My dad, repub. said: “This election is about who won’t blow the planet up, taxes are small potatoes”. Palin talks small potatoes #current | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon the straining strings of zoe keating’s cello make my macbook vibrate sympathetically. should i be worried? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon going to spyglass access on the green belt | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If the government, via our tax dollars is supporting no-longer-private industry, isn’t that technically communism? Привет! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Freebird’s with my beautiful girl! Spring day! Bliss! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dear Apple: why isn’t the clipboard hold n-many cuts? Closer to Emacs’ kill-ring. Copying youtube url over important stuff sucks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Has finally dug out of his Perl programming hole. Back to Ruby and, possibly, some C. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At PCL reading about political cunning and fooling the masses in the gallic war. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I see people using ASL rapidly with one another. I wonder if they’re arguing and if they sign “don’t yell at me”. Yelling= Intent not volume | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Austin traffic is a wreck in every directon thanks to those going to Dallas. Icing on the cake, bus ahead of mine broke down on Guadalupe. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Cracked magazine says something that we all know but simply don’t say: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just back from salsa dancing at copa on congress. Nice spot. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Has begun his fast in preparation for the Salt Lick tonight in observation of @laurennroth’s birthday! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I have the kind of life where we listen to The Cowboy Junkies and make brunch on Sunday. I like it very much. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Birthday dinner at chez nous was great; the duchess merely ok. Birthday time with birthday girl @laurennroth always great | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon can i tell you how much i love Metric’s “Combat Baby” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Home from a wonderful day at Maker Faire ( no Bill Murray Seen ) and a nice house party with some of my fave hi school friends, SO’s, & fam. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Caffe medici latte and tacodeli b’fast taco. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon is going to be in San Jose the week of the election! I’ve never voted early, but suppose there’s a first. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Pictures of Maker Faire Austin | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sometimes when translating latin it dawns on me that I’ve been holding my breath until the sentence is done. I exhale audibly, surprised. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yes palin spends a ton of cash on clothes. Our society esteems women based on their looks. This isn’t a her issue, it’s an us issue. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At fonda san miguel with sister, mom and gf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I cooked a tandoori chicken, dal, and rice dinner for @laurennroth, mom, and sis:bro in law. Delicious! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon information or linguistics? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon another vote for hope in Austin. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Getting ready for a dia de los muertos party ( nox mortui ). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just de-made-up from dia de los muertos party. I now have long, lustrous lashes. It’s not maybelline. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Visit to aapl store got me a brand new battery! Thanks for fixing bunk hardware! More reasons why I am a mac guy | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ppl in apple store’s genius bar happily tipsy on change! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I liked mccain’s message. America is a great promise, it’s a great place where the dialectic of disagreement makes us stronger. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So say we all …. Er yes we can | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going to bed in CA: Thanks, Nation! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In. North beach, sf, ca living the cool, sudden, early dark of the city’s falll. O urbs francisci santi, te semper amabo. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Joy division is played in the bars of sf. The midlands are good for music. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In south san jose in the foothills. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just back from Lindy Hop dancing. It has been 2 months off so we down-stepped a skill group. It was good to shake the rust off again. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Up early to head out to Lexington, TX to get “the best BBQ in Texas”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Worked out; hopefully de- sinning from sweet, sweet snow’s bbq. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OK look, I seriously love the pixies. But dear God it’s annihiliating my ability to concentrate. I can rant in spanish frothingly too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Headed to new mexico, next milestone: abilene | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Texico. Truly nothing for miles but the destination. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon FYI Jasons Deli no longer does the single-trip salad. You must now get the full salad bar. Tax on eating with restraint is lame. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just re-drafted the first half of a Philosophy of Science essay I wrote ~10 years ago. Less verbosity: cuts much easier with a decade on ya | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I just had a jr. Hi flashback and remembered the pants known as skidz. Bad name, worse clothing. Only brenda walsh can save my mood. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am exhausted. Preparing writing samples on anthropic principles and work and getting recoms | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks to living in CA 6 years & ATX smoking ban, I had forgotten coming home & thinking “i need to wash my hair”. Until 2nite, iron cactus | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going to a late lunch at torchy’s with @laurennroth | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Kicking it at thunderbird café: Too many peepz at Epoch. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon watching milk was like a best of trip to san francisco: all hills and Deco? No urine smell. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was rereading one of my favorite books and found a KNACK sticker, 1995 vintage. In it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon writing sample ( redraft of anti anthropic principle paper near done ) cites ruby pickaxe ruby book, Wittgenstein | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About to get my roller skate on. Bump that sean paull playland skate center | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon just for the record, my favorite time of day is the very nerdly, 2:56. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon going to Alfredo Garcia’s house and then going to the Trail of Lights! Austin Christmas is here, proof, it’s 80 degrees out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am trapped in the arbor walk complex’s hellish traffic flow. 15 minutes from floyds to mighty fine. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon if you like a burger with that great char grilled flavor, methinks there I’d none finer than smokey mo’s on mcneil | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My first Rails app: LINGUA LATINA IN VIIS FERRORUM | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Necessary luxuries in houston’s galleria has taught me more about shaving in one day that I have ever imagined possible. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About to watch “wall-e” with dad and @laurennroth. Good christmas visit coda. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Hyde park new years dinner: a tradition for us. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 2 hoots and a holler sounding good at the continental club. The derailers at midnite. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For the second day in a row my capacity for writing about what i want to do with my life stymies me at every turn. Trying working standing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Genuine joes. essaying. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At epoch cafe | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon anyone know the band mojave 3? I’m listening to ‘ask me tomorrow’ – it’s beautiful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hell yes hall and oates at the Epoch. Takes me back to the nadir of my Vice City addiction. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Damn you Cat Power. You are simply too tragic to tolerate. “To be a good woman”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About to take sick girlfriend in for an x ray. Make sure nasty chest cold is only that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m learning to two step. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Waiting in line for beer at the broken spoke. The derailers are pretty good line music. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon shot of red label and a shiner: this is Austin | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thought it was cool the prez gave a shout out to non-believers and praised science. Wow. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @benhamill and @wbruce sold me. I’m now up on git. Don’t know how not to use it as anything but a fancy svn though… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Pick Ruby if: You want the flexibility to bend the language to fit the shape of your problem. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wbruce I like Francophonic / African music in general. French rap is so excellent, esp. with african / arabian influence. Massi fits. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I think it’s gauche to say “could I get” instead of “may I have.”. “Please” is a bonus. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yes I am the first taco of this fine el chilito morning | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 20 degrees colder than when I got downtown | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon /me is checking his translation homework into git so that I can see it become refined over diffs. Downside, reading it in LaTeX is not EZ. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I feel vaguely superior when I fire up SSH-tunnel mode at the coffee shop. Like: Yes, you wireshark users, sniff my packets. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You might live in austin if you’ve heard willie nelson, townes van zandt, and guy clark before 8 am. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon today at UT, as i was sitting in the plaza, suddenly something heavy fell to my right, but millimeters away from my head: an apple. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Whence came this potentially cranial-contusing pomme? I looked up and saw 2 squirrels fighting high in the ancient oak’s boughs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon but i looked at the apple, and noted that it showed signs of oxygen exposure. I believe that ane squirrel had invaded anothers nest | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Do you got” is certainly the ugliest way to begin a request for something. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Git help needed: I have one project whose contents I want to put into the subdir of another project. What’s the git-ty way to do this? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It was not unusual for the hero in antiquity to weep openly. They were dainty neither about spilling tears nor spilling blood. Clyde Pharr | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fantasy cheesecake art, pizza, metallica’s “blackened” : my room in 1989 or conan’s right now. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth wrt your where science meets art, article #3 is D. Knuth, author of TeX, foundation to LaTeX. A total emperor of yak-shaving. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last night I couldn’t sleep for dreaming in dactylic hexameter. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Attack of the supines: mirabile lectu! someone bithacked legend of zelda / adv. of link into Latin translations! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Since cell phone use has blinded everyone to how loud and annoying there are, this site has been bookmarked. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going to the semantic web austin hands on training at mcc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The best part of V-Day was being with @laurennroth on our aerobed pillow and blanket lair in the living room, watching kung fu panda | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Furor arma ministrat” : Wrath furnishes weapons | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m about to head down to The Fed for Thursday night dance. Gonna get my sweet tandem Charleston place-changes on. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just ate lobster on a deck in cedar park. Keepin it decadent. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It is time to go on a walk with my lovely girl in this fine Austin sunshine. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Steak with weller burbon. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Love linguistic drift: Andreesen says “unwinding [as in bug trace stack] a bunch of banks…” in Charlie Rose Interview | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OH MY GOD. @damon opened the door at @sodade and the menacing bee trapped herein LEFT voluntarily. Karma Score WIN | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Lindy a hoppin' | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon COFFEE SHOPS ARE REQUIRED TO PLAY ELIOT SMITH. Ignorance is no excuse. It’s the law. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am becoming my father: I no longer think that good and plenty taste like candie tar balls. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Whatever hipsters, Bonnie Tyler rocks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Poor @laurennroth spent the entire night up owing to acid reflux. A trip to the ARC, some perscriptions and now she sleeps. Sorry tweetup. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Personal dream reached:. Translated the fatal line: equo ne credite, Teucri. Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentis. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just saw “Penelope”. Possibly the best redbox movie ever. A rich, colorful, whimsical tale about a girl with a snout. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon you may be a programmer if…you find the word map() applies to pretty much any situation involving a list of things. #youmaybe | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love 2^8 o’clock. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I got our Neko Case tickets for the end of the month. Sexy and macabre with a David Lynch bluegrass desth by reverborama. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We’ve beenin Austin 3 years but last night @laurennroth had her first casino el camino burger | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In the deep of the night, sometimes I think about the beautiful, hexagonal, tesselated white tiles of Deco SF apt. bathrooms and claw feet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Austin condo developers taking their lot and forced valet run by douches has killed the austin java on barton sprgs experience. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #sxsw I bellieve the iphone is seriously impairing nerd hook-ups without awkward silence what hope is there for shyly mangled come-ons? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At cabo bob’s where dublin dr. P flows like cola gold. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back from jamie’s birthday celebration: red cups, friends, and a surprise east bay visitor. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I thin he coolest cache software name ever is “tokyo cabinet” @hayesdavis @austinonrails | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Another fun night dancing at the fed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Boy, that’s a big rainstorm out there. It’s as dark as twilight out there. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon there is a dog snoring next to me #vocamp. He is unamused with ontological discussions. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon donated some ca$h to @conjunctured. Must…buy…new…chairs | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon With lauren at the ER. She’s having acute pain in her abdomen….and she’s hungry too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seton hospital has wifi in the ER for the anxious friends and loved ones to use. Much win. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon my true love needs to lose her appendix. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren is strict nihil per os. (Npo). Yes that couple K in latin tuition has truly paid off today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren is out of the OR and in recovery. She should be back in her room in 1 hour. Dr found rupture, she’ll be here a few days | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Final update on Lauren before I catch some winks. She’s sitting by me, eating ice, and recovering. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At seton hospital. Laur is sleeping to the smooth oration of Gewn Ifill | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 3am IV change for more anti-bios for @laurennroth; glad to be able to stroke her warm, still, hand as she breathes shallowly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jgArcia3rd @thefrenchfork @rsteans @laurennroth said to thank you for the visit but say that she was sorry to kick you out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth came home today and is resting as I type this. Thanks for all the tweets, FB emails, cards, calls, and visits. She thanks you. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone in austin have a good medical supply place. Specifically, i need a foam wedge. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon After 4 days stressed and exhausted at the hospital with @laurennroth, fate repaid me by giving me some sweaty flu and other icky ailments.. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ah 2 am lunch, that’s the small lunch that is required by the 2:15 antibiotic @laurennroth needs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In times of weariness, I open the words of Vergil and find peace in their lamentations and encomia. It’s all come before. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth just had some real food with much zest, a domino’s pizza. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was not accepted to the graduate program of my designs. No need for pity and empathy, I gave it a good shot. I shall achieve elsewise. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I did, in fact, notice that everything just changed and then changed again. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At lauren’s post operative review. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Guy writes ‘cogratulations’ in chocolate w/ desert when he learnt he was @laurennroth’s first meal out. Classy waiter at chzcake factory | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Had a bit of a scare. @laurennroth’s temp has been fluctuating. Good news CT scan: No abcesses, just infection fighting. whew | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We are back at seton ER. What do you make of a side stitch that lasts 10 hours? Too many possibilities to not be here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sometimes the things you OH in the ER will break your heart. The best you can do is fetch the aggrieved Kleenex. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After brunch at La Reyna, visit to panaderia mexicana and mozart’s on the lake, we’re now relaxing poolside. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sinatra is fun, it’s like beating Rails’ routes.rb into an application one URL at a time. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Finally, after @sodade’s recommendation, an on-the-mend @laurennroth and I made it to Exotic Thai at N. Lamar and Braker. Really good! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Taking Lauren to see her first appendix-free movie, «Entre les Murs». Which comes to us as “The Class” or perhaps “À monsieur, avec amor” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon consolidating my dead-wood library. Farewell 7 times read copy of Dune. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I contend that the greatest rock n’ roll song, in the purest sense of the genre, is “Honky Tonk Women.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just finished watching the meteors on mt. Bonnell or, as my faith calls them, the gods of ire. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon in central austin and want coffee just east of campus / IH-35, with parking, great decor, great atmosphere: see BENNU Coffee: 2001 E. MLK | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seriously WTF is up with using gerunds sans subjects and verbs in professional communication? Wondering why this evil exists. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When I see a persun using the mutt mail reader, I know I’m looking at a person who can grind data like a 17th century dutch Windmill. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last night we watched Kurosawa’s “Rashomon:” what a beautiful movie! Such emotionally dense shots replete with negative space! A+++ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon rio rita’s got flavah. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Today 100% all day I was very much in love with Lauren | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today is my last day of my Latin class on the Æneid. Just the final next Thursday. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone have a line on where I can see Ken Russell’s “Mahler?” DVD transfers appear to be sucky. I’d like to rent vs. own. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I just realized what NBA’s missing: Hakeem Olajuwon. The nimble soccer player footwork, the accent, the height, the smile. “Unbeatable” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon ATX People. Anyone know a good and, perhaps more importantly, fast CPA? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Conan’s pizza and preparation for my Latin final. Pietas and pizza. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am learning to appreciate scotch. Finished a glenmorangie 10 and am now trying a macallan 10. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Summer looming, mosquitoes found, net around bed, up. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren made the most wonderful Jambalaya. For a Californian girl, you might even think she’s Acadian. RazzooOOOOOoo | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First free night out in days. Dinner with my sweetie at HUTTs. Mr. Bleu here I come. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Remember how I needed a CPA? From many K owed, to IRS owing me enough to pay him. Break even is win on this day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon for breakfast this morning i had The Macallan, re-heated Magnolia migas from last night, and a BSG watch with my girlfriend. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Winding up the weekend with Tarkovsky’s “Solaris.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jcsalterego I love Spyglass. When I was a student here I thought that would be the greatest neighborhood to live in. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I know some scotsmen will be rolling in their graves but Hagen-Dasz butter pecan + Macallan 10yr single malt is bliss in a bowl and glass. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Typo errors on a DVORAK keyboard look like tense errors. “Caen once write”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We will be neighborhood visiting in SF this weekend. Very much need a vacation, very much need west coastia. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon David Bowie, get me through writing this part of my yearly review. Suffragette City. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon so excited about trip i can’t sleep….topo chico time! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lunch in cole valley at crepes on cole. We flew 2 time zones to have them place play stevie ray on entrance. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you live in austin, you will meet austinites left and right in san francisco. It’s kismet, transferred by mosquito. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Beautiful day in cole valley and noe. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wandering the marina areaa and came across the union street fair. Fun and funnel cake | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @damon it’s beautiful today. Surprisingly warm at about 80 near the marina. Cooler in the morn or in shadow. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At coit tower. Tweeting above the telegraph hill parrots. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This wonderful weekend in San Francisco I saw parts of the city I had never seen before, places you visit only when you don’t live there! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At last seeing up. Depressed about the horrible kids programming on all media. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Up” was poingnant and touching. Several young voices asking “why are you sad <parent>” confirmed pixar’s streak. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I met a very special young man tonight. His name is Noah and he is one week old today. He is a fine baby. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I really, really like The Glenlivet. What a wine-y nose on it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @davetron5000 Turns out my “error” was actually a warning about whitespace, but the patch applied correctly. but yes git diff <stashname> | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at #semwebaustin meetup today. About to start “Introduction to RDFa” session. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @benhamill That book and the last two pixar movies have advanced technology that trigger insane lacrimal cascades in yours truly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why am i smiling and bobbing my head to the headphones. It’s just the Looney Tunes running around my brain to Liszt’s Hungarian #2. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon A critical factor in open source success is “it’s better than what was there before” which, fairly often, is “nothing”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Am I officially insane? Should I write my resume in m4, with various output rules to publish LaTeX, RDFa HTML, and text from single source? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Writing m4 is like LISP except you get annoying quoting issues as a bonus to parentheses stacks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #googleos proved Richard Stallman right at the $500 price point versus the $pricepoint. RMS didn’t predict HTML5 or JS’ leaps. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Jerry’s artarama plays velvet underground…what else? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ramune at asahi, dragon’s lair, looking at dance shoes for @laurennroth. We’re gonna try to catch “moon” today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Mimosas and peach pie for breakfast, followed by coffee and Pine Sol. Decadence and deliciousnouss, loveliness and labor. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It seems every day I find a new reason why #vim is making waiting for textmate2 a non-issue. Today: Latex-suite + skim. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thou mayest know the depth of my insomnia by the rate of depletion of my favorite bottle of grain. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve been in Hyde Park lately and have been patronizing “Dolce Vita” coffee. Full bar, coffee, Wifi. At the moment, they also have Wilco. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We saw moon this afternoon. Nice elegaic syfy story. It has a slow but steady expansion of suspense. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My favorite Queen song is My Chemical Romance’s “Carry On”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watching “500 days of summer”. Well, actually ads before said movie. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 500 days of summer is very good. Funny, real, good soundtrack. No sap or scmalz just love in all its disasterous forms. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Golden retriever puppy-sitting means listening to sad whimpers as I try to nod back off after early morning outside visit. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon In Dallas after sweetJesusSaveMe cannonball run on I35. @laurennroth to drupalify tomorrow. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the flying saucer in addison. Just killed a harp. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We spent the weekend in Addison, TX. It’s like orange county, without the beach. Say…was that a rolex billboard? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dolce vita in austin knows the law: Coffee shops are REQUIRED to play Elliot Smith once daily. DOES YOUR COFFEE SHOP KNOW? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I created an M4->LaTeX/HTML+RDFa resume generator. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Looking for kinda melodramatic, wall of sound-y, girl-lilt-vox music see: CAMERA OBSCURA. More Scottish post-Belle & Seb lushness. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Date night with my drupally girl ends with the chess soundtrack at borders and a the mystery of hot, swirling winds as we pass thru borders. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We just watched coraline. Totally great movie. Thanks to tim for the intro to gaiman back in 94 still have the sandman GM series. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On my birthday I bought running shoes. Time to follow @chadfowler’s lead: hack my health. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First serious run ever, although at the “gentle introduction” pace you might call it focused meandering. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Air’s “moon safari” will always take me back to spring 98: my first trip to Paris. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My morning was lacking awesomeness. But then I remembered “this is a song about a car, it’s called Red Barchetta.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tomorrow my #kindle birthday present from @laurennroth arrives. I don’t know where I’ll start. I’m thinking Sarah Vowell “Wordy Shipmates” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon we just finished watching «El Topo». I could have lived my life without seeing that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Information Science Geeks never die, they just become explicitly reified. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The first text I’m reading on my Kindle is Austin author and fun-baby-shower-throweuse Stephanie Klein’s “Moose.” Tween humiliation fun. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First week’s running reward was donuts! Not really, try a bonus run and bonus interval. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Pursuing a taste for Scotch reached a new plateau today: the Islay beast known as Laphroaig - awesome with Persian, both smokey and rich. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Spent the evening computer-free and finished a translation of Aeneid book 2. Now to type up and git commit. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m really enjoying reading “The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane” by Katherine Howe on Kindle. Gothick, New England + Salem mystery. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon At Bat For Lashes with @laurennroth. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today was not a run day. But yesterday was lunch at antonios Tex Mex. Ergo today is a run day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Learning about ‘Puppet’ at @lsrc. Learned some great Unicode tips this morning from James Gray too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dana’s presentation on data munging warms the cockles of an ASCII wrangler’s heart @lsrc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How can it be that we can bail out Detroit and Wall Street, but can’t fund reading rainbow? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Oh BTW. I finished the BSG finale, so my friends may now discuss it in my presence. Picking at lazy screenwriting and plot holes = a hobby | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Nerd tweet: a4 > letter wide-ruled > letter college-ruled | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m about to head to the fed. I’m excited for some live music and dancing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Am I alone in wishing #ruby had an Array.(car|cdr|head|tail) method? I know it’s not FP, but I always monkeypatch these in. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I have been reading (auto-)biographies of entertainers. I’m reading “Cloris” by Cloris Leachman who is hilarious..and lead “South Pacific” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Github addition: LatinSyllabator. #Ruby takes #Latin verse, syllabates it and does elisions. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you like drama, may I recommend to you “The Secret Life of Words?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon And on this day long rainy day I Austin, KUT plays Cohen’s “Famous Blue Raincoat.”. Gutsy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I just caught “History of Violence” at last. What a superb movie. Best movie to explore violence’s integral relationship to society. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Soon I shall be in the land of the mitten shape. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Enjoying the beautiful michigan fall in a verdant backyard amidst chirping crickets. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Go karting in garden city. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m playincg some beatles rock band with some cool as hell kids here slurping some faygo rocket pop. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 1 minor invention every 10 days, 1 major invention every 6 months: TA Edison, agile as f*ck. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Peep this: I’m in detroit downtown at night and it’s totally nice. Screw the haters | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Judging by the steady traffic of ten-speeds through Hyde park, I gather I’m not alone in thinking today is Austin perfect bike day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If Taylor Swift is country, Dale Watson is Transylvanian Hip-Hop. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon am i the only one who is chagrinned at the transformation of enormity to mean a specification of size? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon About to take a test on Ovid: animus meus non territus. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The number of bleary eyes behing glasses near austin downtown makes me think it’s allergy or midterm season. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Caught whip it. Great dialog, fun movie. Was glad to hear from a young girl attending that she thought it the best movie ever. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At ruta maya dancing to the jitterbug vipers. Love their singer’s (Katie) voice of melted brass. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just for the record: If tonight isn’t nice, I don’t know what nice is. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It now seems nonsensical to teach Shakespeare before Ovid has been, lest the allusions be vain. For Hecuba your didactic method. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Eating at moonshine b&g before going to see the #txrd championships. Skate ladies! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon TXRD action downtown. Hellcats and cherry bombs tied at the half. I hear there’s football here too in town. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #txrd rollerderby action is fast but dangerous. Cherry chainsaw took a fall in the 3rd and stopped play with leg injury. Our best to her &c. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dancing to a big band at ruta maya on s. congress. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back in size 36 jeans, the 38’s were giving me a certain cougarish off-the-hip look. If shin splits get better I can make these my new home | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Alyone know a proper running track in north austin? You know red and bouncy? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks to all the people in #atx who suggested Canyon Vista’s running track. 1 exit away, great track, nice vista, great breeze | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The more latin I read the less original every bit of literature I have ever read (French, Dutch, English) seems. Nihil novus sub sole. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ay dance lessons at the fed. As Ryan via Lucky say: nerd aerobics | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On the strand in galveston on. A glorious day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seul j’attends: j’attends, toujours. Ou? Quand? Ca fait rien parce qu’I’ll faut attendre. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon responde! tua te carissima Thisbe nominat; exaudi vultusque attolle jacentes! :( | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m going to @rubyconf! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the crazy gal’s cafe in Bertram, Texas. Need energy for the horse ride. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After horse riding we get cooper’s in Llano. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I had a dream day with @laurennroth: Horseback riding in the hill country, Cooper’s BBQ, beautiful sunset vistas, and now home :-D | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon I just need to set the record straight. I love BEARS! Black bears especially, teddies, Old School Pooh, an Alaskan Brown too. Bears RULE! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 2nd time ever running 5K distance. @Rubyconf 5K closes in. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Whenever I hear hot jazz standard “when I get low, i get high” I realize that I compare it to Austin’s Katie Holmes’ version. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Love that Zee Avi, “Poppy” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tomorrow I leave for @rubyconf! I’m ready to learn something amazing and run a 5 k! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I had forgotten how early and dark it gets in the bay. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At @rubyconf @heroku gave a great shirt and cool stickers. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stoked, running my first 5K with rubyists. It seems @chadfowler has convinced the sky not to dump water until 9. #rubyconf5k | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This mission bar has not forgotten that wilco’s “being there” is pure brilliance. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About to run 5K once more at #rubyconf. I’m happy to be able to do a half hour run! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On board flight back to austin! G’bye westcoastia. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren and I executed a flawless thanksgiving dinner at my dad’s place yesterday. today we go running after sleeping in. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Definitely in a sworl of light snowflakes in north austin. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So nice to hear the sounds of christmas carols coming from UT’s carillion. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Considering the questions of punishment in Ovid. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About to check out “An Education”. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ll be moving to San Francisco over the Christmas holiday. Projecting a farewell happy hour next Saturday in N. Austin. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We put in a considerable dent in the packing to move. @laurennroth braved the kitchen, I the garage and living room. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I learned more about the blues from 2 weeks with you, than 20 years of BB King. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Living room, 2 closets, living room packed. Mega goodwill half price run then the office and bathrooms. Goal: be packed by Saturday. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone know how to dispose of paint and varnish safely? Home depot? Oil change place? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Early Xmas gift to me: I broke through the 200 lb. Weight plateau according to my imprecise bathroom scale. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s odd that two people I know are, right now, en route via car to the bay area to take up residence there. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Farewell drinking at the pour house at 6. Otherwise we’ll be meeting up in SF. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We saw “up in the air” tonight. It was very good and real about work and life in a refreshing way. Like Jerry maguire minus the stupid | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Rented washer and dryer being spirited away. Movers are 6 hours into window and haven’t told us when to expect them. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ready for the movers. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I have that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach which is the precursor to any decision of import. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Movers expected in 90 minutes. Time for a quick shower. Nervous insomnia cured by dogfish ipa. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just shy of Abilene. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth just explained “coworking” to my grandparents. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Crossed into Arizona, snow in the desert. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Car is ready to head for Vegas. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was entirely surprised by Avatar. Cameron should have sent Lucas a memo in how to do sci fi with great heart AND effects. Recommend. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I really think avatar actually uses the 3d medium for true artistic effect. Therefore I recommend it be seen in that format. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon CA border in sight. Time for CA fast food. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In Orange County, our rest point before cruising up to LA, thence to the Bay. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Headed to LA to hit an expensive cooking botique store. Imagine that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Girl at market was pulling a “Gaga” and by that I mean she was pantless Save for semi see-thru tights. Ah, LA. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sunset at The Grove in Hollywoodland. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon The promised land. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I woke up briefly this morning at 7 and realized it was the new year and that a bay area rain was gently falling on Palo Alto. Lullabye. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Looking for a short term residence in san Francisco today. New year and new life. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hunt for a temporary SF dwelling enters day 2. Likely prospects. PAC heights, upper Castro | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Friend’s 2 year old:“It’s a phase.” overheard from Mom. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Temporary san Francisco residence found and entered. Bags unpacked for the first time since before Christmas. A well deserved exhale flies. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon mad propz to for making their address change forms big, friendly, intuitive, and helpful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yet again I mistake an earthquake for home maintenance (tree-trimmers, this time). In’s an omen for the #longhorns | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is there an API level interface to google’s recommendation. You know [new y] gets ’new york’ in the drop-down? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was irritated to have awoken in the middle of a night affording few hours of sleep, but the shower fell softly and streaked the window. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Saepe stultus privus pecuniae suae est. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My neighbor wanted to have a noisy party so she put us up in the @rubyconf venue for the night. Waffles in the morning future. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I woke up to rain, and it has continued to rain all morning. It’s supposed to rain all day. Rain. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Doing one of those tourist things that locals rarely do: dinner at the cliff house with the Franco, the guillory, @laurennroth and Flavia | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yes, I think that I moved here in part so that I could play “Blue Train” while a window shows nothing but rain and bay. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Very glad to attend #sfruby with great presentation from @defunkt, panel on getting hired, Haml. Opportunity everywhere for great ideas. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone heard anything about the new Elizabeth Kostova book: Thief of Swans? The Historian was good, a bit long and pulpy but good. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Went running at Kezar between rain clouds. 1.5 miles in I got poured on. Ran back home and took a shower. No rain in sight :-/ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I want the world of chocolate to intersect the world of croissant ASAP. Me want food #jennamaroney. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When she’s on her best behavior, don’t be tempted by her favors. So warns #nekocase as I read Haiti news… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Leaving the DMV having passed written flawlessly. Lady outside who hadn’t asked to have my test. Galled, I said “No.” What temerity. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Corona Heights Park in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Getting my CA plates. — at DMV (Daly City) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Mon amour, mon ami, je ne peux vivere sans toi / mon amour, mon ami et je ne sais pas pourquoi | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Joojeh! — at Lavash | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at San Gregorio Beach in San Gregorio, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Beach picnic at half moon bay | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I’m at Noe Valley Public Library in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Cisco SFO 6 in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Meeting Augustine! — at Synopsys HQ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Am I alone in thinking that @sxsw isn’t really for keyboard-touching nerds anymore? Didn’t see any HOWTO sessions for my tribe. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sharing tea with Lauren. — at Crepevine | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I just made an appointment for my first Rolfing. I’m hoping to hear the sounds of fasciae being ripped asunder amidst my tears. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Where better to work on my half year career plan? — at Wicked Grounds | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The BBC is the paterfamilias of all techno. It all bears the family name of “dr who”. Sine dr. who nihil. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I hear the rain, I see street lights girding Twin Peaks glitter through streaks on glass. I shiver save for the heat in my mug. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was up late working And needed gin and rain and the story of horatius cocles to wind down for bed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tussen heuvels en lichten, daklozen en regen, koud en wind; hier woon ik nu, in deze stad van goud, vuur, en aardbeving: San Francisco. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “[Lysenkoism] was the lethal mixture of science and ideology.” This is a reason to listen to the in our time BBC podcast. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dinner with Bruce and Lauren. — at Siam Thai | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wow, the rain is coming north from the south. First Oakland vanishes, market street, castro, and now it creeps up my hill. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wonderful new year’s at friends’ in palo alto with duck, dumplings, spare ribs and rice. Happy year of the tiger. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Undoing benefits of tennis with awesome lasagna. — at The Sausage Factory | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon High atop twin peaks the fog rushes over like rapids through orange streetlights as if a Texas summertime mister is lurking unseen. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today has been a day so wonderful I can scarce believe it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @atmos It was pretty foggy today too. I heard the horns all night and I can’t even see the bottom of my hill! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Breakfast at one of my favorites before I sign some serrrrrrrrious paperwork. — at Manor Coffee Shop | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Serrious paperwork signing delayed due to error in contract. Sigh. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am now “in contract.”. Coming this spring: residence in SoMa. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Peace Pagoda in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Genji Antiques in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Daiso Japan in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon iPhone and AT&T service in the city recalls Seneca: we can tolerate neither this evil nor its remedy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blick art supply takes me back to 2002 by playing Strongbad’s hit “The Cheat Is Not Dead” on the PA. I sing along, aloud. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Manhttan with Lauren and warming by fire. — at Lush Lounge | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m with Lauren as she buys an iPhone. Look for sf 3g service to suck one person more. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren’s buying an iPhone. — at AT&T | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Mission style burrito right in soma. Awesome! — at @Tropisueno | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My favorite bird is the colorful toucan. Favorite land mammal? The California black bear. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Zephyr Real Estate West Portal in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When considering the majestic #toucan, I am struck by the rainbow of colors in its beak. #toucantoucantoucan | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Speaking of a #toucan, I would bet a #toucan would love the smooth #vibraphone #jazz of Khan Jamal, who i discovered this am. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lunch. — at St. John’s Grill | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Café et pain — at Tartine | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at @Tropisueno in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Funny. Apple’s NSTextArea in-line spellcheck editor recognizes ‘grok’ as a real world. Heinlen’s influence into nerddom=great. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Camera Obscura’s “French Navy” on iDevice is an antidote to an infection of Lady Gaga refrains. Sometimes you need some space | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why do i love music that’s a downer? Shiver and say the words / of every lie you’ve heard. Echo and the Bunnymen. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I think the most interesting thing I’ve learned about David Byrne in “Bicycle Diaries” is that he visited his grandma in scotland. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve gotten back on to running post-move, post-holidays, etc. I’m back up to 2.25 sustained and clocking in at 196. 6 more… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wow, it’s been since 2002 since I last listened to #Siouxsie while coding. Too, too, too long. “Cities in dust”, “Happy House” ftw. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Insane or rad? Vim mode for iPhone for text editing with shake as escape. Better editing, faster textfield manip (dw,d),p) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Boot shopping. — at REI | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon San Francisco is perfect today. Sunny, smiling people, dash of sea breeze, delicious quick edibles. Perfect. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today it’s official: I am now in my new role in a software development group at Cisco. I’m excited…and overwhelmed! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At coda supper club. Dîner avec jazz. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DanielMiessler AWESOME about your #sf move. It’s really the only place to be for ppl like us! Which n’hood? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Osha | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 50% of my life I’ve been driving with 2 parking tickets. This month I’ve doubled that by two. Can we afford to fix some potholes now, Gavin? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A bastion of Potrero hill goodness. The Larry birdger is my fave. — at Connecticut Yankee | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Yerba Buena Park in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Eyeing — at 829 Folsom | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Outside of tartine I sit while guts and buttons play Franco accordion daydreams. Like glover gill’s bands but more estrogen. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This place is pretty empty and kinda scary. They must be losing a ton of money. Hope they find something — at Metreon | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon “Resistance” by @muse is this era’s “Mr. Roboto:” scifi / anti-totalitarian themes, Dr. Who synths, awkward rhymes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Every time I hear “Cult of Personality” I’m astounded that Living Colour didn’t take over the world. Still rocks 20 years later. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I feel like the cities on the peninsula that hug 280 are a great mystery, full of people living hidden in the lens-flare of SF. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lesson — at San Bruno Golf Center | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you play John prine, I will be you patron, mission district. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Keepin it real in daly city. — at Nation’s | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Sharis in CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Post-cough-con spa and relax weekend. — at Oceano Hotel & Spa | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Pillar Point Boat Launch in Half Moon Bay, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Photo: — at Pillar Point Boat Launch | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren says she decided she loved me about the second tower…years ago now. — at @GGbridge | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Pin High Golf Center in San Jose, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Miss @laurennroth just lined us up some great tickets to see the #sfgiants TONIGHT. Let’s go Giii-aaaants! | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon T train approach to AT&T park impeded by critical mass…naked riders. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Current status. Giants! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We are the pretty, petty things. And you’re standing on our streets…where Hector was the first of the gang.. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Home at last. Nice night out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Like Hannibal against Rome, I vow my eternal hatred against Sirius radio’s “Pulse.”. Emotionally dead pablum for cod. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I think the percentage of unmarried and smart female characters in Hollywood movies skews abnormally to the occupation “hooker” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today I used Ant to make our development platform Win AND OSX friendly. To think, I used to use M4 or Perl for that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dinner with Lauren and Stephanie. — at Annabelle’s Bar and Bistro | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Vendor Compliment: Wow, it’s refreshing to work with someone who really knows how to use the command line. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You’ve never had a massage until you’ve had someone rolf your inner jaw and sinuses. Protip: Find therapist with small fingers | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seeing a movie about men with whips and women in spandex in the Castro: iron man 2 — at Castro Theatre | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Homeless guy to me: “Hey, (mayor) Gavin (Newsom)! Hey, Gavin! Don’t ignore me!” #allwhiteslookthesameevidently | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Photo: — at Yoshi’s | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was supposed to run Bay To Breakers today. Croup coughing fits begun yesterday afternoon decided my entry fee should be a donation. :-( | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Here’s my Ted talk idea. “Seriously why can’t we make a decentralized semantic web backed facebook killer?”. It’s not heresy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s a special time when you join a new dev team and your commit horrifically tanks the CI build and you have to roll-back. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tired of the “Hiring $TECH Rockstar/ninja” thing. Mine: Wanted: Rails Mr. Ferley to my Janet Wood #playedout #joycedewitt | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just watched “the piano teacher”. That was different. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Do you want on my awesome train? Put maple syrup on your cereal before the milk. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RE: @danielmiessler I also highly recommend In Our Time hosted by polymath and condescentionaut Melvyn Bragg. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Zizek’s speech at Google is a riot: . Toilets, ideology, and the Rumsfeld theory of knowledge. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Classicist fashion: A hoodie that says ‘hodie.’ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Remember when Mike Dell said apple should liquidate and return its value to shareholders? Wrong. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Expert Hair Do in Sunnyvale, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Absinthe Brasserie & Bar in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Photo: Great place to celebrate your girlfriend’s new job! — at Absinthe Brasserie & Bar | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon i walked to pacific heights and then took a bus back to the castro. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DougMcBride we’re in for Birdemic! tonight at the Roxie. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We just caught the majesty and myster that is “birdemic.”. It is pure beauty. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I highly recommend the Istanbul treat. — at Philz Coffee | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wbruce check out p. Watt “blindsight” for yr next iLibrary download. Need more opinions on it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About to watch La Jetée. It’s with “Solaris” on that “Important SciFi I should watch” list. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ran from the haight to the ocean. Did well on the way out, hit the wall on way back in though. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Java study time — at Philz Coffee | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Git-fu: git add -p (file)->[s]plit. Apply different hunks of a diff so that you can make linear commit. So, powerful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Running in Santa Clara ismuch warmer than in the city. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Bi-Rite Market in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Strawberry vanilla swirl — at Bi-Rite Creamery Soft Serve Station | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My current favorite German word is “rundfunk.”. Dont’t worry “dirndl” you’re safe, long term. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Philz_Coffee is playing some Sisters of Mercy. Signs you might be in SF…music to go with the fog coming down the peaks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Running through Golden Gate Park! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love running through GG Park, first the smell of Haight, then the smell of trees, then the smell of sea. And then allergic itchy eyes… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DougMcBride Forcing myself to learn how to do everything via CLI; don’t ever want to be held hostage by the IDE, common in java-dev-land. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve been dreaming of a mission burrito for weeks. — at Pancho Villa | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #youknowyoufromthesouth If you “sir” and “ma’am” everyone and hold doors for ladies. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Chilling in my new bedroom calling comcast. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Ganim’s in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Supplies for new home — at Target Serramonte | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I just donated to This American Life. I cannot count how often these stories have moved me esp. “Conventions.” You probably owe them. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at San Bruno Golf Center in CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Chef Chu’s in Los Altos, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Photo: — at Apple Flagship Store | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tomorrow movers will bring all our Austin stuff into our new home. Scary part is we’ve not missed most of it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Omg. Laptop AppleCare ended today. Glad we got it in!!! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Austin comes to san Francisco in 136 boxes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yes, 200 feet from my house. — at Whole Foods | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For the first time in 10 years I have a home line, and now google voice comes to the rescue making the hell of AT&T in SF more tolerable. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Swedish-American breakfast with my favorite Swedish-American. — at Sears Fine Food | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Photo: — at Sears Fine Food | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I started reading Scalzi’s “Old Man’s War.” I’m loving it so far especially the tone of the narrator. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s six am how about we hop in a balloon. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stitched up at pier 39. I don’t think I can run with food in me. So much for home to ghiradelli via embarcadero plan. :( | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I managed to de-stitch and ran from the Wharf back home via Union Square and Powell. Then took a bath for the first time in a decade+. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m going to see inception at 0830 at the metreon in IMAX with @laurennroth. Reality better get bent | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Inception” renders some of the concepts that make programmers love their work: recursion, stack traces, etc and illustrates them for laymen | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In the future people will remember the iPhone as the first device that put the Internet in our pockets. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Flipped car on 237 westbound at McCarthy. How do you even do that? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is anyone happy with their cursive majuscule ‘D?’ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So many firsts in the last few months: first earthquake in my new home. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Only in #sf: 100 attendees at social #appworkshop at @heroku at 9am on a Saturday morning. @mperham is here too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the social app workshop #appworkshop — at Heroku | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Holyshizz. I’m in love with @twilio. #appworkshop I’m going to fix up my life / phone interface. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Introducing Lauren to my favorite Peninsula diner. Good ‘cakes and a nice place to read some Sunday morn — at Sharis | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon To atone for beer and great food at #appworkshop, ran from soma around embarcadero to marina and back down laguna for 10k+. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m tempted to drop MacPorts for homebrew…but I’m not sure I could hack figuring out how to re-install LaTeX. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Bike ride across the golden gate to Marin with @laurennroth | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Biked here from home. — at Golden Gate Bridge | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Blues music. Shot of Jameson and a beer. Giants on the screen (beat LA). — at Hotel Utah Saloon | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Tropisueño in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Java Collections and generics has some funny syntax: cards.toArray(new Card[0]); Ruby would be cleaner with cards.toArray(this.class), no? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you’ve never seen 1976’s “Network” you should. It predicted infotainment, foxnews, know-nothingism, idiocracy..34 years ago | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SF Friends: Picnic with me, in Golden Gate Park, tomorrow. It’s my birthday. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today some friends braved mist, cold, the haight and its kind fog to eat pizza and play croquet in the cold with me. You’re champs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My birthday with Lauren. All alone in a great restaurant! — at Zuppa | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love Test-Driven development because it turns the compiler into your ally versus your adversary. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon To all my twitter, Facebook, phone and flesh-and-blood friends: thank you for the deluge of birthday wishes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Got tired running home so I grabbed some Pakistani food. — at Shalimar | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon /me is needing a trip to the hotel utah. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Haven’t had Persian since winter. So excited for shalizaar in Belmont tonight. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Belmont is my favorite sf peninsula city because it’s named after Castlevania’s hero. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Been waiting for this all week. — at Philz Coffee | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Panera Bread in San Francisco, CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s a heat wave: #SF broke 80 today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Beautiful building and transit hub. — at Caltrain - Milbrae | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Photo: — at Caltrain - Milbrae | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just had my first @mogobbq. Awesome Korean taco truck!!! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @inkredabull despite the brief taste of Texas weather, last night’s moon and bridge at biersch was a treasured vista. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Priceless management advice from my colleague John: managers should decide, delegate, disappear. If this is news, yer doin it wrong. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Teased for carrying my mini brella in my bag on such a sunny day, I had the last laugh on caltrain platform as it lent me shelter | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Line of dirty people in funny clothes in SF’s tenderloin: homeless waiting for charity OR hipsters in line at Dottie’s? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Reprahzent cupertizzle with your vacant-ass mall. But what remains is (see pic) — at Valco Fashion Park | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Vidi Scott Pilgrim. It seems they took the hyperkineticity from “Speed Racer,” wrapped it on authentic indie love story, and made unsuck. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just for the record, I HATE IT (ESPECIALLY IN EMAIL) when people use GERUNDS instead of Subject/Verb pairs “Wondering if….” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The borders across from AT&T park is closing. E-readers, small is the new black put the hurt on against margin req’d for SF. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @damon Very rad. My 0.02: @philz_coffee is tops. Great drinks, great wifi, good staff. I’ll get you a Philtered Soul next time yer in. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Drink a greater alarm, pay mortgage, read a bit of the farseer trilogy. — at Philz Coffee | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Great quality food under a quiet blanket of fog in Monterey — at Mauricio’s | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Lighthouse Cinema in CA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Vacation! — at The Inn at 213 Seventeen Mile Drive | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blast! — at Adventures by the Sea Kayaks | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m so glad I was in the south bay today for a @mogobbq “Dirty Dog” – the combination of kimchi and hot dog. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon David foster Wallace I see what you did there, using a relative pronoun as a a nominative in a clause. Latin student, eh? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This place rules! Toyyyyys! — at Talbots Toyland | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “easy a” was surprisingly good. Emma stone has great comedic chops (face, timing). Truly gets teen sexual identity’s pain and humor. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I just finished “The Shallows” and hope to blog some thoughts on what its bleak picture of what the Internet is doing to us inspired. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Atheists and agnostics have a moral duty to donate to musea, research organizations, or universities. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I ran five mi today in 62min. I’ve got six weeks to +1.2mi. and -5 min for the @rubyconf 10K. Can’t wait to run in the Big Easy! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @VintageAnchor can you tell me who did the photo / who is in the photo of on the 1954 Vintage paperback of Camus’ The stranger? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I admit, I was totally stoked by seeing Sorkin write cameos for “wget” and “emacs”. #thesocialnetwork | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thai food, a walk to the ocean, fog, conor oberst, and bluegrass to come. Only In — at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Foam roller, humorous, running shirts, sleeping bag. — at Sports Basement | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seeing girl who played with fire — at Lumiere Theatre | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just found out about silicon valley code camp. Learn a ton of stuff: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Foothill college may be the most beautiful community college ever. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last session: rdfa: how, what, why. Haven’t done much here since I marked up my résumé. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was introduced to Node.js this weekend and am having a hard time keeping it from distracting me. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m so excited for the #rubyconfXk! With any luck I’ll get a new running jersey, the dryer singed the sweet one i got last year. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Gear for birthday hetch hetchy hike! — at Sports Basement | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks to a visit to Sport Basement last night, I have now heard a “Ke$ha” song. The sadness hangover has not left yet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren’s birthday! — at Le Charm | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Brasov Yosemite-ward today and climbing hetch hetchy tomorrow with my lovely girl. Gimme summadat NATURE. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back safe from a 12 mile day hike to Smith peak where we saw hetch hetchy reservoir and back. Shower and sleep now. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon There’s something about waiting for a train on a cold platform in a dark, early fall night that fits my notion of being who I wanted to be. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Beautiful old depot and French press and coralie clément songs. — at Caffe Del Doge - Caltrain Station | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon This #sfgiants parade is creating an unholy din of helicopters and fans. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m amazed by node.js, could we get a demo app between a hello world server and this awesomeness | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Now that we have a world series in SF, can we get a dunkin donuts? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What is it about early morning flights that makes creative thoughts the night before come so easily and distractingly? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Off to ATX! Tex Mex Mecca, here I come. — at SFO San Francisco International | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Matt’s El Rancho in Austin, TX | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wonderful day in CenTex: san Antonio, scotch, backyard fun with friends and family. Happy day with great weather. Miss my gal tho… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Gas and Dublin dr pepper. — at Buc-ee’s | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last Texas meal. — at Freebirds World Burrito | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Geauxing to @rubyconf! — at HOU William P. Hobby Airport | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Here’s a pic I took at Embassy Suites Hotel – | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My balcony view of the crescent city | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon NO’s cultural highlights — at Harrah’s Casino | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Registering. — at Hilton New Orleans Riverside | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Green Goddess in New Orleans, LA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Goddam this place is old school classy. — at Roosevelt Hotel | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at RubyConf 2010 in New Orleans, LA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Muffaletta and Zapp’a potato bitches. — at Central Grocery | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s an institution for a reason. — at Cafe Du Monde | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Having the greatest old fashioned ever. — at Renaissance Pere Marquette | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @freeformz @outerim headed to mothers be there in 5. Meet ye there. Me=tropo t shirt, rolly suitcase. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #rubyconf @hoverbird had a great presentation perhaps even helped by laptop death. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What other destination could make the airplane announcer voice burst into song — at SFO San Francisco International | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #rubyconf Vegas may be dead to me in favor of new Orleans. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #rubyconf I’m home. Thanks for a great conf @kellyjeanne and New Orleans! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #rubyconf attendees beware fleurs-de-lis withdrawal. Symptoms include desire for buttered food, beignets, and rye whiskey. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After 10 years I’m going back to the qwerty keyboard from dvorak: definitely more comfortable but the portability =~ nil. Expect typos. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Aloha (again). — at HNL Honolulu International | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Beach Bar - Moana Surfrider in Honolulu, HI | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Waikiki | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Surf and ramen and Lauren makes a great day! — at Kiwami Ramen | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Snorkeling! — at Ulua Lagoon at Ko ‘Olina | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m at Ko Olina Ocean Adventures in Kapolei, HI | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watching sol occidens. — at Maunalua Bay | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stunning. — at Hanauma Bay | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After a lite, late lunch of maitai and piña colada it is now time for a luau. Yay vacation. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ready to hit the beach! — at Moana Surfrider | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s cold somewhere, but not here. — photo at Moana Surfrider | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seriously, why isn’t the tax code released in code? At least then 5% of the population would understand it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Surf that makes you cry for its beauty and fatality. — at Hale’iwa Beach Park | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hungry from surfing and walking — at Pizza Bobs | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I had Japanese breakfast today. Tasty nori, miso, salad and rice. It was all good until I hit….natto. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am thankful for my family and exciting new opportunities for them, my great colleagues, my SF life and Lauren. Now, back to surfing. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Reason to live in SF: Got a last minute seat to NodeCamp: 1 day 0-60 training session for next week on node.js. Excited! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So far #nodecamp is crushing it. Great b’fast , cool shirts, tons of power, wifi and mission bay conf ctr is beautiful. Yay #joyent. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #nodecamp repowered and wifi good at nodecamp. Now learning about routes handling. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Noir at the Castro. “cruel Yule” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DanielMiessler Both @laurennroth and I were remarking that “Tron” was an average movie, but a great Daft Punk video. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Arrived in LA driving thru texas style downpour….surrounded by /Angelenos/ driving in said weather! ;) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Pouring in west Hollywood. And true grit ad! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon There’s a delightful, old dog nestled next to my leg. Amidst Christmas chaos his regular breathing and occasional leg kicks are calming. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back in #sf after great days in LA/OC. Much love to my family and friends there! | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I’m going to attend an exploratory jiu-jitsu lesson tomorrow. I’m excited to hurt in entirely new ways. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was really impressed by “Winter’s Bone.” Appalachian Gothic is right. A very intimate, tense, thriller. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Myers-Briggs S types: I do not understand you at all. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon if there is any modern man meriting the noun “troubadour” in the archaïc sense, it is Paul Simon. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In Ruby is there a way to catch every method execution (and its name?). Sorta like method_missing? I want to proxy some method calls | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I so love Karen Elson’s “The Ghost Who Walks.” First album in years that I’ve just gone “DAYUM” over. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hi, I want a whole lot of storage in the cloud for photos, music backup. What’s the best way to get it that isn’t painful? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Kid yelling at train station: headache; yelling “I love you more” to dad just boarded on the southbound before doors close…bwaaaaahhh. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We walked to buy a multimeter via furniture store section of SoMa. We came home with the meter, a couch, tv console and ottoman ON SALE! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The Decemberists’ new record (alt-countryesque?!) is available to stream at KCRW. Colin Meloy can write a great song. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Really digging tift merritt’s “See You on the Moon” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I don’t think that it’s often enough said, but I love America. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I noticed that Noë’s “Enter the Void” is on netflix streaming. I’m pondering when I will be able to take /that/ trip. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon To say that tmux and iTerm2 have most changed my workflow since moving to Mac in 02 would be accurate. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Mumford and Sons? I’ve been into Flogging Molly for years already. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sunny morning in SF and then it started hailing suddenly little pebbles of ice. It was like Texas came to visit for 1 minute. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I wish @pragprog would write an intro to c on osx. Teach the youngins about the machine, look relevant vs. k&r. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wonder if Neal Peart uses vi or emacs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Use Vim like a boss: Llast ‘:’-command can be repeated with @: and further repeats can be done with @@; with Quickfix ftw. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I can’t decide if I prefer Terence Stamp as cockney tough (The limey) or übermensch (superman, adjustment Bureau). Both? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Had a fun .rb hack night at @carbonfive. Learned about gemsets, 1.9.1 quirks, startup exec hirirng and some @pivotallabs crossover. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “If you got a problem with Willie Nelson, you got a problem with me.” – Snoop Dogg | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My new superhero idea: The Mad Wienerian: Pelts baddies with raw hot-dogs, menacing them with bruises and salmonella | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I secretly want absurd job working in a cafe where I will yell at people who don’t bus their table. “do you not have any manners, ape?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How can you spot facebook employees at cafés? They’re the ones not browsing facebook. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Catfight in the past aisle at trader Joe’s. “move!”. “hang up your cell phone and steer!” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Happy Ovid’s birthday. In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas corpora. The original sensitive bad boy poet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love Regina Spektor’s cover of Lennon’s “Real Love.” Somehow she brings a rich thickness to it Lennon and piano fury didn’t. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On the death of Geraldine Ferraro: I recall the “Q-Zoo” in Houston in the 80’s making a bear called Geraldine Berarro. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Just caught the swank bastards surfabilly show in north beach. Hula hoop dancers too at the bamboo hut. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We saw Hanna and Arthur. I recommend both but especially Hanna. It was like “Lola Rennt” in snow; great music. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My dentist in the city plays Interpol in the waiting room. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One of the best visual explanations of git ever: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I believe Jesus er Obama is in the hood. 2 blocks of Howard are blocked. Avoid soma if yer driving. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In solario tabernae Panerae sol fulgens amicam Laurenam meque calit! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @seaofclouds What is up with nail clipping in public? What’s next, public manscaping cc/ @dstafford | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sun drenched wonderland SF! Downside: Apparently sun makes residents jerks judging by the aggro honking and yellong on market. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon “Never Let Me Go” was a hard but rewarding movie. So much….tragedy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Any Grownups reading “Hunger Games?” looks interesting. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Emma Stone = voice of the new Peppermint Patty. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Do you realize what happened yesterday? The US president had Cobra Commander killed. Suck it, Destro. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Grace potter. I love your music. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #podiostore finished an app integrating @Twilio, @podio, on @heroku in Sinatra. I had never worked with these before today. Whew! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The monitor I won at @podio’s hack day. That is mega vi in the background. Thanks to the for help, fun and generosity. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At Kapor center where Kapor himself is speaking. My first tech job was at Lotus in 1998 in Austin. Full circle. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Muni driver greeted me with a smile, “good morning sir, everything good today.”. #5578 rt. 30 you are an example. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Twilio, I have learned, is pronounced like Dillyo. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Twilio: Steven Harms wins Podio hackathon! #twilioLAUNCH | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Summer in the south bay smells like these with a slight salt breeze and 72 degrees. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We just saw kung fu panda 2: better story and artwork than the first. It’s very funny. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth and I paddled from Townsend to pier 39 (7 knots) today. SF, take time to remember you are a sea-faring city. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ingridmusic’s twitter banter is so good. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Anyone want tickets to Sunday Florence and the machine in Berkeley? You must pick up from my doormAn tomorrow in soma. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Finished “The Hunger Games” in less than one day. This only happen with books I really like. Can’t wait for movie with Jennifer Lawrence. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m thinking about a sci-fi story set on a planet in a permanent half daylight that orbits an aged star. Or set it in SF’s West Portal. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why isn’t there a #Ruby or #Rails conf in beautiful Victoria, BC this time of year? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Look out Austin, I’ll be speaking at Lone Star Ruby Conf @lsrc in August on “Practical Metaprogramming: Modeling Thought.” See you soon! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth hits Pandora, a chord plays. “That’s Rush’s ‘Red Tide’ from 1989’s Presto.’” She: “One chord?” Me: “One chord.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @elight @lsrc Count me as in on the AirBNB. Right by one of Austin’s best coffee shops as well. w00t Genuine Joe. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @juliamae I only talked to you for 15 minutes at RubyConf, but I feel SF would be better off with your Markov creation here, not there. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Froda: From the #Twilio blog: “Developers Used Twilio to Win Podio API Launch Hack Day” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Uptick in scads of hetero, scantily-clad young girls at #sfpride may portend the boys, fights, and bloodshed that ended Castro Halloween. :( | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @melbotis H. Potter is neither smart (like Hermione), or hard-working (Ron). He just has talent, luck, others or deus ex machinae save him. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Only in Silicon Valley: “Yeah, I’m just now starting to trust compilers.” Me: “Against interpreted languages?” “No, against assembly.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Loneliest place at Rush concert? The women’s bathroom: via @sfgate | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wish there were a show called “Doing shit with Herzog” where people would do normal stuff, but with Herzog. “I, too, like bran flakes.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Revisiting ‘Zork’: What We Lost in the Transition to Visual Games - Philip Bump - Technology - The… | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon If the “Dragon Tattoo” remake doesn’t feature a metal ABBA song, Fincher will have missed a golden chance. e.g. during the tattoo scene. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Happy 4th from Pier 39. Note unclouded sky. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I saw “tree of life” Sunday; fireworks Monday. In Malick’s world this is significant. Cue dinosaurs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just for the record, we saw “Tree of Life” this weekend. It’s worth seeing, but only if you know what you’re in for. Beautiful though | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OHAI RubyConf 2011 New Orleans. I’ll be lecturing on Latin and metaprogramming in the French Quarter come November. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @davetron5000 Can’t wait to see your pres. at #Rubyconf! You’ve been improving my CLI-fu since 2009. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Visited @Twilio to pick up swag for @podio tool win. Nice to see @DanielleMORRILL and meet @genejo. Great loft with a “Tesla” conf room! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s totally happening: @laurennroth is being treated to her first viewing of 1980 masterpiece “Xanadu.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Come to think of it, “Xanadu” might be the only fit chaser after that donkey-flop of suck called “The Green Hornet.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Late night eats in san Francisco: don’t forget your trench coat and scarf! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Farewell you darling #potter children. Thanks for sharing your lives with us and ending in such a fine fashion. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Things I love about SoMa life. 1 block to HP7 in IMAX, 2 blocks to apple store for better mouse. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ti Couz in the mission closed. ’twas a special place for us. Now where to go for buckwheat crepes?#nothinglastsforever #firstworldproblems | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I will be Flying @jetblue for the first time for @lsrc. First time for everything. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I ran my first mile in Vibrams yesterday. My hamstrings are now 2 inches shorter. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Reading Knuth’s paper on Literate programming. It recalls to mind Searle. Write code with “Intentionality.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @hayesdavis Teens have nothing to do all day but think about sex, drugs, and selfish wants. Best not to underestimate. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OH: “So what’s her deal? Single, straight, bi, divorced, open relationship?” #signsyouliveinSF | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Perhaps what’s best is that we barely fail, over and over. That we stretch, falter, then regain what bested us before as an afterthought. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon When i consider the whole debt ceiling debate the only voice I hear is that of Johnny Rotten: “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @inkredabull Soma is definitely where to be if you want to work before work and work after work. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am dreaming of planning a European vacation. It is permanently night and purple neon lit like some sexy trance song that never ends. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When entering times of uncertainty, “work harder” seems to be the only strategy that has consistently won out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So I’m going to Austin for @lsrc next week and the temps in ATX are roughly double our daily average in SF. Gonna need much sweet tea. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is there anything more beautiful, tragic, glam and sad than T. Rex’s “Slider” and / or David Bowie’s “Lady Stardust?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So the planet of the apes movie was totally dope. I recommend it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Happy birthday! Congratulations my debit card got hacked. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon People who hacked my account used it to buy school supplies and groceries. Something is systemically wrong here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m alone in a Bart car headed to SFO. Feels like Logan’s Run: ominous and efficient. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Airbnb house is in hot Austin, smells like fresh paint, full of a/c. Smells like new school year apt. move-in | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 100% if airbnb ruby hacker house has vibrams and MacBook pros. We think different, it seems. #switchingtosandals | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Learning the basics of Lexing and parsing with @elight. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Took the east coasters to whataburger. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon JS Invasion Propaganda II: “Your fixie is not fast enough to outrun History, Javascripter. Ruby is coming.” #lsrc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 4 of my sessions at @lsrc are about Javascript. Something is afoot. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Giant cockroach, junior brown live tomorrow, 90’s band bush, cold latte, Dale Watson Monday: you might be in Austin. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @garannm thanks for meeting up I’m feeling soooo quesoy now. Best of luck with the new dreams. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Muralist is doing a painting of Quora from tron at 4th and Bryant. Walks to caltrain become 100% hawtter. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dolores park is a bit like pre-compression: poi, house music, juggling. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Such a dork. Partied too hard for cab. Reading. Ovid. In Latin. Historia arachnis | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Californication” was soooooooo good! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Home safe and sound. Now. Sleep | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jenifersf “it was a brave person who ate the first oyster.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Used @DanielMiessler’s lsof(1) guide to write a clever rc.d script to make sure the process locking the port was DEAD WITH FIRE. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watching Star Trek TNG: S1. ep 1. First time ever. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Living in #sf means never, ever apologizing for Journey. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The new #austin “how cool are you” measure will be “if you were here in the summer of 2011.” Everyone else will be “recent.” | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon My friends are the kind of people for whom the obvious question to ask after someone says “Roll a fair die” is “how many sides?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @davetron5000 found my lazytwitter git help request when I was at Genuine Joe’s, Austin 2 years ago, and I will see him SF next month. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Co-Worker: Origami is the art where you neither add nor remove anything from the medium. #zengong | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How amazing would it be if during a technical interview one side asked: “can I do it in awk?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Write with a fountain pen. #ThingsIveNotDoneToRushSongsTilNow | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love my Lamy Safari. It’s a great day to day fountain pen. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m honored to be teaching at @railsbridge this w/e at @pivotallabs. @sarahmei and @ultrasaurus have started something great! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @pragmaticstudio @jimweirich @chadfowler great news! Jim taught me tdd at @lsrc III and it changed my life | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I stepped into my living room from my bedroom and i could smell something coming though the vents: fall. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @melbotis no it’s more of somethignin the marine layer changed, smells more like Islay scotch and less of candy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary." : Nassim Taleb via @eliasbiz | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When @LanaDelRey asks in “Video Games” if it’s true that he likes the bad girls, I can’t tell if she’s hopeful or disappointed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Only in SF: See great Nasim Taleb quote by @EliasBiz about heroin and salaries on Hacker news. See @EliasBiz on your block one day later. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Judging by their video, “Foster the People” should have been called “Some dudes who work at Facebook who have instruments.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Really want high resolution pics of “Gravity The Seducer” album by Ladytron. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At @truecar, I asked my Rails question and had an author of the Rails 3.1 book look at it with me…we found a bug. :) Feeling über. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #gogaruco I can’t wait until ruby hackers start running for office. Ron Evans is killing it on “Kids Ruby”. Ron for education cabinet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @maccast: Valve makes Portal free for Macs through Sept. 20 If you haven’t played Portal yet, now’s your chance. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This trader Joe’s is playing Rush! Not any rookie stuff either: “Distant Early Warning.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At #gogaruco we saw a GUI for interactive evaluation and 2 talks on Smalltalk. We have some serious Squeak-envy, it seems. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @judytuna is here at @carbonfive hack night! Representing the railsbridge. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @garannm My heart is weeping over the words TAG / Telegard / and Celerity. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Holy shit! Went into amoeba and met ladytron, bought autographed LP. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Not even at #rubyconf and I just ran into Michael Hartl whose Rails tutorial is the best on the market at the minute cc/@judytuna. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Low rumbling thunder. Might be in the Gulf south. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Popeye’s in New Orleans does taste better / cc: @davetron5000 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @mirven @laurennroth arrives at 7ish. I/we will be over depending on her fatigue. So yes, eventually. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today ends with beignets and café du monde. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Metaprogramming talk at 1300 is a huge rework from @lsrc: uses smalltalk message passing POV. It’s clearer! All levels will learn! #rubyconf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #rubyconf do not use hotel’s magnification mirror. 15 minutes to shave, 1 hour of flaw finding, 1 hour of self-hate. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon “Practical Metaprogramming” slides, references, links at #rubyconf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @juliamae, @mirven, @laurennroth: Man, last night was the most fun I’ve had on a sidewalk in a long time with ye. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One last git push. Closed out my “rubyconfPreso” tmux session. That’s when you know you’re really done. #rubyconf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I want next #rubyconf in the northeast. Brooklyn (dodge manhattan $) or Boston? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Practical Metaprogramming (Ruby) #rubyconf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @JEG2: I love how this slide deck from @sgharms begins by making fun of how bad the @rubyrogues are at giving definitions: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @JEG2 Perhaps @rubyrogues are to be praised as well for resisting being narrowly defined! :) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #rubyconf ends but it was greatto see @carbonfive, @mirven, @drtoast, @mattt and @laurennroth on a magical night. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We’re are spending the night in the Jesusland riviera (Miss. Coast) and got upgraded to fancy suite. Feeling like a GOP donor. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The state of Mississippi: brought to you by Waffle House. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Did a great swamp tour. Held a gator. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Mufaletta lunch, tsa high theatre, bit now home to SF at last. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You know that voice that says eat something bad and greasy for dinner? New Orleans has drowned that voice, for me, in butter. I want salads | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I gave notice at my job today. Time to make my passions for Ruby and teaching my livelihood. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #ripstevejobs memorial at flagship store SF. Before Steve’s vision this was a collapsed building on Market. Vision is amazing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Forgot umbrella, back upstairs; out the door, hail. WTF, City? Upside, soaked Vibrams dry quickly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Let’s remember that OUR icon was someONE’s husband, father, brother or other intimate relation. Condolences to them. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On October 24th, I will join the awesome team at @carbonfive in bringing you fine Ruby and Rails solutions! :-D | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dennis Ritchie’s passing has earned a sleep(60000) of silence. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I caught SNL last night and would like to say that Anna Farris is one of the funniest women ever. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SF Superior Court Jury Duty is in SF: Starts after 12pm, has wifi. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Jury duty in sf. Nice chairs, wifi, quiet…how many startups have come out of these I wonder. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Another possible juror is reading the hunger games. #badideasinpunishment | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Congrats to @github on 1Mth user, but man that party is packed. Headed home, nice to see @freeformz and @leahculver. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How many ST:TNG episodes devolve into Faust? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My wineglass rack is also an earthquake detection device. I thought i had just set some books too hard on the kitchen table….nutty. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just got a halloween costume with @laurennroth. No telling who we are until later…. :) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First day at @carbonfive has been successful up to lunch. Bonus, chipotle on the corner cc/@kylebrowning | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just celebrated my first Diwali with my neighbors and @laurennroth. I hope you all are blessed with fortune. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon My best friend welcomed his second child to the world yesterday on 11/1/11. Happy life, binary baby. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Twitter needs a way to say ‘read later’ to a tweet. Many things I favorite are for that purpose. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was sad to finish “the hunger games” saga, but what a yarn! Farewell, Katniss. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Scott_Gilmore: Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Puss in boots” was the perfect end to a busy, hectic, crazy week full of ruby, rails, and adventure. it’s adult friendly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s a great town in which you can have a skullcrusher of a Manhattan next to your barber, who plays “Karma Police,.” amid deco hotels. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon WTF: Re-implementing IRC with HTML interfaces around it is not a business. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @spotify plays recruiting ads in the Trance radio stream. #knowustoowell | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Larry birdger st the Connecticut Yankee. Haven’t been here in ages. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Proof that God loved America: a handsome quarterback with a surgical arm named “Joe Montana.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Heading down to the Savanna club to see my colleague Suzanna Smith sing some jazz. If you’re free hollah. // cc: @mperham | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yep, I’m old. Gooey, lovely, rich French cheese, you and I shall ne’er meet again lest chaperoned by Lactaid. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Surely I’m not the only one who wishes for modal text editing in iOS? Vi key bindings? Fix typos with “wwcwnewwor” instead of the bubble? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Go see the new muppet movie. It’s great | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon “Hugo” is a beautiful movie replete with the copper glow of Paris from “Amelie” and a sense of wonder and fun. Take kids. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wrote some vimscript like a boss. Shopping at Costco on Saturday. #daredevil | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last minute decision to see noir city’s cruel Yule. Thanks @melbotis for the reminder! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon They just don’t make movie stars like Deanna Durbin anymore. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “this…is…wamsutta!”. - Leonidas at Bed, Bath, and Beyond | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @dddagradi while in NOLA check out Bublé’s “Blue Christmas.”. It’s done NOLA jazz style. #srlsly #notjoking | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why San Francisco invented noir: to get a watch battery replaced we walked down a hallway like this. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Proof #2, a milliner. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Not in Austin til I see the “Texas or Tuscany” art in the men’s room at AUS. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Biggest Christmas present surprise from @laurennroth | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Back in SFO | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lauren and I are going to be swinging into 2012 at Bimbo’s 365 club in North Beach. Swing, burlesque, fun. Tix still avail | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon First brunch of the year at Rocco’s on Folsom (with “The Gambler” playing). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Apply for a spot in the @LivingSocial Hungry Academy by January 9th! - dying to see the IT pipeline get rawked. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dancing at the Verdi club. Such a ton of fun to dance. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Swing dancers: SF’sVerdi club is like Austin’s Fed, in a bar like the old Mohawk, with a bartender. #uswingoutbro | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yesterday we hiked mt. Diablo’s summit trail. Tonite swing dancing. I need to cool myself in Lake Minnetonka’s purifying waters. #chappelle | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In time people will remember that comedienne carrie brownstein plays a great rickenbacher. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Congratulations to the #hungryacademy applicants. Your gumption puts you ahead of 90% of the population; the requisite introspection, 95%. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yo dogg, i heard you like line numbers in your embedded gists so I added line numbers to your embedded gists in a gist | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Catching the Red Elvises in the Richmond. ¡ Franco ! Wish you were here to crazy Russian with these crazy Russians. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “we now play traditional Ukrainian dance tune: ees ‘bad romance’” - red Elvises | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Glad for my first night at noir city but sad that it coincided with @melbotis’ departure. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Oh boy! “Gilda” at the Castro with @laurennroth and @J__Swift. My Noir experience starts now. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Half the guys at noir city look like Elvis Costello … Or Greg Proops | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon She said: “I’m going to be stressed until all my ducks are in a row. me: Better get quacking, then. :: eyeroll’d :: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve been using vim seriously for a while and use “:b#” to toggle between last-edited buffer. Use CTRL-^ #protip | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I’ve been watching “Robotech” on Netflix lately. My recollection of its glacial plot and annoying Minmei stands; but now I love Lisa. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Really, there’s nothing like Alejandro Escovedo to put you in an AustinTX state of mind. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last night we watched “Duck Soup.” I can’t believe they ever got away with that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Reading dutch, latin, and french means my reading meggs’ history of graphic design takes forever as I read 1940 Dutch ads or 1650 Cicero. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon TAing at rails bridge at Using git to bootstrap HTML and CSS. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Gonna watch some pre-code movies in the Mission. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My first Vim plugin: (link text to I’m feeling lucky URL a la textmate ) thx/@stevelosh cc/@steveklabnik | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Technical outreach curricula lose enthusiasts with git?: cc/ @ultrasaurus @sarahmei @AshAnvik @reneighbor | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Out of Yosemite and into the snowstorm. Thought we were home free, but need another few hundred feet, apparently. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In a recent HOA mailing list argument, one party quoted Dolly Parton’s character from “Straight Talk (1992).” It just got real. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Trip to Yosemite in winter travelogue, with pix: | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Asian / caucasian understanding society in a tenderloin bar: “I love white people’s big noses. May I touch yours?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At Puccini and pinetti doing some thinking. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seriously, I want some good jazz vibrophonist recommendations. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sup dog. In GA at radiohead with mah peeps. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Mr. Yorke and the lads. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Went to the lunch spot across the street: lovely day with downtown reflected behind Lauren. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the sf javascript meetup, er, the gotye show. Missy Higgins is doing a blistering opener. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A lovely spring warm night in North Beach. Wish you were here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Belgian brew in little Italy. Must return. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ni hao future Chinatown subway stop. We’re you here I could take you to the future stop across from my home. Now? Run. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Union square means almost home. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Registered for Bay to Breakers. No reason not to pay a ton of money to run through a town i live in. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stand-ups are early and memory fades. Be kind to teammates: git log master@{yesterday}…HEAD –author=(Your Git Name Here) –pretty=medium | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fitting in in the marina: hey brah sweet Patagonia parka with your rainbows. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Seriously, who cuts their nails at a in public? Come to think of it, who the hell thought collectible clippers-as-keyring was a good idea? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My favorite Ruby methods are Enumberable#zip and Array#product. Love them. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In August it will be so hot, I’ll become a cooking pot. Cooking once, cooking twice cooking chicken soup with rice. Sendak forever - and mom | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Bay to breakers: the bay part. 13K to the other part. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon The end! Such a fun run! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @DanielMiessler: Is Trojan really a good name for a condom company? The original was let in trustingly, released its dangerous payloa … | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Off to celebrate my town’s most famous landmark’s birthday: happy 75th Golden Gate Bridge! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Golden gate birthday features local-themed music: tony Bennett, joe satriani, and a thrash band from the 80’s called Metallica. #GGB75 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Possibly the most Romantic thing ever written for piano. #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RIP Ray Bradbury. The Martian Chronicles have an elegiac beauty that has rarely been repeated. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My homage to Ray Bradbury: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was wrong. The new Wes Anderson movie #moonrisekingdom is wonderful, his best since “Rushmore.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was trying to count how many browser tabs i have open, but I ran out of numbers. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dove to Houston from Amarillo today. #limp. Braums and dinner at big tex and family and beautiful weather helped put sadness out of mind. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seeing “the magic flute” at #sfopera. the synopsis suggests a golden dawn / Tarot / Masonic allegory. Hermes trismegistus here we come! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The song I wish I’d had enough popped collar to write between 1992 and 1994 ♫ Girls Like You – The Naked And Famous | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Saw #sfgiants Madison Bumgarner shut out Cincinnati last night with the @shopittome crew. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Patxi’s pizza. I can eat only one slice. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I love running from my front door to ocean beach: the GGB’s fog horns, the musea in the park, Dutch windmill, and, at last, the sea. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was finally on the mood for something edgy, so we watched “Drive.”. Felt very Michael Mann. Loved the synths and the “realer LA” scenes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon < 24 hours later I’m pretty sure I’m ready to say that “Drive” was the best movie I’ve seen within the last 5 years, possibly more. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Apparently in the first 7 months of this year i have put 515 miles on my car. Last year, I put 10K on it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just once I’d like to hop on muni and hear some Wagner or Holst leaking out of headphones. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon %w(knife fork bottle cork).join(’ ‘).equal?(“New York”) #=> true | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We had a great fedex day at @shopittome yesterday. Wrote a rake task to start a rack server that runs Qunit on rake-packaged #emberjs assets | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wonder if Teri Nunn got flashbacks from listening to the “Drive” soundtrack. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon sharon van etten, sarah jaffee: do a double bill in san francisco. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sometimes I just forget how wonderful Yankee Hotel Foxtrot was. Here’s a reminder ♫ Jesus, etc. – Wilco #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love Karmin’s amazing rap covers, but their original pop stuff is catchy as hell pop sung by a girl who can, get t… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I first heard this record in, I think, 1991. It still blisters the eardrums. #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon So glad to see the re-interpretation of 50’s era sounds with electronica (Grimes) or noise (Raveonettes). #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Marina (of the diamonds), Amanda Palmer seem to both be bearers of shattered shards of Weimar cabaret. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This one’s pretty phat. I hear Eno + Donna summer elements on this one. #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m no vim slouch as many will attest, but @nelstrom’s book got me dropping Ex bombs and argdos during a refactor today. Recommended | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ethanschoonover @laurenroth tells me I like condiments more than food and editors more than programming. +1 for @vimconf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Used vim to update 245 deprecated statements in my #emberjs code using a trick I learned from @nelstrom ’s book: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth is playing some Siouxsie. It’ stunning that 30 years (!) later she still sounds like she cut those tracks today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Security checker called the fig newtons in my bag “old people cookies.”. Say what? These are NEWTONS | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Moved my blog off of Wordpress and onto @Heroku + octopress. surprisingly easy and with mo ruby flavor: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Among the perfect things in this world is this record by David Bowie. ♫ Five Years - 2012 - Remaster – David Bowie | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Post: Moving from Wordpress to Octopress (free blog hosting!): | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Post: Seeing “Ruby Sparks” and women leads stop “needing” to “save” or “rescue” the men: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At Zeitgeist with a good chunk of thoughtworks and github it seems. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Got tickets for the last weekend of les miserablès in SF with @laurennroth . So excited. #teameponine. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I cannot deny that I think @marinasdiamonds is wonderful. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Is there anyone who wore a casual vest so well as Pam Dawber? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The Raveonettes new record is another gorgeous, rich, angsty mix of beautiful harmonies, noisy and a morbid 50’s bal… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My daily @marinasdiamonds dosage may be reaching “radioactive” levels ♫ Electra Heart – Marina and The Diamonds | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m entirely staggered that this record came out in 1983. Sounds current and edgy today, still. #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seriously 800 Larkin is awesome tonight. Great Wall art, Early era sisters of mercy, stooges, femmes on the jukebox. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hayes valley has many good restaurants like Patxi’s. there are many boutiques and brunchers as well. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fall might be coming. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ah Alamo square. The houses that launched a thousand “awwwws.” Uncle Jesse status: nil. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The western addition has great jazzl, vegan food and haute cuisine. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Through this park to the big golden gate park. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At last golden gate park. 3 miles of eucalypti, bison, musea, and then the ocean | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Plants live in there. So beautiful here when it’s sunny. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On Sundays lindy hoppers hop here. DeYoung museum in back. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stop to smell them. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yet another code-questionable SF structure. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Running in the park is a joy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Waterfall. Not natural but hearing it encourages me. Especially with cloudy fog ahead. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The waterfall empties here. This little lake reminds me of Barcelona. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon About 20 avenues to go. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The fog… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Les jardins Luxembourg? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last bathroom til the pacific. Use it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Bison! Sponsored by yahoo CEO marissa Mayer and Zachary bogue | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On leash means on leash. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why does it smell like maple syrup here?!?!? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Denkend aan holland sta Ik in de koninginwilhelminatuin | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon As my friend saoirse says: the oh sun! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My friend mike wrote a sand message to his girlfriend, now wife, in front of that rock years ago. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Deco majesty and prom dates | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Ruins of the Sutro baths. A bit like the Roman forum…by the sea. | Tagged: Tweet San_francisco

Twitter icon Lands end! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ok that’s all for run tweeting. Hope you all enjoyed a run through the city with me. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I could be wrong here, but I think I may be a Javascript programmer. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I cannot say just how lovely the new @FirstAidKitBand record “The Lion’s Roar” is. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Reminds me of year one with @laurennroth ♫ Galaxies – Laura Veirs #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The Cardigans may be remembered for “Lovefool” but their “Gran Turismo” quite nearly perfect. ♫ Perfect Things | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Oktoberfest | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon The awesome Kim Lenz at the Verdi Club. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Just completed a 13.43 mi run - Half marathon distance. #RunKeeper | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Off to relive the 90s. We are going to see garbage tonight at the Warfield | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @stevenharms hah, no I live in the neighborhood. Like within a block. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If this doesn’t make you glad to be alive… ♫ Exactly Like You – Django Reinhardt #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Made it to hardly strictly bluegrass. Dwight yokam and then later del mccoury. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I may be a little bit late with this, but let me say that Patti Smith really killed it live at #hsbg on Sunday. See her live If you can. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the city target. 1 block from home. cc/@MissMauriss | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I stepped outside this morning and it was Fall in San Francisco. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #NowPlaying Sister Lost Soul by Alejandro Escovedo on #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today represents the kind of challenging day where only a double-shot of espresso and “Red Barchetta” can help. #rushfanforever | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In fog-bound Pacifica, CA, where one might expect insulation from many Texan horrors, there was man in an OU cap at the bakery. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just completed a 8.03 mi run - Night run through the park. Need a personal illumination tool. . #RunKeeper | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just had to tweet it: THANK YOU git reflog! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “@The picture of the day in Texas: Big Tex burning. Here’s the front page: / @nanostalgic UT alumna LDF in byline? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wonder what John Stamos thought when the ABC memo announced that said Urkel would crash land into an episode of “Full House” via jetpack. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Next month Gheorghiu will be performing “Tosca” in SF. #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon How we know whether the dishes are direrrty or clean @shopittome | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Listened to this most of today. Pretty good. ♫ Stubborn Love – The Lumineers #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @dddagradi the worst part if vim usage is how insufferable it makes all other means of text entry. Looking at you iPhone. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sooooo proud of my #SFGiants! Come back home for the party. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just completed a 2.91 mi run - Ran with Lauren to trader joes north beach. #RunKeeper | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon #NowPlaying Five Seconds by Twin Shadow on #Spotify 80s synth | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Wreck it Ralph”. There are many small humans here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Screw the swing states, we’re going swig dancing. Lindy Hop and Balboa 2012! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Maybe I’m late to the party here but Sandi Metz’s talk at gogaruco might be one of the best uses of 44 minutes in my career. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I so hope @fivethirtyeight makes stats sexy to the kids, they study math, and innovate me into a stunned senescence. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I never really got opera until recently. But this is amazing even if you’ve not crossed that threshold. #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the rockabilly show dancers and greasers collide and the bass string abuse line is called. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @ShopItToMe: A note from our CEO @imcharliegraham on Shop It To Me Threads: A New Way to Shop, YOUR Way! > | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Such a great track ♫ Galaxies – Laura Veirs #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Our product just got a shout out from @sfgate: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OH: on Oahu they call that wind. On Maui we call that a light breeze. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m thankful for the spirit of aloha here on Maui. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @nanostalgic I feel the same when I wake up to the sound of pouring rain. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Apple maps thinks Keawala’i church is a church of The Drowned God apparently. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @tamrafeldman: in case you didn’t catch @shopittome on the TODAY show this morning as the #1 cyber monday tip: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seeing “Tosca.” I’m so excited to ear year voices. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Blog: Helen Keller meets Martha Graham: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: I appear on the Ruby Rogues podcast: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @nuclearsandwich I note many tourists in SF don’t use their knees to walk but wobble foot to foot. Is walking become so rare? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @garannm Sequence diagrams have upped my OO game dramatically. Where’s book: “UML: The Good Parts?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Actually seriously is there a uml book for the 21st century? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: On seeing “Tosca” in San Francisco: Seeing ‘Tosca’ in San Francisco | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Contributing to jQuery: 70% core-team formatting review, 20% breaking up pages of chained calls, 5% fix, 5% github line comments | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Started “21st century C.” I got all the way to chapter TWO before being hamstrung by library dependency failure on sample code. Amazing! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth and I are going to see @sandimetz tonight. So excite | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon stuck in a florence and the machine loop. must get away. can’t get away. must get away. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: My New Development Machine: Samsung Chromebook: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I feel like I just ascended in Javascript. I intentionally used hoisting instead of avoiding it breaking my program. #xmasmiracle | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Everyone smugly laughing at the Mayan non-event: if you believe in an unprovable, eschatological tradition, you forfeit your laughing rights | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A moody Ventura county vista. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Orange tree laden with rain and oranges. #orangecountystyle | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Rode a fixie today. Not moving to the mission. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon My favorite Xmas baritone. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks to car trouble I’ll be spending another night in Orange County. There are far worse things. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Like all good geek SF households, we inaugurate all new TV’s with Khaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @kurt_loder tweeting is to this generation what @adamcurry buying was to mine. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @kurt_loder @adamcurry perhaps overvague: two voices i respect getting out their message in a way that’s enlightening and entertaining. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon In 1994 my world changed when I played (arguably) the first real-time simulator: Dune ][. Now, enjoy in your browser: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m in Berkeley. Bein’ an outside agitator. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So 2013 will be the year that I learn C. I have mastered make and am trucking through @zedshaw ’s LCTHW. Loving pointer math. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Scumbag calendar: reassess your life right after three feasting and drinking holidays. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: Understanding by Means of Creation: INTJs and Ithkuil: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @stevestreeting: Best definition of burnout ever: “your mind refusing to permit you to work, because it has seen what happens when it … | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Flirting with a few vegetarian meals this week. Not sure it’s a lifestyle … yet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Closing out chambers in the TL. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SFWorldProblems: Will i be shunned if I take my Trader Joe’s canvas bag to whole foods? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wirehead2501 I once saw a sweet ass vim cheat sheet skirt (it had shortcuts on the hemlines, written from wearer looking down POV) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Silver linings playbook: hilarious and sweet and honest. Loved seeing de Niro not as a parody. <3 Jennifer Lawrence | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon New Kavinsky, the aural genius behind “Nighcall” from “Drive.” ♫ Protovision – Kavinsky #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My building is not properly tempering the air. Time for a kotatsu. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon tmux split-window feels like summoning the console HUD for DOOM. #id | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Without models, it’s hard to work; without a context, difficult to evaluate; without peers, nearly impossible to speak. — Joanna Russ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve been a vegetarian now for a fortnight. I feel great and have had some wonderful dishes out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Fire tug celebrates the Niners’ win | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just completed a 5.48 mi run - Good run. First one as a vegetarian. No energy issues. . #RunKeeper | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Kick in the Monday ♫ It’s Getting Boring By The Sea – Blood Red Shoes #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I have more in common with the Greek girl than the protagonist, but I still love Pulp’s “Common People.” #cuzyouthinkbeingpooriscool | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Excited to talk to the Ottawa RUG about ruby tonight. Unlike most Americans, I know that Ottawa is in the southern hemisphere of Canada! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @MissMauriss @tomdale is a gentleman and a scholar, what’s not to love? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: On Zero Dark Thirty: | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I grew up in Houston loving Blue, but we always rooted for the niners in the big game. Hope the hometown pulls it off tomorrow. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth and I are celebrating valentine’s tonight: tonga room via town car and spandau ballet, Hall & Oates as we dress up. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @tomdale @shopittome we’re having a great time. Are you still coming to the party? Ms. @laurennroth is expected to join too! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @MissMauriss cc:@akudlick @rafaelsolari I’m not sure I can console ember camp if you don’t come. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Happy winter from San Francisco (and Lauren as hippie as she gets) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The only tool adequate for expressing the amount of repressed rage, ennui, and frustration I have is Java. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Rainy day SF music. ♫ Black Planet – Sisters Of Mercy #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Given the amount of bloody noses I’ve had this winter, I want cool psychokinetic powers like in “Firestarter.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I really wish that Apple made a docking station. They may be ugly, but is a snarl of cables in the pairing room, at desk, at home, better? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The power of a great pairing partner, Vim, and a powerful toolchain like @emberjs is going from despair to elation in a half day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon RT @ShopItToMe: View from the roof deck of Shop It To Me! #soma #sf #bluesky #skyline @ Shop It To Me | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Holy shit. I think James Gosling is at the next table at OSHA Thai. Also is competing against me in the scavenger hunt. FML | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Might i dare to dream that this will also allow, at long last, decent CTAGS generation for javascript? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wow, so now I work in the financial district. Cc/@ShopItToMe | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Found a @starbucks gift card from my mom for Christmas of my high school senior year. Wonder if they know how to accept paper certa anymore. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Of all the things that growing older has baffled me with, loving good&plenty to the legendary level of my father is among them | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Among the perfect things of this world. ♫ I’ve Been Loving You Too Long - To Stop Now – Otis Redding #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m a scientific, modern person, but I love the hell out of Edgar Cayce. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Brilliant. A stunning display of how meter works. With vibrophones. ♫ Rag Mop – Lionel Hampton #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Love strong female vocalist punk bands. Girl on the 12 told me about The Gits. Good stuff. #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I know it’s blasphemy and all, but I think @respektor ’s cover of “Real Love” is better than the original. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Rappers have explained the economics of yayo slangin’ for years; but in 2013 @macklemore explained the mechanics of retail markup. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @joshsusser: No harm, no foul. But on @rubyrogues, now it’s 2 Harms, 2 Fowlers! /cc @angelaharms @sgharms @chadfowler @martinfowler | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OH from @kentor: “I know about git blame, but there should be git praise.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I hope this new Latin-American #pope signals the Vatican’s move to remove the stigma of being the forbidden dance from the Lambada. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth a winner ♫ Break The Chain – Oh Land #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon another day another great scandinavian electronica artist discovered. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth dancier. More robyn like. Tove styrke | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth yes. You put me back on @OHLANDmusic for this afternoon. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Somewhere between “Flashdance” and ABBA. ♫ White Light Moment – Tove Styrke #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @OHLANDmusic: “@DunderCat_: @OHLANDmusic Nanna do you like bananna ?”yep. It’s a decent fruit. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennicoleroth Have some Joy Formidable to get the day going :) ♫ Whirring – The Joy Formidable #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the cal Academy of Sciences nightlife. What fun! What a beautiful day to be in this beautiful park in this beautiful city. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I only listen to Sverigepop these days. ♫ Million Pieces – Tove Styrke #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seriously. The Swedish Grammi must be amazing: @FirstAidKitBand and all this brilliant Swedish pop. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth doesn’t like neil young. But every time I hear “harvest moon” I remember how much I love her. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @miceland thinking of you buddy: ♫ The Robots - 2009 Digital Remaster – Kraftwerk #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I signed up for Introduction to Logic on @Coursera! #intrologic | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Xerox is a friendly sort. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I know its cool to hate, but I love @LanaDelRey. Good stories like back stories for David Lynch characters (Mr. Eddy?). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Burger shaped cookie. Our office manager is gifted. Cc/ @ShopItToMe | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @kentor we’re gonna hop off the n at 19th and find dinner. Wanna join? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @listrophy HELL YES. Loved their ending the 90 degree tyranny of LEGO. Also capsella? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The intersection of New Orleans jazz funeral and the Castro. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon View of transamerica tower across from medical office. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Sad Song” by Lou Reed. Not entirely sad, but not certainly not jolly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon FACT: In the city of San Francisco, at Trader Joe’s, if “Don’t Stop Believing” comes in the PA radio, everyone sings along. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Has anyone considered that people at conferences behave like they’re on spring break in part because it is marketed as, well, spring break? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Cat Power meets Roy Orbison? Recommended by @chronsnob ♫ The Waiting – Angel Olsen #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: Never Too Late (for health): | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: Formalism v. Empiricism in Computer Science: cc/@rubyrogues @JEG2 @glv | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Angel Olson at rickshaw is lovely. Thanks @ChronSnob for the recomm. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @nanostalgic we saw angel Olson last night. Good show. Small venue. Recalled liberty lunch. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Maybe the reason no one contributes to your OSS project is because the harness is too complicated? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wow. don’t make intros like this one anymore. ♫ Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car – Billy Ocean #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Play more Bangles. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For my sweet @laurennroth this morning. ♫ Everytime We Say Goodbye – John Coltrane #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth That’s why we live here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @tomdale is it window.billy “KAH-kes” or “CAKES” ? And will Pragmatic Press be releasing “debugging javascript with billy” anytime soon? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The Velvet Underground was really just a synopsis of Cale’s talent. ♫ Hanky Panky Nohow – John Cale #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ubelievable. Still. ♫ Temptation [7" Version] – New Order #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Got to work and listened to some Runaways. Ready to cock punch the Man. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Hope everyone got outside today. San Francisco was beautiful with sun, gentle breezes and soft grass at Golden Gate Park. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Peter Hook’s beautiful, beautiful bass. ♫ Crystal – New Order #Spotify | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What is it with Wales making powerful female voices: Cerys Matthews, Ritzy Bryan? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth @akudlick called your caulk job next level! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Minute 14:50 will be cued during my invasion of Silesia. #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Game of thrones / Latin fans: “dracarys” genitive of dracar, dragon? “It is of the dragon” I.e. “it’s yours (for eating, burning)? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Anachronistic office issue at @ShopItToMe: fountain pen ink splatter. #madmenworldproblems | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Hey austinites of a certain vintage. Chrysta Bell in SF. And man or astroman? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The greatest lightning talk ever. @garybernhardt is Clapton of Ruby: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wirehead2501 People here see the sun so rarely they just lose their shit. Oh my god I can wear shorts. How about my gold lamé hot pants? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m glad to have a quality follow like you, @marthakelly . | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @MarinasDiamonds So excited to see you tonight in the City in the beautiful Warfield. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon @CHARLIXCXUS was good. Now @MarinasDiamonds: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Marina is not a robot. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @ashalynd: If the programmers like each other, they play a game called “pair programming”. And if not, then the game is called “peer rev… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 1996-7. Just perfect. ♫ Being There – Wilco #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ffffuuu: Patti Smith + Joy Division + Interpol + Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Hard punk art. Ffffuuuu ♫ Husbands – Savages | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In all seriousness, Ayn Rand provided one of the best explanations for why racism is morally wrong that I ever read. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Flew SFO to Long Beach. Years of Sublime listening has made me well qualified to land inside the LBC | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Indonesian food in la’s farmers market: veggie mee goreng. (Spicy!) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Stained glass panels in our @Airbnb - so beautiful! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon La bohème in w. Hollywood. With old fashioned & @laurenroth | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Margaritas in west Hollywood. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SF Residents: If you have a library card you have free access to Safari books online. Yes, I just nuked your nightstand from space. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Greetings from @ShopItToMe at the giants game. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon And we love Camera Obscura. ♫ Swans – Camera Obscura #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve been using my chromebook for a lot of development lately. Now I’m thinking about writing apps for it: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blue blue ’lectric blue that’s the color of my room | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wirehead2501 excel is the most widely used functional programming language in use today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @nk @strlen @JorgeO reading Newton in latin is a pure joy. His latin is clearly English as Latin, but so lucid and direct it’s wonderful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @FirstAidKitBand Love that you met Emmylou. So appropriate after your fitting tribute to both her and Gram. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Amazing video by aja hammerly via @avdi: intro to Prolog. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon In honor of the Bluth return, I made cornballs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Justine Bateman, sit-com icon for my generation, is a freshman CS student at UCLA. How rad! | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon @avdi asthmatic here too. Every mile is a kick to my childhood misery’s face. Also living in concrete helps. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Urbanism: fixed hassle at the bank. Hit the library, grabbed lunch in 50 minutes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @trek @wagenet OH’d at a ruby conf: “What’s jruby, is that like JDate?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Her hair is Harlow gold: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Vampire Weekend’s brave bid to be the album of summer 2013. Hamptons, San Diego, or The Bay: is summer. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This is the power of #gameofthrones: SoMa TJ’s checkout is not a packed bedlam. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Was the original augmented reality the mind palaces (journeys) constructed to house oral traditions? Explains peripatetic instruction. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Vampire weekend performing in my backyard? Another soma day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon WWDC: Open bars, vampire weekend concert, expense accounts; nearby, people sleep in boxes. The revolution won’t be pretty, my siblings. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @nuclearsandwich @joshsusser GoGaRuco a few years ago taught everyone to find secret knoledge in Smalltalk. My pick for 2013: Prolog. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: “Moonwalking with Einstein and Learning to Remember” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lindy in the park. Wish you were here. 60 degrees, sunny with a breeze. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @rachelmyers My favorite TA’s were women and now are all well placed :) Long live UT Department of Philosphy :) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Carly Simon + Patti Smith sound ♫ My Mistakes – Eleanor Friedberger #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why doesn’t @SFPD ticket cars blocking the intersections / crosswalks at Battery and Sansome? It’d fix our budget woes in 30 days. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @stevelosh: remember when I bitch about scala’s syntax that I wrote a book about vimscript, so I know something about shitty syntax | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon tmux is my favorite os | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @melbotis you might also like “me and you and everyone we know,” july’s prior work; “furniture” felt like a prolegomena to “girls.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Protip to learning chef: Get a lot of paperwork that requires writing big checks, the procrastination will make it possible. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Webpass love you so much I wanted to pay you, but main site is down for over an hour | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seriously, if “Love fool” is where you stopped listening to the Cardigans…fix it. #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In effort to learn memory techniques I memorized code smell / resolution table from refactoring, ruby ed. Epic peer review trolls unlocked. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Saw on a tv in the financial district that CNN wanted to know why America was obsessed with the Zimmerman trial. Clearly #blessedlyignorant | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Happy Fourth from the Golden West. America happy birthday. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When developers began scorning the humanities, we lost the ability to generate beauty and wisdom like Kay’s “Early History of Smalltalk.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m really digging The Submarines. ♫ Fire – The Submarines #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wirehead2501 I love Pattern Recog. Esp. it’s jetlag metaphor && it sounds great with @LadytronMusic ’s “International Dateline.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @wirehead2501 FWIW i found Shadow of the torturer to be entirely underwhelming. So obvious, every trope. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @NekoCase Glad to see you’re coming to San Francisco after all, kaiju be damned. @laurennroth and I will see you there on September 10! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Burberry body eau de parfum: builds fortress of solitude or marital aid? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Take the hardest and most profound thing you need to do, make it great, and then build every easier thing out of it” - Alan Kay | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Reading about Smalltalk, Self, Alternate Reality Kit…while watching Transformers, people in Palo Alto were inventing the future. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: Highlights from “The Early History of Smalltalk:” | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Blog: The Where of Creation: How I program and where ideas come from: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon There is a seriously cold yak next to me but, on the other hand, all of my devices are using openVPN when on wifi. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @thisishelene: ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE VIDEO! @OHLANDmusic 💕 #RenaissanceGirls | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love M. Ward’s music. M., you tear it up and the Zooey accents are a nice touch. ♫ I Get Ideas – M. Ward | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anyone seeking us at Chambers tonight, we’re on the back patio. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OH: finding the bathroom here is like finding Narnia. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon But I don’t have time to run if I want to do $STUFF. Run anyway. Cheaper than therapy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Good, dreamy, folky? Interesting. Will listen to more. ♫ Myth – Beach House #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @LILBTHEBASEDGOD U spread the love in the town; we’ll cover the city. 2gether we’ll make a BASEDBRIDGE over Treasure Island | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you’ve never seen moonlight illuminate a fog bank into silver strands girding foothills near Half Moon Bay after midnight, you should. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: Talking to Friends with Children: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just completed a 5.67 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fashionable women at (particularly tech!) work: damned if they do, damned if they don’t: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It just rocks so hard. ♫ Girls Like You – The Naked And Famous #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Amidst all this noise about the VMA’s, we saw some art made by @lakebell at SF’s beautiful Kabuki. Find “In a World” and love it! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you are a feminist and are putting off seeing “in a world” I think it leaves SF thus week. So stop procrastinating. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Neko, Neko: To be seen next week! So excite! ♫ Fall 2013 by Steven Harms #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @NekoCase OK me and @laurennroth are in the Warfield: an appendicitis in Austin cost is the last show, but this time nothing will stop us! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Saw @NekoCase last night. Bucket list item and HOLY SHIT YES SHE SOUNDS LIKE THAT LIVE and wished her happy (belated) birfday. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why do so many JS frameworks map class based inheritance into JS? Prototypal inheritance isn’t that bad. It’s kinda nice, actually. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was humming this today for no reason then I remembered today was the 12th: Frank Mills by The Lemonheads | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Do all the kids born after 1982 even KNOW they’re wearing Misfits t-shirts? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Presenting at Ruby Conf 2013. First time to Miami. See you then, .rb friends. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Have kid? Want broken heart? This one. ♫ Nearly Midnight, Honolulu – Neko Case #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What?! The Misfits covered a rocky horror song!? Why did no one tell me of this? #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Will music ethnographers of the future lament that even as early as 2013 Mambos 1-4 were already lost? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We’re living in an age where film is exploring gender dynamics well: @inaworldtweets #DonJon | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon An amazing scholarly journal. Feels very height of Her Majesty’s Empire: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Malala Yousafzai will be Sec. Gen of the UN some day. Mark my words. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In times of trouble buffers of beautifully-factored object oriented code are a pillow fort where I can hide. #vimgeekforlife | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Read twitter again for the first time in weeks. Yep. Still like one long comments section. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Kid at Disneyland: “Who’s that fox and bear?” Brer fox means nothing to him. :-/ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Chiropractic and gypsy jazz and a cheese shop with sun. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @elight You are an inspiration in selflessness and dedication, a true example of how “to love” as a verb and way of life. My sympathies. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks to @wirehead2501 for the intro to Night @NightValeRadio. I love Prarie Home Companion. It’s PHC but at Area 51. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @ReinH: Poker players sometimes throw more chips in with a losing hand. That’s what startups are like too, except you’re the chips, not … | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thao is really good. ♫ Know Better Learn Faster – Thao #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @indysf: Thrilled to have the ever so lovely @OHLANDmusic in the house tonight! Get here early for @iamSunRai. :: SOLD OUT | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon @OHLANDmusic what a wonderful show! You should do a live record in SF! Great band! Loved them all! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @NightValeRadio: CORRECTION: Some things are real. Other things are not. We regret the error. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @hwinkler4real: It’s important to remember : after jumping the shark, the show was number one for 5 more years | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Staring at my picture book she looks like Mary, Queen of Scots She seemed very regal to me just goes to show how wrong you can be - Lou Reed | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon All other pop stars are obviated. ♫ 400 Lux – Lorde #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Read your Bible” guy shouting in SoMa. No news. Shouting his message to at a child in hijab on a field trip unto tears: religion. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon My friends’ wedding recessional music: a highly syncopated duet for cello and violin: “Thrift Shop” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @kurt_loder @NYMag it was Lou and MTV that taught this late 70’s kid to love Macbeth. And, in time, the VU. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tourist asked for help at SFO AirTrain. Mid-explanation it dawned on me: SFO IS SHAPED LIKE A TOILET SEAT. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @sarahmei If ever I teach at a dev boot camp or something my calling will be defeating CS shibboleths. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A true Gulf-powered midnight rainstorm. Things I miss living in San Francisco… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon After the #rubyconf 5k I made a retreat to the robe conf 2013 selfie session. ALL HAIL THE ROBE. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Miami is more like Sydney than LA. Humid, sunny, stormy: none mutually exclusive. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jimweirich ever thought about writing UML THE GOOD PARTS? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Possibly the first and last time I will present at a conference with Atlantic sand on my feet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So much twitter love. Thanks. It’s all for you my friends. I love this. 😂 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @confreaks is so great. I had AV issues and they came to the rescue. Saved my presentation, my sanity. Love you guys! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jimweirich Awesome. I have to trust the man who taught me TDD (austin, 2007, greedy dice game). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My slides from my presentation. Includes PDF and reveal.js presentation #rubyconf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @erniemiller yet again explaining the cs set the value if liberal arts education: code is always telling stories | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon San Diego ruby conf next yr! YES! Maybe SF can take the amtrak along the coast together and hack; call it, say, ruby on rails? #rubyconf | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @copiousfreetime @sandimetz @jimweirich chmod +inspired. Never thought Jim or Sandi would ask me for directions, let alone pedagogy on OOP. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon South, East, southeast, southwest, west. Golden gate. Atlantic foam. It’s a big, beautiful country. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Your method takes an options hash. I call it with an empty hash. It blows up. YOU SIT ON A HASH OF LIES. h/t @kentor | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Based on observations in Charlotte, the new innovation in fashion if the Carolina’s is vaporizer on a neck lanyard. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Few things make me wonder whether atheism is incorrect than the mere existence of git reflog. cf. Highhiker’s Guide re: babelfish. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @charliesome: yak frame - n. a yak shaving stack frame. ex: “I’m currently 3-4 yak frames deep” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am so excited to see the repl driven coding talk from rubyconf from @conradirwin Possibly a life changer. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At Oakland Zoo!!! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My day has been awesome. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon bay area love triangle: patxi, little star, zachary. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Orange County: mall, palms, mountains, and sun. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Gonna visit some of my favorite ursids! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ursus maritimus dormiens — nolite titillare! | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @fortes: Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon REPL driven development with Pry by @conradirwin : A great talk, the first one I’ve watched of Rubyconf 2013. Great work, @confreaks | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How much do i love the lunch time air raid horn in #SF? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Albino crocodile. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Gőd Jul! St. Lucia at Swedish-American Christmas. So lovely. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Our wintertime house cleaning music involves a lot of Peter Hook and Morrissey/Marr. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @peter_hook1 If I can have your attention for a moment more, to me, you are the most lyrical bass player ever. Thanks for the music. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The worst part if America’s battle with meth is that I CANT GET THERAFLU ANYWHERE. I miss you, I need you. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This trader joes is too hip. grimes and the smiths in the same visit. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My mom knows the score. AUS -> Chuy’s for queso and margaritas. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @neiltyson: Born on this day, long ago, was a man who showed us all a way to know the Cosmos. Isaac Newton, Dec 25, 1642 Lincolnshire, UK | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stepdad loves investigative TV: finding missing person is debugging; surviving Alaskan winter, debugging. Everything is debugging. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watching “Mary Poppins” as an adult leads to the uncomfortable realization that Michael Banks was the “In Flanders Field” generation. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon The sun sets on my little city. The end of 2013 at the Golden Gate. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @elight Being a 40 y/o unmarried man changed by being a caregiver and marked by kindness is a good start for any quest of self discovery. 👍 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Elated to announce that I will be joining @devbootcamp next week. What I love most: teaching, connecting, talking about code will be my job | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @VicFriedman @toshok @natfriedman I deduced it recently. I didn’t realize you were allied with the empire of Mono. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon was there anything better than the campy flimsy miniskirt and floppy hair post-apocalyptic scifi of the late 70’s-early 80’s? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon And now this work is finished which neither Jovian wrath, fire, not the sword nor the devouring mouth of ages can destroy. -Ovid | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon IAH is better than SFO in so many ways: TSA throughput and courtesy, food, English facility, atmosphere; uglier outside tho. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wow Tuesday air raid alarm is really loud in Chinatown. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I pray for Lorde, a flaming haired curly sword of righteousness to destroy pop music utterly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @LykkeLi makes such beautiful music. And videos with stellan skarsgard. But beautiful music mostly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @NightValeRadio: The night and day differ primarily in how much of the world must be filled in by your imagination. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Among the perfect things in life: @Metric’s “Fantasies.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When I hear the ding-ding of the break-man signaling “ready” outside the office I do a double strike of the enter key in response. #munilife | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Driving in the city on a sunny saturday up fifth Street? You must be new here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Lunch at the first day of a new cohort of boots @devbootcamp. Can’t pry the smile off my face. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Oh happy day! | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Walking to work sometimes I look up and POW: tower, bay, badminton, bridge, and Chinese ballads | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ah stormy weather watching surfers at the taco bell with Swing Out Sister. It truly is better to travel. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It was great to teach Phase II students @devbootcamp to use awesome dude @mperham’s @sidekiq for background processing today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How much would i love for @Metric to cover @NekoCase ’s “The Needle Has Landed.” Let our canado-american synergies fly! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon I find it surprisingly easy to misplace my laptop at work. This should help. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How to know that RSA conference is in San Francisco? Sex worker calling cards proudly proclaim acceptance of bitcoin | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Graduation day at @devbootcamp. Awesome projects from great teams. 9 weeks of hard work has made some great projects. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Elated that #cosmos is bringing the message of the death of Giordano Bruno to a larger audience. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seen today in San Francisco:skort | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Escaped SF for Watsonville. As Dante notes of Ravenna, [t]here too the sun shines as beautifully. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon That moment when you grasp the essence of C; the moment you realize it cannot be taught but only affirmed; same moment. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Beautiful sunny day on the nor cal coast visiting sea lions. But after all that sun I was glad to come home to fog. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Was putting honey in tea and wound up licking a bit off the spoon and then remembered I’m from Houston and Ninfa’s sopapillas. #sohungrynow | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks to the green color palette, it’s very easy to spot who’s doing a post St. Patty’s walk of shame (or victory!) this morning. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just completed a 10.37 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Sunrise over fisherman’s wharf. At Boudin sourdough scents waft out and a cruise ship rumbles to life. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I really want to think about anything but my puppy to-be, but all I can think about is my puppy to-be. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @laurennroth told me to take a nap last night. I awoke to a stellar irish cheddar grilled chz + tomato soup w fresh basil from our garden <3 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Graduating @devbootcamp cohort “banana slugs” gave me a farewell cookie. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon New @devbootcamp office means 5-minute walking commute. Long live urbanism. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon True fact: insomnia means I refactor rails controllers as object lessons for @devbootcamp in the morning. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Favorite cameo in #CaptainAmericaTheWinterSoldier: bottle of Newman’s Own sauce in Redford’s refrigerator. Nice touch. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What we call “clear and sunny” at Ocean beach | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @raorao_ Everyone does a DSL. Once. Only once. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you like “Play that Funky Music” more than “Love Train,” you might be evil. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This place has played Sheena E, Lisa Lisa, and the Jets. I am now missing the LATE 1987. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Driving an injured loved one to DR. / ER in SF makes you wonder: how can we be so reputedly prosperous but have such #pothole-riddled roads | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OK. I want music just like Prodigy’s “Fat of the Land” and a lot of it. Take me to your late 90’s dreamland. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If the Baptists are right, their furious god should have the decency to scourge to @wyeoak ’s “Civilian.” I taste mountains unto ash. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Naming the puppy with nerd. Me: Muad’Dib? @laurennroth: Do you see calling him that all the time? Me: His Sietch-name would be “Usul.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I could teach @devbootcamp students about JavaScript’s functions being first class without referring to the Arian heresy but…why? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Relapsing into my @MarinasDiamonds addiction. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Lifetime awesome moments: Singing in the audience chorus at the @MarinasDiamonds show in SF to “Teen Idle:” “Feelin’ super super super…” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Adopting a dog? Amazon prime. Carrier at box store 80. Amazon: 50 with 2 day delivery. Left store with naught but a spring in my step. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ah the 90’s when wisdom was shared via the Jenny McCarthy show by soulful sages known as “The Verve Pipe.” #onlyfreshmen | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon If your Mother’s Day brunch wore you out, follow Byron’s example: take a dignified nap. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Happiness is being so good at tmux and vim that your mouse goes to sleep due to disuse. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Even their “worst” album is enough to lay waste to cities. ♫ Head On – Pixies #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Byron dreams to @LykkeLi ’s lovely new record “I never learn.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @MarinaGirlSays: If you’re not taking tomorrow off and going to your bf’s Tahoe house for the whole weekend, you’re doing it wrong. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Picnic table, sangria, croquet, Kai, and Byron in his pen. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So impressed by the MVP demos of my @devbootcamp cohort. Realtime, sound, map, code great. So, so great. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon spending warm summer days indoors….listening to the smiths. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am too stupid to use anything but chruby. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Dinner in Gramercy Park after errands in the other Union Square. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon New York is understimulating | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Byron and I do a selfie in Lincoln center. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sunset from the west side. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Judging by NYC summer fashion, if waistlines get any higher they’re going to start coming stitched into the bra cups. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon People say New Yorkers are unfriendly. Lies. As many doors open as Texas. In SF they’d let you bleed out vs. look up from an iPhone. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love NY. ❤️🗽 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Byron contemplates the beauty of Chinese calisthenics in Brooklyn. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon When in Williamsburg. Next stop sleeve tattoos and maxi dresses. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Brooklyn fabulous Lauren | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Walking through w’burg I found some books donated to the sidewalk including Mrs. Dalloway. Haute leavings indeed! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Reading about the battle of Brooklyn when the tide came in. My soggy love of history. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon LeBron James is a poet: “They came in with a desperation that we just didn’t match,” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Proof I was in New York. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Its so obvious now, but you can tell Bradbury was an Angeleno and Asimov a New Yorker. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon JFK selfie with Byron. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just rediscovered a band that I was really into in the 90s: the doors. Man that stuff is phenomenal. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Stupid Virgin America safety song robot rap is stuck in my head. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Must be missing Brooklyn because I watched the “Welcome Back Kotter” intro video. Twice. #mlineforever #sweathogs4lyfe | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When my wallet was stolen at SFO, @VirginAmerica waived baggage fees, checked me in, while I filed an SFPD report. Will always fly them. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Byron and I at Ocean Beach. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Byron loves the beach. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My employer was acquired: New opportunities are unfolding. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I sure did love New York City, but San Francisco certainly was mist. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Walking down Folsom I saw an adorable little girl carrying some ice skates… And then I saw her dad lugging 2 sticks & bag of hockey gear. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon SoMa-poodle 🐩 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Byron joined me for a nap. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @karlthefog heard there are fireworks tonight, so he gets a good seat early. Says: “Oh am I blocking your view?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In the parka, the fluffy parka, the Byron sleeps tonight. Weemo-weh (2x) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One of the best things about working @devbootcamp is that I meet so many wonderful people from amazing places: accents, history, stories. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon The @PaperMate Flair M is the greatest felt-tip pen ever | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Drawback to work at @devbootcamp: learning how amazing our students are and knowing that I can only work closely with but a subset. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This “math required to be programmer” has another vector: my dad thought programmers never talked to people, holed up in closets. #wewish ;) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @rubygems: latinirb (1.0.1): This gem takes initial data describing a LatinVerb and allows this is be instantiated into an IRB… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @ejfinneran: Silicon Valley is so disruptive that they’ve taken a job that can be done from anywhere with Internet and produced a land c… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @codepo8 reminded me of how much i loved games like “Ultimate Wizard” where it shipped with a level editor where you could share new levels | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon New term to describe the coders I try to coach @devbootcamp students into not becoming: “full-stack-overflow developer” (c) @codepo8 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Definitely ready for ES6. Such destructure. So elegant. Wow scope. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Byron hears “Purple Rain” for the first time. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Man, it’s been a while since I snowboarded so it’s been a while since I heard “Surfing with the Alien.” Staggering since 1987. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon My dog is fluffier than Harry Hamlin’s fluffy 80’s chest hair. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon @kansaichris @nelstrom saw Keith Richards say that he was always discovering something new about this (a guitar)- good tools are like that. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Every now and again…it re-dawns on me. Holy shit, @DavidBowieReal happened. How much do I love Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Strabd Don’t know if you’re really into glam but I <3 T.Rex’s “The Slider” just as much. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First I ever heard of “Boll Weevil” was White Stripes singing it in Berkeley. Better to hear Leadbelly sing it with… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon The eternally amazing view of SF downtown in summer from Twin Peaks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A town of 800K people. @Safeway at Potrero hill on Sunday night says: “4 cashiers should work. #yolo” Lines to back of store. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I loved the costume for Ronan in #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy: shades of twilight princess, judge from The Wall, english law, etc. bravo. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For when you’ miss New Orleans ♫ Good Time Blues (An Outlaw’s Lament) – Hurray For The Riff Raff #NowPlaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Darth Bane would have been a great C programmer: in functions only two parameters are active for maximal effectiveness. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Wilco: Yahkee Hotel Foxtrot: Did you forget this exists? You’re welcome. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If I could live in the Los Angeles evoked by @jennylewis songs, I would consider living in Los Angeles. #thevoyager | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It is a total gift that the breed of my dog has an emoji. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why do men ignore my girlfriend and talk only to me when we’re in public? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon while i’m not in his target demographic, i think gerard way’s solo stuff is sounding great. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Kate Bush is amazing: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Good media news day:
“Gilmore Girls” headed to Netflix
| Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @SashaLaundy I love unix history | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @arikgadye continual denigration if humanities by developers has lead to programmers who can’t communicate in English. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How can I cross San Francisco traffic like that? Son, I grew up dodging podooboo in 7–4 #supermariolifeskills | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @GloriaFallon123: Instead of going to couples therapy, married people should just join Tinder and see what a nightmare single people hav… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Our 7-mo-old puppy woke us up this morning, nervous. He had never seen the thing happening outside before: rain. #CaliforniaDrought | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How much do I love @EJECTA ’s Dominae. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @mxngyn @devbootcamp it will only change your life: it’s important to set realistic expectations. 😉 | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @LoveAt1stByte: .@courteneyervin “somewhere in the ocean of #developer sweat, there’s a sea of developer tears” #FOCUS100 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Public barber during a heat wave has an open door blaring Lucinda Williams. Swear I was back in ATX. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @antiheroine: Parents should always tell the truth to their children. Except when children ask how many Indiana Jones movies there are. … | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you’re a programmer or are thinking about becoming one, I’d recommend reading Ann Lamott’s “Bird by Bird.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I finished Max Frisch’s “Man in Holocene” today. I read all German-language literature in Werner Herzog’s voice. cc/@emkidwell | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Who designed this famous and haunting cover of Camus’ “The Stranger?” #peoplewithhats #art #bookcovers | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Things that surprise me I say in 2014: “Can I call you back on Skype, this mobile phone’s connection is bad.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In my 10 year old laptop bag I now put my chromebook in the “papers” section and a book in the “laptop” section. Tempora mutant omnia. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So, we’re moving to New York City: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In my building in SF, someone has the SSID: I can hear you pooping | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon wore a bow time for the first time…definitely less of a force choke feeling. may try again. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At at a grand party Friday night, it closesd with “Empire state of mind.” Today LAX ➡️ JFK | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @ntlk: “I’m afraid of the angry privileged white man protecting what he does have” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon The age of isolation: part of why NYC for us: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Last week while in Brooklyn, we watched “Manhattan.” ‘Twas a very @ChronSnob moment. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Learn to use a sliderule #BucketList | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why is it everyone is super awesome right before you decide to leave a place? Or is it prenostalgia messing with me? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon My puppy is so soft post-grooming I might go insane from how SOFT AND FUZZY HE IS. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon @erinmkidwell See you soon! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon holy shit. Do you guys remember longboxes? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The surprising / fascinating part of #DearWhitePeople was that racism is shown as an effect of and accelerator unto capitalist exploitation. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Been living in the bay area now for 10+ years, but I’m going to drop my cool messenger bag pretense: I’m bringin’ JanSport back. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If I had any artistic talent I would paint 80’s era vintage pastel watercolors of poodles playing racquet sports. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @MarinasDiamonds writes another killer hook that you can’t shake: “I’ve been saving all my summers for you, like #FROOT.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My first taste of Yankee Hell: Sitting on hold with ConEd for 29 minutes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love super puzzle fighter but it sucks so bad on a touch device. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @qrush @jamesgolick spoiled by NorCal nature and beauty, and with a dog, NYS beckons. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 2000CE EMERYVILLE scene: homeless piloting carts past liquor stores / check cashing; 2014: Range Rover piloting kids to guitar lessons #bye | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Petco was playing Christmas music today. 11/14/2014. Christmas. Music. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sold my car. Farewell silver steed. Now anti car grandstanding: “Ugh. Cars! Why!!!!!??????” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When I left CA for the third time. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Byron Lauren and I are safe in New York City. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Where have you been!?!? #theraflu | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon What hell of a neighborhood have I moved to where they leave this around for children to find? #vim4eva | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Hey we need a different cable modem.” I guess we have to pick one up tomorrow? No, 24 hour Best Buy because New York | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon To be fair to the original book, it’s kinda cool that on the overhead slide spells BARBIE in Binary. #FeministHackerBarbie #JusSaying | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Found my people: bought drill bits, found books on Ottoman Empire and objective C in the sidewalk, now donuts & home. #bklynlyfe | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon In an office on Wall Street on the 15th floor. Why this, @ATT? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Meatloaf, meatloaf; double-beetloaf, I hate meatloaf. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Why Latin prepares you for a career in programming, writing, or flat-out thinking: a steady method for debugging: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What would you call a store where Fresh Direct trucks stocked the shelves and you could go there and buy stuff without a web as middleman? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #capcom released super puzzle fighter for iOS. Joystick and buttons is faster than touch. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon With heavy beard I am being offered all the mitzvahs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It is almost 2015. Yosemite has been 2 minutes from being done installing for the last hour. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just completed a 3.70 mi run - First run with Byron as my copilot. Not the most constant of partners … #RunKeeper | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @bcantrill: “I have moved to Vermont, and will deal with no unit of time shorter than a season.” | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon More buddy comedy from bill hader and Kristin wiig | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @thelaurengraham: My friend Ed Herrmann was the kindest, classiest, most talented man. It was an honor and a joy to know him, a devastat… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Jeff Duntemann’s book on assembly is lucid and funny including jussive orders for other authors on the topic to be hanged. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m surprised by how comfortable I am with life below 32 degrees. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @codeinthehole: Desirable developer skills: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Once there was a place called South Park Meadows. A guy called Gordon sang there. #atx | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Anonymous Park Slope poetess (9 years old): Love the snow! Play in it! Have fun! " | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon TIL: “Glee” is still on. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Beautiful flakes in Manhattan. Fuck that winter mix noise. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What if the Oddyssey is the story of Ulysses’ 10-year voyage of trying to come to terms with his PTSD? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Good morning from Park Slope! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Definitely need to go see “A girl walks home alone at night.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and OSX installer bars. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @KentBeck: beauty is the engineer’s sixth sense | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon While I liked “Birdman,” wasn’t it 8 1/2 for actors? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Worst name for a hot dog stand ever: “Herr Wiener.” #wurstnameever | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Byron seems to not be a fan of Bertrand Russell. Or of me remembering my BA. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @raorao_: Finally finished Refactoring: Ruby Edition. Mind === blown. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @sarahmei: Beginners don’t have intentions. They’re searching for the dev equivalent of shelter & food. Intentions are way further up th… | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Destructive dog is destructive. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #NYC Spring weather today is Phil Collins: no jacket required. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon As we consider our next President I am more drawn to the story of Dr. Viktor von Doom: a paternalistic absolutist we can believe in. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Took a half day off for a dentist, a pint, a slice of pizza, a beautiful Spring stroll Park Slope and research into the bio of Dr. Doom. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Sighted in Prospect Park: shorts (not on runners) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love new york concerts. I hate new york concerts. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon The feeling when you get your @VirginAmerica notification for a flight tmw when you THOUGHT you were flying Wed. $150 goof on my part :( | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @debbiemadden200 is a ferocious and fearless leader. He wisdom about leadership is still echoing in the earholes of my memory. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon NYC is glorious today. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Time for some #realtalk #vim users: we all have a file in our home directory called :w. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Playing Metroid now would be much better since I could snap a phone pic of the save codes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Given the success of #MadMaxFuryRoad and “Dark Knight Rises,” I may never understand another line of Tom Hardy dialog ever again. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Romper rules all I see around me. #NYC #summer | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I found a great map in an online collection that I want to frame. How do I make it a pretty on-paper artifact? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon The Brooklyn central library: doing nothing to discourage the Masonic / Thelemic conspiracy theory. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @tomdale I miss adventure gaming SO VERY MUCH. “Monkey Island” was the doula to the birth of my sense of humor. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Kids in the @BKLYNlibrary lab were using a 3D printer. Yes friends, their future STARTS with “artifacts can be coded and fab’d in an hour.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @BKLYNlibrary: If you think #Bloomsday is totally played out, may we suggest #Dalloday? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am so frustrated with trying to build iOS apps. Photocopies of ID, laggy replies, accepted agreements not seen by Xcode, etc. #hamstrung | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I LOVE “Girls Like You” by @TNAF SO VERY VERY MUCH - STILL! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon RT @BabyAnimaI: Baby elephants throw themselves into the mud when they get upset | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @azizshamim: OH: SF tech culture is focused on solving one problem: What is my mother no longer doing for me? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @marthakelly Alan Kay on the origins of small talk. Friendly. Relevant. 30 years of time travel. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @usedwigs: Hi, I’m your waiter Jeff, let me tell you about The Specials. The Specials are an English 2 Tone ska revival band from Covent… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon S/O to mah peeps who get cripplingly depressed on holidays because they judge their holidays’ recollection against impossible narratives. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On Wall Street today I saw a clear garbage bag full of pudding. Wait, that /was/ pudding, right? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Never understood @FreePeople when I was in SF, but after 1 New York summer I totally get it. cc:@MissMauriss | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Waking to a thunderstorm and downpour. Not since I left Texas. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @mxngyn: Wrote some tips on the post-bootcamp job hunt. Hoping @devbootcamp grads will find it helpful :) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @MarkAgee: STAGES OF WORKING FROM HOME | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the #NightlyShow. So excite | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lissiemusic oh yes! Your ass kicking show inspired my girlfriend to pick a fight with attendees who wouldn’t shut up during the show. ❤️U! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon They’re screening “Heathers” @brooklynpublic: “Lick It UP!” #coolestlibraryever | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Things I love: ssh-agent(1) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon NEW BLOG POST: Latin-based Easter Eggs in Mark Z. Daneilewski’s “House of Leaves.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For my birthday I would like to have a full night’s sleep without Benadryl. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The piano on “Lady Stardust” is magical: a perfect thing. The phrasing on the vocals, sublime. ❤️ @DavidBowieReal 🌠👱🏻 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Good birthday party day: party, tightened my iptable rules, added VPN certs. Good day | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For all who do genealogy research the loss of the 1890 census marks a baffling and frustrating but loss. #backupyopunchcards | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @antiheroine I knew I’d crossed some “Wonder Years” threshold when I asked for the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday’s. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The awkward moment when you’re doing genealogy research and you come across the noun “octoroon.” #genealogy | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @altclassic: This day in ‘02, Interpol released their debut “Turn On the Bright Lights” directly influenced by the post-punk scene http:… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon RT @altclassic: On this day in 1994, Portishead released their excellent debut album “Dummy” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If LA always felt like a Cramps song then I’d think about moving there. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The Trump candidacy reminds me of the fun ha-ha spirit of the Schwarzenegger bid for CA gov. We pulled Brown out of retirement after. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @linkblaine: “You got your fountain pen repaired in the same amount of time it took me to eat lunch?” Yes. #onlyinnyc #dbclife | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was not born to the Northeast, but deep in my nucleotides a persistent whisper keeps telling me that summer has entered its final act. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon VMA ad in the Wall Street subway | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Side effect of reading #readyplayerone: re listening to remastered 2112 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why I code: “in the practice…we obtain special opportunities to perceive uniformity amidst variety and…conceive ideas of beauty” J.W.McA | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When will the dudes with Muslim oils and incense return to Wall Street? #nyc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I think #NYC has entered a new season I’ve never experienced before: “Late Summer.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #Vim users love movies like “The Matrix” & “Dark City” because they believe that separate realities can be overlain by a single buttonpress. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It is a tough life to be a vegetarian who doesn’t care for cucumber. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Listening to Peart on “YYZ” I realize what it is I’ve loved about my favorite Rush music: they’re soundtracks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @yaboybillnye: if a spider in your room dont freak out. That dude just wants to help u kill flies, keep u company, talk about girls etc … | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Momentary flash of horror. Is my AOL IM ID still active? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @CoolBoxArt: Frog Bog / Intellivision / Mattel / 1982 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ok this time the break up is real: Brie and I are over. #lactaid | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon @NekoCase in part based on you, we spent last 5 days camping in Vermont and reveling in its beauty. Lovely pics you’re posting. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @CW_CrazyXGF is the first show I’ve watched on @CW_network since “Gilmore Girls.” It’s hilarious and @Racheldoesstuff is so talented. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I love the songs on #CrazyExGirlfriend in explicit form … but also think that the TV-appropriate have an adorable, charming cleverness. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Polite warning. Only 2 weeks til Christmas @sheandhim hits steady rotation. ❤️ @ZooeyDeschanel and @mwardtweeting | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Worried about a candidate on an entertainment show? Recall how well that worked for sax-candidate Bill Clinton on “Arsenio.” #oshit | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lauren_n_roth notes in “Flashdance” the welder who works out 3x daily, bikes P’burgh is suddenly weak when assaulted by a skinny tough. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We await something that will unite mankind and transcend race, nation, and religion. We need PS4 multiplayer online Katamari Damacy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 1 year Gothamversary with @lauren_n_roth | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is #CrazyExGirlfriend character Mrs Hernandez actually an angel who only serves to guide you to your better nature? I think yes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One of the best things about life in #NYC is the relatively high probability you’ll hear Miles Davis. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon That part after watching #CrazyExGirlfriend where you find the explicit version of a song and love It even more. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Man, Billy Joel’s “The Stranger” must have sounded great on vinyl. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The narrator of Weezer’s “No One Else” is a possessive misogynist. He needs therapy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @cortronic: [best Billy Idol voice] It’s a nice day for a… light sweater WHOA… It’s a nice day for a… CARDIGAAAAAN | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Theangelreda “Chicago” last night was a revelation. Your performance was all sorts of fierce. Not normally my word choice but Day-um! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The film “Brooklyn” is wonderful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @jcsalterego Leroy Jenkins IKEA life hack: always leave with sweet rolls and coffee and you’re always a winner | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Headed to Ruby Tuesday for Thanksgiving detox. NEED SALAD. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @rauschma: Apple’s @SwiftLang is now open source, on GitHub: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @EAT24 for indian food because @azizansari ’s dad asking about papadum in #masterofnone got me jonesing hard. I <3 Papa Ansari: So funny! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Speaking of #MasterOfNone: I think it may be the first really great work of “millennial” television. Nothing but respect for the beauty. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m going to mull wine, drink it, eat indian food, watch #masterofnone, knit, drink theraflu, snuggle my poodle. Hi haters. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Tonight at grand army plaza there was a Hanukkah celebration with an shredder guitar player riffing on tunes in the key of d-menorah. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon He was shredding like he was making latkes: fat and chunky | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon No more Hanukkah tweets. #blessed I live in a country that has such a positive history with transcending bias and letting refugees in | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Can we start seriously discussing @BillGates running for president yet? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Racheldoesstuff Congratulation on the Golden Globe nom! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @stevelosh My dad showing me RPN was a moment that set up my tech career. Fascinating to encounter these moments in tangible history. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hating on the perfidious Mr. Wickham as a service. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Whence pro-Trump rage? Maybe seeing liberal metros becoming more powerful, populated, prosperous, influential from Reagan tax policy? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The more I think about it the more true “Super Sad True Love Story” is. And that is sad. It’s a book that lingers with you. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First time ever to Chicago. Views; and all that jazz. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @yukihiro_matz: Ruby was released 1995-12-21, so 20 years have passed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @SICPQuotes: The complexity of imperative programs becomes even worse if we consider applications in which several processes execute con… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @awkwafina discovered yellow ranger on vice. You’re so awesome and rep BK so well: “90 mins later waitin’ for the g train”. #getitin2016 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Moved to @TMobile for Christmas: a provider that treats and adult nerd like one: it’s all just data. So far so good. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @awkwafina What happened in your S1 Lil’ Debbie tawk? Was she just so intense you could only edit a gibbering, baffled 1 minute? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yep. Still not regretting switching to @TMobile | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon According to comics artists @Grimezsz is Jem. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I finally installed Steam and Portal and SOMA on my Mac. What game controller do I use? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Decided I felt really New Yorker when at some rando discount store in Brooklyn “The Tide is High” by Blondie came on and I sang with relish. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Many of us use an editor that doesn’t charge, but isn’t “free.” Why not start off the year right by paying for your editor? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If entering a federal building with munitions doesn’t get a white person labelled a terrorist what does? #AskingForAFriend | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lucky typo or next million dollar startup: KinkedIn? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When I visit @amazon with my VPN on I get asked whether I which Chinese experience I want. Using @digitalocean + OpenVPN. What is this? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @kerrizor: Of all the technical skills I possess, “Reading the error” is one I’ve never regretted maxing out on. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Re-watching S1 “Gilmore girls” with @lauren_n_roth and it holds up. Still sweet, touching, funny. ❤️ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’d like to say my #favoritebowie is “Heroes” but my heart’s dark clouds demand it be “Ashes to Ashes.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @mariofusco: The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise … | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I started playing SOMA. I haven’t played games in years so now I’m scared about dying. Add a controller I don’t understand and i’m in panic. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The moment you hit PUBISH on a blog post your proof reading accuracy goes up 1000x. #internetfact | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Millennials complain about “adulting” often, but I feel like I am “corporating” so well when I actually submit my expense report. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Blackamazon: If you are not ready to deal with #newyorkvalues you aren’t ready to govern a lemonade stand let alone this country | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon KELLY BISHOP YOU ARE THE FLAWLESS QUEEN. Your voice, your expressions GREAT ACTOR. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Byron blizzard-poodle does not even care about a blizzard warning | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Only one drawback to bingeing “Gilmore Girls” during a blizzard: that theme song … Nice once a year but 6 times in a day…no. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What does this say about programming? @fractionalgames game “SOMA’s” biggest scare has been a puzzle where you resolve module dependencies | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Where are the black red vines in BK. Hell anywhere on Long Island | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The one day I rent a car in NYC: snow morning! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @damon was one of the forces that got me into Ruby, 6 years later I’m writing Ruby curriculum at @devbootcamp | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Like Mark Twain imagining a vacation so well he didn’t need to go, years of imagining Portal didn’t dampen the brilliance of the game. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What #NYC winter thinks of your #Valentines day plans | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Has anyone (else) noticed the virulent expansion of the prefix “super-” these days? It’s super-everywhere. Is it an NYC thing? Feels larger | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @altclassic: Nick Cave’s “Red Right Hand” reimagined as a Dr. Seuss Book via @DrFaustusAU #NickCave | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon PARIS GELLER: [Asked “Is it raining?”] No, it’s national baptism day. Tie your tubes, idiot. #GilmoreGirls | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Umberto Eco, who introduced me to semiotics & hermeneutics, passes on. PARS EIUS SUPER ALTA PERENNIS ASTRA FERATUR | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What work of literature captures the post-9/11 era the best? I’ll contend de Lillo’s Underworld was the final coda to Cold War mentality | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @claytoncubitt: Millennials mate when the female shyly extends her selfie stick into the charging port of the male’s drone, exchanging w… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @kelleydeal makes some beautiful textiles. Wow. Coder, guitarist, knitter, entrepreneur. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fellow liberals: I saw 2 Dominican car service drivers agreeing that Trump is right, is going to get trash out. Our model needs updating. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon @questlove we pay for medicine or we pay for food. Pave the way method and red! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @altclassic: Nick Cave & PJ Harvey | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @SICPQuotes: As far as anyone knows, mutability and delayed evaluation do not mix well in programming languages | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lisperati the Land of Lisp song has such a Camper Van Beethoven feel to it. In a good way. #takethelambdasbowling | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My printer model number ends in “-DW” I secretly dream that it means “Deutsche Welt” and my printer delivers int’l news w/ a pleasant accent | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon How glorious is #NYC today? Windows open, breezes, chirping birds, barking dog, “HEY ASSHOLE YOU GONNA PULL OVER OR WHAT?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @stevelosh Just came across your why I two-space post and I love it so much. cc/@DanielMiessler | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon They NYC parenting topic of “not taking up the whole (fucking) sidewalk.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @NightValeRadio: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a cursed talisman must be in want of a hex re… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What do you call my growling poodle lounging on the area rug? A barkalounger. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon RT @tomgara: This is definitely the deepest and most metaphysical question posed by NYC subway ticket machines | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I shudder at #election 2016 recalling @Shteyngart:: “…an angry man risen and ready to punch, celebrated itself throughout the night.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Frankly, I’m kinda glad so many people are leaving Twitter. It’s more targeted and digestible. Like it was when it started. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Scifi told us humans would invent robots, indulge and become lazy. It never told us how humanity made it from everyone works to no one works | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The cutie is the kwisatz haderach of fruit | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Since the last 20 years of “internet innovation” have been HTML-wrapped replacements of Unix tools, what’s the one for Usenet? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Nothing ruins the enjoyment of an Oreo quite like eating it with headphones in. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Best perk of working from a Brooklyn Deli: The swingy bounce of Dion, the Shirelles, and Frankie Valli keeps the afternoon lag at bay. #NYC | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon C64 gamers: A game where you set up a maze and then place a ball. Hoping your placed walls, springs, etc. guide it to the end safely? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon WHERE CAN I GET BLACK @RedVines IN NEW YORK CITY? #impossibletofind #foundagrailtho | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Amid these political times I wonder…what if parties funded partisans having children. “Love America, have another kid that votes!” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m struck by how closely Typescript resembles Swift. They are preparing to heal the Great Schism. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just daydreamed while listening to “Don’t Give Up On Me” that @lissiemusic held a LissiePalooza in a field on her farm. Camping. Bees. <3 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Her seduction of me was intense: a stare, licking of lips. I adjusted my jacket to find a blob of shallot cream cheese on my lapel. #nyclife | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon So excited to see @TheCrucibleBway tomorrow! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At @TheCrucibleBway: I repeat: so excite. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve lain with the Devil / Cursed God Above / Forsaken Heaven / To Bring You My Love – @PJHarveyUK still levels mountains 21 years later | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If there’s ever a homicidal mail carrier dogs are gonna be so “I told you so.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Pullman on UK: cobwebbed, rotten, diseased and decaying mess of a patched-up, cobbled-together, bloated, corrupted, leaking stinking hulk | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 1/3 Idea: Londonexit: A Hansa-inspired free-trade city linked to Hansastad M’chester and EU country Scotland in a commonwealth 1/3 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 2/3: @paragkhanna wrote in Connectography, p. 75: “London props up England’s depreseed depopulated [pro-Leave] regions…liabilit[ies]” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 3/3 As urban, globalized centers get tired of eye-rolling at their reactionary birthmother nation states, will they go global? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @SarahSoWitty: I think David Bowie was holding this world together a lot more than we ever comprehended. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In which Gilmore girls predicts me life arc: WOMAN: Dave, do you have your space pen? MAN: Do you have to ask? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon My favorite movie about America? “The Godfather:” BONASERA: “I believe in America.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @aviflombaum @SaraJChipps “Will I actually be writing pentameter if I get this job?” “No you’ll be shifting haiku by one syllable.” #broken | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If anyone knows where to get BLACK @RedVines in Manhattan let me know. NOT Twizzlers; NOT red red vines. Thought this city had everything. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @RedVines how can it be that there are no results for within 10 miles of Manhattan? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you say you’ll have time for diversity after you get things going, you’re assuming that you can reach success without a diverse team. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Quick way to test if you’re dead: Listen to @lissiemusic ’s “My Own Wild West.” Did you feel nothing? You are dead. Otherwise, yay. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In #nyc summer, women’s fashion gains the options of “fancy short opened-back hospital gown” and “fancy shortened finger-painting smock.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Love the John Carpenter style soundtrack to “Stranger Things.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Marni Nixon screen test: she kills in vibrato, pitch, tone and smiles at every phrase’s ending. When done, she smirks at the camera #ripboss | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon NYC Trifecta: Dude rich enough for a high rise apt. with a rain bath shower. With a window with blinds. That he leaves up, #dgaf-stylee. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @catallman: RIP, Seymour Papert, who died today at 88. Co-invented the LOGO learning programming language | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Turned off the AC’s. No fan running. Just the peace and quiet of sirens and 8.4 * 10**6 million people going about their lives. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Why Corporate America Is Leaving the Suburbs for the City (via @Pocket) cc:@convojito | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I am in love with prose style and economy ofin Ch.1 of Thinking Recursively with Java by Eric Roberts | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Genius @samesmail of #MrRobot tested audience’s implicit bias: 2 hijabi, boy named Mohammed playing with a passenger plane. Nervous? Why? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @dstfelix on @ForColoredNerds. Loosely quoted: “Wes Anderson is Tyler Perry for white people.” I died. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SF friends. I’m here in Soma for the next week. Love to hear what you’re up to | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I watched this video and tied a bow tie on my second attempt: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon New metric for hotels: can you hear tall men urinating in other rooms while lying in bed? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One might bemoan the state of diversity in techl, but today I saw a db table with a column of first names that included: “Ta-Nehisi” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Through the air I go into tomorrow. 🗽 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When you love actresses with dark under eye circles and aren’t sure if it’s ok to tell them that you love their circles. #takes12know1 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Windows users with bash. Linux users with PowerShell. FreeBSD users with WiFi. It’s been a crazy year. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @altclassic: 36 years ago today, #DavidBowie was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with ‘Ashes To Ashes’ | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon @IBM staff CRRRRUUUSSSHHHHEEEED this morning. Swift in Linux more performant than Java and node. 👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻 #tryswiftnyc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Been a while since Big Blue seemed so relevant and edgy but with Watson, Swift extensions for web, Kitura. I say ¡WELCOME BACK! #tryswiftnyc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #tryswiftnyc feels like the conference that changed my life and put me on Ruby years ago. Swift is going to be huge by this feel. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Judging by mass incarceration rates, I wonder: “Will prisons become the melting pot we always believed our cities were?” #5446wasmynumber | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Where is the deeply researched docudrama about what happened to Montel Jordan? Amid “Pulp Fiction” and 1995 ésprit he seemed assured glory. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @altclassic: “One day in Berlin, Eno came running in and said, ‘I have heard the sound of the future’ and put on ‘I Feel Love”-DB https:… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OMG #KuboMovie was so great. Just beautiful all around. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wonder if the rise of fast recompile languages correlated to decline in thoughtful mental code-tracing and debugging. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @HistoricalPics: Salvador “I don’t do drugs I am drugs” Dalí painting The Face of War, 1941 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Isn’t it odd that “graphic” and “drawn-out” don’t mean the same thing? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon NYFD widows and children memorial packed with comrades, spouses, and teens who never knew their parent reminds us to #NeverForget. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Shout out to Troy and Gris who helped this guy out at @jetblue flight JFK to ORD this morning. You’re both legends. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If “Moulin Rouge” is the price we had to pay to get #TheGetDown, it was worth it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @lauren_n_roth: Determining the difference between “important” and “urgent” is an art honed only with experience. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Bay Area puppy has a chew toy hedgehog named “Hetch Hedgie.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon My new Lamy Safari; next to my very old runner of Safari. Went metallic for a change of pace. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A man thanked Byron and I for not being racist and ignoring him. Fist bump, then: “We all come from the same source!” “Africa?” “No, ETs!” 😳 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @samesmail I find there to be a lovely parallelism from “The Prisoner” to @whoismrrobot. It’s a brave move. Ready to “Fall Out.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon WANTED: Art where anthropomorphized poodles perform jobs (e.g. cop), play sports in a pastel, graphic-ish 80’s health club style #serious | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I found this hilarious show on Hulu called “Community.” Man this shit will play forever because it’s so funny and original right? Right? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Public Service Announcement: Someone seems to have lost their fingerprint dusting powder on Riverside Drive. Notify police. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon We watched the first 4 episodes of @fleabag after hearing Phoebe on @dinnerpartydnld and its hilarious, bawdy, and fun. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Story about owning a black dog: a black child asks her parent whether white people love black dogs as much as they love white ones. 😭 1/2 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A world where this message has infected a 7 year old child is a world where social justice is needed. How could I comfort that gap? 2/2 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @MissWhoeverUR: This election is a clear representation of what it’s like to be an overqualified woman who has to deal with an unqualifi… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Classlicity: People criticizing Clinton’s preparedness probably also don’t realize Hermione is the only reason Harry Potter survived 7… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Schneider und Hutter forever. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You know, homages to the 90’s are a thing now…but will no one revive the slinky beauty of the Suede family tree? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @BreneBrown: To dismiss Trump’s comments as “guy talk” is an insult to good men and boys. This is what rape culture looks & sounds like. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @wycats: I’m pretty scared of what will happen the first time someone runs on Trumpism who isn’t as fatally flawed as Trump. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Teaching mindfulness to kids in Paris, @erinmkidwell. Funny title! “calm and attentive…like a 🐸” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OK seriously conservative apologists: it’s not the word “pussy,” it’s “grabbing” someone’s sexual parts without consent that’s offensive 1/n | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Did I mention I got engaged to this lady 2 nights ago? In the function signature of my life there will be @escaping_mind #swiftlove | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Biggest change since I was in France last is how quickly Parisians use English. Or my horrid French is so horrible they want me to STAHP. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon In honor of Serge Gainsbourg: un bouteille Coca-Cola. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A+++++++ 10/0 would engage again. #jjabramslensflare ❤️😘@escaping_mind | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Brain we’re flying back home in a few hours so let’s make the most?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For anyone breaking / broken up with SF or the Bay Area recently I cannot recommend Kobek’s “I Hate the Internet” enough. Thanks @gtvrhs. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “I Hate the Internet” captures my response when some confused NY’er asks: “You left California to come h-h-h-here?” Yes. Would move again. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon My countrymen and women, let us now admit it: We need the bidet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Kaopectate and Pepto Bismol both use the same active ingredient. So the PB Pink color was a … conscious marketing decision. #tmyk | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is SF is where tech-Siddarthas are sent to encounter age, disease, death after living in their rich castles of “meritocracy.” 1/ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “It’s hard to be sad to music that makes you want to Charleston” <3 @crazyxgfwriters | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @evanrachelwood you are amazing in “Westworld.” The staggering girl we saw in “Seventeen” has grown more formidable and subtle. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Philosophy grad watching #Westworld : “Is this Gnostic allegory with Tarot esoteric tradition motifs?” #fb | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @piersb: All operatives in this time period: 48 hours to Divergence. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @samesmail: Please tell me you’re seeing this too | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Upper West Side is silent. Only motors and mechanical sounds. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First step in making america great again: Bringing back Google Reader, this time with yuuuge offline caching. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is it just me or do you wish we could go back to a simpler time when our biggest fear was David S. Pumpkins? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @pashulman: Look to how Berlusconi was defeated as a model for Trump. This is the smartest thing on politics I’ve read all week. https:/… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon LAX gates 31-34 is a proof of concept for bus terminals of the skies. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Just in case I never write it down: Please play Cale’s “Big White Cloud” at my funeral. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @sarahjeong: How many times a day do you ruminate on how unfit you are to scavenge for survival amid the ruins of civilization | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @grossdm: For the 5,000th time, the problem isn’t liberal arts majors who don’t study STEM. It’s STEM majors who don’t study liberal art… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @maxgladstone: 1999, me: “Fight Club is a movie about challenges facing men in 20th c” Dad: “This movie is about how fascist movements g… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Kasparov63: The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annih… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Verifying myself: I am sgharms on On8E7qswnY1pKixwBiI6612vyxAnU8tX-uTi / | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seen in subway: Ubiquitous beige totebag with the file path to a PSD printed on it instead of the contents. #metaartist | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Holy shit I’m in a smoking section in a restaurant. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When your stepdad fixes your sisters air conditi ning with a Makita 18v, hair dryer, and profanity and saves a Texas Xmas by doing so. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Couple behind me evaluated #LALALAND as “Terrible. Depressing.” I think they should visit dreamers or LA and re-view. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was going to marry her anyway, but she bought me “Purple Rain” on vinyl. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I got engaged to @escaping_mind which is cool….but I’m thinking maybe I should have married Trader Joe’s Jalapeño Pub Cheese instead. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We love the tree hallway in all seasons in Riverside park. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Love it so much. Kid is wearing a Miley shirt in front of a man whose demons could press tears from angels. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Heard from @AlecBaldwin: New York is a river, LA is a lake; one, you let the street carry you, the other you gotta dig your oars in to go. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love #TheGoodPlace. The cast are all great. Smart writing, funny enacting of philosophy dilemmas. Fun. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve dreamed of playing @Interpol’s TOTBL on vinyl in NYC on a rainy night for 15 years. Tonight. Now. It sounds amazing, it looks amazing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is there post apocalyptic Native American sci-fi? E.g. After rising waters and ruined industrial food chain First Nations know how to adapt? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Bought the @KarenElson_ “Ghost who Walks” record just in time to be ready to get her next record. Definitely the optimal format for her. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just for a moment let me remind you of something: we live in a world with rye toast and coffee. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wrote JavaScript to extract my highlights and notes taken on my Kindle to a file. When you know how to code, life is better. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon The poetry of David Berman on The Silver Jews’ “Natural Bridge” is sublime: it’s like Miltonian Judaism..20 years later. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Giving up on humanity. My M.O. is to make sure dogs inherit the Earth. Consider all of Trump’s decisions in that light. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon With all these displays of unity, decency, and piety, I wonder if converts will increase. Then we’ll see “Who’s a real American” get nasty | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon That special moment when you get the worst bloody nose you’ve had in years as the plane is taxiing out and you’re wearing a new shirt. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Few shows have created characters such that a proper noun and a gerund could invoke such terror: “Omar strollin’.” | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Really, my dream is to think in Lisp and sleep peacefully at night. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just remember, you don’t need the liberal arts. You know how to code! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So spiders kill prey for interrupting their train of thought. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon New Orleans: coffee with a side of Ginuwine. Guess the song. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @daisyowl: if you ever code something that “feels like a hack but it works,” just remember that a CPU is literally a rock that we tricke… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In Manhattan everyone is checking phones while they wait; in NOLA while waiting for dinner an absent-minded twerk broke out. #puritains | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We all lose our in innocence in degrees, but the day one realizes the wooden cap on Cholula is merely decorative has a special tangy burn. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” is as if Zabar’s, “Broad City,” “Kimmy Schmidt,” and “Mad Men” had a Gilmore baby. Rachel Brosnahan is hilarious. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My favorite breakout performers of the last 2 years have both been Rachels: @Racheldoesstuff and @RachieBros. Fearless and funny. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @thomas_violence: i’ve tweeted about this before but Sugababes being a perfect example of the Ship of Theseus paradox is the most beauti… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DanielMiessler I just drop to shell with Ctrl-z; reattach with fg. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon “Max Headroom” was right about everything except the conduit. It was TCP/IP (wired/unwired), not coaxial cable. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My skill in designing technical curriculum was best trained by Sierra game savepoints and cheating through choose your own adventure novels | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My dog is a New Yorker. “delivery” is a word that induces excited dancing and prancing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Ron-kón-kuh-ma | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Some day I will be able to not eat an entire box of Mike & Ike’s in one sitting. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When Soundgarden ruled the air bands wrote and performed their songs. Virtually unthinkable in pop today. 1/2 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hearing Chris Cornell scream across a piano’s range in key is one of the highlights of my teens. #RIPChrisCornell | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @CoryBooker: Please read this profound speech by Mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu re: the removal of confederate monuments. https://… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @monkchips: arguably the most powerful tech company in the world hires engineers in their 60s. we should all learn from that | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ethanschoonover Rush’s “Presto:” Zork and D&D maps; later: Rifts and Illuminati. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon As I aged her and Prince’s shadows have only grown longer. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Richmond, VA feels like Austin 1998. Young people in cool houses. I king to Fresh Market from yoga classes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At the beginning of the week I asked stack overflow how to combine, and convert several files in Node.JS. Not a single answer. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Duane Reade no longer sells microwave popcorn. I guess it’s gone to that big date night in the sky to join Blockbuster video. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon What’s diversity done for you? Given you “Master of None S2.” Wonderful stories from lives you might not have considered. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Thanks jabberwockeez for blessing this day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Every time I see a bolt of lightning across the clouds I think of “The Gunslinger” by @StephenKing and lightning as ideograms across the sky | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Overnight in Monmouth co, NJ we relaxed to OG battlestar, Wonder Woman, and Trek’s “Menagerie Pt 1.” U jelly? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Our hotel uses real keys. And puts them on keysticles. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wish I could get my “We Will Rock You” a la carte. I wanted stamping, not your “We Are the Champions” loser-time bereftness. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Zalambar Liberal arts and art were knowledge for those born wealthy. As we move backward to inequality, this might be a sacrifice in the step back. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Man “I Love Lucy” was edgy: The early drama of late-stage Captialism, monogamy, urbanism versus suburbanism | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Watched “Taxi” S1E3 which featured Angela, for whom their iconic theme “Angela” was composed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Indiana Jones and the ‘it belongs in a museum’ speech for a culture-robbing, eschatological death-cult called … Hobby Lobby” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Gonna buy a French “Valérian et Laureline” whilst in Montreal. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Said @escaping_mind : Montreal is like if French people built Austin (yep: 6th street plus boot stores). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @JimDedman Mile End, Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wow @alliex sounds like Emmylou Harris washed in electropop on this one: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When you’re in a transitional moment in life and then you discover that Sia has a new record. 🔥 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @JenAshleyWright: Donald Trump Jr., at 39, is being called a kid. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One of the more humorous experiences one can have is hearing @escaping_mind meep @maroon5 ’s “Animals” as Beaker the Muppet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Cold open to steady string of bass quarter notes: “Psycho Killer” or “Hardest Button to Button?” T’would be a stellar mashup. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Waiting for dental appointment in Manhattan and HGTV host used the phrase “suburb of Waco.” Tempus fugit. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon NYC needs to get over itself re: summer. Suits in the subway with the heat we had today!? With global warming this is just the start. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m sure she has sore muscles, a bad day, a cold, etc. but we never hear of her failing to be Diana Prince. It’s work I want to recognize. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Taking my dog to groomers, I passed today’s shoot and saw the “Mrs Meisel” lettering and am now so excited for more @RachieBros as Midge. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon People: I have low levels of b12 and vitamin D. Anyone else suffer with this / have a solution? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @cwshevlin @devbootcamp It was you that did the most! The teachers second. I’m glad to have played a part though. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @girlziplocked: The myth of male immaturity is a social construct. It’s a way for men to get away with disavowing the consequences for e… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @hoverbird: @noradio @sayrer @iano getting a fresh made turkey club at 4am | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @kamrinklauschie Reading about Lisp: “s-expression.” Sounds like a Prince song title. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @BFriedmanDC: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Bet: Google Memo Guy guy thought his liberal arts requirements were “a waste” because he’s “logical.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon BTW: the scientists we hope are not making Skynet / F’stein’s monster have the same level of humanities education as Google Memo Guy. #hosed | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @CodyBrown: For many entry level engineering jobs at Google, you get kids w/ a CS degree from MIT and a Gender Studies minor from Reddit. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wore pants in #nyc today. Let’s get that fall on. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon FUCK “The Kingsman” which made anal sex with a princess a prize as a stupid and unnecessary joke — ruining the whole vibe of the thing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @sarahmei I’ve been told we’re called Xennials. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon War movies are interesting: “Pvt. Ryan” made life seem cheap meat to slaughter; “Dunkirk” conveys that every one is dear and afraid. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @mzbitca: the president has taken a harsher stance on Kristen Stewart cheating on Rob Pattinson than he has neo nazi marches and violence | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @avdi I’m actually doing the cracking the coding interview tasks in Lisp and I feel it - even if I can’t yet harness it… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @JohnLegere, CEO, rocks @TMobile magenta everywhere all the time. His employees know he is always selling their team’s work. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @TheEconomist: Donald Trump is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In SF, I often saw femme-projecting women ignored, marginalized, mocked, minimized or set aside. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love “@Atypical” on Netflix. Such wonderful acting and a tender script and autism reality. So good. And WE LOVE PAIGE! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon There is a town in Texas whose name, if you google it, shows you a picture of an Applebee’s. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon W145th : 12:30 pm: threat of la chancla deployed to vicious effectiveness. Acting like fools stopped for a 3 block radius. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @altclassic One of the best records of the 90’s; one of the best concerts of my life (Utrecht, ‘98): an opening scratch battle that awed… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I had a lot about Civil War monuments. Here’s one for the morally correct view: THE UNION. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @sigridellis: My son was at his blacksmithing camp yesterday. He came home with a knife “forged in the dark of an eclipse.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If you think a statue of a mounted Grant guiding bayonets into rebels is in bad taste, you should get why Confederate monuments are too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I never anticipated how much @rushtheband ’s “The Trees” (1978) would prepare me for life in the 2017. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If only we had stopped the Internet at the brothers Chaps… got no better. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In my unemployment I’m writing C and Lisp and Python everyday. And I can’t help thinking I see a different bootcamp in between the ; and ()s | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @BCAppelbaum It’s been 20+ years since I left Houston but I know “Mattress” Mack 1) will save me moneeeeyyyy and 2) is a fine philanthropist and human. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “And in all of the west lands the voice of the water, with her eternal disasters is feared, and heard” - H. Marsman; Dutch poet; died at sea | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Must be fall on the East Coast: heard Guster through open windows at a bar. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon There was whisky, tender flesh in tawdry costume, dancing, diabolical violins, “Happy Birthday,” a boat close hauled. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “This is currently undocumented but easily understood by reading the source.” Advice: Add a period after the 4th word, delete to end. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Something about Septermber and “Floodland.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Jury duty tomorrow. Proud to serve my fellow citizens of the Empire State. 🗽🤔🤝 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We have a Zojirushi rice cooker. When cleaning up I take the leftovers and mush them into small balls that I call “Mifunes.” #kurosawasan | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @marthakelly Monkey Island I; Indy jones / Atlantis; Space Quest IV; Sam & Max | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @hunterroseeee: “Girls don’t mature faster than boys, they’re just groomed earlier for sexual consumption and physical /emotional labour… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Bowie: Space alien, knower of “Fashion”, occasional chooser of dull shirts. If he can swing to brilliance AND failure, so can you. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @WritNelson: When your job is creative and your side projects are creative and the things you do to relax from both are also creative-re… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Chrome extension to extract your Kindle notes / annotations out of Amazon and into beautiful JSON. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I asked her to marry me. Proof of the love: designing the Capfile to deploy our wedding app. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Michael Cera is so nice every tribe is willing to let him in. And I gotta say, he’s kinda killin’ the Pauly D hair. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @garybernhardt : 3 dozen Teslas pull up to Palo Alto High : “Oh are we on a board together and they moved the meeting here? Oh you read the tweet too LOL!” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Blog: So, I’m Not Working: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The awkward time of year when McSweeny’s class white people have to decide if it’s too early to share the “decorative gourd season” article. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon This week’s “New Yorker” digital edition’s cover is beautifully enhanced with animation of leaves. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @goosemangus: Totally hypnotized by the amazing @Maisie_Williams pulling off this ridiculous dagger move!! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Where’s the biopic for Dorothy Ashby cc:@questlove | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Remember it’s all jokes and fun for boys until it isn’t. Beautiful smiling youngsters enacting hate with laughter. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In my mind Aiden Gillen plays John Cale (“Drella” era) in the biopic | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. - Yeats
| Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My upbringing included the following phrase which I can’t stop thinking about today: Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lotta babies were made to tom petty; or after that one extra beer you had because his music felt so nice on such a pretty day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @SaraJChipps: Today has made me appreciate how good Obama (as president) was at comforting a grieving nation. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @FirstAidKitBand You two are a gift. I remember Pandora (early days) serving you two up and it was a gift in my SF winters with my gf; soon to be my wife :) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @triketora Why do they have to get jazzy with the sirens? Bop de Bwap boop a beeeeee booooo beeeee boooo ba ba bar bar bar Barbara ann beeee booooo | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon The last 2 minutes of Portishead’s “Wandering Stars”…and the previous 3 minutes, too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon i dream to bathe in a barrel of magnesium fire. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Coursera is the UDP of education. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @mattwhitlockPM @kurt_loder Young Beignet here to rep the 504. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Brooklynology @rowmyboat Follow Up: Found my g-g-ma buying the property where her husband’s saloon (for which he was protested!) stood in W’burg(h) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon New Blog Post: Remove the Symbols of the Confederacy: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @ohen39: wife: I just got stung by a jellyfish. quick, pee on it me: [peeing on jellyfish] this is for stinging my wife | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon That break in “Kiss them for Me” where they do the Indian voices. #siouxsieforever | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When you aren’t sure if you’re on a familiar block because a scaffold has (dis-)appeared, seemingly instantaneously #nyc | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @newtgingrich: Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media shou… | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Kids think they’re gettin’ candy tonight when their parents computers are gettin’ my root kit. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At this point my retirement plan is to buy some Michigan land with water now while I have some cash and to live best I can of what i grow. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just installed a 1TB SSD into my dead and forgotten in the closet 2011 Mac Mini. The beast rides again (zippy & silently). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @goldman Orkut will always be a success to me. Met @lauren_n_roth on it. Nuptials next year. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Superstition is a technology too. #zomg | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The great joy of introducing an adult to Django Reinhardt. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Her T’s are shiny and bright, like the ringing of a hand bell.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @FirstAidKitBand I believe you were born to endure this kind of weather. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DarcyCarden you are amazing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In these times I am thankful for the creativity and brilliance of @nbcthegoodplace, it’s writing, @IMKristenBell ’s subtlety, @DarcyCarden ’s interpretation and all the myriad of moments the entire cast and writers bring. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @samim: “The Case For RSS”: RSS needs a comeback. Twitter is basically a glorified realtime RSS reader. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Nietzsche: ““If this writing be obscure to any individual, and jar on his ears, I do not think that it is necessarily I who am to blame” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @captainsafia: Take: People don’t miss Google Reader, they miss the ability to curate their content consumption without the invasive nat… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This time of year, New Yorkers could really use kotatsu. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going to see the exhibition on “The Dark Crystal” at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria on Saturday. You can do amazing stuff all the time in #NYC. If any of my tweeps are interested LMK. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Lawrence Fishburne on @nerdist is 🔥🔥. Reagan, Latin education, Black culture + filmmaking + rise of hip-hop, lack of humanities, praise of no-nothingism, “self-revealing versus self-reflecting” cultures. Give it 6 minutes from this timepoint: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m about to start “Infinite Jest.” Any tips? Skip the footnotes? Pause narrative, read footnotes and hop back? Maximum page count per diem recommendation? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “You know @mattbaker could convincingly play Jim Henson in a biopic,” I thought upon leaving the exhibit at the Museum of th Moving Image. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Honestly the Americanness of Queens is the best part of Spider Man: Homecoming. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @NekoCase @TMobile @ATT Neko Case: voice that can fill a canyon, wireless connectivity troubleshooter, community organizer, visual artist. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @btaylor My future mother in law, a Midwesterner, has an audible comma after “Alexa” as if Alexa might once say “one moment please.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One of the more surreal moments of my life, as I reflect on it, was my 7th grade science class reading a script to “WKRP in Cincinnatti” where Johnny Fever gets hooked on uppers in our anti-drug week. How did that deal get done? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @HistoricalPics: Chevy Chase in the late 1970’s in between a food fight. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Former boot-camp teacher here: students with a good pen and an overflowing notebook performed better, consistently b/c they never confused “learning the magic words to type” with “learning.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I really dug “Girls Trip.” I’ve been a fan of @TiffanyHaddish since I heard about her great charity work on @unqualified. @ReginaKing was wonderful, @IAMQUEENLATIFAH too. Also really dug @jadapsmith ’s character going from very pent up to very misbehaving. Very funny! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @GPollowitz: Prince Harry’s kids will be Americans. What if one grows up to be president and is in line for the throne at the same time?… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If @Apple were trying to tell Serious Developers (tm) that they don’t give a fig about the Mac except as a platform for writing iOS apps, leaving a gaping root exploit is a good way to say “Thank you, we’re through.” Wide open door, @Microsoft. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @pt: Silicon Valley, where we celebrate the 80 hour workweek & the four hour workweek, but consider everything in between a life of quie… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon RT @VK_HM: The reason Frasier is so popular with millennials is that he basically hosts a podcast and is always alone | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Goddammit when I say I want Trance I want Trance. I don’t want House, I don’t want Deep House, I don’t want Vocal House, I want some goddam Trance #20inthe90sineruope | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lissiemusic Cannot wait for “Castles.” Where does the Ojai girl after she finds her own Wild West? Definitely getting the vinyl. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @DrAndrewThaler: Folks, I think we need to start coming to terms with the idea that the rapture happened and only David Bowie and Prince… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @lauren_n_roth: If you want a pure antidote to everything terrible in the world, watch The Fabulous Mrs. Maisel. It’s so wonderful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @fbz I do! Those were so great. I liked Land of Lisp for a similar reason. Something magical about transcribing code to make things run. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Episode 106 of #MrsMaisel is brilliant. Alex Borstein and @RachieBros just told such a beautiful story. It’s the “Gilmore” grade magic. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Doki Doki Whiteboarding Interview Club | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fear an old man in a discipline where men usually die young.“California, the place where anything was possible, has become the place where nothing is affordable.” – Didion-esque | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @alycit: Two days left of this beautiful and amazing place we created. This sentiment rings so true right now. We are what made @devbo… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love “Actors on Actors” on YouTube. Add this: document.getElementsByTagName(“video”)[0].playbackRate = 2.25 in the console. Very helpful. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Things it is not := { “Terri Garr”, “Terrycloth” } | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @SaraJChipps @PBS @jewelbots To be clear, I miss the BBS’, not teens. I mean, they’re alright and all, but y’know, I don’t need their angst on top of my own. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Farewell to my friends winding down @devbootcamp today. I was glad to receive a special Christmas ornament. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @alycit I recommend giving this feeling tons of time. I also (sorry?) disconnected from the ecosystem. I didn’t want to reminisce or trade what-ifs. I signed up for coursera courses. I wrote fun code, fixed my home tech-life and let my sole soul guide me to when I ought emerge. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon All Confederate monuments must be removed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @alycit Feeling was mutual. I think my experience was that I had given so much I needed to refill the pool. I also wrote down all the things I wished to have time to do Looking back now, I did quite a few! It helped me feel like I got better each day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon First snow is magical. It’s kinda wet and all, but Manhattan feels 80% quieter. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Met an amazing woman studying Python and Data Science solo. She’s Oracle-certified, Unix strong, worked for multiple Big Banks. She’s nervous about tech interview & learning wrong tech. IMO she has a huge edge but is still nervous. Retraining might be the next phase of bootcamp. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So, nerd, you’re gonna go back in time and use your superior technology to (with any luck) escape to Baghdad or somewhere civilized from “Christendom?” About as likely as irrational-based measurement leaving the US. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @questlove WOW! Your “roots” with Dr. Gates was so moving, so profound, and so cruel. Hearing about the Clothilde reminded me of the bet at the center of “Trading Places:”? childish, ignorant, destructive, and cavalier. Shameful history but a powerful story. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon #fullfrontallive #samanthabee show with @lauren_n_roth. Time to see the evisceration in person. #perchselfie | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Dude just ordered a “mescaline” salad. Mesclún, my dude. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to tweet that I’m thrilled to have joined the team at @FlatironSchool as curriculum team manager. Day 1 included reviewing reducer code, talking rogue bitcoin harvesting, and admiring Black Thought’s breath control with @aviflombaum. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @kenkeiter @sarahmei Stark is an MIT guy: its in Lisp. Now Spideys suit….hackathon writ so, Python (also hackable by a boy in a chair (rahhhhhhh)) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I can order a car on demand, dozens of cuisines, chat with people in Australia. But to get a pass in a Battery-area office building I must wait in line with a letterhead as approval. You thinking what I’m thinking? BLOCKCHAIN 2 THA RESCUE. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I get why George Lucas gave it up. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When you are swooning over the lovely romantic songs of @KITTENTHEBAND but then find out @Chlochai is 17 and you are much, much older. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Everyone’s shitting on 2017, fair enough. But I’m down at least 1000% on hearings of “Hey there, Delilah.” #takethewin | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Work highlight: finding the #dogs Slack channel and introducing the team to Byron. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I hope Santa brings that copy of “Thus Spake Zarathustra” I requested for Christmas. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Many nights I wake up 45-90 minutes after sleep with the urge to kick my legs uncontrollably. Remedies seem to be magnesium and peanut butter. Any ideas what this is. Worse when stressed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @isilitke: Werner Herzog voice | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Most powerful musical rest since “Knock on Wood” and the opening of Beethoven’s 5th | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The Phases of Aerobie for Christmas: A Play in 5 Acts | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Listened to Kwanzaa programming on @WNYC. After a year of great tribulation, the African rhythms and folk tales are calming. Thanks for opening up my ears. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Recreational Pot Is Officially Legal in California via @NYTimes - every single incarcerated person in for sale or use within these tolerances deserves a purged slate. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So AWOLnation are coming to nyc but the tickets are really expensive. I’m going to wait a bit and see if they go on….sale! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @GeorgeLakoff: Trump uses social media as a weapon to control the news cycle. It works like a charm. His tweets are tactical rather than… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Successfully established a style guide point of 80-col width. 2018 is looking up. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Only perk of Sessions going after pot is, like T. Roosevelt actually enforcing blue laws (alcohol sale outside “hotels” on Sunday), it lead to the clear, legal, and taxed sale of alcohol on Sunday. It also united the German vote against the Democrats in NYC. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Maybe Sessions should ask his boss, a hotelier whose grandmother was a hotelier about he lucrative nature of intoxicant sales. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Silicon Valley is beyond irony. It’s approaching the Trump valley. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lauren_n_roth found a beautiful and powerful part of “Lady Bird’s” plot mechanics. It’s like the coming of age mounts for 95% and then bursts forth like a dammed river. ❤️ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon HAWAII. Couple at a silent, awkward breakfast: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Every time I start a new job I burn too hot too short and get sick about week 3. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The @Petco At Columbus center on the #uws is closing. Yesterday we walked in to @flo_tweet ‘s “The Dog Days Are Over” playing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @mlroach: “Why don’t any senior engineers apply here?!” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The first book I completed of 2018 was “This Spake Zarathustra.” What a work. Maddening and dense and hopeful and baffling. I harvested a ton of great quotes. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Worf teaches most of what you need to know about Nietzsche in his discourse on the Klingon tea ceremony: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @bowiesongs: one of the great coincidences of the 20th C: Ursula Le Guin and Philip K Dick went to the same high school, at the same tim… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @gobslapped It’s the piping of that data to vim that destabilizes the terminal. The -o in xargs keeps it sane. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @lauren_n_roth: Planning verse and prose for a wedding ceremony is a sure trigger for tears. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @JEG2: When you adopt a framework like Rails, you’re agreeing to let other developers manage some of your concerns. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Noahpinion The soccer fields where I learned soccer and was first exposed to Mexican culture, 30 years on now has a cricket pitch on it as well: Houston. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon That feeling when you ask something on Stack Overflow and don’t get flamed into oblivion and you think “Huh, maybe something isn’t /quite/ right after all and I’m not a complete idiot faker loser dirty little pig boy (or girl).” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Nerd achievement unlocked: streak 30 days of NYTimes crossword; solo, no external help. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @mattsebastian: I’m old enough to remember when Best Buy was a CD store that also carried computers and refrigerators | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon ::cosmic mind:: all the vendors use excel so make life easy by using sheets or excel | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @mcclure111: TFW your monotheistic God is actually just three polytheistic gods hiding in a raincoat | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The “Joelle and has Too Much Fun” section of Infinite Jest may be my new favorite section of a book ever. So much going on… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “He’s a connoisseur of anger, …he senses a prelude to their anger about a lot more…‘It’s not Me Too. It’s…an anti-patriarchy movement. Time’s up on 10,000 years of recorded history. This is coming. This is real.’” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Your unwillingness to enact sensible gun control means that this Good Boy has to comfort grief-stricken teens instead of smelling trees and gettting belly-rubs. Fuck the NRA AND THEIR CRAVEN QUISLINGS. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @hayesdavis Ignore these amateurs. If you want to plumb the abyss of misery, try Lou Reed’s “The Kids” from “Berlin.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In the biopic for the life of Serge Gainsbourg, only Jessica Paré will do for playing Jane Birkin. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon 55% Infinte Jest. I hope my favorite character stays my favorite. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @johnregehr “Who can quote passages from mid-seventies Prog-era through “Signals” Rush with the accuracy of a Replicant and the precision of a flux capacitor” would have only narrowed it slightly more awkwardly. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Quick Reminder: In this timeline we have Kate Bush’s “Hounds of Love.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My dog ran up to a homeless person and gave hugs and attention. She then saw him sit outside a deli because he wanted a sandwich. I told her this. She shook her coin cup to count out enough for him. I had to insist no, but thanks. A little love makes the world better. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Non-Hispanic White Male here who wants to promote @netflix ’s @OneDayAtATime. The stories are timeless and abuelita is pure hilarity. It’s tender, sincere, real, and loving. I love this show so much. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fitting Room Urban Legend: A man comes in with the max # of items, tries them on, brings them out in a heap without hangars. He is asked to hang his items. He plays the “never in my life” card. Attendant: “First time for everything, I guess.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When I was listening to @NuShoozMusic “I Can’t Wait” on “Nick Rocks,” if you’d told me I’d be listening to it while watching helicopters land from an office in NYC on the 27th floor, I’d have thought you bonkers. But… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just so much opportunity @FlatironSchool. If you really love tech and want to do educate people in a new model, you should really work with us. Community builders, curriculum writers, marketers, curators of better lives….hmu. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Steven!” Yelled the amazing woman in the @WeWork kitchen on the 27th floor. 3 years ago I had had a hand in her programming education. She’s now working through a thorny code upgrade process at a company on the same floor. Amazing people in this location! <3 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @antiheroine: This seems as good a time as any to share that, as of next Monday, I’ll be joining the curriculum team at @FlatironSchool.… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @svershbow: Date someone who wants to leave for the airport as far in advance as you do. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @shannon_last: Today I saw a Honda Odyssey with ILIAD on the license plate. It made my day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Saw Hedy Lamarr doc “Bombshell” at @SymphonySpace. It was really outstanding. It’s so hard to be a woman in tech, but all the more so when one’s seen as a great acquisition by male egos due to beauty. Catch it if you can. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I work for @WeWork but I’ve never worked in a @WeWork. I have to say, if I had my druthers, I’d never work anywhere else. The co-tenants are inspiring, beautiful spaces, surprising conversations. They all keep my brain from stultifying. It’s a new high bar for office space. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Today: Finished “Infinite Jest.” I’m still rattling through some of the custody of a certain samizdat, and tying together some characters’ forays, but I’m glad to have read it (and not have to lug it on the subway). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @dark_shark @NekoCase I’m put in mind of the Bowie invitation of Fripp to Berlin: “Do you want to make dangerous rock-n-roll?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Man I’ve been missing the stupidly talented Bill Hader since he kinda took some time away. “Barry” looks great though (still Vinnie Videcchi is a masterpiece). | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s hilarious because it’s true. We’re so Stockholm syndrome we think curses and readline keybindings are deluxe. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Shout out to seton hospital and to the appendix that convinced me I was definitely not going to live a life without her happily; we get married next month. :) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It just dawned on me that a measure of Infinite Jest’s achievement is that I could easily imagine character sheets for a table-top RPG set in Boston, Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Between the fog, humidity, and preparing halal carts, Wall street is basically a cloud of onion-ness. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hm. I’ve been thinking about writing a script to take the Facebook download and extract it to Jekyll posts…then Exit Facebook | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon RT @mikebroberts: Sqlite is an undervalued adhoc analysis tool. I never realized you can give it a CSV file and it will immediately let you… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @timoni The bay to breakers course is always awesome. I do it whenever I visit Sf to see how it’s changed. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @slicingeyeballs: Watch: The Breeders return to Conan O’Brien’s show after 25 years, play ‘Wait in the Car’ http… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @oldpicsarchive: “Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Friends in education and/or coding. I’m finding out third hand that you’re applying (or thinking about it) @flatironschool. 🙌 Wherever you are in the process, even if idle musing, let me help. Warm handoffs of great people is my passion. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @lauren_n_roth: New favorite Turkish place. Harmony Grill on 31st and 8th ave. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Excel is the Jupyter notebook of the C-suite. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon (I’m of the era that knew VBScript and JS for writing marquees in browser so…) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon If citing the “Pizza, ‘suh; Lasagna, ‘za” sketch is ever wrong, I don’t want to be right. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Maybe Trump will do Amazon a favor and after mocking the PO incessantly, drop the service and let Amazon have a total monopoly. Enjoy that Phyrric victory there, Ace. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @cyberduckapp is a great app. But something’s not right with that duck icon. It’s looking at me…. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @edevfoley Not braggin’ but my team (not including me) once we reach full staffing will be 50-50% at worst with a rotation from another team which will put it 60-40% with woman majority. So. Y’know. #bragging @FlatironSchool | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @izakaminska Have you ever noticed how SV and Bay Area types use the noun “reality” to describe totally fucked situations? Do a count on how often FB c-suite use it. It’s a tell. Sandberg uses it here too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @iano @SaraJChipps ❤️blessings of love❤️ | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This Duane Reade is playing Best Coast signing about SoCal. My fellow New Yorkers are sharpening things and eyeing the speakers. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @garybernhardt: My favorite reason to learn a bit about the lambda calculus: it shows us 1) how simple computation is (at first it seems… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @dastels @garybernhardt @CompSciFact Is there a solid canonical textbook or curriculum for the LC? Studying the LC as continued growth but often find strange assumptions or glosses where repetition would be appreciated. Any recomms? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Fans of Infinite Jest: What do YOU think happens to Hal after the book chronologically ends end? In Arizona. I worry (too much) about Hal; his ailments and how his life goes post-S.T. (@noradio @chadfowler?) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @EricaJoy Leave your unnecessarily adorned Mac and cheese the Hell at home, Karen. - T’Challa | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My dog got shots today and it really tires him out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @kinnsyg: Just tried this…………….My wife did mind. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OK Rant time: HOW GOOD IS “THE GHOST WHO WALKS” by @KarenElson_. The pedal steel like falling hammered metal rain; the prosodic genius of the uniformity in “The Birds They Circle” twisting on “secrets in my bones,” “down to the dirt below.” So glad this exists in this timeline. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @PaulMMCooper: You can almost hear the brickmaker shooing away his dog from this clay brick that was used in the building of the Ziggura… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @NekoCase: One of my favorite things about Berlin is you see elderly couples dressed like Roxette | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @SaraJChipps We’re at the finish line. Next Saturday the event happens. Will report back. But as far as I can tell the “ bridezilla” phenom. is a reasonable response to having a full time job dumped on you while you stage direct and go broke. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @alicegoldfuss I think some of us have a deep memory. I can remember slights that happened decades ago. I didn’t realize that others don’t have this until recently. They can assume we don’t still smart from it when they see us at pizza hut decades later. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @almondmilka That bear is the sweetest. I always wondered what the program was that he nodded off to? “On the Media?” “Prairie Home Companion?” “Learn Spanish in 12 Tapes?” “Bodak Yellow?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s like when NY Phil people busk in the subway and get told “keep practicing!” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @NekoCase @FirstAidKitBand @ShempLabs Oh please oh please. Pump in extra oxygen for those pipes | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So Michael Schur the runner behind @_TheGoodPlace also owns the rights to “Infinite Jest.” If anyone could do the impossible it might be him in filming it. OTOH I know it’s safe from lesser attempts by lesser directors so if he did it as prophylaxis, thanks. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon For 21 years I’ve known the Lucinda Williams line about “back in Algiers my darlin’ broke my heart.” In the next hour I will get a marriage license in the same village. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Peak New Orleans? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Got married yesterday. It’s awesome. She’s amazing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You have never eaten grits until you taste Blakley Kymen’s kitchen’s take on it at Marcello’s in New Orleans. Served at my wedding and at a tasting about a year ago, it is absolute perfection when paired with shrimp. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @mike_sell: An NRA protestor at our high school had a sign that read, “EXPLAIN CHICAGO!” so I told her, yes, the Kander-Ebb tunes posses… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It’s a sci-if story about a generation ship but it’s really just a car leaving JFK for the City | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @AndrewCrow: On the last @VirginAmerica flight from JFK to SFO. Pictures being taken, everyone is sad. People singing the safety video l… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon 1 hr 15 minutes so far to JFK from UWS. Clearly this infrastructure has everything: scale, resilience, delightfully-cologned Persian drivers. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @linkblaine Wife and I agree, very cute. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Every. Woman. I. Know. In. The. Bay. Says. This. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Me: …the Hell that is writing without a fountain pen. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In line at JFK behind many EU passports | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @EricaJoy I now shamelessly rock the surgical mask look on busy subways. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon A curse that comes with success - realizing your practices need to formalize and accelerate. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @antiheroine Tho adjacent article was awesome too: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Seen a lotta Python shirts here in Florence. Is python a preferred language of Tuscany? Given what happens to languages that get big here, is there a looming Dante of the dictionary here in the area? | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon 2018: you wake up from a nightmare where you accidentally / imprudently retweeted a dog whistle meme and now find yourself unemployed and vilified. Woke up and scrolled my history to see whether it had been real. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In Europe, New Yorkers dress as Europeans; Europeans, in as much NYC / Brooklyn swag as possible. 🤔 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Honeymoon pro tip: skip a some of the sites and sleep 12 hours. After 6 days our brains are finally in a place where worry-free sleep is possible. 10, 10, and 12 hours thanks to walking & Tuscan sun and wine is a blessing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon It was a pleasure to share my own weird of experience of programming with the world. I hope your learners enjoy discovering Ruby’s malleability on their own. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Most European Thing ever happened: I heard the water in the electric kettle for my Nescafé bubble over so I sped out of the bathroom and the draft caught a €5 and sent it into the bidet. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Day 7 in Italy. I’m. Kinda. Ready. For. Salad. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @gnomeslair So much memories. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I hung this print for years before leaving home. I knew it was Michaelangelo; and then later studied Heraclitus (whom the figure portrays); but only today I learned he was a last minute addition. Raphael was so moved by what was next door he added his colleague as a necessity. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Watched Thor 2 and 3. They were both a lot of fun. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @rauschma For me it’s staggering for @Apple hardware to go from the machines every developer wanted their company to switch to, to something that every developer wishes they could leave if only WSL + @code integration were slightly better. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ishabazz Shitty keyboards on laptops. They’re going to corner the market. And then they’re going to use this asset and some hitherto unimaginable way. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Reading about @PhizLair ’s experience of (music) Guyville in the late 90’s reads just like every conversation I’ve had with a woman in software. The Guyville guys sold their Rickeys, moved to SF, and got code jobs with benefits and organic cashew bars. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @mperham Fudsy-B is my old-school hip-hop alias. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon RT @ohgoddickie: Happy mother’s day from the Dune coloring book | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon My peer group, if you’ve not seen @SHO_HAPPYish you are missing something you really need (on Netflix). Beautiful zenith of existential absurdist late-capitalist humor. Kathryn Hahn and Steve Coogan are stellar. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @BodegaBot: These two ex-Github engineers want to replace bagel shops with the Semantic Web Stack | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Just completed a 7.77 mi run - Back on the wagon pasta-boy. #Runkeeper | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @slicingeyeballs: Happy birthday, Andrew Eldritch | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @dantoml: grep, sed, awk, and comm are the standard big data tools. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Wow, The Dustbowl Revival’s “Got Over” just broke my heart. This playlist needs to come with a warning and a lexapro. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Truth: I pronounce “numpy” as if it rhymes with “bumpy.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @AlexIsrael: “There is no place like it, no place with an atom of its glory, pride, and exultancy.” –Walt Whitman on New York | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @TohoKingdom: R.I.P. Yuriko Hoshi (Mothra vs. Godzilla, Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, Godzilla vs. Megaguirus) Dec 6th, 1943-May… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @RachelBros We love it. We love you. We love Amy. The Mrs says she saw extras dressed in Maisel fashion in the neighborhood the other day and we were sooooo excited. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I can’t decide whether I’m filled with anger or agreement or despair. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @EricaJoy Searching for my bravery and trying to disentangle me from the system. I know you know this better than I ever will. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @webtwozero @aviflombaum @robcobbable @emilyst @kodewithklossy Every day we build and tune a machine that, when properly calibrated, has the necessary outcome of paving over all bad learning experiences with focus, approachability, philosophy, and, with any luck, Bauhaus references. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Saw a girl on. Roadway this morning wearing the Use Your Illusion double cover shirt. She was the age I was when they came out. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Perhaps open-plan offices are like capitalism unto communism as detailed by Marx’s model: the necessary Hell-state before unfolding into a glorious future. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @IL0VEthe80s: 36 years ago this year the Commodore 64 was first revealed at the Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas back in January… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @NekoCase @marthabayne First @NekoCase song I ever heard was Pretty Girls. Later a lyric about a fearless lady pilot. So I’ve known pretty clearly since “blacklisted.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @antiheroine Can’t upvote this enough. @lauren_n_roth and I saw it at during a run at @SymphonySpace and all I want to do is make sure everyone sees it: to celebrate Hedy as well as to show how narrow conceptions of womanhood wrecks lives. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You know the meme punchline image of Leonardo DiCaprio, ebullient, parading through SoHo(?)? Today is a day like that in NYC. If you’ve never been that happy – that winter is over, that the humidity isn’t yet making draining you – you’ve never experienced NYC. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Going back to text-mode internet sounds more and more appealing every day. Maybe the French were right with Minitel being sufficient and filling the rest of their lives with delicious food, wine, family, art snobbery, cinéma. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Come and get me, Japanese fairy butterfly mothership! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wonder what the GDP productivity hit is due to open-plan offices where people are trying to find music that’s loud enough but not too distracting but peppy but not cloying but can cover the mids of room-based conversation but which doesn’t mean you won’t hear a fire alarm | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @radleybalko: It isn’t easy for a man to rip a screaming child away from his mother. Most of us couldn’t do it. This is where “animals”… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Post wedding stress dream. I wake up because I was so late to a reception that everyone was mad, missed dinner, and instead had guzzled the liquor, angrily. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon RT @JakeRudh: Happy birthday to the truly original #SiouxsieSioux 🖤 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I loved “Annihilation” the movie and just finished the Southern Reach trilogy. I’d recommend it. The third book rewards the slog of the second and suggests a subgenre of affectless xeno-ecotastrophic-lovecraftian horror. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon When I survived my quarter-life crisis I thought I was an aberration. But as I’ve known more people, esp. in their career-change throes, I can tell you in sum: people are tweaked, nervous, directionless, confused, en masse. Not sure if it’s the industry or the times, but it’s bad | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ChipotleTweets If I were to see see < 1 plastic dish worth of Tabasco, and I were to take the bottle, would you still hate me? #AskingForAFriend | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is there anything really exciting happening in tech that doesn’t involve a coin or a block chain that’s really exciting and in need of tons of new practitioners? Where’s the Rails of 2005 for 2018? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So wrong. I’d handle the household if she wants to do the career at peak-earner. It’s some sexist-ass stupidity to believe that maintaining the home & family is anything less than a critical role. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ChipotleTweets I thought about and I think the reason people steal ‘em is because some customers love the spice. To empty sufficient (for me) smoky Tabasco takes like 200 shakes to fill the dish? Triple that for a bowl. BULK dispensers or big pre-filled dishes for HOT HEADS like me would help! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Amazing. From being “America’s mayor” on 9/12/2001 to being booed at Yankee stadium. Cronyism hurts legacies, people. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @worrydream I do love that Oxbridge / MIT / Harvard 19-29th c. style of typesetting (my copy of Hardy’s _Mathemetician’s Apology; Allen & Greenough’s Latin Grammar) as shown in the Greek and math samples. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wish there were a bootcamp course for mid-life: geometric proofs, Euclid’s Elements, λ-calculus, Arabian al-Jebr, {Newtonian, quantum} mechanics, growing food, textile production, decision theory, stats, adv. econ, assembly. I agonize around the words “too late.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @timoni 1. Southern Reach 2. Xenocide 3. “Darmok” 4. Watts’ “Blindsight” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Hey my tweets have been all over the place today, but I did want to say this “A Quiet Place” was fundamentally perfect. See it before it leaves theaters. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OK someone’s gotta do it. Who of us is going to bait him into tweeting about “Roseanne?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @AndrewTCollin: A diss track is just two grown men sitting in separate rooms, writing poems about each other. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DanielBrami1 @NekoCase Vae! Omnes urbes tuae in pulveribus…occiderunt — Anxient Siouxie | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @funionnn: Hey everyone I figured out the problems, we forgot to keep putting the Netiquette rules at the top of every website | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon I’m going to finish @neilhimself ‘s NORSE MYTHOLOGY on my subway ride today and I’ve loved how bouncy and fun they are. He keeps the mythic poetic rhythm & repetition tropes so the myths are familiar AND novel. I recommend! 2️⃣ train is now called Jörmungandr in my head 🐍🌎🐍 | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve been shoulder surfing the creation of @FlatironSchool’s data science materials. I know its good because I saw like…so…many Greek letters. So you’re either going to learn Greek or a new way to interpret reality. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @copiesofcopies: There are three simple rules for choosing flights out of New York: | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @NetflixFilm: ATTENTION HUMANITY: Coco is now on Netflix! Here’s a quick thread to celebrate the tiny details in filmmaking that make th… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Because prosecco is pricier in NYC the quality is better. Ergo these home made aperol spritzs are lethal. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lauren_n_roth and I watched the 1972 film based off of “From the mixed-up files of Mrs basil e. frankweiler.” It holds up! But damn that movie dumbed nothing down for kids: vocab, humor, strategy. Amazing Ingrid Bergman role too. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon As I’ve continued programming for years I’m finding my preferred IDE is vim + job control. I’m totally about that CTRL+z / fg life. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @BenedictEvans: The fact we have Twitch for games videos but no equivalent for makeup videos tells us something about Silicon Valley. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @cczona As an educator in the code realm, curriculum @FlatironSchool might be a good change. My team is awesome and the company is growing in many exciting ways! Write, code, philosophize and change lives is a good week. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @radleybalko: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.”… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’m glad they made #SoloStarWars in 2018. Had they done it in 2001, with Nic Cage, and featuring an arc with Han working in a band playing a stringed instrument, I can’t imagine it faring well. Who’d have wanted to see “The Corellian Captain’s Mandolin?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Morning mood: “Soul Vibrations” by Dorothy Ashby from “Afro-Harping.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon You know, it’s hard to express honest love of jazz flute in the post-“Anchorman” era. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @Racheldoesstuff @jasonpbell @TheRock What about Yael Rasooly for a cabaret ou français number? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “Busy, busy, busy, is what we Bokononists whisper whenever we think of how complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is." | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Visited @xianfoods in memoriam to Mr. Bourdain. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @slpng_giants: This is a concentration camp for children. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon There’s a very strong girl / Muslim skateboard culture in NYC. Wished the hijabi working on her Ollie Eid Mubarak. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @vespertinena: get in loser we’re going cloudbusting | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @wbruce: An important life lesson I’ve learned: Don’t trudge through a task you hate. Stop to reflect on your emotional state, then focu… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @fox At University of Texas, my MIS had a legal env. of business class had a good dose of what’s legal isn’t always ethical (R. Prentice); Management 1 also (J. Westphal). my Philo. degree had no strict ethics req. but I did 1 sem. of Contemp. Moral Problems. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @neilhimself: Am I the only one who doesn’t think of the Four Horsepeople as Antagonists? They are just doing their job. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon One of the most painful pieces of art ever made is Lou Reed’s “Berlin” which features a song where children scream (for seemingly-endless minutes) for their mother. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I ragehate the Udemy Python ads so much. “Python’s where it’s at” – What is this, two turntables and a mic? “You can do almost anything with it.” – In what sense? “You should take a course with Udemy” - wtf are you? Why are you telling me what to do? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @DanielMiessler This proximity was noted by none other than Dante Aligheri himself; although his level of rigor in linguistics was probably a notch above “folk tales, prejudices, and wild guesses.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Quick Check: does national “the cramps” appreciation day exist yet? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon AmaZing. Houston has shifted so far since I left decades ago. Urbanism, pride, cricket fields!? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I can’t handle how much blood was spilled to make this country sometimes. The enormity is so staggering. Where would anyone start to repay the blood debt? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon OHAI did I mention I finished IQ84? Murakami fan friends and I can now talk about this. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ow @codepo8 @code Thanks for the outreach. I want WSL as my shell and @code as my IDE. Basically a Redmond Unix. I want to use the WSL to config my Python, Ruby, Node multi-version installs (e.g. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon “I’m sorry, but will someone please tell that Nazarene, Josh Josephson, to treat the money-changers more civilly?” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I had never thought it would be a part of my life, but now that it is, I realize how wonderful it is to watch boats throughout the day. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Every time i go back to Daft Punk “Alive 2007” I think…wow. Still. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This trackpad thing in iOS is great for anyone who writes text in the form of sentences with more than 20 syllables. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon Walked into a restaurant on Bleecker and they were playing The Strokes. I see what you did here. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @lauren_n_roth and I saw “Leave No Trace” and it was a beautiful film. Like a more PNW-“Winter’s Bone” minus the noir but with so much heart, and tenderness, and awareness of the burdens of vets. It reminded me of the beauty of the PNW as described by @NekoCase. Recommend. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Linguistic musing: Latin noun and adjective order was flexible. As it vulgarized in Spain, did contact with Arabic and Hebrew promote the noun/adjective order of Castilian Spanish? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon So many of my younger friends are applying to or attending @recursecenter. The whys I’ve heard are fascinating and tend to involve the phrase “late stage capitalism.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Is there a generic tool for defining and graphing dependency hierarchies. Surely someone in library science, education, etc. has figured this out (altho if it existed, how come bundler and npm/yarn rolled their own?) | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Someone needs to get out there and salt these NYC roads. The melting tar in these intersections is a real slip and fall hazard. #thinkofthechildren | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Me: Got my fresh new Converse kicks for summer. So white rubber. So black canvas. NYC: MELTED TAR ON YOU SHOE, BITCH. Me: snuff You sweet summer child, I was raised in the tar-pebble beaches of the Galveston, TX in the 80’s. I know how to deal with you. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Know what I love about NYC? When I, a nerd, parse rules on the web-site and decide that nothing really applies and call the help desk and they tell me that “Nobody cares about those rules, do this instead and save some bucks.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wish I could shout my favor of “Sorry to Bother You” more loudly. But it’s really good. @lauren_n_roth described it as “Idiocracy” meets “Hollywood Shuffle.” That’s a perfect elevator pitch. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @ethanschoonover Mr. Prelutsky came to my elementary school back in the day. Read from “The New Kid on the Block.” It was pretty epic for a 3rd grader. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @classicsforall: “A clay tablet discovered during an archaeological dig may be the oldest written record of Homer’s epic tale, the Odyss… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @dhh: Look, open-space offices may be necessary for some companies, if they can’t afford private offices. But don’t dress up such a comp… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I suspect open office plans are actually unhelpful to their purported key value (“collaboration”). To keep my flow I un-headphone, stride to do an activity to maintain my meat exosuit, and stride back to my chair, re-headphone. I see this happen all day long. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I wanted to find out what happened between Interpol and Carlos D(engler). His interview here is profound, emotional, and revealing. Through his path through therapy, Stella Adler, etc., he shows a humanity that makes me curious about his acting | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The fact that an human had to write this to an audience of educated humans to teach them Humanity 101 suggests to me that the humanities might be missing in tech education. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Edie Brickell on at Trader Joe’s. Time to go home, order a Mr Gattis and play Karnov and Rygar on NES before Arsenio Hall. Or tape it if I’m close to winning. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Sona_Sonara: GIMP just stands for graphicdesign is my passion | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Yesterday I arrived at my @Zipcar and the battery was dead. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon To add insult to injury, the @Zipcar rep told me the car had reported as dead battery. Well then, “Why didn’t you call me to tell me this?! You have my number on file?!” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I have a @Zipcar is for in frequent, but high importance, use. They let me down and have me wondering why I should continue to pay the monthly fee. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon After seeing #WontYouBeMyNeighbor I see why late Xers like me felt Bourdain’s death so: he was curious, open, felt things, and showed you could too and still be a valid person, esp. a low-/no- toxicity man. He was a grittier Mr. Rogers for an later, not larger, “modulation.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @luciferxavier Springfield Twerkship, founded 1684 by Anabaptist rumpshaykaz exiled from England by Charles II for their disrespect of his new-model sovereign wall-twerk. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Quo usque tandem abutere, Orangina, patientia nostra? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @charcrea @cxhrndz @MTA Move to New @nycgov, they said. See what a “real” transit system looks like, they said. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I think everything about being human is summed up in the dictum by Livy: we cannot stand our evils, nor their remedy. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Well, @Zipcar is doing the right thing here and has gotten in touch with me. Here’s to hoping we can find further models for their provisioning that allows for consistent service. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Unnamed King amirite | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @JimDedman @melbotis @rhp7 Concur. Read the book. But Dune is a beautiful, fabulous dream that was too heavy for the air (or spice-gas cloud) which was assumed could bear it. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Here’s an interesting utterance (in our long slide to a pictographic language like “Darmok” or Egyptian hieroglyphs): | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Paging @lauren_n_roth who always does the extra to make everyone else’s life better. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @cjc @kimmaicutler Former SF resident: On the other side, NYC has restaurants that are open past 9 & here I have seen a local child in the last year, a thriving live performance scene, warm beaches, genuine diversity, a functionalish transport sys & every pleasure base and sublime in 3-train stops | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @JenAshleyWright: If I was a sexy Russian operative, I would want my name to be Jennifer Sleepinova. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon On the train uptown it was clear the unseasonably cold rain had canceled Saturday night. Cute and daring tops did not enter clubs. Button down shorts still looked pressed and fresh. Romantic pairs discussed groceries. Library books were cracked open. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @ditzkoff: Roses are red New York is a metropolis | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @greekhistorypod: With life expectancy being so low, the Greeks felt the need for a word specifically denoting a child with both parents… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @SaraJChipps Miranda is a hard compliment. She’s the only one in that clique that has any sense. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @wycats: Any sufficiently complicated company w/o management contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation o… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @416Bando: The bible says Adam and Eve not florence and the machine | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @funionnn @chelsea Will your day of adoration interfere with mine? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @chadfowler @jessfraz I like windows 10 WSL. If only it were better integrated with @code it’d be my Linux of choice…. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @liamantt: Guy on grindr was called farm boy so I messaged saying it’s pasture bedtime and he blocked me | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon The cutest accent ever is the way Auli’i Cravalho pronounces “canoe” in “Moana.” | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Also, Rabbit family dreadfully afraid of briar patches. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @fredwilson: Diversity is at the core of what makes NYC tech so potent | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon At @FlatironSchool Curriculum dept. we had some docs in Gitbook, whose biz model no longer for us. We needed to migrate our content out, pref. to Markdown. I wrote this quick&dirty script to turn their exportable JSON => Markdown: #hopeithelps #ymmv | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @shanselman: An unofficial fan-made prequel to “Day of the Tentacle?” For Mac, Windows, and Linux? Free? YES PLEASE - “Return of the Ten… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Good for all these rust contributors. What a good showing! | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @andywingo: ┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ in ┃╱╱╲╲ this ╱╱╭╮╲╲house ▔▏┗┛▕▔ ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ ML refers to a programming language ╱╱… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @PolyGalSeeks @amandamull I’m a man of UWS diners and the iconic Zabars. Take a kindle and get a bagel / nova at Russ & daughters | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon We are too stupid for a computerized society. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @semaphore_P: Wow. 20 years of real footage of stars orbiting the black hole in the center of our Milky Way from @ESO. You can even see… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Starting to plot my facebookicide. Export everything, migrate it into hugo, merge blog to Hugo, keep IG, keep twitter. Delete my history post by post. Leave this abomination. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This week I wrote Perl, JavaScript, awk, bash, transformed data in and out of google sheets, queried APIs to calculate differences in complex structures, taught some vim fu, edited a vimrc, and wrote memos to improve operations. How does anyone work without code on their side? | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @jumper_krazy: rt if you grew up going to the library | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @Botanygeek: The smell of the air after a storm is caused by Geosmin: A chemical released by dead soil bacteria. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @tomdale Aperol++++ would Italia again. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @tlakomy: My girlfriend told me to take the spider out instead of killing it. We went and had some drinks. Cool guy. Wants to be a web d… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @yokoono: Remember, many feminists have followed the ways of men and hurt their health by drinking, smoking and pursuing more money and… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Looking for the best rss readers for iOS and Android. LMK | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I’ve been thinking about this since I read it. I looooove editors, especially vim, but if composition of functions were compelled by the tools as well…what would these look like? Maybe not so strange given our transpiled code era and npm’s tendency to uni-method utils… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon I guess it’s 2018 and yay be all edgy about recognizing non-monogamy people as a sales demo and all. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I love watching my dog play chase, but I never see the eyes of the leader. Thanks to GoPro this is possible and the dog’s perception of the terroir, the chasers, etc as shown in its eyes is amazing. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @z_rose: Beatrix Potter developed her drawing skills on fungus and scientific drawings more generally. She discovered that lichen is a s… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @altclassic: Happy 60th birthday to the inimitable #KateBush | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon SLR Camera Icon Apple emoji picker. Activate it and type b-e-a-r…. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon I think this is The Bad Place. | Tagged: Tweet


Twitter icon @TheAcademy “America,” family, power: choose one. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon All this socialism might really undermine the economic prospects of Akron! Sad! #yesthatssarcasm | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @FlatironSchool dogfooding the latest physical spaces innovated by @WeWork Our entry cafe and reception. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon Currently we’re in the open office plan but that’s going to change. If this is as good as it gets, it’s a huge leap from what I’ve known. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @WeWork is not done working with us to help envision workspaces of the future: work zones and living walls and…who knows. As a Jane Jacobs fan, cool to “beta” spaces. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon RT @nixcraft: Announcing an international Vim conference VimConf 2018 and its CFP being open. VimConf is a place to share your love of Vim… | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @raorao_ @JEG2 @JEG2 Inverting dependencies and representing constituencies. Published author (without ghostwriter), father, advocate for underserved populations, and steward of the environment. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon In line with this. RANDOM ACTS OF FLYNESS is bold, inventively edited, and educational. I will watch more, @HBO. 👏 @terencenance | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @J__Swift @thanatos_net @TheGoodDeath My grandma grew up in rural North Tennessee. Once, when at an antique place, she saw an item mislabeled. | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon This tweet was metaphysically and near-religiously targeted for my wife. @lauren_n_roth | Tagged: Tweet

Twitter icon @SketchesbyBoze HOW MANY fireplaces did you say are at Rosings? | Tagged: Tweet