Posts from Software


Pen Glyph I love ancient software that’s artistic sensible and impeccably well designed | June 4 | Tagged: Culture Software


Pen Glyph Programmers: Are you good in math? | February 1 | Tagged: Culture Education Software

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 3 | February 14 | Tagged: Bignerdranch Software Travelogue Education

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 3: Evening: "The Grinder" | February 14 | Tagged: Ajax Bignerdranch Productivity Ruby Software Education

Pen Glyph Big Nerd Ranch: RoR Camp: Day 3 (cont’d): Evening: "The fatigue" | February 15 | Tagged: Ajax Apple Bignerdranch Software Education


Pen Glyph Brave new world | December 20 | Tagged: Blogging Moving Personalsites.orgsucks Personal Software


Pen Glyph Rails and Unicode and PostGres DB (Oh My!): Understanding how UTF-8 works | January 5 | Tagged: Rails Software Unicode


Pen Glyph Reiser story coverage made worse by Gawker Media ads | July 10 | Tagged: Critique Culture Modern_times Software


Pen Glyph I Won the Podio API Release Hackathon Competition | May 22 | Tagged: Design Productivity Ruby San_francisco Software


Pen Glyph Errors Inhibiting Complex Software | September 30 | Tagged: Software Leadership Programming


Pen Glyph Tool Creation and Cognitive Space | February 17 | Tagged: Science Intellectual_history Software History Mathematics Tools