Photos for the Week


Here are some photos of life around NYC in the year of our pandemic relief as taken by Lauren and yours truly.

Beautiful pink blossoms on a post-rain morning
Beautiful pink blossoms on a post-rain morning
This is a moisture-keeping part of the walk, nice in summer
This is a moisture-keeping part of the walk, nice in summer
I call this one "_The Glory of Riverside Park_"
I call this one “The Glory of Riverside Park
People love to picnic and take photos underneath this beauty
People love to picnic and take photos underneath this beauty
After that walk, Lauren gave Byron a bath
After that walk, Lauren gave Byron a bath
After his bath, Lord Fluffington!
After his bath, Lord Fluffington!
Later, with his new clean coat he was sleepy while basking
Later, with his new clean coat he was sleepy while basking
_Lauren_ Early-Spring Central Park on Wednesday
Lauren Early-Spring Central Park on Wednesday
_Lauren_ went to Central Park on Wednesday
Lauren went to Central Park on Wednesday
_Lauren_ Early-Spring Central Park on Wednesday (near the reservoir)
Lauren Early-Spring Central Park on Wednesday (near the reservoir)
_Lauren_ Early-Spring Central Park on Wednesday (near the reservoir)
Lauren Early-Spring Central Park on Wednesday (near the reservoir)
_Lauren_ New Amsterdam
Lauren New Amsterdam