NYPL Collection History of Shorthand
- One minute read - 165 wordsOne of the real perks of living in NYC is the longevity and vitality of some of the city’s pubic institutions: The Met, the MOMA, the parks, and (sometimes) even the subway.
But hail hail the New York Public Library who is always innovating!
Where their considerable collection and desire to share it intersects is their blog where I found this gem from librarian Meredith Mann.
“Despotic Characters: Researching Shorthand at the New York Public Library”
Mann gives a history of fast-writing disciplines, highlights their use in the library’s Gütenbeg Bible, shows the reference documentation for Gregg and Pitman’s systems, and shows how shorthand for musical notation once existed.
How blissfully Umberto Eco!
The library has some wonderful innovations in play:
- Subway Reads: Free downloads to your mobile in subway stations so that you spend your time nourishing your brain with lofty words instead of Candy…Crush.
- Staff Picks
- Ebook Rentals: Rent E-Books!
- Thoughtful Reflections on Terence McKenna
- Live Events with Authors: Rebecca Solnit, Susan Orlean!