Serge Gainsbourg could write a song...
- One minute read - 165 wordsLauren and I just finished watching the turn-of-the-decade camp-comedy “But I’m a Cheerleader” starring Natasha Lyonne and featuring roles by RuPaul ( as a man ) and Bud Cort ( aka “Harold” ).
The opening song is April March’s “Chick Habit”:
Lacking a canonical video, I’m going for the one with the “Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill! footage
This song is an amusing interpretation of Gainsbourg’s “Laisse tomber les filles” (literally, Allow the girls to drop or “Quit the girls” - so an excellent translation by March ) as recorded by ye-ye chanteuse France Gall:
The bass-line is infectious and definitely writhes like Jack Marshall’s “Munsters Theme”. It just screams out “go-go boots, 20-year-old ingenues and two-count-step.”
“Laisse tomber les filles” was written by Gallic naughty-fellow Serge Gainsbourg ( what, in the ’60’s in France wasn’t? ). Serge’s prolific work ranges from an early herald of “world music”, a great horns arranger, and a writer of not-so-thinly-veiled entendre for ever-so-corruptible girls–most “scandalously” his own daughter, Charlotte.