Last night in Catalunya
- One minute read - 153 wordsTonight is the last night in Catalunya. Again E. and I type away at our stations
We slept in after our trip to Figueres yesterday. Here are some photos of that:





This is actually furniture in a room
We headed up to the Montjuïc (/big hill that overlooks everything) and took in the vista.

Container ships
Erica dances with some plague-surviving children. Jovail! Taking the teleferic up Montjuïc

The Mediterranean
We are going to head homeward shortly - we are full from all-you-can-eat Fresh Choice-like cuisine.
I have been out of the country for the two landmark Christian holidays.
I am going to try to get a small snack before we head home. Tomorrow we will try to see the Picasso museum in the Gothic quarter and get a market-fresh meal before our 5pm flight back to Madrid. I leave Tuesday on a 1 pm-ish flight.
Spain is keen.