Back from Vacation in NM, TX
- One minute read - 178 wordsI have just returned from a brief and hurried visit to New Mexico and Texas. I say hurried because I needed to cram in a lot of visiting in just a few days. I left last Friday for Clovis, NM where my mother and step-father are setting up a Country club. It’s really coming along and I’m really proud of all their hard work.
From there it was to Austin where I visited with my sister and my oldest/bestest friend in the world, Mike.

Myself, Mike, & Grace
Dad came and picked me up Sunday and took me to Houston where he and I spent the evening with his parents. It went by well and I really enjoyed getting to see them all.
It was a great trip (the nastiness in New Mexico and the Houston humidity aside) and I was grateful to have a chance to see everyone before I leave for Australia.
Tonight I’m going to meet my friend Erin up at Goat Hill pizza - a bit of a farewell to Potrero for a while…