Looking out the living room
- 2 minutes read - 256 wordsI’m looking out the sliding glass door at the San Francisco skyline. I am sitting on on my futon. The summer fog drifts from the sea to the bay. Sometimes the fog is high and covers the tips of the city. Sometimes the fog lays thick over the buildings and the highway seems to vanish into haze.
And for some reason, I happened to think about S.E. Hinton. S.E., first of all is a woman. You probably don’t know this. But she is. S.E. Hinton has written some of the most gritty fiction ever put to paper. Her book chronicles lust, violence, anger, rage, isolation, and angst in a thoroughly authentic manner. S.E. Hinton captures the voice of the people who live through Tornado Alley.
S.E. Hinton writes books for adolescents and teens.
Her most famous book is The Outsiders which was later made into a movie produced by Francis Ford Coppola.
Her statements about her life and her work are very short, but she found that people could not believe that a woman was writing The Outsiders. I can’t imagine what challenges she must have faced over and above the usual “it’s really hard to get a book published.”

Author, S.E. Hinton
I decided I would do a little research on her. S.E. Hinton is intensely private and doesn’t say much about herself or her personal life. She does have the following link button to her website. For what it’s worth, I think this is a great picture she’s used. I think she’s very beautiful.