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The Great French Graphic Novel Tradition
I’ve always admired, and, in truth occasionally snickered at, the French demand that French things stay French in an obviously French way. It was like they were trying to hold back the tide of globalism through hauteur and protectionism.
These days, I’m more sympathetic. By virtue of indoctrinating this behavior ("puh!"), some truly special and uniquely French things still exist. For a moment, let me extol French graphic novels.
Ayn Randiness
Like many young men, in my youth I became fascinated with a fantasy series of novels with wooden dialogue, stilted characters, and naive models of human interaction: the writing of Ayn Rand.
There is so much that is inept, odious, gross, ugly and base in her writing that boasts self-importance and depth while it possesses neither. But there is one area where Rand showed an aptitude if not an outright gift: horniness. Especially the rush to rut as sublimated into … industrial Pennsylvania.