Are you trying to get something done?
Remember these simple tips from
you don’t have to commit hours at a time to accomplish a goal the greatest advances are the sum total of a series of small efforts commit to spending just 15 minutes a day
If you want to sell me something, a recipe
Greek Myth Cool glyphs - none better than cuneiform or Greek A quest against the gods An existential dilemma Pseudo (or actual) Latin chanting background music (? la Orff’s Carmina Burana) Great scenery and backgrounds Mysterious Oracles who say mysterious stuff Extra bonus: Get great voice talent like SF icon and host of City Arts & Lectures, Linda Hunt, to do the role of the wizened narrator.
In short, God of War
This game is, may I lapse in to gamer, T3H r00lz!!!111!!!.
You play Kratos - a very wan man in search of vengeance - seeking the death of Ares.
Rappacini, Philip K. Dick, Origami, and the Zen of the unnatural natural
I’m having an ideabuzz at the moment. What’s an ideabuzz? It’s a feeling that there’s a connection between things ( which spawns an ideabuzz which reminds me of a bit in one of the Dune books by Frank Herbert where Herbert describes a mentat working through a very difficult problem shaking his hands and frothing because he was so close to the final calculation which resolved a very difficult series of unsolubles). An ideabuzz is when you type very fast and you’re not quite sure where the idea is going, but you keep typing very fast. So, I’m having one of those right now about fake things that are meant to be real.