Mobile Upload: Did the AncestryDNA for my birthday

in Ex-Facebook

Once, on Facebook I wrote:

Did the AncestryDNA for my birthday.

Did the AncestryDNA for my birthday.

Apparently, regardless of national borders, my DNA is….. Anglo-Saxon / Celtic mutt.

No clear majority, but in and around the North Sea (I know the American ancestor on my father’s side left the port city of Bremen, so this fits) with “Scandinavian” at 40%. Then, surprisingly, “Irish” at 21% here. I guess I’ll start partying harder in March. But this still leaves another 40% in miscellaneous.

And then comes the what they did when they got to the New World: the grand panoply of the Germano-Scots-Irish-English Southern expansion Westward. It all fits with the tales of my family (as far back as we can remember, anyway).