Goals for This Year


I wrote up these goals for the year on some dead wood so now I’m transferring them to the digital medium.


  1. Get to 185 lbs / 34" waist: I slipped a bit during the holidays but want to get back to my college graduation weight. Stretch: 180lbs.
  2. Run Bay to Breakers 13K: Was sick for last year’s running
  3. Take up a martial art: I’ve always been meaning to get a grasp of a defense art. I’ve chosen Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


  1. Be able to shoot a handgun within respectable accuracy
  2. Learn to play golf: last year I bought clubs and developed a swing, now I just need to learn the clubs and when to apply them
  3. Attempt archery
  4. Play croquet in the summer in Golden Gate Park (again!)


  1. Have some. Really
  2. Dance regularly


  1. Be a better communicator with my girlfriend: I don’t think anyone could be too good at this
  2. Be more mindful: When engaged in something always look for the positive
  3. Adopt a more positive and less cynical temprament
  4. Read (did pretty well with this last year)
  5. Mix literature and non-fiction
    1. Literature
      1. Read “The Clown”
    2. Non-Fiction 1. Globish
  6. Translate Aeneas to Augustus
  7. Write
  8. Blog more 1. Share code via Github
    1. Add RDFa impementation to RedCloth
  9. De-learn the dvorak keyboard and get back to typing 90+ wpm


  1. Read
  2. JavaScript 1. Refresh with Heads First guide
    1. “…The good parts” 1. Node.JS
    2. Make a demonstration application
    3. Read the book
  3. Ruby
    1. Refactor LatinVerb into a discrete stack of gems
    2. Implement in Rail 3.0
  4. Read HF Servlets
  5. Read Maven book
  6. Read HF design patterns
  7. Pass Scrum Master Cert
  8. Get feature requests implemented in Cisco Quad
  9. Markup
  10. Development staic