- 2 minutes read - 264 wordsI’ve been silent.
This started out for a very plain reason: I was finally going to move to fronting another web site.
My current hosting provider, however, has been absolutely un-helpful in the process of moving. You see, I show this flag on my domain:
Registrar Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registrar Status: clientRenewProhibited
Registrar Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrar Status: clientUpdateProhibited
To move, I need this removed.
My hosting provider, has proved entirely un-responsive to support entreaties.
- 5 support cases
7 voice mails
- Countless “I’m on line” web site chats
- Yahoo! IM
- Mail to his personal site
- Mail to the admin site
It was during a “live chat” session 2 weeks ago that the administrator, Adam Stewart, said he would clear my lock. This has not been done. Requests for follow-up have been ignored. You know it’s a bad sign when the site’s forums ask openly how do we quit this site, where is the support, what’s wrong with this company, etc.
Now you might say, is the admin holding a vendetta because you’re moving? I should surely hope that’s not the case, but I must say that support has been categorically non-existent for the last 2 years, so I’m inclined to say not.
So, I’m kinda stuck. Do I want to generate more content that I will eventually have to move?
Regrettably, I’ve not found any option for getting around this block. And, to tell the truth, I’ve got all sorts of end of the calendar year things going on: school, work, etc. So, I’m hoping Santa will bring me an unlocked domain.