Gross Bathroom-related stuff, majorly not safe for lunch-time reading


In the following post I discuss potty topics. Consider yourself warned.

At a certain locale in Houston I found this bathroom set-up.

As you can see, the access to the urinal is very narrow, one’s shoulders can almost press on both the left-hand side wall, and the toilet, uh, blinders on the right.

Urinal in a narrow space

Do you notice that thing in the lower right corner. Oh yes. It is that disgusting. It is that chemical. It is that oxidized. I was so grossed-out that I had to take a follow-up picture.

Side effects of urinal in a narrow


Someone should have really thought about this set-up better.

The shake is an imprecise science.

All I can say is that the people probably had some code requirement for bathrooms that was ill-planned and this accounts for this mucho grosso set-up.