Steven is going back to Austin
- One minute read - 151 wordsToday I spoke with my boss and she, very graciously, consented to allow me to work remotely from our Austin, Texas office. Actually in a bit of a sign of the times moment, working remotely means working 2 time zones closer to her. Isn’t that the internet age?
I love Austin and I can’t wait to get back. LL Cool J can go back to Cali, but my ears long for KGSR, my mouth for Tex-Mex and Mexican Martinis, and my eyes for SXSW.
I’m going back to where I’m from and I’m taking my lady with me.
I’ll miss the South Bay and its mild climate, its dispassionate precipitation. I’ll not miss the ennui, the cubicle mentality, the dearth of community, and the cost of living.
In any case, myself and Elle will be packing up and headed direction east in early-mid June.
See ya’ll Californians at WWDC and SXSW.