Merry Christmas from Down Under to All
- One minute read - 166 wordsJust wanted to wish everyone out there a happy holiday and hope that you’re spending it in a way that you find fun, relaxing, and rewarding.
As for myself, I spent Christmas Eve Day surfing at Bondi (or at least valiantly getting thrashed about in the waves) - tiny little bits of improvement are all I see but that’s OK with me. I really enjoyed the day out there.
And guess what, whilst there I ran into none other than SANTA. Santa said that because I had been such a good boy this year I deserved a sweet wetsuit.

My new wetsuit
After my run in with St. Nick, I headed back down the parade to the pavilion and rinsed off and grabbed a corn on a cob on a stick. Man, those things taste the same everywhere the world over: good.
From there I grabbed a chicken wrap and started the journey back home.
I’m a tiny bit pink and very ready for bed! Bye.