All the Pretty Horses
Cormac McCarthy
- 10 minutes read - 1960 wordsAuthor: Cormac McCarthy
Rating: ★★★★
That this book is worthy and carefully crafted is a mystery to no one. The language is spare and spare and has, honestly, a faint patina of gimmick on it — but for a powerful meditation of a young man facing adulthood set amid conceits of absolute brutality, it stands singularly along with the other McCarthy I’ve read: The Road.
"title": "All the Pretty Horses: Book 1 of The Border Trilogy",
"author": "Cormac McCarthy",
"highlightCount": 49,
"noteCount": 0,
"annotations": [
"highlight": "If I dont go will you go anyways? John Grady sat up and put his hat on. I’m already gone, he said.",
"location": 386,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "If you’re someplace you aint supposed to be I guess you’d be ill at ease.",
"location": 525,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "He lay a long time listening to the others breathing in their sleep while he contemplated the wildness about him, the wildness within.",
"location": 879,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Ever dumb thing I ever done in my life there was a decision I made before that got me into it. It was never the dumb thing. It was always some choice I’d made before it. You understand what I’m sayin?",
"location": 1167,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "You’d be a woreout sumbuck. I’ll tell you that. Think how good you’d sleep.",
"location": 1486,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "I never saw one that completely believed it the first time or ever doubted it the second. John Grady smiled. I’ll make em believe, he said. You’ll see.",
"location": 1525,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "all sixteen of the mesteños were standing about in the potrero sidehobbled to their own hackamores and faced about in every direction and all communion among them broken.",
"location": 1552,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "they stood waiting for they knew not what with the voice of the breaker still running in their brains like the voice of some god come to inhabit them.",
"location": 1554,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "the souls of horses mirror the souls of men more closely than men suppose and that horses also love war. Men say they only learn this but he said that no creature can learn that which his heart has no shape to hold.",
"location": 1642,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "His own father said that no man who has not gone to war horseback can ever truly understand the horse and he said that he supposed he wished that this were not so but that it was so.",
"location": 1644,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "the death of a horse because the horse shares a common soul and its separate life only forms it out of all horses and makes it mortal. He said that if a person understood the soul of the horse then he would understand all horses that ever were.",
"location": 1646,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "But there were two things they agreed upon wholly and that were never spoken and that was that God had put horses on earth to work cattle and that other than cattle there was no wealth proper to a man.",
"location": 1888,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Because John Grady loved to ride the horse. In truth he loved to be seen riding it. In truth he loved for her to see him riding it.",
"location": 1894,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "They have a long life, dreams. I have dreams now which I had as a young girl. They have an odd durability for something not quite real.",
"location": 1998,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real. The events that cause them can never be forgotten, can they?",
"location": 2009,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "The names of the entities that have power to constrain us change with time. Convention and authority are replaced by infirmity. But my attitude",
"location": 2018,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "But I have seen the consequences in the real world and they can be very grave indeed. They can be consequences of a gravity not excluding bloodshed. Not excluding death.",
"location": 2022,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "There is no forgiveness. For women. A man may lose his honor and regain it again. But a woman cannot. She cannot.",
"location": 2032,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Sweeter for the larceny of time and flesh, sweeter for the betrayal.",
"location": 2105,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Personally I question whether such a thing can be done at all. What is sacred is sacred. The powers of the priest are more limited than people suppose. Of course there has been no Mass said here for many years.",
"location": 2141,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "I think we dont believe that people can be improved in their character by reason. That seems a very french idea.",
"location": 2169,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Beware gentle knight. There is no greater monster than reason.",
"location": 2171,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "You think he sold us down the river? Dont you? I dont know. If he did it was because of some lie.",
"location": 2282,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "There seemed insufficient substance to him to be the object of men’s wrath. There seemed nothing about him sufficient to fuel any enterprise at all.",
"location": 2616,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Yet the captain inhabited another space and it was a space of his own election and outside the common world of men. A space privileged to men of the irreclaimable act which while it contained all lesser worlds within it contained no access to them. For the terms of election were of a piece with its office and once chosen that world could not be quit.",
"location": 2646,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "He came to me. Speaking of justice. Speaking of the honor of his family. Do you think men truly want these things?",
"location": 2651,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "A man cannot go out to do some thing and then he go back. Why he go back? Because he change his mind? A man does not change his mind.",
"location": 2673,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "This is a naive view. You know what is naive? A naive view.",
"location": 2773,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Americans have ideas sometimes that are not so practical. They think that there are good things and bad things. They are very superstitious, you know. You dont think there’s good and bad things? Things no. I think it is a superstition. It is the superstition of a godless people. You think Americans are godless? Oh yes. Dont you?",
"location": 2868,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "So he thought about horses and they were always the right thing to think about.",
"location": 3027,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Dying aint in people’s plans, is it?",
"location": 3112,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "They were saddened that he was not coming back but they said that a man leaves much when he leaves his own country.",
"location": 3329,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "They said that it was no accident of circumstance that a man be born in a certain country and not some other and they said that the weathers and seasons that form a land form also the inner fortunes of men in their generations and are passed on to their children and are not so easily come by otherwise.",
"location": 3330,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "The societies to which I have been exposed seemed to me largely machines for the suppression of women. Society is very important in Mexico. Where women do not even have the vote. In Mexico they are mad for society and for politics and very bad at both.",
"location": 3378,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "the question for me was always whether that shape we see in our lives was there from the beginning or whether these random events are only called a pattern after the fact.",
"location": 3385,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Then at the age of eleven or twelve they would cease being children. They lost their childhood overnight and they had no youth. They became very serious. As if some terrible truth had been visited upon them.",
"location": 3410,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "those who have endured some misfortune will always be set apart but that it is just that misfortune which is their gift and which is their strength and that they must make their way back into the common enterprise of man for without they do so it cannot go forward and they themselves will wither in bitterness.",
"location": 3453,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "That it was always himself that the coward abandoned first. After this all other betrayals came easily.",
"location": 3461,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Madero was surrounded by plotters and schemers from his first day in office. His trust in the basic goodness of humankind became his undoing.",
"location": 3482,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "those who have suffered great pain of injury or loss are joined to one another with bonds of a special authority and so it has proved to be. The closest bonds we will ever know are bonds of grief. The deepest community one of sorrow.",
"location": 3501,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Francisco was the most deluded of all. He was never suited to be president of Mexico. He was hardly even suited to be Mexican. In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure death will. The world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and the reality, even where we will not. Between the wish and the thing the world lies waiting. I’ve",
"location": 3507,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "In history there are no control groups. There is no one to tell us what might have been. We weep over the might have been, but there is no might have been.",
"location": 3514,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood and this is a thing that even God—who knows all that can be known—seems powerless to change.",
"location": 3516,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "scared money cant win and a worried man cant love.",
"location": 3634,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "How do I know who you are? Do I know what sort of man you are? What sort my father is? Do you drink whiskey? Do you go with whores? Does he? What are men?",
"location": 3673,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "He imagined the pain of the world to be like some formless parasitic being seeking out the warmth of human souls wherein to incubate and he thought he knew what made one liable to its visitations.",
"location": 3776,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "God kept the truths of life from the young as they were starting out or else they’d have no heart to start at all.",
"location": 4193,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "I dont know as I did change it. I just saw a lot of injustice in the court system and I saw people my own age in positions of authority that I had grown up with and knew for a calcified fact didnt have one damn lick of sense. I think I just didnt have any choice. Just didnt have any choice.",
"location": 4310,
"annotation": ""
"highlight": "Where is your country? he said. I dont know, said John Grady. I dont know where it is. I dont know what happens to country.",
"location": 4424,
"annotation": ""