RDF Primer
A surprisingly helpful document!
- Resource Description Framework
- RDF describes resources which are “things in the world”
- Physical things, documents, concepts, numbers, strings
- Synonymous with “entity”
- Denoted by
- IRI (Internationalized REsource ID): International friendly URL thing; resources denoted by IRIs are “referents”
- Literal: Usually a string with a
hint; resources denoted by Literals are “the literal value”
- Linked Data is the result of resources as expressed in RDF linking with each other
- RDF Data model
- Visualizable as a collection of nodes (subjects / objects) interlinked by arcs (predicates)
- In triples, there are 3 types of data:
- Literals: “zh”, “3.14”
- Blank Nodes: Can only appear in object position, but effectively an anonyous node
- IRIs: appear in all possible positions
- To make RDF statements possible, we need to define vocabularies
- We define vocabularies with RDFs (RDF11-SCHEMA) or OWL (Web Ontology Language)
- CLASSes clarify resources
- TYPE specify class instance relationships
- DOMAIN specifies classes OK for a trip to take
- Popular Vocabularies: FOAF, Dublin Core, SKOS
- Writing Graphs is accomplished by a number of serialization formats
- N-TRIPLES: Fully-qualified IRIs to define triple statements
- TURTLE: Extends N-Triples, but allows for indentation based grouping
- Specifies blank nodes with
- Specifies blank nodes with
- TRIG: Turtle with namespacing
- NQUDS: TRIG, but with the graph designation in the 4th slot
- JSON-LD: JSON syntax for RDF and data set that link to other JSON objects
that are used to transform into RDF-compatible definitions
- This seems really powerful. Take an arbitrary JSON object
- Define another JSON object that’s (effectively) a presenter
- The presenter mutates the first object to be compliant with vocabularies
- RDF / XML allows the XML noisy way of nesting things
- RDFa (RDF nestled in HTML)
This was pretty helpful and gave me a list of useful terms again. I don’t know why the TURTLE / RDFXML discussion sunk in this time. Statements exist but they serialize according to a variety of possibilities. Nevertheless, writing these statements by hand seems nutso.