Doodles of Richard Feynman
Feynman: Physicist, seduction artist, lock-picker, artist. Several sketches y one of the most amusing jesters who ever understood Bohr.
Discovering the Southern Gothic
Baptism That day in third grade, on a winter day with its curious, early darkness that seems anomalous to life in the South, the record player labored slowly and desultorily at its task. The teacher played the record that left a furious kiss on my heart amidst Satan’s scratching fiddles and the conspiratorial flatness of banjos elegiacally plucked.
It was the “folk music” unit of our elementary-school Music class. We had heard a tune about a raccoon named “Barb’ry Allen,” surely a reference to the folk song of the same name, with its strange refrain “Dillom Dillom Down.” We’d heard songs about hollers and cricks, but on this one day the music was more firey.