Celebrating an Anniversary
- 2 minutes read - 312 wordsIt’s been a complex couple of weeks around here, but we did take the 21st off to celebrate our anniversary. Three years ago we were happily wed in The Big Easy and it was amazing.
In the early afternoon, we even braved the recently, low-capacity-opened AMC on 86th street and saw “Raya and the Last Dragon.” It was a charming general audiences fantasy and it was welcome. After the last 18 months, some Asian-influenced steampunky fantasy was welcome.
Interestingly, what had started out as a fairly warm spring morning turned surprisingly cold (lower 40’s). We dashed home, grabbed a couple extra layers and then headed down to the Village to have dinner at Silver Apricot who had recently had an excellent write-up in the Times. This marks the second occasion where a special dinner in the Village turned strange due to weather (catastrophic flooding last time). Seems like there might be something afoot down there.
Lauren ordered us a beautiful blow-up of two of our wedding photos that we’ll be hanging up in our new apartment. I ordered her a bicycle so that we can have beautiful summer bicycle trips as the summer season breaks forth on Manhattan. While international and national travel are moving ever closer into the realm of possibility, I think that we’re still going to be NYC-focused through the Summer and it will be great to get around on two wheels.
As we worked through the stack of To-Dos in this move, and as we looked back on surviving a year of pandemic that was nearly perfectly bookended by our 2nd and 3rd anniversaries, I have constantly been amazed in what a partner I have in my wife. She’s brilliant, she never hesitates to jump in to lend a hand, and she’s always real, true, and generous with her heart. She’s someone I admire and I’m thankful for.