Trip Upstate for Apple Picking
- One minute read - 187 wordsAt the end of last week our friend Meghan got in touch and said that she could get use of, that rarest of rarest things, a car and that if we were of a mind to, we could all head upstate to do some apple picking and enjoy the late summer / early fall.

Lauren, Byron and I met up with Meghan and our friend Kat (recently back from a
sojourn abroad and a residency in La France) in the Bronx and then headed into
Westchester county, across the Tappan Zee bridge and on into Suffern and then
Orange counties. We headed to Masker Orchards in Warwick, NY which, it must be
fairly acknowledged, is a bit of a tourist trap. It had a hint of Gilroy, CA’s
“Bonfonte Gardens” “Gilroy Gardens:” a hoe-down crossed with a farmers’ market
crossed with a farm.
But when in Rome…

Or in a tree…

The bipeds traversed up and down between the apples and the undergrowth while the quadruped grinned, sniffed, investigated, and frolicked.
With his new recent grooming, he had no shortage of admirers:

It was a beautiful day.