Using mutt with MacVim as external editor
BlogI love usig the mutt mail reader to turn through my
mail. I recently set it up to make use of my MacVim installation by adding the
following configuration to the .muttrc
set editor="mvim --remote-tab-wait-silent "
This is pretty neat. When I go to reply or compose, I’m thrown into a new tab
in MacVim and I can compose / reply there. After hitting ZZ
or :wq!
, mutt
properly handled the signal, but didn’t change OSX’s focus back to the
terminal window where Mutt was running. By changing the editor
to the
following configuration:
set editor="osascript $HOME/bin/"
I was able to tell Mutt to send my temp file (for the edit) to osascript
, a
utility that runs Applscript. In
I provided a bit of a wrapper
around the mvim
command such that it told OSX to re-activate my terminal
session after the editing activity finished. Here’s the code:
on run argv
tell application "Finder"
do shell script "mvim --remote-tab-wait-silent " & item 1 of argv
end tell
tell application "iTerm ("
end tell
end run