White House seeds audience to toss softballs, run gay porn site?
- 2 minutes read - 325 wordsWell it’s been quite the news story of late. I’m not interested in re-hashing it here, I didn’t break the story and it has been summed up elsewhere more succintly….but here’s a quick synopsis:
- A guy named “Jeff Gannon” has a press pass (after being cleared by FBI, Secret Service) to attend the president’s briefings
- Gannon tosses softball questions to president (i’m paraphrasing here) “How can you plan to work with congressional Democrats when they are clearly out of touch with reality?”
- In the blogosphere the liberal guys go: “Huh, that guy sounds like a real troll, who the hell is he.”
- “Jeff Gannon” is an alias of “James Guckert” who writes for a conservative website and maintains a number of gay porn web sites
- No, that was no typo
- Said gay porn sites advertise his uhm, attributes, sparing no detail. Two words: uncut, inches. Eww.
So this story broke loose not on mainstream media, but from a pair of political ‘blogs: dailykos and americablog.org.
After the sordid true story on this Gukcert guy came to light his reporting history was researched. Some evidence has come about that he has fed tips to cable news media. If he’s feeding tips, that means someone in the White House is tipping him. Currently it is being investigated if he might have had foreknowledge about the timing of the Iraq invasion and if he fed that.
This brings about the question: “Who is giving secret tips to the gay-porn monger masquerading as a journalist?
In any case, the salaciousness of the status of being a gay-porn monger aside, how is a person getting into White House briefings without being properly vetted by the FBI and Secret Service? Or did someone force-green-light him so as to avoid this scrutiny?
In any case, it’s developing. Keep your eyes peeled in mainstream media this next week. I suspect the blogged gadfly has stung them hard enough to get them into action.