iPod seredipity
- 2 minutes read - 342 wordsThe iPod’s random play feature is certainly my favorite. While there are times when I am annoyedat it for choosing to play “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” in the middle of my cardio exercise, sometimes it helps meld interesting mental connections.
See, I consume music by the boatload, only thing that will even be close in competition is books. The Social Bobcat could tell you of the traditional order of teenage boredom in the suburbs of Houston along FM1960 included a general triangular attack of “Book Stop” (later Barnes and Noble), some mexican food place, and the CD Warehouse.
As a result of 4 binders full of discs, I have tons of MP3 on my computer and my iPod that I don’t think of often. But sometimes the random search on the iPod does something amazing. From my Nick Cave, “Live Seeds”, the song “The Ship Song”. Moments later the same song was played again, but as a cover on Concrete Blonde’s “Still in Hollywood”.
And the song, well it’s beautiful. I put the lyrics in the extended entry.
Come sail your ships around me And burn your bridges down. We make a little history baby Every time you come around. Come loose your dogs upon me And let your hair hang down. You are a little mystery to me Every time you come around.
We talk about it all night long We define our moral ground. But when I crawl into your arms Everything comes tumbling down.
Come sail your ships around me And burn your bridges down. We make a little history baby Every time you come around.
Your face has fallen sad now For you know the time is nigh When I must remove your wings And you, you must try to fly.
Come sail your ships around me And burn your bridges down. We make a little history baby Every time you come around. Come loose your dogs upon me And let your hair hang down. You are a little mystery to me Every time you come around.