Kafka on the Shore
Haruki Murakami
Author: Haruki Murakami
Rating: ★★★★
I read this book a while back, but I never managed to post about it.
I liked it a lot. Similar to 1Q84, there was world-bending and a magical substructure to daily life, but I enjoyed the characters’ journeys and the beautiful descriptions of rural Japan. If ever I make it there, I truly hope to be able experience the fields and forests of the more-remote islands.
Having looked through the notes I marked, I’m really in awe of the quality sentence construction expressed in the annotated lines. In particular, I’m really picking up on the theme of that sometimes things bear a name that doesn’t change, but they are, in definite ways, something entirely than they were previously. Take a look at Murakami’s thoughts, recalling Heraclitus, about things being new, all the time, in the illusion of the “present moment.”
"title": "Kafka on the Shore",
"author": "Haruki Murakami",
"annotations": [
"location": "2",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "\"Your life's just begun and there's a ton of things out in the world you've never laid eyes on. Things you could never imagine.\""
"location": "3",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in and walk through it, step by step"
"location": "4",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about."
"location": "119",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "that a certain type of perfection can only be realised though a limitless accumulation of the imperfect"
"location": "120",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Green's the colour of a forest. Red's the color of blood"
"location": "120",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Schubert's is music that challenges and shatters the way of the world. That's the essence of Romanticism, and Schubert's music is the epitome of the Romantic."
"location": "144",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "The only plants I've ever seen or touched till now are the city kind - neatly trimmed and cared-for bushes and trees. But the ones here - the ones living here - are totally different. They have a physical power, their breath grazing any humans who might chance by, their gaze zeroing in on the intruder as though they spotted their prey."
"location": "144",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Just as deep-sea creatures rule the ocean depths, in the forest trees reign supreme. If it wanted to, the forest could reject me - or swallow me up whole. A healthy amount of fear and respect might be a good idea."
"location": "148",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "You're afraid of imagination. And even more afraid of dreams. Afraid of the responsibility that beings in dreams."
"location": "153",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "You need to make a choice right here and now. This might seem an outrageous choice, but consider this: most choices we make in life are equally outrageous."
"location": "166",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Because reality's just the accumulation of ominous prophecies come to life."
"location": "169",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "...like many precocious young people they found it hard to grow up."
"location": "169",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "It's as Tolstoy said: happiness is an allegory, unhappiness is a story."
"location": "173",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "The hands of the clock buried inside her soul ground to a halt then. Time outside, of course, flows on as always, but she isn't affected by it. For her what we consider normal time is essentially meaningless."
"location": "173",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "...in everybody's life there's a point of no return. And in a very few cases, a point where you can't go forward anymore. And when we reach that point, all we can do is quietly accept the fact. That's how we survive."
"location": "195",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "\"'Cause if you take every single person who lacks much imagination seriously, there's no end to it.\""
"location": "196",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Narrow minds, devoid of imagination,. Intolerance, theories cut off from reality, empty terminology, usurped ideals, inflexible systems. Those are the things that really frighten me. What I absolutely fear and loathe."
"location": "205",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "With each new dawn it's not the same world as the day before. And you're not the same person you were, either."
"location": "215",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "...irony deepens a person , helps them to mature. It's the entrance to salvation on a higher plane, to a place where you an find a more universal kind of hope. That's why people enjoy reading Greek tragedies, even now, why they're considered prototypical classics. I'm repeating myself, but everything in life is a metaphor...we accept irony through a device called metaphor. And thorough that we grow and become deeper human beings..."
"location": "242",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "The world of the grotesque is the darkness within us. Well before Freud and Jung shone a light on the workings of the subconscious, this correlation between darkness and our subconscious, these two forms of darkness, was obvious to people. It wasn't a metaphor, even."
"location": "295",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Hegel believed that a person is not merely conscious of self and object as separate entities, but through the projection of the self via the mediation of the object is volitionally able to gain a deeper understanding of the self. All of which constitutes self-consciousness."
"location": "339",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "Perhaps most people in the world aren't trying to be free, Kafka. They just think they are. It's all an illusion. If they really were set free, most people would be in a real pickle. You'd better remember that. People actually prefer not being free."
"location": "361",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "We all die and disappear, but that's because the mechanism of the world itself is built on destruction and loss. Our lives are just shadows of that guiding principle. Say the wind blows. It can be a strong, violent wind or a gentle breeze. But eventually every kind of wind dies out and disappears. Wind doesn't have form. It's just a movement of air. You should listen carefully, and then you'll understand the metaphor."
"location": "377",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "That's what love's all about, Kafka. You're the one having those wonderful feelings, but you have to go it alone as you wander through the dark. Your m ind and body have to bear it all. All by yourself."
"location": "392",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "\"Chance is a scary thing, isn't it?\"Hoshino said. \"It certainly is,\" Nakata agreed."
"location": "413",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "The more you think about illusions, the more they'll swell up and take on form. And no longer be an illusion."
"location": "423",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "The process of writing was important. Even though the finished product is meaningless."
"location": "427",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "The forest doesn't frighten me any more. It has its own rules and patterns, and once you stop being afraid you're aware of them. Once i grasp these repetitions, I make them a part of me."
"location": "428",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "I head for the core of the labyrinth, giving myself up to the void."
"location": "449",
"dateAdded": "August 9, 2019",
"highlight": "These signs reconfigure themselves, the metaphors transform, and I'm drifting away, away from myself. I'm a butterfly, flitting along the edges of creation. Beyond the edge of the world there's a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap, where past and future form a continuous, endless loop. And, hovering about, there are signs no one has ever read, chords no one has ever heard."