How I write Perl


When I write Perl, on my own, it looks like the following. This is Perl written in the “functional” style I advocate.

The code takes a listing of simple definitions:

tree noun something organic with leaves

and turns it into LaTeX Beamer–class slide markup.

	    \frametitle{tree       }
	        \item tree
	    \item noun
	something organic with leaves

When the Beamer LaTeX code is complied with pdflatex it produces a slide show.

You can see how something like this is handy for someone studying their GRE Vocabulary builder. Code after the jump.

use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw/$end_of_document $word $part $meaning/;

=head1 NAME - A plaintext to LaTeX-Beamer dialect converter


wordlst_to_beamer definition_file

This program takes a simply formatted text file that contains a series of "
blocks".  Each block is equivalent to one definition ( see SOURCE DEFINITION ).  
Each definition is then taken to be a "slide" in LaTeX Beamer style.

The purpose of doing so is to make each slide, effectively, a flash card.  
The word is printed, pause, part of speech given, pause, and then the 
definition given.

The text file that is given as an argument to the program should be a collection
of definitions separated by a double carriage return.

 a living thing with leaves

 a feeling like you want to dance Charleston



Given the beautiful functional style in which this code was written and the
relative brevity of each routine, the code serves as sufficient documentation.



# Subroutines

sub main 
      &test_contents_integrity (
          &test_validity_of_file ( 


sub report_status
	unless ( $_[0] )
		print "Successfully ran.\n"
		die "Error!\n"


sub produce_beamer_body
	(my $latex_output_file = $_[0]->{file} ) =~ s/\..*$// ;

	open (LATEX, ">$latex_output_file.tex");
	# A technique to tell Perl not to paginate
	# ( i.e. re-print LATEX_TOP format ) again
	my $ltx = select LATEX;
	$= = 9990;
	select $ltx;
	my ($ds) = $_[0]->{data_structure};
	my @order = sort { $a  <=> $b } ( keys ( %$ds ) );
	for ( @order )
		$word    = $ds->{$_}[0];
		$part    = $ds->{$_}[1];
		$meaning = $ds->{$_}[2];
		chomp($word, $part, $meaning);
		write (LATEX);

	print LATEX $end_of_document;
	close LATEX;

  return $?


sub test_contents_integrity
	my $content_string         = join ('', @{+ $_[0]->{contents} } );
	my @clustered_contents_ray = split ( /\n\n/, $content_string);

	my $counter      = 0;
	my $cell_counter = 0;
	my %data_structure;
	for ( @clustered_contents_ray )
		my @temp_array = split ( /\n/, $_);
		if ( scalar ( @temp_array ) != 3 )
			print "There was something amiss with entry:\n$_";
			exit 1;
			$cell_counter +=3;
		$data_structure{$counter} = \@temp_array;
  if ( ($cell_counter % 3) == 0 )
		$_[0]->{'data_structure'} = \%data_structure;
		return $_[0];
		die "Data structure was anomalous."


sub load_contents_of_file
	my $f = $_[0]->{file_fullpath};
	open ( IN, $f ) or die ("Could not open $f because [$!]");
	my @contents = <IN>;
	close IN;
	$_[0]->{contents} = \@contents;
	return $_[0];


sub test_validity_of_file
	my $f = $_[0]->{file_fullpath};
	die ("Could not read file [$f][$!]") unless ( -r $f );
	return $_[0];


sub get_file_to_operate_on
	my $filename = shift( @ARGV ) || '';
	my $default_filename='hit_parade_list_1.txt';
	my $payload = {};
	if ( $filename =~ /\w/)
		chomp $filename;
		$payload->{file} = $filename
		$payload->{file} = $default_filename
	$payload->{file_fullpath} = 
	 	 join ( "/", (`pwd` =~ /(.*)\n/), 
		 $filename ? $filename : $default_filename);
	return $payload;


sub load_environment
format LATEX_TOP=

format LATEX =
  	\item @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    \item @<<<<<<<<<<<<

$end_of_document = <<EOF

